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The first voyage made by Master William Towrson Marchant of London, to the coast of Guinea, with two Ships, in the yeere 1555.

UPON Munday the thirtieth day of September wee departed from the Isle of Wight, out of the haven of Neuport with two good shippes, the one called the Hart, the other the Hinde, both of London, and the Masters of them were John Ralph, and William Carter, for a voyage to bee made unto the River de Sestos in Guinea, and to other havens thereabout.

It fell out by the varietie of windes, that it was the foureteenth day of October before wee coulde fetch Dartmouth : and being there arrived wee continued in that roade sixe dayes, and the 20. of October we warpt out of the haven, and set saile, directing our course towards the Southwest, and the next morning we were runne by estimation thirty leagues.

The first of November we found ourselves to be in 31. degrees of latitude by the reckoning of our Master. This day we ranne about 40. leagues also.

The second day we ranne 36. leagues.

The third day we had sight of Porto Santo, which is a small Island lying in the sea, about three leagues long, and a league & a halfe broad, & is possessed by Portugals. It riseth as we came from the Northnorthwest like two small hilles neere together. The East end of the same Island is a high land like a saddle with a valley, which makes it to beare that forme. The West ende of it is lower with certaine small round hillocks. This Island lyeth in thirty and three degrees. The same day at 11. of the clocke we raysed the Isle of Madera, which lieth 12. leagues from Porto Santo, towards the Southwest: that Island is a faire Island and fruitfull, and is inhabited by Portugals, it riseth afarre off like a great whole land and high. By three of the clocke this day at after noone we were thwart of Porto Santo, and we set our course Southwest, to leave the Isle of Madera to the Eastward, as we did Porto Santo. These two Islands were the first land that we saw since wee left the coast of England. About three of the clocke after midnight wee were thwart of Madera, within three leagues of the West ende of it, and by meanes of the high hilles there, we were becalmed : We suppose we ranne this day and night 30. leagues.

The fourth day wee lay becalmed under the Isle of Madera, untill one of the clocke at afternoone, and then, the winde comming into the East, wee went our course, and ranne that day fifteene leagues.

The 5. day we ranne 15. leagues more.

The 6. day in the morning we raysed the Isle of Tenerif, otherwise called the Pike, because it is a very high Island, with a pike upon the top like a loafe of suger. The same night we raised the Isle of Palma, which is a high land also, and to the Westward of the Isle of Tenerif.

The 7. day we perceived the Isle of Gomera, which is an Island standing betwixt Tenerif and Palma, about 12. leagues Eastward from Palma, and 8. leagues Westward from Tenerif : and for feare of being becalmed with the Isle of Tenerif, we left both it, and Gomera to the Eastward of us, and went betwixt Palma and Gomera. We ranne this day and night 30. leagues.

Note that these Islands be 60. leagues from Madera, and that there are 3. Islands more to the Westward of Tenerif, named the Grand Canaria, Forte-ventura, & Lancerot, of which Islands we came not in sight: they be inhabited by Spaniards.

This day also we had sight of the Isle of Ferro, which is to the Southwards 13. leagues from the other Islands, and is possessed by Spaniards. All this day and night by reason of the winde we could not double the point of the Isle of Ferro, except we would have gone to the Westward of it, which had bene much out of our course: therefore we kept about, and ranne backe five houres Eastnortheast to the ende we might double it upon the next boord, the winde continuing Southeast, which hath not bene often seene upon that coast by any travailers: for the winde continueth there for the most part Northeast, & East Northeast: so upon the other boord by the next morning we were in a maner with the Island, and had roome ynough to double the same.

The 8. day we kept our course as neere the winde as wee could, because that our due course to fetch the coast of Barbary was Southeast and by East, but by the scant winde wee could not goe our due course, but went as neere it as we could, and ranne this day and night 25. leagues.

The 9. day we ranne 30. leagues, the 10. 25. leagues, the 12. 24.

The 12. day we sawe a saile under our Lee, which was as we thought a fisherman, so that wee went roome to have spoken with him, but within one houre there fell such a fogge, that wee could not see the shippe nor one of us the other: we shot off divers pieces to the Hinde, but she heard them not: at after noone she shot off a piece which wee heard, and made her answere with another: and within one halfe houre after the fogge brake up, and we were within 4. leagues of the shoare upon the coast of Barbary, and wee sounded and had 14. fadom water. The Barke also came roome with us and there ankered by reason of the contrary winde. When we fell with the land, we could not judge justly what part of the land it was, because the most part of that coast is lowe land, and no part to be judged of it but the forepart of the shoare, which is white like chalke or sand, and very deepe unto the hard shoare: there immediatly we began to fish, and found great store of a kinde of fish which the Portugals commonly fish for upon that coast, which they cal Pergosses, the Frenchmen call them Saders, and our men salt-water breames. Before the clearing up of the fogge, the shippe which we followed shaped us such a course that we could see her no more, by reason of our shooting off to finde the Hinde againe. This part of the coast of Barbary, by our Pilots reckoning, is about 16. leagues to the Eastwards of the river del Oro.

The 13. day in the afternoone wee spyed a saile comming towards us, which wee judged to be the saile that wee sawe the day before, and as soone as we spied him, wee caused the Hinde to way her ancre and to goe towardes him, and manned out our Skiffe in like case to lay him aboorde, or to discerne what hee was, and wee our selves within halfe an houre after wayed also: but after the saile had espied us, hee kept about, and turned backe againe, and shortly after there fell such another fogge, that wee coulde not see him: which fogges continued all that night, so that we were constrained to leave the chase. This afternoone the winde came about, and wee went our course Southwest and by West, to goe cleare off the coast, wee ranne that night sixteene leagues.

The foureteenth day in the morning was very foggie: but about twelve a clocke wee espied a Carvell of 60. tunne which was fishing, and we sent our Skiffe to him with five men, and all without any weapon saving their Oares. The Carvell for haste let slippe her ancre, and set saile; and they seeing that, fearing that they should not fetch her, would tary for no weapons, and in the ende overtooke the Carvell, and made her to strike saile, and brought her away, although they had foureteene or fifteene men aboord, & every man his weapon, but they had not the hearts to resist our men. After they were come to us, they let fall their ancre, for wee had cast ancre because the winde was not good: I caused then the Skiffe to come for mee, and I went aboorde of them to see that no harme should bee done to them, nor to take any thing but that which they might spare us for our money. So we tooke of them 3. Tapnets of figges, two small pots of oyle, two pipes of water, foure hogsheads of saltfish which they had taken upon the coast, and certaine fresh fish which they did not esteeme, because there is such store upon that coast, that in an houre and sometime lesse, a man may take as much fish as will serve twentie men a day. For these things, and for some wine which wee dranke aboorde of them, and three or foure great Cannes which they sent aboord of our shippes, I payed them twentie and seven Pistolets, which was twise as much as they willingly would have taken: and so let them goe to their ancre and cable which they had let slippe, and got it againe by our helpe. After this wee set saile, but the winde caused us to ancre againe about twelve leagues off the river del Oro, as the Portugals tolde us. There were five Carvels more in this place, but when they sawe us, they made all away for feare of us.

