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Flour to Rio de Janeiro.

--We learn from the New Orleans Times that a vessel is on the way from Rio de Janeiro to that city with a cargo of coffee. The arrival of such a cargo will remind the people of the Crescent City, says that paper, of the former prosperity of their city. From the year 1855 to the year 1860 the imports of coffee direct from Rio into New Orleans were two million one hundred and fifteen thousand six hundred and ninety-seven sacks, or three hundred and fifty-two thousand six hundred and sixteen sacks per annum, reaching in the year 1857 four hundred and twenty-seven thousand three hundred and twenty-three. This would be worth, adds the Times, to the trade of New Orleans, at this time, taking the average quantity as a standard, twenty-one cents per pound, in gold, or nearly twelve millions of dollars. The Times hopes that a cargo of flour will be in readiness for the coffee ship, with which to return at once.

The Rio people prefer Richmond flour to any other, and we hope soon to hear of a cargo of coffee on its way to this city, to be exchanged for our flour. It would serve as a reminder, here too, of the profitable trade formerly carried on between Richmond and Rio.

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