The fourth voyage made to Virginia
with three ships, in
the yere 1587. Wherein was transported the second
IN the yeere of our Lord 1587. Sir Walter Ralegh
intending to persevere in the planting of his
of Virginia, prepared a newe Colonie of one hundred and
fiftie men to be sent thither, under the charge of
John White, whom hee appointed Governour, and also
appointed unto him twelve Assistants, unto whom hee
gave a Charter, and incorporated them by the name
of Governour and Assistants of the Citie of Ralegh in
OUR Fleete being in number three saile, viz. the Admirall
a shippe of one hundred and twentie Tunnes, a Flie-boate,
and a Pinnesse, departed the sixe and twentieth of April
from Portesmouth, and the same day came to an ancker
at the Cowes in the
Isle of Wight, where wee stayed
eight dayes.
THE fift of May, at nine of the clocke at night we came
to Plimmouth, where we remained the space of two
The 8 we weyed anker at
Plimmouth, and departed
thence for Virginia
The 16 Simon Ferdinando, Master of our Admiral,
lewdly forsooke our Fly-boate, leaving her distressed in
the Bay of Portugal.
THE 19 we fell with Dominica
, and the same evening we
sayled betweene it, and Guadalupe
: the 21 the Fly-boat
also fell with Dominica
The 22 we came to an anker at an Island called Santa
Cruz, where all the planters were set on land, staying
there till the 25 of the same moneth. At our first landing
on this Island, some of our women, and men, by eating a
small fruit like greene Apples, were fearefully troubled
with a sudden burning in their mouthes, and swelling of
their tongues so bigge, that some of them could not
speake. Also a child by sucking one of those womens
breasts, had at that instant his mouth set on such a
burning, that it was strange to see how the infant was
tormented for the time: but after 24 houres, it ware away
of it selfe.
Also the first night of our being on this Island, we
tooke five great Torteses, some of them of such bignes,
that sixteene of our strongest men were tired with carying
of one of them but from the sea side to our cabbins.
In this Island we found no watring place, but a standing
ponde, the water whereof was so evill, that many of our
company fell sicke with drinking thereof: and as many
as did but wash their faces with that water, in the morning before the Sunne had drawen away the corruption,
their faces did so burne and swell, that their eyes were
shut up, and could not see in five or sixe dayes, or
The second day of our abode there, we sent forth some
of our men to search the Island for fresh water, three
one way, and two another way. The Governour also,
with sixe others, went up to the top of an high hill, to
viewe the Island, but could perceive no signe of any
men, or beastes, nor any goodnes, but Parots, and trees
of Guiacum. Returning backe to our cabbins another
way, he found in the discent of a hill, certaine potsheards
of savage making, made of the earth of that Island:
whereupon it was judged, that this Island was inhabited
with Savages, though Fernando had told us for certaine
the contrary. The same day at night, the rest of our
company very late returned to the Governour. The one
company affirmed, that they had seene in a valley eleven
Savages, and divers houses halfe a mile distant from
the steepe, or toppe of the hill where they stayed. The
other company had found running out of a high rocke a
very fayre spring of water, whereof they brought three
bottels to the company: for before that time, wee drank
the stinking water of the pond.
The same second day at night Captaine Stafford, with
the Pinnesse, departed from our fleete, riding at Santa
Cruz, to an Island, called Beake, lying neere S. John,
being so directed by Ferdinando, who assured him he
should there find great plenty of sheepe. The next day
at night, our planters left Santa Cruz, and came all
aboord, and the next morning after, being the 25 of June
we weyed anker, and departed from Santa Cruz.
The seven and twentieth we came to anker at
where we found the Pinnesse riding at our comming.
The 28 we weyed anker at
Cottea, and presently came
to anker at S. Johns in Musketos Bay, where we spent
three dayes unprofitable in taking in fresh water, spending
in the meane time more beere then the quantitie of the
water came unto.
THE first day we weyed anker at Musketoes Bay, where
were left behind two Irish men of our company, Darbie
Glaven, and Denice Carrell, bearing along the coast of
S. Johns till evening, at which time wee fell with Rosse
Bay. At this place Ferdinando had promised wee should
take in salte, and had caused us before, to make and
provide as many sackes for that purpose, as we could.
