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The voyage made to Tripolis in Barbarie, in the yeere 1583. with a ship called the Jesus, wherein the adventures and distresses of some Englishmen are truely reported, and other necessary circumstances observed. Written by Thomas Sanders.

THIS voyage was set foorth by the right worshipfull sir Edward Osborne knight, chiefe merchant of all the Turkish company, and one master Richard Staper, the ship being of the burden of one hundred tunnes, called the Jesus, she was builded at Farmne a river by Portsmouth . The owners were master Thomas Thomson, Nicholas Carnaby, and John Gilman. The master was one Aches Hellier of Black-wall, and his Mate was one Richard Morris of that place: their Pilot was one Anthonie Jerado a Frenchman, of the province of Marseils: the purser was one William Thomson our owners sonne: the merchants factors were Romane Sonnings a Frenchman, and Richard Skegs servant unto the said master Staper. The owners were bound unto the merchants by charter partie thereupon, in one thousand markes, that the said ship by Gods permission should goe for Tripolis in Barbarie, that is to say, first from Portsmouth to Newhaven in Normandie , from thence to S. Lucar, otherwise called Saint Lucas in Andeluzia, and from thence to Tripolie, which is in the East part of Africa , and so to returne unto London. But here ought every man to note and consider the workes of our God, that many times what man doth determine God doth disappoint. The said master having some occasion to goe to Farmne, tooke with him the Pilot and the Purser, and returning againe by meanes of a perrie of winde, the boat wherein they were, was drowned, with the said master, the purser, and all the company: onely the said Pilot by experience in swimming saved himselfe : these were the beginnings of our sorrowes. After which the said masters mate would not proceed in that voiage, and the owner hearing of this misfortune, and the unwillingnesse of the masters mate, did send downe one Richard Deimond, and shipped him for master, who did chuse for his Mate one Andrew Dier, and so the said ship departed on her voiage accordingly: that is to say, about the 16 of October, in An. 1583. she made saile from Portsmouth , and the 18 day then next following she arrived at Newhaven , where our saide last master Deimond by a surfeit died. The factors then appointed the said Andrew Dier, being then masters mate, to be their master for that voiage, who did chuse to be his Mates the two quarter masters of the same ship, to wit, Peter Austine, and Shillabey, and for Purser was shipped one Richard Burges. Afterward about the 8 day of November we made saile forthward, and by force of weather we were driven backe againe into Portesmouth, where we renued our victuals and other necessaries, and then the winde came faire. About the 29 day then next following we departed thence, and the first day of December by meanes of a contrarie winde, wee were driven to Plimmouth. The 18 day then next following, we made foorthward againe, & by force of weather we were driven to Falmouth, where we remained untill the first day of January: at which time the winde comming faire, we departed thence, and about the 20 day of the said moneth we arrived safely at S. Lucar. And about the 9 day of March next following, we made saile from thence, and about the 18 day of the some moneth we came to Tripolis in Barbarie, where we were verie well intertained by the king of that countrey, and also of the commons. The commodities of that place are sweete oiles : the king there is a merchant, and the rather (willing to preferre himselfe before his commons) requested our said factors to traffique with him, and promised them that if they would take his oiles at his owne price, they should pay no maner of custome, and they tooke of him certaine tunnes of oile: and afterwarde perceiving that they might have farre better cheape notwithstanding the custome free, they desired the king to licence them to take the oiles at the pleasure of his commons, for that his price did exceede theirs: whereunto the king would not agree, but was rather contented to abate his price, insomuch that the factors bought all their oyles of the king custome free, and so laded the same aboord.