The 15. day we ridde still because of the winde.

The 16. day we set saile and ranne our course 40. leagues. This day, by the reckoning of our Pilots, we were right under the Tropike of Cancer. The 17. day we ranne 25. leagues within sight for the most part of the coast of Barbary.

The 18. day wee ranne thirtie leagues, and at twelve of the clocke by the reckoning of our Pilots we were thwart of Cape Blanke.

The 22. day our Pilots reckoned us to be thwart Cape Verde.

The 12. day of December we had sight of land of Guinea, which as soone as we saw we halled into the land Northeast, and about 12. of the clocke at night we were neere the shoare within lesse then 2. leagues: and then we kept about and sounded, and found 18. fadom water. Afterwards we saw a light towards the shoare, which we thought to have bene a ship, and thereby judged it to be the river de Sestos, which light as soone as we espied, we came to an anker & armed our tops, and made all things ready to fight, because we doubted that it might be some Portugal or French man: this night we remained at an anker, but in the morning we saw no man, only we espied 4. rockes about 2. English miles from us, one great rocke, and the 3. other smal ones, which when we sawe, we supposed that the light came from the shore, and so wayed and set saile East Southeast along the shoare, because the Master did not well know the place, but thought that we were not so farre to the East as the river de Sestos.

This land all a long is a low land, and full of very high trees all along the shoare, so that it is not possible to know the place that a man doth fall withall, except it be by the latitude: In these 24. houres I thinke we ran 16. leagues, for all the night we had a great gale as we were under saile, and had withall store of thunder and lightnings.

The 13. day for the most part we ran East Southeast all along the shoare, within two leagues alwayes of the same, and found the land all as at the first, ful of woods and great rocks hard aboord the shoare, and the billow beating so sore, that the seas brake upon the shoare as white as snow, and the water mounted so high that a man might easily discerne it 4. leagues off, in such wise that no boate could land there. Thus we ran until 12. of the clocke, and then they tooke the Sunne and after judged themselves to be 24. leagues past the river de Sestos to the Eastwards, by reason whereof we halled into the shoare within two English miles, and there ancred and found fifteene fadom water, and all off from the shoare the sea so smooth, that we might wel have rid by an Hawser. All that after-noone we trimmed our boate and made her a saile, to the ende that she might go along by the shoore to seeke some place to water in: for wee could not goe backe againe to the river de Sestos, because the winde blowes alwayes contrary, and the Currant runneth alwayes to the Eastwards, which was also against us.

The 14. day we set saile & went back againe along the coast, and sent our boats hard aboord the shoare to seeke a watering place, which they found about 12. of the clock, and we being farre into the sea, met with divers boats of the Countrey, small, long and narrow, & in every boate one man and no more: we gave them bread which they did eat, & were very glad of it. About 4 of the clocke our boats came to us with fresh water: and this night we ankered against a River.

The 15. day we wayed and set saile to goe neere the shoare, and with our leade wee sounded all the way, and found sometimes rockes, and sometimes faire ground, and at the shallowest found 7. fadoms alwayes at the least. So in fine we found 7. fadom and a halfe within an English mile of the shoare, and there we ankered in a maner before the mouth of the River, and then wee sent our boats into the River for water, which went about a mile within the River, where they had very good water. This River lieth by estimation 8. leagues beyond the River de Sestos, and is called in the Carde River S. Vincent, but it is so hard to finde, that a boat being within halfe a mile of it shall not be able to discerne that it is a River: by reason that directly before the mouth of it there lyeth a ledge of rockes, which is much broader then the River, so that a boate must runne in along the shoare a good way betwixt the rockes and the shoare before it come to the mouth of the River, and being within it, it is a great River and divers other Rivers fall into it: The going into it is somewhat ill, because that at the entring the seas do goe somewhat high, but being once within it, it is as calme as the Thames .

There are neere to the Sea upon this River divers inhabitants, which are mighty bigge men and go al naked except some thing before their privie parts, which is like a clout about a quarter of a yard long made of the barke of trees, and yet it is like a cloth: for the barke is of that nature, that it will spin small after the maner of linnen. Some of them also weare the like upon their heades being painted with divers colours, but the most part of them go bare headed, and their heads are clipped and shorne of divers sorts, and the most part of them have their skin of their bodies raced with divers workes, in maner of a leather Jerkin. The men and women goe so alike, that one cannot know a man from a woman but by their breastes, which in the most part be very foule and long, hanging downe low like the udder of a goate.

The same morning we went into the River with our Skiffe, and caried certaine basons, manels, &c. And there we tooke that day one hogs-head and 100. li. waight of Graines, and two Elephants teeth at a reasonable good reckoning. Wee solde them both basons, and Manelios, and Margarits, but they desired most to have basons: For the most part of our basons wee had by estimation about 30. li. for a piece, and for an Elephants tooth of 30. li. waight, we gave them 6.

The 16. day in the morning we went into the river with our Skiffe, and tooke some of every sort of our marchandize with us, and shewed it to the Negroes, but they esteemed it not, but made light of it, and also of the basons, Manellios and Margarits, which yesterday they did buy: howbeit for the basons they would have given us some graines, but to no purpose, so that this day wee tooke not by estimation above one hundreth pound waight of Graines, by meanes of their Captaine, who would suffer no man to sell any thing but through his hands, and at his price: he was so subtile, that for a bason hee would not give 15. pound waight of Graines, and sometimes would offer us small dishfuls, whereas before wee had baskets full, and when he saw that wee would not take them in contentment, the Captaine departed, and caused all the rest of the boates to depart, thinking belike that wee would have followed them, and have given them their owne askings. But after that wee perceived their fetch, wee wayed our Grapnel and went away, and then wee went on land into a small Towne to see the fashions of the Countrey, and there came a three score of them about us, and at the first they were afraid of us, but in the ende perceiving that wee did no hurt, they would come to us and take us by the hand and be familiar with us, and then we went into their Townes, which were like to twentie small hovels, all covered over with great leaves and baggage, and all the sides open, and a scaffolde under the house about a yard high, where they worke many pretie things of the barkes of trees, and there they lye also. In some of their houses they worke yron and make faire dartes, and divers other things to worke their boates, and other things withall, and the women worke as well as the men. But when wee were there divers of the women to shew us pleasure danced and sung after their maner, full ill to our eares. Their song was thus:

“ Sakere, sakere, ho, ho. Sakere, sakere, ho, ho.”