The Governour also, for that hee understood there was
a Towne in the bottome of the Bay, not farre from the
salt hils, appointed thirty shot, tenne pikes, and ten
targets, to man the Pinnesse, and to goe aland for salt.
Ferdinando perceiving them in a readines, sent to the
Governour, using great perswasions with him, not to take
in salt there, saying that hee knew not well whether the
same were the place or not: also, that if the Pinnesse
went into the Bay, she could not without great danger
come backe, till the next day at night, and that if in the
meane time any storme should rise, the Admirall were in
danger to bee cast away. Whilest he was thus perswading, he caused the lead to be cast, and having craftily
brought the shippe in three fadome and a halfe water,
he suddenly began to sweare, and teare God in pieces,
dissembling great danger, crying to him at the helme,
beare up hard, beare up hard: so we went off, and were
disappointed of our salt, by his meanes.
The next day sayling along the West end of S. John,
the Governour determined to go aland in S. Germans
Bay, to gather yong plants of Orenges, Pines, Mameas,
and Plantanos, to set at Virginia
, which we knew might
easily be had, for that they grow neere the shore, and the
places where they grew, well knowen to the Governour,
and some of the planters: but our Simon denied it,
saying: he would come to an anker at Hispaniola, &
there land the Governour, and some other of the Assistants, with the pinnesse, to see if he could speake with his
friend Alanson, of whom he hoped to be furnished both
of cattel, and all such things as we would have taken in
at S. John: but he meant nothing lesse, as it plainely did
appeare to us afterwards.
The next day after, being the third of July, we saw
Hispaniola, and bare with the coast all that day, looking
still when the pinnesse should be prepared to goe for the
place where Ferdinando his friend Alanson was: but
that day passed, and we saw no preparation for landing
in Hispaniola.
The 4 of July, sayling along the coast of Hispaniola,
untill the next day at noone, and no preparation yet seene
for the staying there, we having knowledge that we were
past the place where Alanson dwelt, and were come
with Isabella: hereupon Ferdinando was asked by the
Governor, whether he meant to speake with Alanson, for
the taking in of cattell, and other things, according to his
promise, or not: but he answered that he was now past
the place, and that Sir Walter Ralegh told him, the
French Ambassador certified him, that the king of Spaine
had sent for Alanson into Spaine: wherefore he thought
him dead, and that it was to no purpose to touch there
in any place, at this voyage.
The next day we left sight of Hispaniola, and haled off
for Virginia
, about foure of the clocke in the afternoone.
The sixt of July we came to the
Island Caycos, wherein
Ferdinando sayd were two salt pondes, assuring us if
they were drie, we might find salt to shift with, untill the
next supply: but it prooved as true as finding of sheepe
Baque. In this Island, whilest Ferdinando solaced
himselfe ashore, with one of the company, in part of the
Island, others spent the latter part of that day in other
parts of the Island, some to seeke the salt ponds, some
fowling, some hunting Swans, whereof we caught many.
The next day early in the morning we weyed anker,
leaving Caycos, with good hope, that the first land that
we saw next should be Virginia
About the 16 of July we fel with the maine of Virginia
which Simon Ferdinando tooke to be the
Island of
Croatoan, where we came to anker, and rode there two
or three dayes: but finding himselfe deceived, he weyed,
and bare along the coast, where in the night, had not
Captaine Stafford bene more carefull in looking out, then
our Simon Ferdinando, we had bene all cast away upon
the breach, called the
Cape of Feare, for we were come
within two cables length upon it: such was the carelesnes,
and ignorance of our Master.
