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which done, he took from each a tenth part, and told them to
employ the remainder in trading. A year later, he repeated the process. And so
in ten years' time it came to pass that Cypselus received the entire amount
which he had dedicated; while the Corinthians on their part had replaced all
that they had paid him. Lygdamis of Naxos, after driving into exile a party of the inhabitants, found
that no one would give him a fair price for their property. He therefore sold it
to the exiled owners. The exiles had left behind them a number of works of art
destined for temple offerings, which lay in certain workshops in an unfinished
condition. These Lygdamis proceeded to sell to the exiles and whoso else would
buy them; allowing each purchaser to have his name engraved on the
offering. The people of Byzantium, being in need of funds, sold such dedicated lands as
belonged to the State; those under crops, for a term of years, and those
uncultivated, in perpetuity. In like manner they sold lands appropriated to
religious celebrations or ancestral cults, not excepting those that were on
private estates1; for the owners of
the surrounding land were ready to give a high price for them. To the
dispossessed celebrants <they assigned> such other public lands
surrounding the gymnasium, the agora, or the harbor,
as belonged to the State. Moreover they claimed as
public property all open spaces where anything was sold, together with the
sea-fisheries, the traffic in salt, and the trade of professional conjurors,
soothsayers, charm-sellers, and the like; exacting from all these one-third of
their gains. The right of changing money they sold to a single bank, whose
proprietor was given a monopoly of the sale and purchase of coin, protected
under penalty of confiscation.And whereas
previously the rights of citizenship were by law confined to those whose parents
were both citizens, lack of funds, induced them to offer citizenship to him who
had one citizen parent on payment of the sum of thirty minae.2
On another occasion, when food and funds were
both scarce, they called home all vessels that were trading in the Pontus. On the merchants protesting, they were
at length allowed to trade on payment of a tithe of their profits. This tax of
10 per cent was also extended to purchases of every kind.
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