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The War News.

The same condition of affairs reported yesterday continues around Petersburg.--Nothing of interest has occurred, with the exception of some cannonading on the lines, and the usual accompaniment of shelling of about fifteen minutes. Our army in the trenches has suffered some from the heat of the sun, but, while the enemy suffered to the same extent it to reflect that the rain of last the atmosphere and rendered the situation of our boys more pleasant. All goes on and the situation in favorable. The raiders have been of the Danville Railroad, and we may hope that line of communication will be open. We have no farther any quarter than is given below

on the Danville Railroad-- Dispatched — the enemy

At an early hour yesterday morning it was that the raiders on the Danville railroad had suffered a defeat, and this was confirmed by the following; official captain from General Lee:

Headq'rs army of Northern Va.,

June 26, 1864.
of War
The enemy has been quiet to day in . A dispatch dated 25th, was morning from Capt. Farrinhalt, at Stallution liver bridge, in being able to .

This afternoon General W H F Lee reports that he attacked the enemy near Staunton river bridge, yesterday afternoon, him until dark. He also states the enemy was signally repulsed at the evening, and retreated this having about thirty of his dead on .

Very respectfully, &c.,
R F Lee, General.

The following dispatch, received foregoing, gives some additional of Captain achieve

Carter Depot via Dennie Hill

June 25th, 1864
Captain commanding at this General handsomely killing and wounding at killed and twenty-four of ours.

J. Withers, A. A. G.

The following official dispatches were report yesterday.

Atlanta, June 24

Dear: Gen. Hood, on our left, reports that being attacked on the afternoon of the drove back the enemy, taking one his breast works. The pursuit was stopped by exposure to fire of field batteries. Afternoon's division was mainly on Hindman's slightly. There was brisk in Hardee's front much of the yesterday; a good deal of cannonading .

J. E. Johnston, General.

Marietta, June 23,

Gen. Hodd reports that the enemy, inline of Atlanta, attacked Stevenson's skirmishers but was quickly repulsed. There was heavy artillery firing, during the day, in front.

J E Johnston, General.

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