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1 Not reckoning under that appellation the country of Egypt, which was more generally looked upon as forming part of Asia. Josephus informs us that Africa received its name from Ophir, great-grandson of Abraham and his second wife, Keturah.
2 Castella,' fortified places, erected for the purpose of defence; not towns formed for the reception of social communities.
3 The Emperor Caligula, who, in the year 41 A.D., reduced the two Mauritanias to Roman provinces, and had King Ptolemy, the son of Juba, put to death.
4 Now Cape Spartel. By Scylax it is called Hermæum, and by Ptolemy and Strabo Cote, or Coteis. Pliny means "extreme," with reference to the sea-line of the Mediterranean, in a direction due west.
5 Mentioned again by Pliny in B. xxxii. c. 6. Lissa was so called, according to Bochart, from the Hebrew or Phœnician word liss, 'a lion.' At the present day there is in this vicinity a headland called the 'Cape of the Lion.' Bochart thinks that the name 'Cotta,' or 'Cotte,' was derived from the Hebrew quothef, a 'vine-dresser.'
6 The modern Tangier occupies its site. It was said to have derived its name from Tinge, the wife of Antæus, the giant, who was slain by Hercules. His tomb, which formed a hill, in the shape of a man stretched out at full length, was shown near the town of Tingis to a late period. It was also believed, that whenever a portion of the earth covering the body was taken away, it rained until the hole was filled up again. Sertorius is said to have dug away a portion of the hill; but, on discovering a skeleton sixty cubits in length, he was struck with horror, and had it immediately covered again. Procopius says, that the fortress of this place was built by the Canaanites, who were driven by the Jews out of Palestine.
7 It has been supposed by Salmasius and others of the learned, that Pliny by mistake here attributes to Claudius the formation of a colony which was really established by either Julius Cæsar or Augustus. It is more probable, however, that Claudius, at a later period, ordered it to be called "Traducta Julia," or "the removed Colony of Julia," in remembrance of a colony having proceeded thence to Spain in the time of Julius Cæsar. Claudius himself, as stated in the text, established a colony here.
8 Its ruins are to be seen at Belonia, or Bolonia, three Spanish miles west of the modern Tarifa.
9 At this point Pliny begins his description of the western side of Africa.
10 Now Arzilla, in the territory of Fez. Ptolemy places it at the mouth of the river Zileia. It is also mentioned by Strabo and Antoninus.
11 Now El Araiche, or Larache, on the river Lucos.
12 Mentioned again in B. ix. c. 4 and c. 5 of the present Book, where Pliny speaks of them as situate elsewhere. The story of Antæus is further enlarged upon by Solinus, B. xxiv.; Lucan, B. iv. 1. 589, et seq.; and Martianus Capella, B. vi.
13 Now the Lucos.
14 Hardouin is of opinion, that he here has a hit at Gabinius, a Roman author, who, in his Annals of Mauritania, as we learn from Strabo (B. xvii.), inserted numerous marvellous and incredible stories.
15 When we find Pliny accusing other writers of credulity, we are strongly reminded of the proverb, 'Clodius accusat mœchos.'
16 Or the "Julian Colony on the Plains." Marcus suggests that the word Babba may possibly have been derived from the Hebrew or Phœnician word beab or beaba, "situate in a thick forest." Poinsinet takes Babba to be the Beni-Tuedi of modern times. D'Anville thinks that it is Naranja.
17 There is considerable difficulty about the site of Banasa. Moletius thinks that it is the modern Fanfara, or Pefenfia as Marmol calls it. D'Anville suggests that it may be Old Mahmora, on the coast; but, on the other hand, Ptolemy places it among the inland cities, assigning to it a longitude at some distance from the sea. Pliny also appears to make it inland, and makes its distance from Lixos seventy-five miles, while he makes the mouth of the Subur to be fifty miles from the same place.
18 From both the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. According to Poinsinet, Volubilis was the synonym of the African name Fez, signifying a 'band,' or 'swathe.' Mannert conjectures that it is the same as the modern Walili, or Qualili. D'Anville calls it Guulili, and says that there are some remains of antiquity there.
19 The modern Subu, or Sebou. D'Anville is of opinion that this river has changed a part of its course since the time of Pliny.
20 Most probably the modern Sallee stands on its site.
21 Not in reference to the fact of its existence, but the wonderful stories which were told respecting it.
22 Like others of the ancient writers, Pliny falls into the error of considering Atlas, not as an extensive chain of mountains, but as an isolated mountain, surrounded by sands. With reference to its height, the whole range declines considerably from west to east; the highest summits in Morocco reaching near 13,000 feet, in Tunis not 5000.