And with these words they leape and dance and clap their hands. Beastes we could see none that they had, but two goates, small dogges, and small hennes: other beastes we saw none. After that we had well marked all things we departed and went aboord our ships: which thing the Captaine of the other towne perceiving, sent two of his servants in a boat with a basket of Graines, and made us signes that if when we had slept wee would come againe into their river, wee should have store of Graines, and so shewed us his Graines and departed.

The 17. day in the morning because we thought that the Negroes would have done something because the Captaine sent for us, I required the Master to goe on shoare, and sent the rest of our Marchants with him, and taried aboord my selfe by reason that the last day he esteemed our things so litle: so when the Master and the rest came into the river, the captaine with divers others came to them, and brought Graines with them, & after that he saw that I was not there, he made signes to know where I was, and they made signes to him againe that I was in the ships: and then hee made signes to know who was Captaine by the name of Diago, for so they call their Captaine, & they pointed to the master of the ship: then he began to shew his Graines, but he held them so unreasonably, that there was no profit to be made of them: which things the Master perceiving, and seeing that they had no store of Graines, came away, and tooke not above 50. pound waight of Graines. Then he went a shoare to the litle Towne where we were the day before, & one of them plucked a Gourd, wherewith the Negroes were offended, & came many of them to our men with their darts and great targets, and made signes to them to depart: which our men did, having but one bow and two or three swords, and went aboord the boate and came away from them: and assoone as they were come aboord we wayed and set saile, but the winde was off the Sea, so that we could not get out cleare of certaine rocks, and therefore we came to an ancre againe.

This river is called River S. Vincent, standing in 4. degrees and a halfe, and it ebbeth and floweth there every 12. houres, but not much water when it ebbeth the most: while wee were there, it ebbed one fadome and a halfe water.

This countrey as farre as we could perceive is altogether woody, and al strange trees, whereof wee knewe none, and they were of many sorts, with great leaves like great dockes, which bee higher then any man is able to reach the top of them.

There are certaine peason by the Sea side, which grow upon great and very long stalkes, one of the stalkes I measured and found it 27. paces long, and they grow upon the sand like to trees, and that so neere the Sea, that sometimes the Sea floweth into the woods as we might perceive by the water markes. The trees and all things in this place grow continually greene. Divers of the women have such exceeding long breasts, that some of them wil lay the same upon the ground and lie downe by them, but all the women have not such breasts.

At this place all the day the winde bloweth off the Sea, and all the night off the land, but wee found it to differ sometimes, which our Master marvelled at.

This night at 9. of the clocke the winde came up at the East, which ordinarily about that time was wont to come out of the North Northwest off the shoare: yet we wayed and hailed off South with that winde all night into the Sea, but the next morning we hailed in againe to the lande, and tooke in 6. Tunnes of water for our ship, and I thinke the Hinde tooke in as much.

I could not perceive that here was any gold, or any other good thing: for the people be so wilde and idle, that they give themselves to seeke out nothing : if they

would takes paines they might gather great store of graines, but in this place I could not perceive two Tunne.

There are many foules in the Countrey, but the people wil not take the paines to take them.

I observed some of their words of speach, which I thought good here to set downe.

Bezow, bezow, Is their salutation.
Manegete afoye, Graines ynough.
Crocow afoye, Hennes ynough.
Zeramme afoye, Have you ynough?
Begge sacke, Give me a knife.
Begge come, Give me bread.
Borke, Holde your peace.
Coutrecke, Ye lye.
Veede, Put foorth, or emptie.
Brekeke, Rowe.
Diago, Their Captaine, and some call him Dabo .

These and other wordes they speake very thicke, and oftentimes recite one word three times together, and at the last time longer then at the two first.

The 18. day towards night, as we were sailing along the coast, we met with certaine boats in the sea, & the men shewed us that there was a river thwart of us, where there were Graines to be sold, but we thought it not good to tary there, least the other ships should get before us. This river hath lying before it three great rockes, and 5. small rocks, one great tree, and a litle tree right by the river, which in height exceeded all the rest: we halled this night along the coast 10. leagues.

The 19. day as we coasted the shoare, about twelve of the clocke there came out to us 3. boates to tell us that they had graines, & brought some with them for a shew, but we could not tary there. We proceeded along the coast, & ancred by the shore all the night, and ran this day 10. leagues.

The 20. day the Hinde having ankered by us amongst rockes, and foule ground, lost a small anker. At noone, as we passed along the coast, there came forth a Negro to us, making signes, that if we would goe a shoare, wee should have Graines, and where wee ankered at night, there came another to us, and brought Graines, and shewed us them, and made signes that wee should tary, and made a fire upon the land in the night, meaning thereby to tell us where we should land, and so they did in divers other places upon the coast, where they saw us to anker.

In al the places where we have ancred, since we came from our watring place, we have found the tide alwayes running to the Westwards, and all along the coast many rockes hard aboord the shoare, and many of them a league off the shoare or more, we ran this day 12. leagues.

The 21. day, although we ranne all day with a good gale of winde, yet the tides came so sore out of the coast, that we were not able to runne above sixe leagues: and this day there came some Negroes to us, as there had done other times.

The 22. wee ranne all day and night to double a point, called Das palmas, and ranne sixteene leagues.

The 23. day about 3. of the clocke we were thwart of the point, & before we came to the Westermost part of it, we saw a great ledge of rocks, which lie West from the Cape about 3. leagues and a league or more from the land. Shortly after we had sight of the Eastermost part of the Cape, which lieth 4. leagues from the Westermost part, and upon the very corner thereof lie two greene places, as it were closes, and to the Westwards of the Cape the land parted from the Cape, as it were a Bay, whereby it may well be knowen. Foure leagues more beyonde that there lieth a head-land in the sea, and about two leagues beyond the head-land there goeth in a great Bay, as it were a river, before which place we ankered all that night, which wee did, least in the night wee should overrunne a river, where the last yeere they had all their Elephants teeth.

This Cape Das palmas lieth under foure degrees and a halfe, and betwixt the said Cape, and the river de Sestos is the greatest store of Graines to be had, and being past the said Cape, there is no great store else where.

Where we ankered this night, we found that the tide, which before ran alwayes to the Westward, from this Cape runneth all to the Eastward: this day we ranne some 16. leagues.

