
A branch of a Statute made in the eight yeere of Henry the sixt, for the trade to Norwey, Sweveland, Den marke, and Fynmarke.

ITEM because that the kings most deare Uncle, the king of Denmarke, Norway & Sweveland, as the same our soveraigne Lord the king of his intimation hath understood, considering the manifold & great losses, perils, hurts and damage which have late happened aswell to him and his, as to other foraines and strangers, and also friends and speciall subjects of our said soveraigne Lord the king of his Realme of England, by ye going in, entring & passage of such forain & strange persons into his realme of Norwey & other dominions, streits, territories, jurisdictions & places subdued and subject to him, specially into his Iles of Fynmarke, and elswhere, aswell in their persons as their things and goods: for eschuing of such losses, perils, hurts & damages, and that such like (which God forbid) should not hereafter happen: our said soveraigne Lord the king hath ordeined and statuted, that all and singular strangers, aswell Englishmen and others willing to apply by Ship and come into his Realme of Norwey and other dominions, streits, territories, jurisdictions, Isles & places aforesaid with their ships, to the intent to get or have fish or any other Marchandises, or goods, shall apply and come to his Towne of Northberne, where the said king of Denmarke hath specially ordained and stablished his staple for the concourses of strangers and specially of Englishmen, to the exercise of such Marchandises: granting to the said Englishmen that they shall there injoy in and by all things the same favour, privileges and prerogatives which they of the Hans did enjoy. Therefore our said soveraigne Lord the king willing the love, affinitie and amities to be firmely observed, which betwixt his said Uncle and his noble progenitors of good memory, their Realmes, lands, dominions, streites, territories, jurisdictions and their said places, and the same our soveraigne Lord the king & his noble progenitours of famous memory, his great men, subjects, Realmes, lands & dominions hath bene of old times hitherto continued, nor nothing by our said soveraigne Lord the king or his people to be attempted or done whereby such amities by reason of any dissensions, enemities or discords might be broken: by the advise of the Lords spirituall & temporall & of the commons of his said Realme of England, assembled in this present Parliament, hath ordained, prohibiting that none of his liege people nor subjects of his Realme of England by audacitie of their follie presume to enter the Realmes, lands, dominions, straits, territories, jurisdictions & places of the said king of Denmarke against ye ordinance, prohibition & interdiction of ye same his Uncle above remembred, & in contempt of the same, upon paine of forfeiture of all their moveable goods & imprisonment of their persons at the kings will.

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