23 Or "Goat-Pans;" probably another name for the Fauni, or Fauns. More usually, there is but one Ægipan mentioned,—the son, according to Hyginus, of Zeus or Jupiter, and a goat,—or of Zeus and Æga, the wife of Pan. As a foundation for one part of the stories here men- tioned, Brotier suggests the fact, that as the Kabyles, or mountain tribes, are in the habit of retiring to their dwellings and reposing during the heat of the day, it would not, consequently, be improbable that they would devote the night to their amusements, lighting up fires, and dancing to the music of drums and cymbals.
24 Under his name we still possess a "Periplus," or account of a voyage round a part of Libya. The work was originally written in Punic, but what has come down to us is a Greek translation. We fail, however, to discover any means by which to identify him with any one of the many Carthaginians of the same name. Some writers call him king, and others dux, or imperator of the Carthaginians; from which we may infer, that he held the office of suffetes. This expedition has by some been placed as far back as the time of the Trojan war, or of Hesiod, while others again place it as late as the reign of Agathocles. Falconer, Bougainville, and Gail, place the time of Hanno at about B.C. 570, while other critics identify him with Hanno, the father or son of Hamilcar, who was killed at Himera, B.C. 480. Pliny often makes mention of him; more particularly see B. viii. c. 21.
25 M. Gosselin thinks that the spot here indicated was at the south-western extremity of the Atlas range, and upon the northern frontier of the Desert of Zahara.
26 Supposed by some geographers to be the same as that now called the Ommirabih, or the Om-Rabya. This is also thought by some to have been the same river as is called by Pliny, in p. 381, by the name of Asana; but the distances do not agree.
27 Supposed by Gosselin to be the present bay of Al-cazar, on the African coast, in the Straits of Cadiz; though Hardouin takes it to be the κόλπος ἐμπορικὸς, or "Gulf of Commerce," of Strabo and Ptolemy. By first quoting from one, and then at a tangent from another, Pliny involves this subject in almost inextricable confusion.
28 Probably the place called Thymiaterion in the Periplus of Hanno.
29 The present Subu, and the river probably of Sallee, previously mentioned.
30 The modern Mazagan, according to Gosselin.
31 Cape Cantin, according to Gosselin; Cape Blanco, according to Marcus.
32 Probably the Safi, Asafi, or Saffee of the present day.
33 The river Tensift, which runs close to the city of Morocco, in the interior.
34 The river Mogador of the present day.
35 The modern river Sus, or Sous.
36 The learned Gosselin has aptly remarked, that this cannot be other than an error, and that "ninety-six" is the correct reading, the Gulf of Sainte-Croix being evidently the one here referred to.
37 Mount Barce seems to be here a name for the Atlas, or Daran chain.
38 Supposed by Gosselin to be the present Cape Ger.
39 The river Assa, according to Gosselin. There is also a river Suse placed here in the maps.
40 These two tribes probably dwelt between the modern Capes Ger and Non.
41 Marcus believes these to have been the ancestors of the present race of the Touaricks, while the Melanogætuli were the progenitors of the Tibbos, of a darker complexion, and more nearly resembling the negroes in bodily conformation.
42 Supposed by Gosselin to be the present river Nun, or Non. According to Bochart, this river received its name from the Hebrew or Phoenician word behemoth or bamoth, the name by which Job (xl. 15) calls the crocodile [or rather the hippopotamus]. Bochart, however, with Mannert, Bougainville, De Rennet, and De Heeren, is of opinion, that by this name the modern river Senegal is meant. Marcus is of opinion that it is either the Non or the modern Sobi.
43 Marcus here observes, that from Cape Alfach, below Cape Non, there are no mountains, but continual wastes of sand, bordering on the sea-shore. Indeed there is no headland, of any considerable height, between Cape Sobi and Cape Bajador.
44 The Chariot of the Gods." Marcus is of opinion that it is the modern Cape Verde; while, on the other hand, Gosselin takes it to be Cape Non. Brotier calls it Cape Ledo.
45 In B. vi. c. 36, Pliny speaks of this promontory as the "Hesperian Horn," and says that it is but four days' sail from the Theon Ochema. Brotier identifies this promontory with the modern Cape Roxo. Marcus is of opinion that it was the same as Cape Non ; but there is considerable difficulty in determining its identity.
46 Alluding to Polybius; though, according to the reading which Sillig has adopted a few lines previously, Agrippa is the last author mentioned. Pliny has here mistaken the meaning of Polybius, who has placed Atlas midway between Carthage, from which he had set out, and the Promontory of Theon Ochema, which he reached.
47 Ptolemy the son of Juba II. and Cleopatra, was summoned to Rome in the year A.D. 40, by Caligula, and shortly after put to death by him, his riches having excited the emperor's cupidity. Previously to this, he had been on terms of strict alliance with the Roman people, who had decreed him a toga picta and a sceptre, as a mark of their friendship.
