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Court of conciliation — Sine die Adjournment.

--The following business was disposed of by this Court yesterday:

The suits of Cross vs. Grubbs & Williams, Baldwin vs. Adams Express Company, James & Briggs vs. C. Hennington, and Cohen vs. Myers, were dismissed.

In the case of Daniel Hunt vs. G. B. Sloat, judgment was rendered for the plaintiff for $130.62 and interest and costs.

Clutter vs. Ferguson & Thompson. Case removed from the docket, to be hereafter discharged by Judge Green.

The Court being ready finally to adjourn sine die, took occasion to spread upon its records its acknowledgments to Major-General Alfred H. Terry for the courtesy shown by him in his intercourse with them, and their thanks to the clerk, deputy clerk and sergeant for their uniform kindness and attention; and to express to the practitioners at their bar their gratification in the retrospect of their professional and social relations which have existed between them.

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Edward Williams (1)
Mary B. Thompson (1)
Alfred H. Terry (1)
G. B. Sloat (1)
Alexander Myers (1)
James (1)
Daniel Hunt (1)
C. Hennington (1)
Grubbs (1)
Green (1)
Ferguson (1)
Cohen (1)
Clutter (1)
Briggs (1)
Baldwin (1)
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