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The War News.

Nothing in the way of active hostilities occurred on the lines below Richmond yesterday, though there were not wanting indications that the enemy is preparing for renewed attacks upon our lines at an early day. At a point a quarter of a mile north of Fort Harrison, from which the hostile lines trend away northwardly, there has been located, since the battle of Thursday week, the negro division of the Eighteenth corps. Substantial earthworks and extensive abattis protected them against a sudden assault. Here they made night (every night) hideous with their uproar, which was of a character at once suggestive of a corn-shucking and a camp-meeting. Yesterday morning it was discovered, from our side, that this division had been drawn back somewhat from their old position, and that their works had been leveled and abattis cleared up. This circumstance can be construed in but one way. The ground is cleared for action. Everything is removed that might obstruct a charge of the negro brigades upon our lines. It is, of course, impossible to say when the attack will be made, but there is every reason for believing that Grant is arranging for another grand field-day before next Tuesday--the Presidential election. He has much reason to be dissatisfied with his last attacks — they, besides costing him many a soldier, having run gold up, in New York, from 215¼ to 241; and he is now burning to wipe off the disgrace of that fatal Thursday. He is an obstinate man, and will persist in having his army — white and black — butchered before Richmond. He is welcome to renew the fight in his own time. He must begin the next battle with some five thousand less troops than he put into action on the 27th ultimo, and with his army much dispirited by the defeats on that day.

The usual amount of bombarding took place in the vicinity of Dutch gap yesterday.

From Petersburg.

On Thursday night there was a considerable amount of firing along the lines, but particularly in the region of the "erater." It is not known what was the cause, but it is supposed to have been the usual picket firing.

From Georgia.

The best news that we have from Georgia is, that our troops have commenced active operations against the foraging parties which the Yankees, in Atlanta, are sending out. Last week, our cavalry captured a forage train in the vicinity of the city, and brought off three hundred and fifty mules. The wagons were not brought off.

There was a cavalry attack by Kilpatrick on Wheeler, last week, which was repulsed.

From Missouri.

Private advices from Missouri state that Price has not left, nor does he intend leaving, the State. He has accumulated horses, arms, ammunition and men, and is pursuing a premeditated course as to his route southward. His acquisitions have all been preserved, and he has, at present, the strongest mounted force in the Confederacy.

There is no news yet confirming the Yankee statements concerning the capture of Generals Marmaduke and Cabell.

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