Having gained this unaccountable and
unforeseen deliverance, Charidemus crossed the sea to the Chersonesus without your authority by reason
of the armistice; but then, so far from attacking Cotys,—although he
had told you in his letter that Cotys would not repel his attack,—and
so far from helping you to recover the Chersonesus, he entered the service of Cotys once more, and
began to beleaguer your last remaining strongholds, Crithote and Elaeus. You
will find proof in his route across the straits that he had already decided on
this action at the time when he was in Asia and was sending you the letter, and therefore that he was
cheating you; for he crossed from Abydus, a place always hostile to you, and the base from which
Sestus was captured, to Sestus, which was in the possession of Cotys.
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