A touching story Spoiled.
--A story has been going the rounds purporting to be a description of a wedding at
Charleston under affecting circumstances.
The Petersburg
Express, which had just gotten the incident in time, publishes the following explanation with it:
Since the above was in type, a gentleman who is a native and resident of
Charleston, but now on a visit to
Petersburg, came into our office, and meeting with the article in an exchange, we called his attention to it. He pronounces it purely a fabrication.
Nothing of the kind has ever occurred in
Charleston; and it has been no doubt written by some Yankee penny a liner for purposes entirely sensational.
It first appeared in a Northern paper, as we are informed, and was sent to
Gen Vance, now a prisoner at
Fort Delaware, with the assurance that it was from the Charleston
The General forwarded it to the New York
Daily News, and that paper published it with comment, heading its article with the caption, "Is this
Honorable Warfare, or Wilful Murder?" The article in question is a very affecting piece of romance, but that it is fiction and not fact, detracts greatly from its interest.