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Virginia Legislature.
[Extra session.]


Tuesday, December 13, 1864.

The Senate was called to order at 12 o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Dr. Doggett.

A communication from the House of Delegates, on the subject of details of farmers, blacksmiths, etc., and calling for the appointment, by both Houses, of a committee on the subject of salt, was read and adopted; and Messrs. Ball, Douglas, Hart, Wiley, and Christian, of Augusta, were appointed by the Senate to concur with the committee on the part of the House on the subjects embraced in the communication.

Resolutions were introduced, inquiring into the expediency of suspending, during the war, all laws requiring the removal of emancipated negroes beyond the Commonwealth; so amending the law for the relief of indigent soldiers' families as to require appropriations to be made from the State treasury instead of from the county treasuries; calling upon the Board of Public Works to make a report of the tariff of rates they have authorized railroad, express and other companies to charge; inquiring into the expediency of the proposition in the Governor's message for a loan of the gold of the banks to the Commonwealth for the purchase of Confederate currency.

A bill was introduced by Mr. Marshall authorizing certain Georgia merchants to establish branch banks in this city.

On motion of Mr. Wiley the Senate adjourned.

House of Delegates.

The House met at noon. Opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Jeter.

A bill was reported from the Military Committee disbanding the First regiment of local militia, of the second class, organized for State defence.

A communication was received from Colonel Henry Hill, paymaster of Virginia forces, transmitting a list of soldiers whose claims are ready for payment, but whose address are unknown to the paymaster. The list was read and laid upon the table.

A large number of resolutions of expediency were introduced, among them one inquiring into the expediency of suspending, during the war, the exercises of the Virginia Military Institute.

On motion, adjourned.

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