Hustings Court.
--Yesterday the Hustings Court of Magistrates disposed of the following business:
Amanda, slave of
Samuel Overton, charged with poisoning the children of
Thomas G. Clarke and
Lewis T. Maule, deceased, was discharged.
Bathurst M. Davis, who was charged with stealing a watch from
Daniel E. Gardner, was honorably discharged, there being no evidence to warrant any further prosecution of the charge.
The high character of young
Davis, and the position of his relatives in the community, had invested the case with considerable interest, and his friends are gratified at this speedy and complete refutation of the serious charge made against him.
Catherine Collins, charged with receiving sundry articles of Government
wearing apparel, knowing them to have been stolen, was found not guilty and discharged.
In a second case against the same, a rule was awarded against certain absent witnesses, made returnable to-day.
In the case of
H. S. Arnold, indicted for larceny, a rule was awarded against witnesses, returnable this morning.
Mary Hovan, indicted for larceny, was tried and acquitted.
The grand jury brought in true bills against the following parties:
Charles Herbert, for assault and battery;
Joseph Clifford, for keeping a faro bank;
Patrick Sweeney, retailing ardent spirits, three indictments;
Dennis Sweeney, retailing ardent spirits, three indictments.
The court thereupon adjourned till this morning at 11 o'clock.