Escape of R. D'Orsay Ogden. Yesterday afternoon, R. D'Orsay Ogden, manager of the Richmond Theatre, in company with Jack Hillyard, an officer in the same establishment, put into execution a plan to escape to the Yankees. Previous to the departure of the Fredericksburg train from this city, they by some means gained access to the private apartment of the ladies' car, and were not discovered till the train arrived at Bowling Green, in Caroline county, where their hiding-place was disclosed to the conductor and they were placed under arrest; but subsequently Mr. Ogden jumped from the cars while they were in motion on their way back to Richmond and succeeded in making his escape. Hillyard was brought here, however, and has been committed to Castle Thunder. Neither of them had passports to leave the city. Ogden, it will be remembered, recently failed in an application under habeas corpus before Judge Halyburton for exemption from service, and was assigned for conscript duty at Camp Lee; but never since the decision of the Judge has he performed service. His exit from the Confederacy will excite no surprise to our citizens.
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