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Long have I kept silent in my misery, struck with dismay at our disaster; for this calamity is so great that it is not possible to say or even to ask about its extent. Nevertheless mortals must endure affliction when it is heaven-sent. [295] Compose yourself, and even though you groan at our loss, relate the sum of our disaster and speak out! Who is there that is not dead? Whom of our leaders must we bewail? Who, appointed to wield command, by death left his post empty, without its chief?

Xerxes himself lives and beholds the light. [300]

The words you utter bring a great light of joy into my house, and bright day after night wrapped in gloom.

But Artembares, commander of ten thousand cavalrymen, is being battered now against Silenia's cruel shore. And Dadaces, leader of a thousand men, leapt, struck by a spear, [305] with a nimble bound from his ship. Tenagon, the true-born Bactrians' chieftain, is ranging now around the surf-beaten isle of Ajax. Lilaeus and Arsames, and, third, Argestes, [310] kept buffeting against its rugged shore, whirled around about the island,1the breeding-place of doves. Arcteus, too, who lived by the waters of the Egyptian Nile, Adeues, and Pharnuchus of the mighty shield—all these were hurled out of one ship. Matallus of Chrysa, commander of ten thousand, [315] leader of the Black Cavalry, thirty thousand strong, in death dyed red his thick and shaggy beard, changing its color with a deep crimson stain. Arabus, too, the Magian, perished there, and Bactrian Artabes, a settler now in a rugged land. [320] Amistris, and Amphistreus, wielder of a painful spear, and brave Ariomardus, whose death brought grief to Sardis, and Seisames the Mysian, and Tharybis, admiral of five times fifty ships, a Lyrnaean by descent, a man of physical beauty, [325] lies dead in a state of misery, no longer attended by good fortune.2 Syennesis, also, the governor of the Cilicians, foremost in courage, he whose prowess did the foe most harm, found there a glorious death. Such were the leaders about whom I was making my report. [330] Although our losses were many, I announce but few.

1 According to the scholiast, Salamis is meant; according to Hermann, one of the small islands adjacent to Salamis.

2 The ironical phraseοὐ μάλ᾽ εὐτυχῶς, which is contrasted with εὐειδής, probably refers to his unburied state. Cp. Soph. Aj. 1126.

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