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Through the courtesy of Major R. G. Mosby, of the Fifty-ninth Virginia regiment and another attentive friend, we have been placed in possession of New York papers of the 9th 10th instants. We give below a summary of their contents:

The fighting around Richmond — the official dispatches.

The following are the official dispatches giving an account of the assault by the Confederates on the enemy's works on Friday last. It will be seen that the Yankees keep very quiet about the loss of the nine guns which were captured. They claim to have handsomely repulsed us; but the contrary must have gotten out at the North, as we find the following soothing telegram from Lincoln:

"Washington, Sunday, October 9 5:20 P. M.
"General at Simon Cameron, Philadelphia:
"There is absolutely no news here from the Army of the Potomac not published in Stanton's bulletin of yesterday and before. The line is open, and mere business dispatches are passing over it. Have no alarm on bogus dispatches.

A. Lincoln."

Here is Stanton's official dispatch:
from Secretary Stanton to General Dix.

War Department, Washington, October 8, 1864--12M.
Major-General John A. Dix:
This department has received the following reports of the enemy's assault yesterday upon General Butler's line, their subsequent repulse, and general Birney's brilliant action, driving the enemy to their inner line of entrenchments around Richmond:

"Headquarters Department of Virginia. "and North Carolina, "Friday, October 7, 6:30 P. M.
"Lieutenants General U. S. Grant.
"At 6:30 A. M., the enemy having moved Fields's and hoke's divisions from the left at Chamn's farm road round to our right at Dabytown road, they attacked with spirit Kantz's cavalry in then entrenchments, and drove him back with small loss of men but with the loss of his artillery

"The enemy suffered very considerable loss in his attack

"The enemy then swept down the entrenchments towards Bney, who, having thrown back his right waited their assault, and repulsed it with very heavy has on the part of the enemy.

"The enemy in the meantime advanced towards Newmarket but were met by a force at the Signal Towe.

"At 3 P. M. I took the offensive, sending Buney, with two divisions, up the Dbytown road. The enemy retreated as he admeed, and Birney had reached and occupies the enthments which the enemy took from Kutz and were fortifying for themselves. Our loss has been small — not one-eighth that of the enemy. We have about one hundred prisoners. It E. Btler, Major-General."

"headquarters Department of Virginia, "and North Carolina, "12:20 P. M, Friday, October 7
"B-General Rawgs
"The following has just been received:

"B. B. Butler, Major-General."

"Headquarters Tenth Army Corps, "10:15 A. M.
"We have repulsed the attack of the enemy on our right flank with great sghter The troops seem to be Fields's and Pickett's divisions. I send you a batch of prisoners. I am extending my right thank. The enemy seem to be entrenching on the Darby road. D. B. Birney, major General."

"Headquarters Department of Virginia, "and North Carolina, "October 7--10:30 P. M.
"Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant:
"Birney has regained Kauts's old position, and holds the enemy int he inner line of entrenchments around Richmond, extending from the Darbytown road to connect with Weitzel on the left, near Fort Harrison.

"There has been no movement at Petersburg today. We have much the best of this day's work"a thousand at least of the enemy killed and wounded, a hundred prisoners, and a bloody repulse.

"General Gregg, commanding Fields's division, is reported by a lady, who saw the body, as killed.

"B. F. Butler, Major-General."

No dispatches have been received from the commands of Generals Sherman, Rosecrans or Sheridan later than were reported in my telegram of yesterday.

Edwin M. Stanton,
Secretary of War.

The following account, written by the correspondent of the new York Times, is rather more explicit about the losses:

Quite a severe engagement took place this morning between a force of the enemy and our troops, on the north side of the James river, in which we suffered considerable loss in men and material, including two batteries of four guns each, besides being driven back from the advanced position gained ten days ago.

A force of cavalry, under General Kantz, co operated in all the movements there, and was reported at one time as being within a mile or two of Richmond, but had to fall back. Since then he has been protecting the right flank of the army, his me being so strung out that they presented rather a weak line to the foe.

About 6 o'clock this morning a sudden attack was made on this cavalry force from nearly every direction, and although they were completely taken by surprise, it is said they made every effort to hold their ground, but were finally forced to retreat, leaving two batteries without support, the entire guns of which fell into the enemy's hands. They were the Fourth Wisconsin and Battery B, of the First United States.

The latter was commanded by Lieutenant Hill, who is said to have fired all his ammunition, and then, finding he could not get his guns off, spiked them.

The engagement commenced on the Darbytown road, and was continued on the Newmarket road, near which the right of the Tenth corps reaches.

The assault on this part of the line was so desperate that it also was forced back some distance, but the ground was afterward recovered, with heavy loss to the enemy. This ended the engagement, although picket skirmishing continued all day.

