The War News.
In front of Petersburg yesterday matters continued comparatively quiet. Nothing occurred to interrupt the prevailing monotony beyond some picket firing and the occasional boom of a heavy gun. The impression is very general that the enemy is withdrawing his troops, and, indeed, it is a pretty well ascertained fact that one corps of the Yankee army has already taken its departure. Coupled with this we have a report from an authentic source that a large number of transports have recently passed down the James river. The accounts in the Northern papers inform us that a most intense excitement prevails in Maryland and Pennsylvania in consequence of a "rebel" invasion, and it would not be at all surprising to learn that Lincoln had peremptorily ordered Grant to Washington, to assure his own safety on Northern soil. While this is mere speculation, there is no doubt some mysterious movement going on in Grant's army, the nature of which will in a few days be revealed.More burning.
For a few nights past large fires have been seen on the north side of James river, below Richmond. It is probable that the Yankees are completing the destruction of the wheat crop and burning a farm-house here and there by way of gratifying their fiendish malice.The river obstructions.
It is stated that the enemy, so far from removing the obstructions in the river at Trent's Reach, are increasing them by sinking stones and driving piles. It may be that they apprehend the approach of a fleet of Confederate rams, and seek by this means to prevent such an occurrence.The Weldon railroad.
On Wednesday, the 29th of June, the Sixth Federal Army Corps, General Wright commanding, accompanied by Sheridan, with two brigades of cavalry, moved down to Reams's station, on the Petersburg and Weldon railroad, for the purpose of relieving Wilson and Kantz from their unpleasant situation. They were, however, too late to be of any service, for the raiders had been routed and were Hying in every direction. Determined not to have their march for nothing, they halted and proceeded to fortify the place. They went to work industriously, and in fifteen or sixteen hours had erected a series of most formidable breast works, which display considerable engineering skill. On Thursday morning at three o'clock scouts brought in a report that the "rebels were coming," whereupon the works were hastily abandoned, and the Yankees were soon in full retreat to the main body of Grant's army. Persons who have examined these works say that it is almost incredible that so much labor could have been performed in so short a space of time. Had they delayed their departure for a few hours, it is quite likely that they would have been caught in a trap, escape from which would have been an impossibility.The reported raid in Hanover.
Nothing transpired yesterday to confirm the report that a force of the enemy had appeared at Yellow Tavern, in Hanover county, and it is believed to have been without foundation.From Charleston.
The following official dispatch, received yesterday at the War Department, comprises all the intelligence we have from Charleston: Yesterday morning Gen. Robertson attacked the enemy on John's Island, near Stono, and drove them from their first position, with a loss to us of over one hundred killed and wounded. Last night and this morning the enemy fell back to their transports, near Legareville, and passed over to James and Morris Islands. Two monitors and several gunboats are still in the Stone, but have been driven by our batteries beyond effective range. One monitor believed seriously damaged by shot from one of our Brooke guns. Movements this evening indicate a purpose of a change of point of attack. From prisoners and a manuscript captured, it appears that the forces now operating against this place compose all the available force on the South Atlantic coast. The bombardment of Fort Sumter has been heavy for several days, and continues so. (Signed) Sam Jones,Maj. Gen.