The 24. day running our course, about eight of the clock there came forth to us certaine boats, which brought with them small egges, which were soft without shels, and they made us signes, that there was within the land fresh water, and Goates: and the Master thinking that it was the river which we sought, cast ancker and sent the boate on shoare, with one that knew the river, and comming neere the shoare, hee perceived that it was not the river, and so came backe againe, and went along the shoare, with their oares and saile, and wee weyed and ranne along the shoare also: and being thirteene leagues beyond the Cape, the Master perceived a place which he judged to be the river, when wee were in deede two miles shot past it: yet the boate came from the shoare, and they that were in her saide, that there was no river: notwithstanding wee came to an ancker, and the Master and I tooke five men with us in the boat, and when hee came neere the shoare, hee perceived that it was the same river which hee did seeke: so we rowed in, and found the entrance very ill, by reason that the sea goeth so high: and being entred, divers boates came to us, and shewed us that they had Elephants teeth, and they brought us one of about eight pound, & a little one of a pound, which we bought: then they brought certaine teeth to the river side, making signes, that if the next day we would come againe, they would sell us them: so we gave unto two Captaines, to either of them a manillio, and so we departed, and came aboord, and sent out the other boate to another place, where certaine boates that came into the sea, made us signes that there was fresh water: and being come thither, they found a towne, but no river, yet the people brought them fresh water, and shewed them an Elephants tooth, making signes that the next day they would sel them teeth, and so they came aboord.

This river lieth by the Carde thirteene leagues from the Cape Das palmas, and there lieth to the Westwards of the same a rocke about a league in the sea, and the river it selfe hath a point of lande comming out into the Sea, whereupon grow five trees, which may well bee discerned two or three leagues off, comming from the Westward, but the river cannot bee perceived untill such time as a man be hard by it, and then a man may perceive a litle Towne on ech side the river, and to ech Towne there belongeth a Captaine. The river is but small, but the water is good and fresh.

Two miles beyond the river, where the other towne is, there lieth another point into the Sea, which is greene like a close, and not above sixe trees upon it, which growe one of them from the other, whereby the coast may well be knowen: for along all the coast that we have hitherto sailed by, I have not seene so much bare land.

In this place, and three or foure leagues to the Westward of it, al along the shoare, there grow many Palme trees, whereof they make their wine de Palma. These trees may easily be knowen almost two leagues off, for they be very high and white bodied, and streight, and be biggest in the midst: they have no boughes, but onely a round bush in the top of them: and at the top of the same trees they boare a hole, and there they hang a bottell, and the juyce of the tree runneth out of the said hole into the bottle, and that is their wine.

From the Cape das Palmas, to the Cape Tres puntas, there are 100. leagues: and to the port where we purpose to make sales of our cloth beyond the Cape Tres puntas 40. leagues.

Note, that betwixt the river De Sestos, and the Cape Das palmas, is the place where all the graines be gathered.

The language of the people of this place, as far as I could perceive, differeth not much from the language of those which dwel where we watred before: but the people of this place be more gentle in nature then the other, and goodlier men: their building & apparel is all one with the others.

Their desire in this place was most of all to have Manillios and Margarites: as for the rest of our things, they did litle esteeme them.

About nine of the clocke there came boates to us foorth, from both of the places aforesaid, and brought with them certaine teeth, and after they had caused me to sweare by the water of the Sea that I would not hurt them, they came aboord our ship three or foure of them, and we gave them to eate of all such things as we had, and they did eate and drinke of all things, as well as we our selves. Afterwards we bought all their teeth, which were in number 14. and of those 14. there were 10. small: afterwards they departed, making us signes that the next day we should come to their Townes.

The 26. day because we would not trifle long at this place I required the Master to goe unto one of the townes, and to take two of our merchants with him, & I my selfe went to the other, and tooke one with me, because these two townes stand three miles asunder. To these places we caried somewhat of every kinde of marchandize that we had: and hee had at the one Towne, nine teeth, which were but small, and at the other towne where I was, I had eleven, which were also not bigge, and we left aboord with the Master certaine Manillios, wherewith he bought 12. teeth aboord the ship, in our absence: and having bought these of them, wee perceived that they had no more teeth: so in that place where I was one brought to me a small goat, which I bought, and to the Master at the other place they brought five small hennes, which be bought also, and after that we saw there was nothing else to be had, we departed, and by one of the clocke we met aboord, and then wayed, and went East our course 18. leagues still within sight of land.

The 28. the wind varied, and we ranne into the sea, and the winde comming againe off the sea, wee fell with the land againe, and the first of the land which we raised shewed as a great red cliffe round, but not very high, and to the Eastward of that another smaller red cliffe, and right above that into the land a round hummoke and greene, which we tooke to be trees. We ranne in these 24. houres, not above foure leagues.

The 29. day comming neere to the shoare, we perceived the red cliffe aforesaide to have right upon the top of it a great heape of trees, and all to the Westwards of it ful of red cliffes as farre as we could see, and all along the shoare, as well upon the cliffes, as otherwise, full of wood: within a mile of the said great cliffe there is a river to the Eastwards, and no cliffes that we could see, except one small cliffe, which is hard by it. We ran this day and night 12. leagues.

The windes that wee had in this place by the reports of the people and of those that have bene there, have not bene usuall, but in the night, at North off the lande, and in the day South off the sea, and most commonly Northwest, and Southwest.

The 31. day we went our course by the shoare Northwards: this land is al along a low shoare, and full of wood, as all the coast is for the most part, and no rockes. This morning came out many boates which went a fishing, which bee greater boates then those which we sawe before, so that in some of them there sate 5. men, but the fashion of the boats is all one. In the afternoone about three of the clocke wee had sight of a Towne by the sea side, which our Pilots judged to be 25. leagues to the Westwards of the Cape Tres puntas.

The third of January in the morning we fell with the Cape Tres puntas, and in the night passed, as our Pilots saide, by one of the Portugals castles, which is 8. leagues to the Westwards of the Cape: upon the first sight of the Cape wee discerned it a very high land, and all growen over with trees, and comming neere to it, we perceived two head lands, as it were two Bayes betwixt them, which opened right to the Westward, and the uttermost of them is the Easterne Cape, there we perceived the middle Cape, and the Eastermost Cape: the middle Cape standeth not above a league from the West Cape, although the Card sheweth them to be 3. leagues one from the other: and that middle Cape hath right before the point of it a small rocke so neere to it, that it cannot be discerned from the Cape, except a man be neere to the shoare, and upon the same Cape standeth a great heape of trees, and when a man is thwart the same Cape to the Eastward, there riseth hard by it a round greene hommoke, which commeth out of the maine.

The thirde Cape is about a league beyond the middle Cape, and is a high land like to the other Capes, and betwixt the middle, and the thirde commeth out a litle head or point of a land out of the maine, and divers rocks hard aboord the shoare.

Before we came to the Capes, being about 8. leagues off them, wee had the land Southeast, and by East, and being past the Capes, the land runneth in againe East Northeast.

About two leagues beyond the farthest Cape there is a lowe glade about two miles long, and then the land riseth high againe, and divers head-lands rise one beyond another, and divers rockes lie at the point of the first head-land. The middest of these Capes is the neerest to the Southwards, I meane, further into the sea then any of the other, so that being to the Eastward of it, it may be discerned farre off, and being so to the Eastward it riseth with two small rockes.

