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The War news.

Yesterday was one of the most quiet days that has passed since the opening of the campaign. Madam Rumor, having thoroughly exhausted herself on Sunday, rested in apparent composure, and no startling reports were circulated, to gather proportions as they progressed. The indications at Petersburg point to a great battle, which cannot be many days delayed, but so far nothing decisive has occurred. The enemy continue their barbarous practice of shelling that beleaguered city, and some damage to property his resulted there from. The localities known as Pocahontas and Blandford have suffered, the former quite heavily, and the people have been mostly compelled to abandon that portion of the town. Some injuries to persons are reported, among them a little son of Mr. George Bain, who was badly hurt. It is gratifying to note one circumstance in connection with the shelling, and that is that the Rock House, on Market street, occupied as a prison by the captured Yankees, was struck on Sunday. The shell passed through the building from top to bottom, but did not explode, else we might have had the additional satisfaction of recording the death of a number of the vandals at the hands of their own friends. The prisoners at once petitioned for a change of quarters, which request the authorities declined to accede to.

Upwards of four hundred prisoners, among them eighteen commissioned officers, were brought in between Friday night and Sunday night.

Grant evidently designs to repeat his favorite experiment, in which he has so often signally failed, of hurling his strength against one portion of our lines, with the hope of achieving success by the overwhelming force of numbers. Consequently he has employed the leisure afforded by a temporary cessation of heavy fighting in missing his troops on our left, and it is there, probably, that the main attack will be made. That he means to fight, his move in his leave no room to doubt.

The larger portion of the enemy's forces are how on the south side of the Appomattox. Those who recently occupied the Bermuda Hundred Peninsula, or have lately been landed there, were transferred on Saturday night and Sunday morning. Petersburg is thus threatened by an immense army, but between them stands like a wall of adamant, an army more brave and resolute, which has never yet been, and will not now be, overcome.

The fighting on Saturday.

As we Stated yesterday, there was no general engagement on Saturday, though the enemy made several fierce and determined assaults at different points on our lines, each of which was handsomely and signally repulsed. In each instance (says the Express) their forces were advanced against our breastworks in columns of from four to six deep, but were met with such steadiness and seventy of fire from our batteries and infantry, that before reaching the goal of their ambition, they were compelled to fly precipitately and in great confusion. Time and again their charge was repeated, and with the result.

From all sources our information is that the enemy's loss in these assaults was very severe. They advanced across fields — some of them save all hundred yards in width, in which they were fully exposed to the play of our artillery, which was beautifully and most secretly served, and to the fire of our infantry, which is now rendered ever sure. The bodies of their slain strew the fields from side to side, and the nearer our breastworks the assaulting columns came, the thicker the bodies lie. Within the last few days the army of Gen. Grant has been depleted by many thousands.

On the other hand, as we have already stated, our losses have been comparatively light. The hospitals in Petersburg testify to the truth of the assertion that so few wounded were never before known in such a series of engagements, while the loss of his has been correspondingly small.

Sunday's operations.

The operations of Sunday were mainly confined to heavy skirmishing, picket firing and sharpshooting. As on Saturday, the enemy attempted once or twice to force our lines on Taylor's farm, (situated on the Baxter road, near the right of our lines, and the scene of the most active hostilities on both days,) but met with a signal repulse.

The enemy's line of battle extends from the Jerusalem plank road all around our former breastworks to the Appomattox river — their left resting near Timothy Rives's late residence on the above road. On their extreme right, near Battery No. 1, they have placed a formidable gun in position, from which they have been throwing shells over the surrounding country and towards Petersburg.

Two flags of truce were sent by the enemy towards our lines on Sunday afternoon, but nothing relative to their purpose has transpired.

On Saturday and Sunday there was some heavy skirmishing in Chesterfield county, in which the enemy were considerably worsted.

Several dwellings have been burnt by the invaders in Prince George, among them, reported, are those of Mr. John Hare, Mrs. Beasely, and Mr. Gregory.


Up to the time of writing this paragraph we have no definite account of the operations of yesterday; though a gentleman who left Petersburg at 6 o'clock, A. M., informs us that everything was quiet at that hour.

No official dispatches were received at the War Department last night from any quarter.


The telegraph informs us that nothing of interest transpired yesterday, and we have the same intelligence from a gentleman who left. Petersburg last evening at 6 o'clock. But one shell fell within the city limits yesterday. The object of the flag of truce on Sunday was to ask permission to bury the dead, which was not granted.

Sheridan's raiders again.

From all accounts, it appears that Sheridan's raiders have recrossed the Pamunkey, and advanced toward the Chickahominy with the view of getting across James river to rejoin Grant. It is reported that they were met yesterday at the Cross Roads, in New Kent county, some six or eight miles below Bottom's Bridge, and that an engagement took place, in which they were severely punished. It is evident, from the firing heard, that a fight took place, but the result, in the absence of positive information, is a matter of conjecture.

Operations around Lynchburg.

We have obtained some information relative to recent operations in the neighborhood of Lynchburg. Skirmishing commenced on Friday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, near the Quaker Church, on the Salem turnpike, between Crook and Averill's forces and our cavalry under Gen. Imboden. In the fight the left of our lines gave way before a charge, and the enemy thereby gained some advantages. Our casualties in wounded number some eight or ten, and about twenty missing, supposed to have been captured. Among our wounded is Major Doles, reported mortally. Prisoners captured from the enemy represent that they had several killed and wounded. The Yankees being promptly checked by our infantry, retired to their original lines beyond the church.

