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The War news.

There is no change in the general situation of affairs at the front. The sharpshooters on both sides continue their practice, and at interval is the scene is varied by the bursting of a shell thrown over among the enemy's working parties. For this purpose howitzers are mostly used, and are found to answer very well. The shells drop with considerable accuracy inside of the Yankee fortifications, and must to some extent interfere with their digging operations. The troops of Gen. Lee's command are in fine health and spirits, and enjoying abundant rations, including sugar and coffee. The Yankee bill of fare is said to be nothing but hard tack and coffee, their supply of meat having been exhausted.

Grand has apparently an eager desire to re-possess the strong position on Turkey Hill, and with that object in view is making approaches, fortifying as he move. He takes care to have his front well propelled, and his works are said to be of the most formidable character.

It will be seen from the telegraphic summary of Northern news that on Yankee newspaper has the honesty to acknowledge that Grant has been whipped in front of Richmond. The truth will gradually leak not withstanding the efforts of the authorities to conceal it from the people.

[from our own correspondent.]

Army of Northern Virginia, Near Gaine's Mill, June 12th, 5 P. M.
Your readers want to know the situation and what has been done as well as what is likely to be done. Grant still confronts Lee without any essential modifications of his since my last letter. He is strongly fortified, and is at work night and day strengthening his front. His lines are not more than forty yards from ours in some places, and on two points of the lines are the two armies more than one hundred yards than each other. The artillery is occasionally brought into play, but the sharpshooting is incessant and quite destructive, we being not less than forty per day in this way. A man dare not show his head above the works, or even at any loop hole in them. If he does he is sure to be picked off like the gallant Capt. Slade, of the 16th Mississippi regiment, who a day or two since had just gotten from a recumbent position for a in order to fix a shade over his works, when in an infant his head was pierced by a ball and he fell dead.

Grant's dead are at last buried. By an arrangement with Gen. Lee, the hours of six and eight o'clock on Tuesday evening last were not aside for this purpose, and were of by Gen. Grant. His wounded were also taken off at the same time.

I am happy to inform you that I have it on good authority that Lt. Gen. Longstreet will probably be able to return to duty in the next ten days, and that when he comes he will most probably have the temporary rank of full General.

There is not an item to-day worth chronicling. Scouts who have just come in report the enemy to be tearing up the York River Railroad. It is though more likely that the enemy are probably changing the guage of the road.

Sheridan's raiding party.

But little had been known of Sheridan's movements since Friday until yesterday, when information was received that he was at or near Louisa Court-House. It was reported that Gen. Hampton attacked him on Saturday in that locality, capturing several hundred prisoners and a battery of artillery. This news was communicated by the telegraph operator at the next nearest station, and, though not confirmed by official dispatches, was generally credited. That a light took place on Saturday is evident from the fact that a private dispatch was received from one of Gen. Fitz Lee's staff, stating that an engagement was going on with favorable prospects, and that our men were well and in good spirits.

Six of Sheridan's men, captured whilst on a foraging expedition, were brought to Richmond by the canal packet yesterday.

The object of this raid of Sheridan's is manifestly to embarrass our transportation by cutting our lines of communication with the interior. If Gen Hampton shall succeed in defeating that purpose, and in routing Sheridan's gang, he will win for himself and his command imperishable renown.

The fight at Petersburg.

It appears that Gen. Kantz's retreat from Petersburg, after his repulse, nearly proved a stampede. It was rumored in his command that Gen. Beauregard had sent out to intercept him, and they made a detour of thirty miles in marching to Point of Rocks, on the Appomattox, to avoid meeting the Confederates. They had four ambulances with them filled with wounded; and Kantz, while passing through Prince George, expressed great chagrin that he should have been repulsed by "d — d militiamen," as he termed them Rev. Mr. Hall, Chaplain of the Washington Artillery, who was captured, made his escape. He gave a partial list of the prisoners who the enemy carried off after the light at Petersburg. The following are the names. A. M. Keiley, member of the Legislature from Petersburg; Rev. John A. Jefferson, J. H. Lahmayer, John McIlwaine, John E. Smith, Thos D. Davidson, of the Davidson Female College; Wm. T. Davis, of the Southern Female College; Jas. Kerr; John Davidson, leather merchant; Capt. James E. Wolf, Peyton Alfriend, harness manufacturer John B. Stevens, city Chamberlain; Wm. T. McCandlish slightly wounded; Timothy Rives, of Prince George; Thomas H. Daniel, do; Mr. Chalkley, firm of Cooke & Chalkley. Three gentlemen — C. A. Brodnax, Peebles, and Mr. Kinsman are missing.