This day we ankered for feare of overshooting a towne called S. Johns. Wee ran this day not above 8. leagues. In the afternoone this day there came a boate of the countrey from the shoare, with five men in her, and went along by us, as we thought, to discerne our flagges, but they would not come neere us, and when they had well looked upon us, they departed.

The fourth day in the morning, sailing by the coast, we espied a ledge of rockes by the shoare, and to the Westwards of them two great greene hils joyning together, so that betweene them it was hollow like a saddle: and within the said rockes the Master thought the aforenamed Towne had stoode, and therefore we manned our boates, and tooke with us cloth, and other marchandize, and rowed ashoare, but going along by the coast, we sawe that there was no towne, therefore wee went aboord againe.

From these two hils aforesaid, about two leagues to the Eastward, lie out into the Sea almost two miles a ledge of rockes, and beyond that a great Bay, which runneth into the North Northwestward, and the land in this place lieth North Northeast along the shoare: but the uttermost point of land in that place that we could see, lay Northeast, and by East from us.

After that we were with a small gale of winde runne past that uttermost head-land, we sawe a great red cliffe, which the Master againe judged to be the towne of S. Johns, and then wee tooke our boate with marchandize, and went thither, and when we came thither, we perceived that there was a towne upon the toppe of the hill, and so wee went toward it, and when we were hard by it, the people of the towne came together a great sort of them, and waved us to come in, with a peece of cloth, and so we went into a very faire Bay, which lieth to the Eastward of the cliffe, whereupon the towne standeth, and being within the cliffe, wee let fall our grapnell, and after that we had taried there a good space, they sent a boate aboord of us, to shewe us that they had golde, and they shewed us a peece about halfe a crowne weight, and required to know our measure, & our weight, that they might shewe their Captaine thereof: and wee gave them a measure of two elles, and a waight of two Angels to shew unto him, which they tooke, and went on shoare, and shewed it unto their Captaine, and then they brought us a measure of two elles, one quarter and a halfe, and one Crusado-weight of gold, making us signes that so much they would give for the like measure, and lesse they would not have. After this, we taried there about an houre, and when we sawe that they would doe no otherwise, and withall understood, that all the best places were before us, wee departed to our shippes and wayed, and ranne along the shoare, and went before with our boate, and having sailed about a league, we came to a point where there lay foorth a ledge of rockes, like to the others before spoken of, and being past that people, the Master spied a place which hee saide plainely was the towne of Don John: and the night was come upon us, so that we could not well discerne it, but we ankered as neere unto the place as we could.

The fift day in the morning we perceived it to be the same towne in deede, and we manned our boates and went thither, and because that the last yeere the Portugals at that place tooke away a man from them, and after shot at them with great bases, and did beate them from the place, we let fall our grapnel almost a base shot off the shoare, and there we lay about two houres, and no boats came to us. Then certaine of our men with the Hindes boate went into the Bay which lieth to the Eastward of the towne, and within that Bay they found a goodly fresh river, and afterwards they came and waved to us also to come in, because they perceived the Negroes to come downe to that place, which we did: and immediatly the Negroes came to us, and made us signes that they had golde, but none of them would come aboord our boates, neither could wee perceive any boates that they had to come withall, so that we judged that the Portugals had spoiled their boates, because we saw halfe of their towne destroyed.

Wee having stayed there a good space, and seeing that they would not come to us, thrust our boates heads a shoare, being both well appointed, and then the Captaine of the Towne came downe being a grave man: and he came with his dart in his hand, and sixe tall men after him, every one with his dart & his target, and their darts were all of yron, faire and sharpe, and there came another after them which caried the Captaines stoole: wee saluted him, and put off our caps, and bowed our selves, and hee like one that thought well of himselfe, did not moove his cap, nor scant bowed his body, and sate him downe very solemnly upon his stoole: but all his men put off their caps to us, and bowed downe themselves.

He was clothed from the loines downe with a cloth of that Countrey making, wrapped about him, and made fast about his loynes with a girdle, and his cap of a certaine cloth of the Countrey also, and bare legged, and bare footed, and all bare above the loynes, except his head.

His servants, some of them had cloth about their loines, and some nothing but a cloth betwixt their legges, and made fast before, and behinde to their girdles, and cappes of their owne making, some like a basket, and some like a great wide purse of beasts skinnes.

All their cloth, cordes, girdles, fishing lines, and all such like things which they have, they make of the bark of certaine trees, and thereof they can worke things very pretily, and yron worke they can make very fine, of all such things as they doe occupy, as darts, fishhookes, hooking yrons, yron heads, and great daggers, some of them as long as a woodknife, which be on both sides exceeding sharpe, and bended after the maner of Turkie blades, and the most part of them have hanging at their left side one of those great daggers.

Their targets bee made of such pils as their cloth is made of, and very closely wrought, and they bee in forme foure square, and very great, and somewhat longer then they bee broad, so that kneeling downe, they make their targets to cover their whole body. Their bowes be short, and of a pretie strength, as much as a man is able to draw with one of his fingers, and the string is of the barke of a tree, made flat, and about a quarter of an inch broad: as for their arrowes, I have not as yet seene any of them, for they had wrapped them up close, and because I was busie I could not stand about it, to have them open them. Their golde also they worke very well.

When the Captaine was set, I sent him two elles of cloth, and two basons, and gave them unto him, and hee sent againe for a waight of the same measure, and I sent him a weight of two Angels, which he would not take, nether would hee suffer the towne to buy any thing, but the basons of brasse: so that wee solde that day 74. basons unto the men of the towne, for about halfe an Angel weight, one with another, and nine white basons, which we solde for a quarter of an Angell a peece, or thereabouts.

We shewed them all our other things which we had, but they did not esteeme them.

About two of the clocke, the Captaine who did depart in the morning from us, came againe, and brought with him to present mee withall, a henne, and two great rootes, which I received, and after made me signes that the countrey would come to his towne that night, and bring great store of gold, which in deed about 4. of the clocke they did: for there came about 100. men under 3. Captaines, well appointed with their darts and bowes, and when they came to us, every man sticked downe his dart upon the shoare, and the Captaines had stooles brought them, and they sate downe, and sent a young man aboord of us, which brought a measure with him of an ell, and one fourth part, and one sixteenth part, and he would have that foure times for a waight of one Angell and twelve graines: I offered him two elles, as I had done before for two Angels weight, which he esteemed nothing, but still stucke at his foure measures aforesaid: yet in the ende, when it grew very late, and I made him signes that I would depart, he came to foure elles for the weight abovesaid, and otherwise he would not deale, and so we departed. This day we tooke for basons sixe ounces and a halfe and one eight part.