Our loss is not known, but must have been considerable, as some of our cavalry were completely surrounded. General Kantz is said to have been captured, but succeeded in making his escape.

The enemy's loss was severe. We took about seven hundred prisoners, mostly belonging to Longstreet's corps.

Sheridan's Operations in the Valley.

The Herald gives the following as the intelligence from Sheridan as late as Friday last:

General Sheridan was still at Harrisonburg. There has been no engagement between him and the main rebel army since the date of previous advices, and he has met with no reverse whatever, as Early boastingly claims. There is no organized force of rebels in his rear, but the guerrillas and bushwhackers — those peaceful citizens in the face of danger, but sneaking assassins when they can number twenty to one,"swarm along down the Valley towards Winchester, rendering communication with the front very hazardous. It was by these that Lieutenant Meigs, son of the Quartermaster-General, was killed on Tuesday last; and all persons coming through from headquarters require strong escorts. Our army communications are thus somewhat delayed, but no interference of consequence with the campaign is effected. One of the principal chiefs of these marauders, McNeal, was shot on Sunday last, during a skirmish with our cavalry, between Mount Jackson and new Market, and was not expected to recover from the effects of his wound.

Burbridge's repulse at Saltville.

The Yankees have at last heard from Burbridge. It is about the mildest description of a bloody repulse we have ever seen. The telegram is dated at Cincinnati on the 9th instant:

General Burbridge, with two thousand five hundred mounted infantry, attacked Saltville, in Southwestern Virginia, where some extensive salt works are located, and carried two redoubts, capturing one hundred and fifty prisoners, besides a large number of horses, mules, cattle, &c Our loss was small. Colonel Mason, of the Eleventh Michigan, was killed, and Colonel Hanson, acting Brigadier-General, was wounded.

Finding the place strongly fortified and defended by a large force under Breckinridge and Echols, General Burbridge withdrew during the night, leaving his wounded. The revels Burbridge passed through Covington this afternoon, on the way to Lexington.

The defeat of General Ewing in Missouri--his retreat to Rolla.

The defeat of General Ewing at Arcadia Valley, Missouri, by General Sterling Price, on the 24th instant, is fully acknowledged. On the 25th, Ewing got back to a strong position, General Price pursuing. A letter says:

‘ About 3 o'clock P. M. the rebels concentrated and evidently determined to risk an assault. Their lines were drawn up in three bodies, and the devoted band, now almost read to give up in despair, prepared to receive the shock, but, lo ! at that moment a large body of Union cavalry was seen coming from the direction of Rolla, and in fifteen minutes it had broken the posts and pickets of the enemy in that direction, and was alongside the little garrison. The joy of the latter can best be imagined; and when the lucky circumstance was explained by Colonel Beveridge, of the Seventeenth Illinois cavalry, at the head of those five hundred men, and he told the garrison that he came, upon hearing of their peril from refugees, the men shouted until the rebels took alarm, thinking that these reinforcements were but the advance of an army.

’ To push out a strong picket up and down the road, and move toward Rolla the same night, ws the next thing; and this was done, and the position evacuated, before the rebels knew which way the force went. Thirty miles were made that night, and in the morning St. James's station, on the South Pacific road, was reached, where the entire command took the cars for Rolla, and reached it in safety, seven hundred strong, after fighting every mile of the way and undergoing such hardships as such campaigning involves. General Ewing lost no property, save the ammunition for the siege guns in Fort Davidson, which was blown up; and his entire lost no property, save the ammunition for the siege guns in Fort Davidson, which was blown up; and his entire loss in killed and wounded will not exceed one hundred and fifty. These estimates are made exclusive of the reinforcements from Rolla, of course.

The Confederates in front of Jefferson city.

The following dispatch contains the latest from the war in Missouri:

St. Louis, October 7.--They enemy appeared before Jefferson City today but in what number, of whether a battle has been fought, cannot be hard at headquarters to-night.

The damage done to the Pacific railroad is not known. It is estimated at $400,000, exclusive of the loss of business of the road until it is repaired.


The Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana elections were to take place on Tuesday last. The New York Times (Republican) is certain of Ohio, but rather doubtful about Pennsylvania and Indiana, in the latter of which States there are organizations "openly arrayed" against the Government.

The price of gold in New York, Saturday, fell three per cent, closing at one hundred and ninety-seven and a half.

Two hundred Confederates captured a steamer on the 7th, at Yellow creek, and crossed from Tennessee into Kentucky.

Advices from Tennessee show that General Thomas is taking the most energetic measures to secure the capture of Forrest and his command. The Tennessee river has been rising for some days, and now has twelve feet of water, so that it is thought the marauders will be hived.

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John A. Dix (2)
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