The enemy lost two pieces of cannon and twenty-four horses.

Gay G. Johnston, Adjutant of the 39th militia, died of his wounds on Friday.--Henry A. Blanks, prominent citizen in the same regiment, died of wounds on the same day. Wm. H. Hardee, a well known merchant, had his leg amputated. Among the wounded not before published are Wm. A. Manly, Samuel Cuykendall, James Cousins, and James Bowle.

The funeral of several of the victims of the raid took place in Petersburg Friday and Saturday.

A gentleman who left Petersburg yesterday morning reports everything quiet there. A renewal of the attack upon the city was apprehended by some, though nothing has up to this time developed itself.

Other points of interest.

Various rumors were in circulation yesterday relative to a demonstration against Lynchburg, and some croakers were quite positive in their assertions that the place had been captured. Crook and Averill were reported at Lovingston, on the Lynchburg branch of the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and about midway between Lynchburg and Charlottesville. Another rumor was that they had burnt an important bridge on that route, thus cutting off communication.

The only reliable intelligence we have is that the enemy in heavy force, with cavalry, infantry and artillery, are advancing upon Lynchburg from the direction of Lexington, and at last accounts had reached a point in Amherst county, some eight or nine miles distant from the town. In order to enter Lynchburg they will have to cross the river, which, unless they are supplied with pontoons, may be a matter of some difficulty. Measures have been taken to resist the capture of the place, which we hope will prove successful.

The Yankees have certainly been at Lexington; but the report that they burnt the Military Institute is without foundation.

Forrest and Morgan at work.

Official information was received on Saturday from Gen. S. D. Lee that a column of the enemy, 13,000 strong, had left Memphis, and was moving towards the rich prairie region of Mississippi. The press telegram, which we publish this morning, gives the cheering intelligence that this movement has been meet and successfully defeated by Gen. Forrest.

The Northern news informs us that Gen. John H. Morgan is again on the war path, and moving with success through Kentucky. This agrees with information we had previously received through Southern channels.


List of killed, wounded and missing in Lieut. Col. R. A. Hardaway's Battalion of Light Artillery, 2d Corps, Army of Northern Virginia, in the engagements in Spotsylvania county and around Richmond, from May 10th to June 8th, 1864--Lieut. Col. R. A. Hardaway commanding.

Field and Staff.--Wounded Lt. Col. R. A. Hardaway, slightly in shoulder; Major David Watson, bowels, since died.

Powhatan Artillery, Capt. Willis J. Dance, commanding — Killed; Privates J. E. Wash, David G. Price. Wounded: Serg't G. M. Palmore, confusion in side; privates Adolphus Guy, severely in foot; P. B. Wilkinson, slightly in head; James Williams, confusion in side.

Third Company Richmond Howitzers, Capt. B. H. Smith commanding. [A list of losses in this company has already been published.]

Rockbridge Artillery, Capt. Archibald Graham commanding — Wounded; Privates A. S. Dandridge, J. shoulder, slightly; J. W. Wright, right side, severely; W. C. Stuart head, slightly; Edward A. Moore, breast and leg by fragment of shell.

Salem Flying Artillery, Capt. Charles B. Griffin commanding — Killed; Privates S. T. Hudson, H. Gimzburger, J. M. Peebles. Wounded; Lt. John W. Dinguid, thigh, badly; privates Doughts Gray, badly in leg; Leroy Harris, breast, slightly.

Second Company Richmond Howitzers, Capt. Lorraine P. Jones commanding — Wounded; Serg't. Geo. L. Christian, left leg amputated, right heel bone broken serg't John S. Ellett, side and arm, severely; corp'l. George W. Mordecai, slightly in leg; corp'l David B. Clarke, neck, severely; corp'l Joseph J. Cocke, through the body: privates H. Martin Burnly, severe flesh wound in legs; Stephen A. Fraub, leg amputated; Wm. K. Hutchinson, foot, slightly R. Gilliam Patteson, severe flesh wound in leg.


Officers.Enlisted Men.
Died of wounds.12

William M. Read,
Lieut and Acting Adjutant.

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