The sixt day in the morning we manned our boates and the skiffe well, for feare of the Portugals which the last yeere had taken away a man from the other ships, and went on shoare, and landed, because they had no boates to come to us, and so the young man which was with us the night before was sent aboord, who seemed to have dealt and bargained before with the Portugals for he could speake a litle Portuguise, and was perfect in weights and measures: at his comming he offered us, as he had done before, one Angell, and twelve graines for foure elles, and more he would not give, and made signes, that if we would not take that, we should depart, which we did: but before we did indeede depart, I offered him of some rotten cloth three elles for his waight of an Angell and twelve graines, which he would not take, and then we departed making signes to him that we would go away, as indeede we would have done, rather then have given that measure, although the cloth was ill, seeing we were so neere to the places, which we judged to be better for sale. Then we went aboord our ships, which lay about a league off, and came backe againe to the shoare for sand and balaste: and then the Captaine perceiving that the boats had brought no marchandize but came onely for water and sand, and seeing that we would depart, came unto them, making signes againe to know whether we would not give the foure elles, and they made signes againe, that we would give them but three, and when they sawe that the boates were ready to depart, they came unto them and gave them the weight of our Angell and twelve graines, which we required before and made signes, that if we would come againe, they would take three elles. So when the boates came aboord, we layde wares in them both, and for the speedier dispatch I and John Savill went in one boat, and the Master John Makeworth, and Richard Curligin, in the other, and went on shoare, and that night I tooke for my part fiftie and two ounces, and in the other boate they tooke eight ounces and a quarter, all by one weight and measure, and so being very late, we departed and went aboord, and tooke in all this day three pound.

The seventh day we went a shoare againe, and that day I tooke in our boate three pound 19 ounces, so that we dispatched almost all the cloth that we caried with us before noone, and then many of the people were departed & those that remained had litle golde, yet they made us signes to fetch them some latten basons, which I would not because I purposed not to trifle out ye time, but goe thence with speede to Don Johns towne. But John Savill and John Makeworth were desirous to goe againe : and I, loth to hinder them of any profite, consented, but went not my selfe: so they tooke eighteene ounces of gold and came away, seeing that the people at a certaine crie made, were departed.

While they were at the shoare, there came a young fellow which could speake a little Portuguise, with three more with him, and to him I solde 39 basons and two small white sawcers, for three ounces, &c. which was the best reckoning that we did make of any basons: and in the forenoone when I was at the shoare, the Master solde five basons unto the same fellow, for halfe an ounce of gold.

This fellow, as farre as we could perceive, had bene taken into the Castle by the Portugales, and was gotten away from them, for he tolde us that the Portugales were bad men, and that they made them slaves if they could take them, and would put yrons upon their legges, and besides he told us, that as many Frenchmen or Englishmen, as they could take (for he could name these two very well) they would hang them: he told us further, that there were 60 men in the castle, and that every yeere there came thither two shippes, one great, and one small carvell, and further, that Don John had warres with the Portugals, which gave mee the better courage to goe to his towne, which lieth but foure leagues from the Castle, wherehence our men were beaten the last yeere.

This fellowe came aboord our shippe without feare, and assoone as he came, he demaunded, why we had not brought againe their men, which the last yeere we tooke away, and could tell us that there were five taken away by Englishmen: we made him answere, that they were in England well used, and were there kept till they could speake the language, and then they should be brought againe to be a helpe to Englishmen in this Countrey: and then he spake no more of that matter.

Our boates being come aboord, we wayed and set sayle and a litle after spied a great fire upon the shoare, and by the light of the fire we might discerne a white thing, which they tooke to be the Castle, and for feare of overshooting the towne of Don John we there ankered two leagues off the shoare, for it is hard to fetch up a towne here, if a ship overshoot it. This day we tooke seven pound, and five ounces of golde.

This towne lieth in a great Bay, which is very deepe.

The people in this place desired most to have basons and cloth. They would buy some of them also many trifles, as knives, horsetailes, hornes: and some of our men going a shoare, sold a cap, a dagger, a hat, &c.

They showed us a certain course cloth, which I thinke to be made in France, for it was course wooll, and a small threed, and as thicke as wosted, and striped with stripes of greene, white, yellow &c. Divers of the people did weare about their neckes great beades of glasse of diverse colours. Here also I learned some of their language, as followeth:

Mattea, mattea, Is their salutation.
Dasse, dassee, I thanke you.
Sheke, Golde.
Cowrte, Cut.
Cracca, Knives.
Bassina, Basons.
Foco, foco, Cloth.
Molta, Much, or great store.

The eight day in the morning we had sight of the Castle, but by reason of a miste that then fell we could not have the perfect sight of it, till we were almost at the towne of Don John, and then it cleared up, and we saw it and a white house, as it were a Chappell, upon the hill about it: then we hailed into the shoare, within two English miles of Don Johns towne, and there ankered in seven fadome water. Here, as in many other places before, we perceived that the currant went with the winde.

The land here is in some places low and in some high, and full of wood altogether.

The towne of Don John is but litle, of about twentie houses, and the most part of the towne is walled in with a wall of a mans height, made with reede or sedge, or some such thing. Here we staied two or three houres after we had ankered, to see if any man would come unto us : and seeing that none did come, we manned our boates and put in marchandize, and went and ankered with our boates neere to the shoare: then they sent out a man to us who made us signes that that was the towne of Don John, and that he himselfe was in the Countrey, and would be at home at the going downe of the Sunne, and when he had done, he required a reward, as the most part of them will doe which come first aboord, and I gave him one ell of cloth and he departed, and that night we heard no more of him.

The ninth day in the morning we went againe with our boates to the shoare, and there came foorth a boate to us, who made signes that Don John was not come home, but would be at home this day: and to that place also came another boate from the other towne a mile from this, which is called Don Devis, and brought with him gold to shew us, making signes that we should come thither. I then left in this place John Savill, and John Makeworth, and tooke the Hinde, and went to the other towne and there ankered, and tooke cloth and went to shore with the boate, and by and by the boates came to us and brought a measure of foure yards long & a halfe, and shewed us a weight of an angell and twelve graines, which they would give for so much, and not otherwise: so I staied and made no bargaine. And all this day the barke lay at Don Johns towne, and did nothing, having answere that he was not come home.