The two and twentieth of July wee arrived safe at
Hatorask, where our ship and pinnesse ankered: the
Governour went aboord the pinnesse, accompanied with
fortie of his best men, intending to passe up to Roanoak
foorthwith, hoping there to finde those fifteene Englishmen, which Sir Richard Grinvile had left there the yeere
before, with whom hee meant to have conference, concerning the state of the Countrey, and Savages, meaning
after he had so done, to returne againe to the fleete, and
passe along the coast, to the Bay of Chesepiok, where we
intended to make our seate and forte, according to the
charge given us among other directions in writing, under
the hande of Sir Walter Ralegh: but assoone as we were
put with our pinnesse from the ship, a Gentleman by the
meanes of Ferdinando, who was appointed to returne for
, called to the sailers in the pinnesse, charging
them not to bring any of the planters backe againe, but
to leave them in the Island, except the Governour, & two
or three such as he approved, saying that the Summer
was farre spent, wherefore hee would land all the planters
in no other place. Unto this were all the saylers, both
in the pinnesse, and shippe, perswaded by the Master,
wherefore it booted not the Governour to contend with
them, but passed to Roanoak
, and the same night at
sunne-set went aland on the Island, in the place where
our fifteene men were left, but we found none of them,
nor any signe that they had bene there, saving onely wee
found the bones of one of those fifteene, which the
Savages had slaine long before.
The three and twentieth of July the Governour with
divers of his company, walked to the North ende of
the Island, where
Master Ralfe Lane had his forte, with
sundry necessary and decent dwelling houses, made by
his men about it the yeere before, where wee hoped to
find some signes, or certaine knowledge of our fifteene
men. When we came thither, we found the fort rased
downe, but all the houses standing unhurt, saving that
the neather roomes of them, and also of the forte, were
overgrowen with Melons of divers sortes, and Deere
within them, feeding on those Melons: so wee returned
to our company, without hope of ever seeing any of the
fifteene men living.
The same day order was given, that every man should
be employed for the repayring of those houses, which wee
found standing, and also to make other newe Cottages,
for such as should neede.
The 25 our Flyboate and the rest of our planters
arrived all safe at
Hatoraske, to the great joy and comfort
of the whole company: but the Master of our Admirall
Ferdinando grieved greatly at their safe comming: for
hee purposely left them in the Bay of Portugal, and stole
away from them in the night, hoping that the Master
thereof, whose name was Edward Spicer, for that he
never had bene in Virginia
, would hardly finde the place,
or els being left in so dangerous a place as that was, by
meanes of so many men of warre, as at that time were
abroad, they should surely be taken, or slaine: but God
disappointed his wicked pretenses.
The eight and twentieth, George Howe, one of our
twelve Assistants was slaine by divers Savages, which
were come over to Roanoak
, either of purpose to espie
our company, and what number we were, or else to hunt
Deere, whereof were many in the Island. These Savages
being secretly hidden among high reedes, where oftentimes they find the Deere asleep, and so kill them, espied
our man wading in the water alone, almost naked, without any weapon, save only a smal forked sticke, catching
Crabs therewithall, and also being strayed two miles from
his company, and shot at him in the water, where they
gave him sixteen wounds with their arrowes: and after
they had slaine him with their woodden swords, they
beat his head in pieces, and fled over the water to the
On the thirtieth of July Master Stafford and twenty
of our men passed by water to the
Island of Croatoan,
with Manteo, who had his mother, and many of his
kinred dwelling in that Island, of whom wee hoped to
understand some newes of our fifteene men, but especially
to learne the disposition of the people of the countrey
towards us, and to renew our old friendship with them.
At our first landing they seemed as though they would
fight with us: but perceiving us begin to march with
our shot towardes them, they turned their backes, and
fled. Then Manteo their countrey man called to them
in their owne language, whom, assoone as they heard,
they returned, and threwe away their bowes and arrowes,
and some of them came unto us, embracing and entertaining us friendly, desiring us not to gather or spill any
of their corne, for that they had but little. We answered
them, that neither their corne, nor any other thing of
theirs, should be diminished by any of us, and that
our comming was onely to renew the old love, that was
betweene us and them at the first, and to live with them
as brethren and friends: which answere seemed to please
them well, wherefore they requested us to walke up to
their Towne, who there feasted us after their maner, and
desired us earnestly, that there might bee some token or
badge given them of us, whereby we might know them
to be our friends, when we met them any where out of
the Towne or Island. They told us further, that for want
of some such badge, divers of them were hurt the yeere
before, being found out of the Island by
Master Lane his
company, whereof they shewed us one, which at that very
instant lay lame, and had lien of that hurt ever since:
but they sayd, they knew our men mistooke them, and
hurt them in stead of Winginos men, wherefore they
held us excused.