In the meane time there came to that place one Miles Dickenson in a ship of Bristow, who together with our said Factors tooke a house to themselves there. Our French Factor Romane Sonnings desired to buy a commodity in the market, and wanting money, desired the saide Miles Dickenson to lend him an hundred Chikinoes untill he came to his lodging, which he did, and afterward the same Sonnings mette with Miles Dickenson in the streete, and delivered him money bound up in a napkin: saying, master Dickenson there is the money that I borowed of you, and so thanked him for the same: hee doubted nothing lesse then falshoode, which is seldome knowne among marchants, and specially being together in one house, and is the more detestable betweene Christians, they being in Turkie among the heathen. The said Dickenson did not tell the money presently, untill he came to his lodging, and then finding nine Chikinoes lacking of his hundred, which was about three pounds, for that every Chikino is woorth seven shillings of English money, he came to the sayde Romane Sonnings and delivered him his handkerchiefe, and asked him howe many Chikinoes hee had delivered him? Sonnings answered, an hundred: Dickenson said no: and so they protested and swore on both parts. But in the end the sayd Romane Sonnings did sweare deepely with detestable othes and curses, and prayed God that hee might shewe his workes on him, that other might take ensample thereby, and that he might be hanged like a dogge, and never come into England againe, if he did not deliver unto the sayde Dickenson an hundred Chikinoes. And here beholde a notable example of all blasphemers, cursers and swearers, how God rewarded him accordingly: for many times it commeth to passe, that God sheweth his miracles upon such monstrous blasphemers, to the ensample of others, as nowe hereafter you shall heare what befell to this Romane Sonnings.

There was a man in the said towne a pledge, whose name was Patrone Norado, who the yere before had done this Sonnings some pleasure there. The foresaid Patrone Norado was indebted unto a Turke of that towne, in the summe of foure hundred and fiftie crownes, for certain goods sent by him into Christendome in a ship of his owne, and by his owne brother, and himselfe remained in Tripolis as pledge untill his said brothers returne : and, as the report went there, after his brothers arrivall into Christendome, he came among lewde companie, and lost his brothers said ship and goods at dice, and never returned unto him againe.

The said Patrone Norado being voyde of all hope, and finding now opportunitie, consulted with the said Sonnings for to swimme a seaboorde the Islands, and the ship being then out of danger, should take him in (as after was confessed) and so to goe to Tolon in the province of Marseilis with this Patrone Norado, and there to take in his lading.

The shippe being readie the first day of May, and having her sayles all aboorde, our sayde Factors did take their leave of the king, who very courteously bidde them farwell, and when they came aboorde, they commaunded the Master and the companie hastily to get out the ship: the Master answered that it was unpossible, for that the winde was contrary and overblowed. And he required us upon forfeiture of our bandes, that we should doe our indevour to get her foorth. Then went wee to warpe out the shippe, and presently the king sent a boate aboord of us, with three men in her, commaunding the saide Sonnings to come a shoare : at whose comming, the king demaunded of him custome for the oyles: Sonnings answered him that his highnesse had promised to deliver them custome free. But notwithstanding the king weighed not his said promise, and as an infidell that hath not the feare of God before his eyes, nor regarde of his worde, albeit hee was a king, hee caused the sayde Sonnings to pay the custome to the uttermost penie. And afterwarde willed him to make haste away, saying, that the Janizaries would have the oyle ashoare againe.

These Janizaries are souldiers there under the great Turke, and their power is above the Kings. And so the saide Factor departed from the king, and came to the waterside, and called for a boate to come aboorde, and he brought with him the foresaid Patrone Norado. The companie inquisitive to know what man that was, Sonnings answered, that he was his countreyman, a passenger: I pray God said the companie, that we come not into trouble by this man. Then said Sonnings angerly, what have you to do with any matters of mine? if any thing chance otherwise then well, I must answere for all.