The tenth day we went againe to the shoare, and there came out a boat with good store of gold, and having driven the matter off a long time, and having brought the measure to a nayle lesse then three elles, and their weight to an angell and twentie graines, and could not bring them to more, I did conclude with them and solde, and within one quarter of an houre I tooke one pound and a quarter of an ounce of golde: and then they made me signes to tary, till they had parted their cloth upon the shoare as their manner is, and they would come againe, and so they went away, and layde the cloth all abroad upon the sande peece by peece, and by and by one came running downe from the towne to them, and spake unto them, and foorthwith every man made as much haste as he could away, and went into the woods to hide his golde and his cloth: we mistrusted some knavery, and being waved by them to come a shoare, yet we would not, but went aboorde the Hinde, and perceived upon the hill 30 men which we judged to be Portugals : and they went up to the toppe of the hill and there mustered and shewed themselves, having a flagge with them. Then I being desirous to knowe what the Hart did, tooke the Hindes boate and went towards her, and when I came neere to them they shot off two pieces of ordinance which I marveiled at: I made as much haste as I could to her, and met her boate and skiffe comming from the shoare in all haste, and we met aboord together. They shewed me that they had beene a shoare all that day, and had given to the two sonnes of Don John, to either of them three yardes and a halfe of cloth, and three basons betwixt them, and had delivered him 3 yards of cloth more and the weight of an angell and 12 graines, and being on land did tarie for his answere, and in the meane time the Portugals came running from the hill upon them, whereof the Negroes a litle before had given them warning, and bad them to go away but they perceived it not. The sonne of Don John conspired with the Portugales against them, so that they were almost upon them, but yet they recovered their boate and set off from the shoare, and the Portugales shot their calievers at them, but hurt no man, and then the shippe perceiving it, shot off the two peeces aforesayde among them. Hereupon we layde bases in both the boates, and in the Skiffe and manned them well, and went a shoare againe, but because of the winde we could not land, but lay off in the sea about ten score and shot at them, but the hill succoured them, and they from the rockes and from the hilles shotte at us with their halfe hakes, and the Negroes more for feare then for love stoode by them to helpe them, and when we saw that the Negroes were in such subjection unto them that they durst not sell us any thing for feare of them we went aboord, and that night the winde kept at the East, so that we could not with our ship fetch the Hinde, but I tooke the boate in the night and went aboord the barke to see what was there to be done, and in the morning we perceived the towne to be in like case layde with Portugales, so we wayed and went along the coast. This towne of John de Viso standeth upon an hill like the towne of Don John, but it hath beene burned, so that there are not passing sixe houses in it: the most part of the golde that comes thither comes out of the countrey, and no doubt if the people durst for feare of the Portugals bring forth their gold, there would be had good store: but they dare not sell any thing, their subjection is so great to the Portugales. The 11 day running by the shoare we had sight of a litle towne foure leagues from the last towne that we came from, and about halfe a league from that, of another towne upon a hill, and halfe a league from that also of another great towne upon the shoare: whither we went to see what could there be done: if we could doe nothing, then to returne to the other towne, because we thought that the Portugales would leave the towne upon our departure. Along from the castle unto this place are very high hilles which may be scene above all other hilles, but they are full of wood, and great red cliffes by the sea side. The boates of these places are somewhat large and bigge, for one of them will carrie twelve men, but their forme is alike with the former boates of the coast. There are about these townes few rivers: their language differeth not from the language used at Don Johns towne : but every one can speake three or foure words of Portuguise, which they used altogether to us.

We sawe this night about 5 of the clocke 22 boates running along the shoare to the Westward, whereupon we suspected some knavery intended against us. The 12 day therefore we set sayle and went further along the coast, and descried more townes wherein were greater houses then in the other townes, and the people came out of the townes to looke upon us, but we could see no boates. Two mile beyond the Eastermost towne are blacke rocks, which blacke rockes continue to the uttermost cape of the land, which is about a league off, and then the land runnes in Eastnortheast, and a sandy shoare againe: upon these blacke rockes came downe certaine Negroes, which waved us with a white flagge, but we perceiving the principall place to be neere, would not stay, but bare still along the shoare: and as soone as we had opened the point of the land, we raysed another head-land about a league off the point, which had a rocke lying off it into the sea, and that they thought to be the place which we sought. When we came thwart the place they knew it, and we put wares into our boate, and the ship being within halfe a mile of the place ankered in five fadome water and faire ground. We went on shoare with our boate, and ankered about ten of the clocke in the forenoone: we saw many boates lying upon the shoare, and divers came by us, but none of them would come neere us, being as we judged afraid of us: because that foure men were taken perforce the last yeere from this place, so that no man came to us, whereupon we went aboord againe, and thought here to have made no saile: yet towardes night a great sort came downe to the water side, and waved us on shoare with a white flagge, and afterwarde their Captaine came downe and many men with him, and sate him downe by the shore under a tree: which when I perceived, I tooke things with me to give him: at last he sent a boat to call to us, which would not come neere us, but made us signes to come againe the next day: but in fine, I got them to come aboord in offering them things to give to their captaine, which were two elles of cloth, one latten bason, one white bason, a bottle, a great piece of beefe, and sixe bisket cakes, which they received making us signes to come againe the next day, saying, that their Captain was Grand Capitane as appeared by those that attended upon him with their darts and targets, and other weapons.

This towne is very great and stands upon a hill among trees, so that it cannot well be scene except a man be neere it: to the Eastward of it upon the hill hard by the towne stand 2. high trees, which is a good marke to knowe the towne. And under the towne lieth another hill lower then it, whereupon the sea beates: and that end next the sea is all great blacke rockes, and beyonde the towne in a bay lieth another small towne.

The 13 day in the morning we tooke our boate and went to shoare, and stayed till ten a clocke and no man came to us: we went about therefore to returne aboord, and when the Negroes saw that, they came running downe with a flagge to wave us againe, so we ankered againe, and then one shewed us that the Captaine would come downe by and by: we saw a saile in the meane time passe by us but it was small, and we regarded it not. Being on shore we made a tilt with our oares and sayle, and then there came a boate to us with five men in her, who brought us againe our bottle, and brought me a hen, making signes by the sunne, that within two houres the marchants of the countrey would come downe and buy all that we had: so I gave them sixe Manillios to carry to their Captaine, and they made signes to have a pledge of us, and they would leave us another man: and we willing to doe so, put one of our men in their boate, but they would not give us one of theirs, so we tooke our man againe, and there tarried for the marchants: and shortly after one came downe arrayed like their Captaine with a great traine after him, who saluted us friendly, and one of the chiefest of them went and sate downe under a tree, where the last yere the Captaine was wont to sit: and at last we perceived a great many of them to stand at the ende of a hollow way, and behinde them the Portugales had planted a base, who suddenly shotte at us but overshot us, and yet we were in a manner hard by them, and they shot at us againe before we could ship our oares to get away but did no hurt. Then the Negroes came to the rocks hard by us, and discharged calievers at us, and againe the Portugales shot off their base twise more, and then our ship shot at them, but the rockes and hilles defended them.

Then we went aboord to goe from this place, seeing the Negroes bent against us, because that the last yeere M. Gainsh did take away the Captaines sonne and three others from this place with their golde, and all that they had about them: which was the cause that they became friends with the Portugales, whom before they hated, as did appeare the last yeere by the courteous intertainement which the Trinitie had there, when the Captaine came aboord the shippe, and brought them to his towne, and offered them ground to build a Castle in, and there they had good sales.