THE next day we had conference further with them,
concerning the people of Secotan
, Aquascogoc, &
Pomeiok, willing them of Croatoan to certifie the people
of those townes, that if they would accept our friendship,
we would willingly receive them againe, and that all
unfriendly dealings past on both parts, should be utterly
forgiven and forgotten. To this the chiefe men of
Croatoan answered, that they would gladly doe the best
they could, and within seven dayes, bring the Wiroances
and chiefe Governours of those townes with them, to
our Governour at Roanoak
, or their answere. We also
understood of the men of Croatoan, that our man Master
Howe was slaine by the remnant of Winginos men
dwelling then at
Dasamonguepeuk, with whom Wanchese
kept companie: and also we understood by them of
Croatoan, how that the 15 Englishmen left at Roanoak
the yeere before, by Sir Richard Grinvile, were suddenly
set upon, by 30 of the men of Secota
, Aquascogoc, and
Dasamonguepeuk, in manner following. They conveyed
themselves secretly behind the trees, neere the houses
where our men carelesly lived: and having perceived that
of those fifteene they could see but eleven only, two of
those Savages appeared to the 11 Englishmen, calling to
them by friendly signes, that but two of their chiefest men
should come unarmed to speake with those two Savages,
who seemed also to bee unarmed. Wherefore two of
the chiefest of our Englishmen went gladly to them:
but whilest one of those Savages traiterously imbraced
one of our men, the other with his sworde of wood,
which he had secretly hidden under his mantell, strooke
him on the head and slew him, and presently the other
eight and twenty Savages shewed them selves: the other
Englishman perceiving this, fled to his company, whom
the Savages pursued with their bowes, and arrowes, so
fast, that the Englishmen were forced to take the house,
wherein all their victuall, and weapons were: but the
Savages foorthwith set the same on fire: by meanes
wherof our men were forced to take up such weapons
as came first to hand, and without order to runne foorth
among the Savages, with whom they skirmished above an
howre. In this skirmish another of our men was shotte
into the mouth with an arrow, where hee died: and also
one of the Savages was shot into the side by one of our
men, with a wild fire arrow, whereof he died presently.
The place where they fought was of great advantage to
the Savages, by meanes of the thicke trees, behinde which
the Savages through their nimblenes, defended themselves,
and so offended our men with their arrowes, that our
men being some of them hurt, retyred fighting to the
water side, where their boat lay, with which they fled
towards Hatorask. By that time they had rowed but a
quarter of a mile, they espied their foure fellowes comming from a creeke thereby, where they had bene to
fetch Oysters: these foure they received into their boate,
leaving Roanoak
, and landed on a little Island on the
right hand of our entrance into the harbour of Hatorask,
where they remayned a while, but afterward departed,
whither as yet we know not.
Having nowe sufficiently dispatched our businesse at
Croatoan, the same day we departed friendly, taking our
leave, and came aboord the fleete at Hatorask.
The eight of August, the Governour having long
expected the comming of the Wiroanses of Pomeiok,
Aquascogoc, Secota
, and Dasamonguepeuk, seeing that
the seven dayes were past, within which they promised
to come in, or to send their answeres by the men of
Croatoan, and no tidings of them heard, being certainly
also informed by those men of Croatoan, that the remnant
of Wingina his men, which were left alive, who dwelt
Dasamonquepeuk, were they which had slaine George
Howe, and were also at the driving of our eleven Englishmen from Roanoak
, hee thought to deferre the revenge
thereof no longer. Wherefore the same night about
midnight, he passed over the water, accompanied with
Captaine Stafford, and 24 men, wherof Manteo was one,
whom we tooke with us to be our guide to the place
where those Savages dwelt, where he behaved himselfe
toward us as a most faithfull Englishman.