Nowe the Turke unto whom this Patrone Norado was indebted, missing him (supposed him to be aboorde of our shippe) presently went unto the King, and tolde him that hee thought that his pledge Patrone Norado was aboord of the English ship, whereupon the King presently sent a boat aboord of us, with three men in her, commanding the said Sonnings to come a shoare, and not speaking any thing as touching the man, he saide that hee would come presently in his owne boate, but assoone as they were gone, he willed us to warpe foorth the ship, and saide that he would see the knaves hanged before he would goe a shoare. And when the king sawe that he came not a shoare, but still continued warping away the shippe, he straight commaunded the gunner of the bulwarke next unto us, to shoote three shootes without ball. Then we came all to the said Sonnings, and asked of him what the matter was that we were shot at, he said that it was the Janizaries who would have the oyle a shoare againe, and willed us to make haste away, and after that he had discharged three shots without ball, he commaunded all the gunners in the towne to doe their indevour to sinke us, but the Turkish gunners could not once strike us, wherefore the king sent presently to the Banio: (this Banio is the prison wheras all the captives lay at night) and promised if that there were any that could either sinke us, or else cause us to come in againe, he should have a hundred crownes, and his libertie. With that came foorth a Spaniard called Sebastian, which had bene an old servitour in Flanders, and he said, that upon the performance of that promise, hee would undertake either to sinke us, or to cause us to come in againe, and therto he would gage his life, and at the first shotte he split our rudders head in pieces, and the second shotte he strake us under the water, and the third shotte he shotte us through our foremast with a Colvering shot, and thus he having rent both our rudder and maste, and shot us under water, we were inforced to goe in againe.

This Sebastian for all his diligence herein, had neither his liberty, nor an hundred crownes, so promised by the said king, but after his service done was committed againe to prison, whereby may appeare the regard that the Turke or infidell hath of his worde, although he be able to performe it, yea more, though he be a king.

Then our merchants seeing no remedie, they together with five of our companie went a shoare, and then they ceased shooting: they shot unto us in the whole, nine and thirtie shootes, without the hurt of any man.

And when our marchants came a shoare, the King commaunded presently that they with the rest of our companie that were with them, should be cheined foure & foure, to a hundred waight of yron, and when we came in with the ship, there came presently above an hundred Turks aboord of us, and they searched us, and stript our very clothes from our backes, and brake open our chests, and made a spoyle of all that we had: and the Christian caitifes likewise that came a boord of us made spoyle of our goods, and used us as ill as the Turkes did. And our masters mate having a Geneva Bible in his hand, there came the kings chiefe gunner, and tooke it out from him, who shewed me of it, and I having the language, went presently to the kings treasurer, and tolde him of it, saying, that sith it was the will of God that we should fall into their handes, yet that they should grant us to use our consciences to our owne discretion, as they suffered the Spaniards and other nations to use theirs, and he graunted us: then I told him that the maister gunner had taken away a Bible from one of our men: the Treasurer went presently and commaunded him to deliver up the Bible againe, which he did: & within a litle after he tooke it from the man againe, and I shewed the Treasurer of it, and presently he commaunded him to deliver it againe: saying, thou villaine, wilt thou turne to Christianitie againe? for he was a Renegado, which is one that first was a Christian, and afterwards becommeth a Turke, and so he delivered me the Bible the second time. And then I having it in my hand, the gunner came to me, and spake these wordes, saying, thou dogge, I wil have the booke in despight of thee, and tooke it from me, saying: If thou tell the kings treasurer of it any more, by Mahomet I will be revenged of thee. Notwithstanding I went the third time unto the kings Treasurer, and tolde him of it, and he came with me, saying thus unto the gunner: by the head of the great Turke, if thou take it from him againe, thou shalt have an hundred bastonadoes. And foorthwith he delivered me the booke, saying, he had not the value of a pin of the spoyle of the ship, which was the better for him, as hereafter you shall heare: for there was none, neither Christian nor Turke that tooke the value of a peniworth of our goods from us, but perished both bodie and goods within seventeene moneths following, as hereafter shall plainely appeare.

Then came the Guardian Basha, which is the keeper of the kings captives, to fetch us all a shoare, and then I remembring the miserable estate of poore distressed captives, in the time of their bondage to those infidels, went to mine owne chest, and tooke out thereof a jarre of oyle, and filled a basket full of white Ruske to carie a shoare with me, but before I came to the Banio, the Turkish boyes had taken away almost all my bread, and the keeper saide, deliver me the jarre of oyle, and when thou commest to the Banio thou shalt have it againe, but I never had it of him any more.

