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A Tragedy in England.

--On Wednesday morning Richard Thomas Parker, the wretched man who on the day previously attempted the lives of both his parents, was brought before the Rev. J. T. Becher, one of the Notts magistrates, at South-well, but, in consequence of the precarious state of his father, and mother, the prisoner was remanded for a week. Eleven gunshot wounds were found in the old man's face and eight in his breast. It is thought the brain of Mrs. Parker has been reached. They both say "Poor Tom is not to blame," and when the old man made his will yesterday be wished to leave his son the whole of his property, "He would never have done it if he had not gone into such a passion with him." When the prisoner was apprehended by Police Constable Berkley, he said "I have done it," and then earnestly inquired if his mother were dead.--Liverpool Mail.

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