Confederate Congress.
Tuesday, November 22, 1864.
The Senate met at 12 o'clock M., and was opened with prayer by the Rev. J. C. McCabe.
Mr. Walker, of Mississippi, introduced a bill, which was referred to the Military Committee, to repeal so much of the act to regulate the destruction of property under military necessity as authorizes the military authorities to destroy cotton, tobacco, and any other property other than military and naval stores, not belonging to the Government of the Confederate States, when necessary to prevent the same from falling into the hands of the enemy.
Mr. Walker also introduced a bill to provide supplies and to prescribe the mode of making impressments.
Received to the Committee on the Judiciary.
By Mr. Garland, of Arkansas,--a bill to amend the impressment acts.
Referred to the same.
Mr. Garland also introduced a resolution, which was agreed to, that the Military Committee inquire into the expediency of allowing such details of the employees of railroads and iron works as the presidents and superintendents thereof shall certify are necessary to the same; and also into the expediency of inquiring into the expediency of making all detailed men report to the Government superintendents of railroad transportation in the several districts, who shall have authority to transfer any one thus detailed from one road to another.
A bill was passed authorizing the cashier of the Bank of Tennessee to certify to the amount of treasury notes on deposit in his bank and its branches within the lines of the enemy to the credit of the State of Tennessee.
Mr. Sparrow, of Louisiana, from the Military Committee, reported back the resolution of inquiry relative to the nonpayment of the army, and requesting to be discharged from the further consideration of the same, the committee being of opinion that no legislation was necessary on the subject.
The committee were discharged.
Mr. Henry, of Tennessee, from the Military Committee, reported a bill, which was ordered to be printed, to amend the act "to increase the efficiency of the army by employing free negroes and slaves in certain capacities." The bill increases to eighteen dollars a month the compensation of the free negroes employed under the law; increases from twenty to forty thousand the number of slaves the Secretary of War is authorized to employ as therein provided; and provides that, in the impressment of slaves, those employed in agriculture, mechanics and manufacturing, shall be last impressed; and that if enough of these classes shall not be obtained, those belonging to persons having more than fifteen able-bodied field hands between sixteen and fifty years shall then be taken.
Mr. Orr, of South Carolina, offered a resolution, which was agreed to, that the Committee on Military Affairs inquire into the causes of the recent reverses sustained by the Confederate arms in the Valley of Virginia; and what, if any, additional action is required by the Legislative Department of the Government to prevent their recurrence.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Military Committee, reported a bill, which was ordered to be printed, to authorize the President to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as commissioners of exchange, three officers--one with the rank, pay and allowances of a colonel of cavalry; the other two with the rank, pay and allowances of lieutenant-colonels of cavalry.
The Committee on the Judiciary reported adversely on the bill for extending the assessment of prices for the army to all the citizens of the Confederate States, and were discharged from its further consideration.
A bill was passed extending to all counterfeit treasury notes received by public officers in the discharge of their duties prior to 1st January, 1865, the
provisions of the act in relation to counterfeit notes received by public officers.
A bill was passed, and sent to the House, continuing in force till the 1st January, 1866, east of the Mississippi river, and till the 1st of May 1866, west of the Mississippi, the law for the establishment and payment of claims for a certain description of property taken or informally impressed for the use of the army.
Mr. Walker, from the Judiciary Committee, reported back the bill to amend the act establishing the judicial courts of the Confederate States, which, after consideration, was postponed till to-day.
On motion, by Mr. Orr, the Senate resolved into secret session, and shortly after adjourned.
The following message, in answer to the resolution of Mr. Maxwell, was sent to the Senate on Monday:
In response to your resolution of the 19th instant, I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of State, which conveys the information requested.
Department of State,
Richmond, November 18, 1864.
I am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State.
To the President.
Your obedient servant,
J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State.
To the President.