But when I came to the Banio, and sawe our Marchants and all the rest of our company in chaines, and we all ready to receive the same reward, what heart in the world is there so hard, but would have pitied our cause, hearing or seeing the lamentable greeting there was betwixt us: all this happened the first of May, 1584.

And the second day of the same moneth, the King with all his counsell sate in judgement upon us. The first that were had forth to be arraigned, were the Factors, and the Masters, and the King asked them wherefore they came not a shoare when he sent for them. And Romaine Sonnings answered, that though he were king on shoare, and might commaunde there, so was hee as touching those that were under him: and therefore said, if any offence be, the fault is wholy in my selfe, and in no other. Then foorthwith the king gave judgement, that the saide Romaine Sonnings should be hanged over the Northeast bulwarke: from whence he conveyed the forenamed Patrone Norado, and then he called for our Master Andrew Dier, and used fewe wordes to him, and so condemned him to be hanged over the walles of the Westermost bulwarke.

Then fell our other Factor (named Richard Skegs) upon his knees before the king, and said, I beseech your highnesse either to pardon our Master, or else suffer me to die for him, for he is ignorant of this cause. And then the people of that countrey favouring the said Richard Skegs besought the king to pardon them both. So then the king spake these wordes: Beholde, for thy sake, I pardon the Master. Then presently the Turkes shouted, and cried, saying: Away with the Master from the presence of the king. And then he came into the Banio whereas we were, and tolde us what had happened, and we all rejoyced at the good hap of Master Skegs, that hee was saved, and our Master for his sake.

But afterward our joy was turned to double sorrow, for in the meane time the kings minde was altered: for that one of his counsell had advised him, that unlesse the Master died also, by the lawe they could not confiscate the ship nor goods, neither captive any of the men: whereupon the king sent for our Master againe, and gave him another judgement after his pardon for one cause, which was that hee should be hanged. Here all true Christians may see what trust a Christian man may put in an infidels promise, who being a King, pardoned a man nowe, as you have heard, and within an houre after hanged him for the same cause before a whole multitude: and also promised our Factors their oyles custome free, and at their going away made them pay the uttermost penie for the custome thereof.

And when that Romaine Sonnings saw no remedy but that he should die, he protested to turne Turke, hoping thereby to have saved his life. Then saide the Turke, If thou wilt turne Turke, speake the words that thereunto belong: and he did so. Then saide they unto him, Now thou shalt die in the faith of a Turke, and so hee did, as the Turkes reported that were at his execution. And the forenamed Patrone Norado, whereas before he had libertie and did nothing, he then was condemned slave perpetuall, except there were paiment made of the foresaid summe of money.

Then the king condemned all us, who were in number sixe and twentie, of the which, two were hanged (as you have heard) and one died the first day wee came on shoare, by the visitation of Almightie God: and the other three and twentie he condemned slaves perpetually unto the great Turke, and the ship and goods were confiscated to the use of the great Turke: and then we all fell downe upon our knees, giving God thankes for this sorrowfull visitation, and giving our selves wholy to the Almightie power of God, unto whom all secrets are knowen, that he of his goodnesse would vouchsafe to looke upon us.

Here may all true Christian hearts see the wonderfull workes of God shewed upon such infidels, blasphemers, whoremasters, and renegate Christians, and so you shall reade in the ende of this booke, of the like upon the unfaithfull king and all his children, and of as many as tooke any portion of the said goods.