48 Ivory and citron-wood, or cedar, were used for the making and inlaying of the tables used by the Roman nobility. See B. xiii. c. 23.
49 Supposed by some geographers to be the modern Wadi-Tensift. It has been also confounded with the Anatis (see note 1, p. 369); while others again identify it with the Anidus. It is more commonly spelt 'Asama.'
50 Or Phuth. It does not appear to have been identified.
51 The range is still called by the name of Daran.
52 The same general who afterwards conquered the Britons under Boadicea or Bonduca. While Proprætor in Mauritania under the Emperor Claudius, in the year A.D. 42, he defeated the Mauri who had risen in revolt, and advanced, as Pliny here states, as far as Mount Atlas. It is not known from what point Paulinus made his advance towards the Atlas range. Mannert and Marcus are of opinion that he set out from Sala, the modern Sallee, while Latreille, Malte Brun, and Walkenaer think that his point of departure was the mouth of the river Lixos. Sala was the most southerly town on the western coast of Africa that in the time of Pliny had submitted to the Roman arms.
53 Some of the editions read 'Niger' here. Marcus suggests that that river may have been called 'Niger' by the Phœnician or Punic colonists of the western Mauritania, and 'Ger' or' Gar' in another quarter. The same writer also suggests that the Sigilmessa was the river to which Paulinus penetrated on his march beyond Atlas.
54 The Sigilmessa, according to Marmol, flows between several mountains which appear to be of a blackish hue.
55 Bocchus however, the kinsman of Massinissa, had previously for some time reigned over both the Mauritanias, consisting of Mauritania Tingitana and Mauritania Cæsariana.
56 See B. xxv. c. 7. 12, and B. xxvi. c. 8.
57 Extending from the sea to the river Moluga, now called the Molucha and Molochath, or Malva and Malvana.
58 From whom the Moors of the present day take their name. Marcus observes here, that though Pliny distinguishes the Mauri from the Gætuli, they essentially belonged to the same race and spoke the same language, the so-called Berber, and its dialects, the Schellou and the Schoviah.
59 Maursii' was the Greek name, 'Mauri' the Latin, for this people. Marcus suggests that Mauri was a synonym only for the Greek word nomades, 'wanderers.'
60 As Marcus observes, Pliny is here greatly in error. On the inroads of Paulinus, the Mauri had retreated into the interior and taken refuge in the deserts of Zahara, whence they had again emerged in the time of the geographer Ptolemy.
61 From the time of the second Punic War this people had remained in undisputed possession of the country situate between the rivers Molochath or Moluga and Ampsaga, which formed the Cæsarian Mauritania. Ptolemy speaks of finding some remains of them at Siga, a town situate on a river of the same name, and at which King Syphax had formerly resided.
62 While Pomponius Mela does not make any difference between the Mauri and the Gætuli, Pliny here speaks of them as being essentially different.
63 Derived, according to Marcus, from the Arabic compound bani-our, 'child of nakedness,' as equivalent to the Greek word gymnetes, by which name Pliny and other ancient writers designate the wandering naked races of Western Africa.
64 The Autololes or, as Ptolemy calls them, the Autolole, dwelt, it is supposed, on the western coast of Africa, between Cape Cantin and Cape Ger. Their city of Autolala or Autolalæ is one of Ptolemy's points of astronomical observation, having the longest day thirteen hours and a half, being distant three hours and a half west of Alexandria, and having the sun vertical once a year, at the time of the winter solstice. Reichard takes it for the modern Agulon or Aquilon.
65 The Æthiopian Daratitæ, Marcus says.
66 The present Ceuta.
67 They were so called from the circumstance, Marcus says, of their peaks being so numerous, and so strongly resembling each other. They are now called, according to D'Anville, 'Gebel Mousa,' which means "the Mountain of Apes," an animal by which they are now much frequented, instead of by elephants as in Pliny's time.
68 Or Mediterranean.
69 The modern Bedia, according to Olivarius, the Tasanel, according to Dupinet, and the Alamos or Kerkal, according to Ansart. Marcus says that it is called the Setuan, and is the largest stream on the northern shores of Western Africa.
70 The modern Gomera according to Hardouin, the Nocor according to Mannert.
71 The modern Melilla most probably.
72 The modern Maluia. Antoninus calls it Malva, and Ptolemy Maloua.
73 Its site is occupied by the modern Aresgol, according to Mariana, Guardia or Sereni according to Dupinet, Ned-Roma according to Mannert and D'Anville, and Tachumbrit according to Shaw. Marcus is inclined to be of the same opinion as the last-mentioned geographer.
74 Now the city of Malaga.
75 Mauritania Cæsariensis, or Cæsarian Mauritania, now forming the French province of Algiers.
76 "Bogudiana;" from Bogud or Bogoas. The last king Bogud was deprived of his kingdom by Bocchus, king of Mauritania Cæsariensis, a warm partisan of Cæsar.
