1 Minucius, having gone thus far, feels compelled to offer a formal motion that he be granted a triumph. Since this was clearly destined to fail, he awarded himself a triumph in monte Albano, with which the senate could not interfere. So, in 211 B.C., Marcellus was refused a triumph, for technical reasons, but was granted an ovation and celebrated a triumph on the Alban Mount (XXVI. xxi. 2-6). See the notes on XXXI. xx. 5 and xlvii. 4 above.
2 B.C. 197
3 He was reported killed in XXXI. xxi. 18, but compare XXXII. xxx. 12.
4 This was a conical cap worn by freedmen to mark their release from slavery and by the colonists here to signalize their rescue from captivity.
5 These coins (denarii) were stamped with a two-horse chariot.
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