But first to shewe our miserable bondage and slaverie, and unto what small pittance and allowance wee were tied, for every five men had allowance but five aspers of bread in a day, which is but two pence English: and our lodging was to lye on the bare boords, with a very simple cape to cover us, wee were also forceably and most violently shaven, head and beard, and within three dayes after, I and sixe more of my fellowes, together with fourescore Italians and Spaniards were sent foorth in a Galeot to take a Greekish Carmosell, which came into Africa to steale Negroes, and went out of Tripolis unto that place, which was two hundred and fourtie leagues thence, but wee were chained three and three to an oare, and wee rowed naked above the girdle, and the Boteswaine of the Galley walked abaft the maste, and his Mate afore the maste, and eche of them a bulls pissell dried in their handes, and when their divelish choller rose, they would strike the Christians for no cause: And they allowed us but halfe a pound of bread a man in a day without any other kinde of sustenance, water excepted. And when we came to the place whereas wee saw the Carmosell, we were not suffered to have neither needle, bodkin, knife, or any other weapon about us, nor at any other time in the night, upon paine of one hundred bastonadoes: wee were then also cruelly manackled in such sort, that we could not put our handes the length of one foote asunder the one from the other, and every night they searched our chaines three times, to see if they were fast riveted: Wee continued fight with the Carmosell three houres, and then wee tooke it, and lost but two of our men in that fight, but there were slaine of the Greekes five, and foureteene were cruelly hurt, and they that were sound, were presently made slaves, and chained to the oares : and within fifteene dayes after we returned againe into Tripolis, and then wee were put to all maner of slaverie. I was put to hewe stones, and other to cary stones, and some to draw the Cart with earth, and some to make morter, and some to draw stones, (for at that time the Turkes builded a church :) And thus we were put to all kinde of slaverie that was to be done. And in the time of our being there, the Moores that are the husbandmen of the countrey, rebelled against the king, because he would have constrained them to pay greater tribute then heretofore they had done, so that the Souldiours of Tripolis marched foorth of the towne to have joyned battell against the Moores for their rebellion, and the King sent with them foure pieces of Ordinance, which were drawen by the captives twentie miles into the Countrey after them, and at the sight thereof the Moores fled, and then the Captaines returned backe againe. Then I and certaine Christians more were sent twelve miles into the countrey with a Cart to lode timber, and we returned againe the same day.

Nowe the king had 18. captives, which three times a weeke went to fetch wood thirtie miles from the towne: and on a time he appointed me for one of the 18. and wee departed at eight of the clocke in the night, and upon the way as wee rode upon the camels, I demaunded of one of our company, who did direct us the way? he sayd, that there was a Moore in our company which was our guide: and I demaunded of them how Tripolis and the wood bare one off the other? and hee said, East Northeast, and West Southwest. And at midnight or neere thereabouts, as I was riding upon my camel, I fell asleepe, and the guide and all the rest rode away from me, not thinking but I had bene among them. When I awooke, and finding my selfe alone durst not call nor hallow for feare least the wilde Moores should heare me, because they holde this opinion, that in killing a Christian they do God good service: and musing with my selfe what were best for me to do, if I should goe foorth, and the wilde Moores should hap to meete with mee, they would kill mee: and on the other side, if I should returne backe to Tripolis without any wood or company, I should be most miserably used: therefore of two evils, rather I had to goe foorth to the loosing of my life, then to turne backe and trust to their mercie, fearing to bee used as before I had seene others: for understanding by some of my company before, howe Tripolis and the saide wood did lie one off another, by the North starre I went forth at adventure, and as God would have it, I came right to the place where they were, even about an houre before day: there altogether wee rested and gave our camels provender, and assoone as the day appeared, we rode all into the wood: and I seeing no wood there, but a sticke here and a sticke there, about the bignesse of a mans arme growing in the sand, it caused mee to marveile how so many camels should be loden in that place. The wood was Juniper, we needed no axe nor edge toole to cut it, but pluckt it up by strength of hands rootes and all, which a man might easily do, and so gathered it together, a little at one place and so at another, and laded our camels, and came home about seven of the clocke that night folowing: because I fell lame, and my camel was tired, I left my wood in the way.