77 Or the "Great Harbour," now Arzeu according to D'Anville, and Mars-el-Kebir according to Marcus.
78 The same river probably as the Malva or Malvana previously mentioned, the word mulucha or malacha coming from the Greek μολόχη, "a marsh mallow," which malva, as a Latin word, also signifies. See p. 383.
79 From the Greek word ξένος, "a stranger." Pomponius Mela and Antoninus call this place Guiza, and Ptolemy Quisa. D'Anville places it on the right side of the river Malvana or Mulucha, and Shaw says that it was situate in the vicinity of the modern town of Oran.
80 Now Marz-Agolet, or situate in its vicinity, according to Hardouin and Ansart, and the present Arzen, according to Marcus, where numerous remains of antiquity are found.
81 Now Tenez, according to D'Anville, and Mesgraïm, according to Mannert; with which last opinion Marcus agrees.
82 Ptolemy and Antoninus place this colony to the east of the Promontory of Apollo, and not the west as Pliny does.
83 The present Cape Mestagan.
84 According to Dupinet and Mannert, the modern Tenez occupies its site, Zershell according to Hardouin and Shaw, Vacur according to D'Anville and Ansart, and Algiers according to others. It is suggested by Marcus that the name Iol is derived from the Arabic verb galla, "to be noble" or "famous." There is no doubt that the magnificent ruins at Zershell are those of Iol, and that its name is an abbreviation of Cæsarea Iol.
85 Or New Town.
86 Scylax calls it Thapsus; Ammianus Marcellinus, Tiposa. According to Mannert it was situate in the vicinity of the modern Damas.
87 Or Icosium. It has been identified by inscriptions discovered by the French as standing on the same site as the modern Algiers. D'Anville, Mannert and others identify it with Scherchell or Zershell, thus placing it too far west. Mannert was evidently misled by an error in the Antonine Itinerary, whereby all the places along this coast are, for a considerable distance, thrown too far to the west; the researches however which followed the French conquest of the country have revealed inscriptions which completely set the question at rest.
88 According to Mannert, this was situate on the modern Cape Arbatel. Marcus thinks that the Hebrew ros, or Arab ras, "a rock," enters into the composition of the word.
89 Now Hur according to D'Anville, Colcah according to Mannert.
90 The modern Acor, according to Marcus.
91 The modern Pedeles or Delys, according to Ortellius and Mannert, Tedles according to D'Anville.
92 The modern Jigeli or Gigeri. It was probably in ancient times the emporium of the surrounding country.
93 Destroyed, according to Hardouin, and probably by the incursions of the sea. At the mouth of the Ampsaga (now called the Wad-El-Kebir or Sufjimar, and higher up the Wadi Roumel) there is situate a small sea-port called Marsa Zeitoun.
94 Near the present Mazuaa, according to Mannert.
95 The modern Burgh, according to D'Anville and Mannert, but more probably considerably to the east of that place.
96 The modern El-Herba, according to Mannert.
97 Marcus suggests that this is the Chinalaph of Ptolemy, and probably the modern Schellif.
98 The same that is called Savis by Ptolemy, who places Icosium on its banks.
99 By Mela called the Vabar. Marcus supposes it to be the same as the modern Giffer.
100 By Ptolemy called the Sisar; the Ajebbi of modern geographers, which falls into the Mediterranean, near the city of Budja.
101 Brotier says that this reading is incorrect, and that 222 is the proper one, that being the true distance between the river Ampsaga or Wadel-Kebir and the city of Cæsarea, the modern Zershell.
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- Commentary references to this page
- Charles Simmons, The Metamorphoses of Ovid, Books XIII and XIV, 13.618
- Cross-references to this page
- The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, BAELO (Bolonia) Cáidiz, Spain.
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), AMPELU´SIA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), ATLAS
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), AUTO´LOLES
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), BA´NASA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), BELON
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), DA´RADAE
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), DARADUS
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), DARAE
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), GAETU´LIA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), GUMI´GI
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), LI´BYA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), LI´BYCUM MARE
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), MAURETA´NIA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), NIGEIR
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), NOSALE´NE
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), NUIUS
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), NUMI´DIA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), OPPIDUM NOVUM
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), PHTHUTH
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), RUSUCU´RRIUM
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SALA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SALDAE
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SEPTEM FRATRES
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), STACHIR
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SUBUR
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), SY´RIA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), THAMNA
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), TINGIS
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), VOLUBILIS
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), ZILIA
- Smith's Bio, Hanno
- Smith's Bio, Juba
- Smith's Bio, Corne'lius Nepos
- Smith's Bio, Pauli'nus, C. Sueto'nius
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (4):