1 This must be the winter of 189-188 B.C. The details of the chronology are obscure, but the siege of Same must have lasted well into the autumn.
2 B.C. 189
3 The senate probably intended that the Lacedaemonians should remain members of the Achaean League and that their surrender to Fulvius should be ignored. It seems a fair inference that the Achaeans were not to interfere, as Philopoemen proposed to do, in local Spartan affairs. But Roman fondness for sententiousness in legislation made this decree unpardonably vague, considering the gravity of the situation, and one is tempted to conclude that the senate did not really grasp the arguments and was not greatly interested.
4 B.C. 189
5 Elections were normally held in the autumn, and Philopoemen may have been chosen for his sixth term before the embassy to Rome.
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