There was in Tripolis that time a Venetian, whose name was Benedetto Venetiano, and seventeene captives more of his company, which ranne away from Tripolis in a boate, and came in sight of an Island called Malta , which lieth fourtie leagues from Tripolis right North, and being within a mile of the shoare, & very faire weather, one of their company said, In dispetto de dio adesso venio a pilliar terra, which is as much to say: In the despite of God I shall now fetch the shoare, and presently there arose a mighty storme, with thunder and raine and the wind at North, their boate being very small, so that they were inforced to beare up roome, and to sheare right afore the winde over against the coast of Barbarie from whence they came, and rowing up and downe the coast, their victuals being spent, the 21. day after their departure they were inforced through the want of food to come ashoare, thinking to have stolne some sheepe: but the Moores of the countrey very craftily perceiving their intent, gathered together a threescore horsemen, and hid themselves behinde a sandie hill, and when the Christians were come all a shoare, and past up halfe a mile into the countrey, the Moores rode betwixt them and their boate, and some of them pursued the Christians, and so they were all taken and brought to Tripolis, from whence they had before escaped: and presently the king commaunded that the foresaide Benedetto with one more of his company should lose their eares, and the rest should be most cruelly beaten, which was presently done. This king had a sonne which was a ruler in an Island called Gerbi, whereunto arrived an English shippe called the Greene Dragon, of the which was Master one M. Blonket, who having a very unhappy boy in that shippe, and understanding that whosoever would turne Turke should be well enterteined of the kings sonne, this boy did runne a shoare, and voluntarily turned Turke. Shortly after the kings sonne came to Tripolis to visite his father, and seeing our company, hee greatly fancied Richard Burges our Purser, and James Smith: they were both yong men, therefore he was very desirous to have them to turne Turkes, but they would not yeeld to his desire, saying: We are your fathers slaves, and as slaves wee will serve him. Then his father the king sent for them, and asked them if they would turne Turkes? And they saide: If it please your highnesse, Christians we were borne, and so we will remaine, and beseeched the king that they might not bee inforced thereunto. The king had there before in his house a sonne of a yeoman of our Queenes guard, whom the kings sonne had inforced to turne Turke, his name was John Nelson : him the king caused to be brought to these yong men, and then said unto them: Wil not you beare this your countreyman company, and be Turke as hee is? And they saide, that they would not yeeld thereunto during life. But it fell out, that within a moneth after, the kings sonne went home to Gerbi againe, being sixe score miles from Tripolis, and caried our two foresaid yong men with him, which were Richard Burges, and James Smith: and after their departure from us, they sent us a letter, signifying that there was no violence shewed unto them as yet, but within three dayes after they were violently used, for that the kings sonne demaunded of them againe, if that they would turne Turke? Then answered Richard Burges, a Christian I am, and so I will remaine. Then the kings sonne very angerly said unto him: By Mahomet thou shalt presently be made Turke. Then called he for his men, and commanded them to make him Turke, and they did so, and circumcised him, and would have had him speake the wordes that thereunto belonged, but he answered them stoutly that he would not: and although they had put on him the habite of a Turke, yet sayd he, A Christian I was borne, and so I will remaine, though you force me to doe otherwise.

And then he called for the other, and commaunded him to be made Turke perforce also: but he was very strong, for it was so much as eight of the kings sonnes men could doe to holde him, so in the ende they circumcised him, and made him Turke. Now to passe over a litle, and so to shewe the maner of our deliverance out of that miserable captivitie.

