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Three hundred dollars Reward.

--Ran away from our farm, near Danville, on Tuesday night, our two men, Todd and Alex.

Todd is black, rather large size, weighs perhaps one hundred and seventy-five pounds, well made, about forty to forty-five years old, and a little bald; talks well and very plausibly; he is about five feet eight inches high. We bought him of Dr. Wiley Jones's estate, near Milton, North Carolina. He has a wife at Mr. William Taylor's, five miles from Milton. He is well acquainted on Dan river as far as Clarkesville, and may be in that neighborhood.

Alex is very black, healthy looking, speaks slow, and slow in his movements; height about five feet four inches, well made, and weighs about one hundred and fifty pounds. We bought him in Richmond, some eighteen months ago, from a gentleman from Eastern South Carolina.

We will pay the above reward, or $150 for each, if they are delivered to us in Danville, or confined in jail so that we can get them.

Thomas C. Williams & Co.
Danville, August 25, 1864. au 31--3t*

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