The 14 day we wayed and plyed backe againe to seeke the Hinde, which in the morning we met, and so we turned both backe to the Eastwardes to see what we could doe at that place where the Trinitie did sell her eight frises the last yeere. The Hinde had taken eighteene ounces and a halfe more of golde of other Negroes, the day after that we left them. This day about one of the clocke we espied certaine boates upon the sand and men by them and went to them with marchandizes, and tooke three ounces of gold for 18 fuffs of cloth, every fuffe three yards and a halfe after one angell and 12 graines the fuffe, and then they made me signes that the next day I should have golde enough: so the Master tooke the Hinde with John Savill and John Makeworth, and went to seeke the place aforesaid, & I with Richard Pakeman remained in this place to see what we could do the next day: and when the Negroes perceived our ship to go away, they feared that the other would follow, & so sent forth 2 boats to us with 4 men in them, requiring us to tary & to give them one man for a pledge, and 2 of them should tary with us for him, so Edward M. Morleis servant seeing these men so earnest therein offered himselfe to be pledge, and we let him goe for two of them, one whereof had his waights and scales, and a chaine of golde aboute his necke, and another about his arme. They did eate of such things as we had and were well contented. In the night the Negroes kept a light upon the shoare thwart of us, and about one of the clocke we heard and saw the light of a base which shot off twise at the said light, and by and by discharged two calievers, which in the end we perceived to be the Portugals brigandine which followed us from place to place, to give warning to the people of the countrey, that they should not deale with us.

The 15 day in the morning the Captaine came downe with 100 men with him, and brought his wife, and many others brought their wives also, because their towne was 8 miles up in the countrey, and they determined to lie by the sea side till they had bought what they would. When he was come he sent our man aboord, and required to have two men pledges, and he himselfe would come aboord, and I sent him two, of whom he tooke but one, and so came aboord us, he and his wife with divers of his friends, and brought me a goate and two great rootes, and I gave him againe a latten bason, a white bason, 6 manillios, and a bottell of Malmesie, and to his wife a small casket. After this we began to make our measure and weight: and he had a weight of his owne which held one angell and 14 graines, and required a measure of 4 elles and a halfe. In fine we concluded the 8 part for one angell and 20 graines, and before we had done, they tooke mine owne weight and measure.

The 16 day I tooke 8 li. 1 ounce of gold: and since the departure of the Hinde I heard not of her, but when our pledge went into the countrey the first night, he said he saw her cast anker about five leagues from this place. The 17 day I sold about 17 pieces of cloth, & tooke 4. li. 4 ounces and a halfe of gold. The 18 day the captaine desired to have some of our wine, and offered halfe a ducket of gold for a bottell: but I gave it him freely, and made him and his traine drinke besides. And this day also I tooke 5 li. 5 ounces of gold. The 19 day we sold about 18 clothes, and tooke 4 li. 4. ounces and one quarter of golde.

The 20 day we tooke 3 li. sixe ounces and a quarter of golde. The 21 we tooke 8. li. 7. ounces and a quarter. The 22. 3. li. 8. ounces and a quarter. And this night about 4 of the clocke the Captaine who had layen all this while upon the shoare, went away with all the rest of the people with him.

The 23 day we were waved a shoare by other Negroes, and sold them cloth, caskets, knives, and a dosen of bels, and tooke 1. li. 10. ounces of gold. The 24 likewise we sold bels, sheetes, and thimbles, and tooke two li. one ounce and a quarter of gold. The 25 day we sold 7 dosen of smal bels and other things, and then perceiving their gold to be done, we wayed and set sayle & went to leeward to seeke the Hinde, and about 5 of the clocke at night we had sight of her, and bare with her, and understood that shee had made some sales. The 26 day wee received out of the Hinde 48 li. 3 ounces and one eight part of golde, which they had taken in the time that we were from them. And this day upon the request of a Negro that came unto us from a captaine, we went to shoare with our marchandize, and tooke 7 li. and one ounce of gold. At this place they required no gages of us, but at night they sent a man aboord us, which lay with us all night, because we might knowe that they would also come to us the next day. The 27 day in both our shippes we tooke 8. li. one ounce, three quarters and halfe a quarter of golde. The 28 we made sales for the companie, and tooke one pound and halfe an ounce of gold. The 29 day in the morning we heard two calievers shot off upon the shore, which we judged to be either by the Portugales or by the Negroes of the Portugales: we manned our boates and armed our selves and went to shoare, but could finde nothing: for they were gone. The 30 day we made more sales for the companie and for the Masters.

The 31 we sent our boate to shoare to take in sand for balast, and there our men met the Negroes, with whom they had made sale the day before a fishing which did helpe them to fill sand, and having no gold, sold fish to our men for their handkerchiefes and nightkerchiefes.

The 1. day of February we wayed and went to another place, and tooke 1. li. 9. ounces 3 quarters of gold. The 2 day we made more sales: but having viewed our victuals, we determined to tarie no long time upon the coast, because the most part of our drinke was spent, & that which remained grew sowre. The 3 and 4 dayes we made some sales, though not great, and finding the wind this 4. day to come off the shoare, we set saile and ranne along the shoare to the Westwards: upon this coast we found by experience that ordinarily about 2 of the clocke in the night the winde comes off the shoare at Northnortheast, and so continueth untill eight of the clocke in the morning: and all the rest of the day and night it comes out of the Southwest: and as for the tide or currant upon this shore, it goeth continually with the winde. The 5 day we continued sayling and thought to have met with some English ships, but found none.

The sixt day we went our course Southwest to fetch under the line, and ranne by estimation 24 leagues.

The 13 day wee thought our selves by our reckoning to be cleare off the Cape das Palmas, and ranne 12 leagues.

The 22 day we were thwart of the Cape de Monte, which is to the Westward of the River de Sestos, about 30 leagues.

The first day of March in a Ternado we lost the Hinde, whereupon we set up a light and shot off a piece but could not heare of her, so that then we strooke our saile and taried for her, and in the morning had sight of her againe three leagues a sterne off us.

Upon the 22 day we found our selves to be in the height of Cape Verde, which stands in 14. degrees and a halfe.

From this day till the 29 day we continued our course, and then we found our selves to be in 22 degrees. This day one of our men called William King, who had bene long sicke, died in his sleepe, his apparell was distributed to those that lackt it, and his money was kept for his friends to be delivered them at his comming home.

The 30 day we found our selves to be under the Tropike.

The 31 day we went our course, and made way 18 leagues.

From the first day of Aprill to the 20 we went our course, and then found our selves to bee in the height of the Asores.

The seventh day of May we fell with the South part of Ireland , and going on shoare with our boate had fresh drinke, and two sheepe of the countrey people, which were wilde Kernes, and we gave them golde for them, and bought further such other victuals as we had neede of, and thought would serve us till we arrived in England.

The 14 day with the afternoone tide we went into the Port of Bristoll called Hungrode, and there ankered in safetie and gave thankes to God for our safe arrivall.

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