In May aforesaid, shortly after our apprehension, I wrote a letter into England unto my father dwelling in Tavistoke in Devonshire , signifying unto him the whole estate of our calamities: and I wrote also to Constantinople to the English Embassadour, both which letters were faithfully delivered. But when my father had received my letter, and understood the trueth of our mishap, and the occasion thereof, and what had happened to the offenders, he certified the right honourable the earle of Bedford thereof, who in short space acquainted her highnesse with the whole cause thereof, and her Majestie like a most mercifull princesse tendering her Subjects, presently tooke order for our deliverance. Whereupon the right worshipful sir Edward Osborne knight directed his letters with all speed to the English Embassadour in Constantinople, to procure our delivery: and he obteined the great Turkes Commission, and sent it foorthwith to Tripolis, by one Master Edward Barton, together with a Justice of the great Turkes, and one souldiour, and another Turke, and a Greeke which was his interpretour, which could speake besides Greeke, Turkish, Italian, Spanish and English. And when they came to Tripolis, they were well interteined. And the first night they did lie in a Captaines house in the towne: all our company that were in Tripolis came that night for joy to Master Barton and the other Commissioners to see them. Then master Barton said unto us, welcome my good countreymen, and lovingly interteined us, and at our departure from him, he gave us two shillings, and said, Serve God, for to morrow I hope you shall be as free as ever you were; We all gave him thankes and so departed.

The next day in the morning very early, the King having intelligence of their comming, sent word to the keeper, that none of the Englishmen (meaning our company) should goe to worke. Then he sent for Master Barton and the other Commissioners, and demaunded of the saide Master Barton his message: the Justice answered, that the great Turke his Sovereigne had sent them unto him, signifying that he was informed that a certaine English shippe, called the Jesus, was by him the saide king confiscated, about twelve moneths since, and nowe my saide Sovereigne hath here sent his especiall commission by us unto you, for the deliverance of the saide shippe and goods, and also the free libertie and deliverance of the Englishmen of the same shippe, whom you have taken and kept in captivitie. And further the same Justice saide, I am authorized by my said soveraigne the great Turke to see it done: And therefore I commaund you by vertue of this commission, presently to make restitution of the premisses or the value thereof: and so did the Justices deliver unto the King the great Turkes commission to the effect aforesaide, which com mission the king with all obedience received: and after the perusing of the same, he foorthwith commanded all the English captives to be brought before him, and then willed the keeper to strike off all our yrons, which done, the king said, You Englishmen, for that you did offend the lawes of this place, by the same lawes therefore some of your company were condemned to die as you knowe, and you to bee perpetuall captives during your lives: notwithstanding, seeing it hath pleased my soveraigne lord the great Turke to pardon your said offences, and to give you your freedome and libertie, beholde, here I make delivery of you to this English Gentleman: so hee delivered us all that were there, being thirteene in number, to Master Barton, who required also those two yong men which the Kings sonne had taken with him. Then the king answered that it was against their lawe to deliver them, for that they were turned Turkes: and touching the ship and goods, the king said, that he had solde her, but would make restitution of the value, and as much of the goods as came unto his hands, and so the king arose and went to dinner, and commaunded a Jew to goe with Master Barton and the other commissioners, to shew them their lodging, which was a house provided and appointed them by the said king. And because I had the Italian & Spanish tongues, by which their most trafique in that countrey is, Master Barton made me his Cater to buy his victuals for him and his company, and delivered me money needfull for the same. Thus were wee set at libertie the 28. day of April, 1585.