On Saturday morning an artillery duel commenced on our left at daybreak and continued until one o'clock, before the infantry were brought into action. Shortly after this time the enemy advanced in two lines of battle, with the intention of capturing our enter entrenchments on the left of the turnpike, but were met by a galling fire of artillery and musketry and driven back. Rallying once more to the charge, they were again repulsed, and the attack was not renewed. At nightfall our lines was about a quarter of a mile in advance of our original position, the enemy resisting only by a feeble cannonade. Forty dead Yankees were left on the field, and some prisoners were taken. The loss of the enemy was heavy — some say as high as 800; while ours, as stated yesterday, was only five killed and forty wounded.

Among the prisoners captured was a negro sergeant, in full Yankee uniform. He stated that there was in Crook's command, to which he was attached, an entire regiment of negroes.

The enemy on our extreme right, on the Forest road, about two and a half miles from Lynchburg, opened heavily with artillery about 12 o'clock, but after an engagement of two hours their guns were silenced and driven from the field. Several of the enemy's shells fell within the suburbs of Lynchburg, but did not explode. It was this circumstance that gave rise to the rumor that the city was shelled. It is reported that in this affair we took five pieces of artillery. A cavalry demonstration was made the same day on the Lexington turnpike, some five miles from the city, which was easily checked.

It was the popular belief that a general engagement would take place on Sunday, but when morning came the enemy were found to have retreated in confusion, pursued by our troops.

The latest.

At last accounts Hunter, Averill, Crook & Co., were at Buford's, thirty-seven miles from Lynchburg, on the south side of James river, making for the mountains near the Peaks of Otter, with the evident design of crossing and retreating upon Staunton. An unofficial dispatch was received in the city yesterday, stating that a large number of prisoners had been captured, and that the commanding General had telegraphed to Lynchburg requesting that the militia be sent on to take charge of them. We received a dispatch from our correspondent last night at 10 o'clock, pronouncing the story a pure fabrication, so far as known in Lynchburg.

[from our own correspondent.]

Lynchburg, Va., June 19--10 P. M.
At a late hour last Friday evening the enemy's forces got in position on the Salem turnpike, four miles distant from this city, where some slight cavalry skirmishing took place, with no important results, and it was generally expected that the grand struggle for the city of Lynchburg would commence on the following morning. Agreeable to expectation, the fight was commenced at early dawn Saturday morning, but the first attack was very feeble, the enemy being easily repulsed. They, however, rallied, and made the second attempt to gain possession of our outer entrenchments, but were as easily repulsed as before. These two demonstrations, together with skirmishing and manœuvering, continued during the day, and it was ascertained during the night that the enemy were retreating ever the route by which they came. Proper disposition was immediately made, and pursuit commenced. It was soon ascertained that they were not only falling back, but on a precipitate retreat, almost reaching confusion. It is not my design to create in the public mind, or anticipate pleasing results, by expressing the opinion that it is scarcely possible for Hunter to escape utter annihilation. Reasons for this conclusion would be given which would be convincing to the most credulous, but they are suppressed on prudential grounds for the present.

We had estimated the loss of the enemy at 300 or 400; but Maj. Hutter, an old gentleman at whose house Hunter had his headquarters, states that Hunter said in his presence that his loss amounted to 800 during Saturday. Our loss was five killed and forty wounded.

There are various surmises in relation to the sudden crawfish movement of Hunter, Averill, Crook, and their amiable crew; the most plausible of which is the defeat of Sheridan — his place in the picture having been so completely spoiled by Hampton and Fitz Lee at Louisa C. H. Hunter is reported to have said when at the house of Maj. Hutter that Sheridan was expected to unite with him at this place, which gives plausibility to the above surmise.

Hunter's Chief Commissary told a lady of entire reliability, to whose house he went in search of something to eat, that they only had one day's rations, and that they were compelled to advance or go back, as he had too large an army to subsist on a country where there were so few supplies.

Saturday a raiding party, 700 strong, reached Campbell Court House, and, it is said, sacked the place of everything in the provision line. They also captured a few of our scouts not far from the Court-House. They left the Court-House, and went in the direction of the Southside Railroad, which they attempted to strike between Concord Depot and this city, at the railroad bridge over James river. In this, however, they were foiled, and at latest accounts were on the southwest side of Candler's Mountain, only four miles from this place. This party is certainly cut off from their main body, and their capture seems inevitable. B.

[by telegraph]

Lynchburg, Va., June 20, 10 P. M.
--Very little news of a definite character is received from the pursuit of Hunter by our forces.

A rapid and continuous cannonading was heard in the direction of Liberty, Bedford county, this morning, and until 2 P. M. to-day. It is satisfactorily ascertained that a fight of some magnitude occurred with the enemy's rear guard beyond Liberty, and that our forces are still driving them, and made considerable captures to-day. B.

Mr. Charles E. Taylor of the cavalry signal corps, and son of Rev. J. B. Taylor, D. D., of this city, was captured last week in the Valley, and carried off by some of Hunter's men. Mr. Taylor was on sick furlough, at one of the watering places near Staunton.

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