Nowe to returne to the kings plagues and punishments, which Almighty God at his will and pleasure sendeth upon men in the sight of the worlde, and likewise of the plagues that befell his children and others aforesaide. First when wee were made bondmen, being the second day of May 1584. the king had 300. captives, and before the moneth was expired, there died of them of the plague 150. And whereas there were 26. men of our company, of whom two were hanged, and one died the same day that wee were made bondslaves: that present moneth there died nine more of our company of the plague, and other two were forced to turne Turkes as before is rehearsed: and on the fourth day of June next following the king lost 150. camels, which were taken from him by the wilde Moores: and on the 28. day of the saide moneth of June, one Geffrey Maltese, a renegado of Malta , ranne away to his countrey, and stole a Brigandine which the king had builded for to take the Christians withall, and caried with him twelve Christians more which were the kings captives. Afterward about the tenth day of July next following, the king road foorth upon the greatest and fairest mare that might be seene, as white as any swanne: hee had not ridden fourtie paces from his house, but on a sudden the same mare fell downe under him starke dead, and I with sixe more were commaunded to burie her, skinne, shoes and all, which we did. And about three moneths after our deliverie, Master Barton, with all the residue of his company, departed from Tripolie to Zante , in a vessell, called a Settea, of one Marcus Segoorus, who dwelt in Zante , and after our arrivall at Zante wee remained fifteene dayes there aboorde our vessell, before wee coulde have Platego (that is, leave to come a shoare) because the plague was in that place, from whence wee came: and about three dayes after we came a shoare, thither came another Settea of Marseils bound for Constantinople. Then did Master Barton, and his company, with two more of our company, shippe themselves as passengers in the same Settea, and went to Constantinople. But the other nine of us that remained in Zante , about three moneths after, shipt our selves in a shippe of the said Marcus Segoorus, which came to Zante , and was bound for England. In which three moneths, the souldiers of Tripolie killed the said king. And then the Kings sonne, according to the custome there, went to Constantinople, to surrender up all his fathers treasure, goods, captives, and concubines, unto the great Turke, and tooke with him our saide Purser Richard Burges, and James Smith, and also the other two Englishmen, which he the said kings sonne had inforced to become Turkes, as is aforesayd. And they the said Englishmen finding now some opportunitie, concluded with the Christian captives which were going with them unto Constantinople, being in number about one hundred and fiftie, to kill the kings sonne, and all the Turkes which were aboord of the Galley, and privily the saide Englishmen conveyed unto the saide Christian captives, weapons for that purpose. And when they came into the maine Sea, towarde Constantinople (upon the faithfull promise of the sayde Christian captives (these foure Englishmen lept suddenly into the Crossia, that is, into the middest of the Galley, where the canon lieth, and with their swordes drawne, did fight against all the foresaid Turkes, and for want of helpe of the saide Christian captives, who falsly brake their promises, the said Master Blonkets boy was killed, and the sayde James Smith, and our Pursser Richard Burges, and the other Englishman, were taken and bound into chaines, to be hanged at their arrivall in Constantinople: and as the Lordes will was, about two dayes after, passing through the gulfe of Venice , at an Island called Cephalonia , they met with two of the duke of Venice his Gallies, which tooke that Galley, and killed the kings sonne, and his mother, and all the Turkes that were there, in number 150. and they saved the Christian captives, and would have killed the two Englishmen because they were circumcised, and become Turkes, had not the other Christian captives excused them, saying, that they were inforced to be Turkes, by the kings sonne, and shewed the Venetians also, how they did enterprise at sea to fight against all the Turks, and that their two fellowes were slaine in that fight. Then the Venetians saved them, and they, with all the residue of the said captives, had their libertie, which were in number 150. or thereabouts, and the saide Gallie, and all the Turkes treasure was confiscated to the use of the state of Venice. And from thence our two Englishmen travelled homeward by land, and in this meane time we had one more of our company, which died in Zante , and afterward the other eight shipped themselves at Zante , in a shippe of the said Marcus Segorus, which was bound for England: and before we departed thence, there arrived the Assension, and the George Bonaventure of London in Cephalonia , in a harbour there, called Arrogostoria, whose Marchants agreed with the Marchants of our shippe, and so laded al the marchandise of our shippe into the said ships of London, who tooke us eight in as passengers, and so we came home, and within two moneths after our arrivall at London, our said Purser Richard Burges, and his fellow came home also: for the which we are bound to praise Almightie God, during our lives, and as duetie bindeth us, to pray for the preservation of our most gracious Queene, for the great care her Majestie had over us, her poore Subjects, in seeking and procuring of our deliverance aforesaide: and also for her honourable privie Counsell, and I especiall for the prosperitie and good estate of the house of the late deceased, the right honourable the Earle of Bedford, whose honour I must confesse, most diligently at the suite of my father now departed, traveiled herein: for the which I rest continually bounden to him, whose soule I doubt not, but is already in the heavens in joy, with the Almightie, unto which place he vouchsafe to bring us all, that for our sinnes suffered most vile and shameful death upon the Crosse, there to live perpetually world without ende, Amen.

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