The next day, being the 9 of August, in the morning
so early that it was yet darke, we landed neere the
dwelling place of our enemies, & very secretly conveyed
our selves through the woods, to that side, where we
had their houses betweene us and the water: and having
espied their fire, and some sitting about it, we presently
set on them: the miserable soules herewith amazed, fled
into a place of thicke reedes, growing fast by, where our
men perceiving them, shot one of them through the bodie
with a bullet, and therewith we entred the reedes, among
which we hoped to acquite their evill doing towards us,
but we were deceived, for those Savages were our friends,
and were come from Croatoan to gather the corne &
fruit of that place, because they understood our enemies
were fled immediatly after they had slaine George Howe,
and for haste had left all their corne, Tobacco, and
Pompions standing in such sort, that al had bene devoured
of the birds, and Deere, if it had not bene gathered in
time: but they had like to have payd deerely for it: for
it was so darke, that they being naked, and their men
and women apparelled all so like others, wee knew not
but that they were al men: and if that one of them which
was a Wiroances wife had not had a child at her backe,
shee had bene slaine in stead of a man, and as hap was,
another Savage knew master Stafford
, and ran to him,
calling him by his name, whereby hee was saved. Finding our selves thus disappointed of our purpose, we
gathered al the corne, Pease, Pompions, and Tabacco
that we found ripe, leaving the rest unspoyled, and tooke
Menatoan his wife, with the yong child, and the other
Savages with us over the water to Roanoak
. Although
the mistaking of these Savages somewhat grieved Manteo,
yet he imputed their harme to their owne folly, saying to
them, that if their Wiroances had kept their promise in
comming to the Governour at the day appointed, they had
not knowen that mischance.
The 13 of August our Savage Manteo, by the commandement of Sir Walter Ralegh, was christened in
, and called Lord thereof, and of Dasamonguepeuk, in reward of his faithfull service.
The 18 Elenor, daughter to the Governour, and wife
to Ananias Dare one of the Assistants, was delivered of
a daughter in Roanoak
, and the same was christened
there the Sonday following, and because this child was
the first Christian borne in Virginia
, shee was named
. By this time our ships had unladen the goods
and victuals of the planters, and began to take in wood,
and fresh water, and to new calke and trimme them for
: the planters also prepared their letters and
tokens to send backe into England
Our two ships, the Lion and the Flyboat almost ready
to depart, the 21 of August, there arose such a tempest at
Northeast, that our Admirall then riding out of the
harbour, was forced to cut his cables, and put to sea,
where he lay beating off and on sixe dayes before he could
come to us againe, so that we feared he had bene cast
away, and the rather for that at the time that the storme
tooke them, the most and best of their sailers were left
At this time some controversies arose betweene the
Governour and Assistants, about choosing two out of the
twelve Assistants, which should goe backe as factors for
the company into England
: for every one of them refused,
save onely one, which all other thought not sufficient:
but at length by much perswading of the Governour,
Christopher Cooper only agreed to goe for England
but the next day, through the perswasion of divers of his
familiar friends, hee changed his minde, so that now the
matter stood as at the first.
The next day, the 22 of August, the whole company
both of the Assistants and planters came to the Governour,
and with one voice requested him to returne himselfe into
, for the better and sooner obtaining of supplies,
and other necessaries for them: but he refused it, and
alleaged many sufficient causes, why he would not: the
one was, that he could not so suddenly returne backe
againe without his great discredite, leaving the action,
and so many whome hee partly had procured through his
perswasions, to leave their native countrey, and undertake
that voyage, and that some enemies to him and the
action at his returne into England
would not spare to
slander falsly both him and the action, by saying, hee
went to Virginia
, but politikely, and to no other end but
to leade so many into a countrey, in which hee never
meant to stay himselfe, and there to leave them behind
him. Also he alleaged, that seeing they intended to
remove 50 miles further up into the maine presently, he
being then absent, his stuffe and goods might be both
spoiled, & most of them pilfered away in the cariage, so
that at his returne he should be either forced to provide
himselfe of all such things againe, or else at his comming
againe to Virginia
find himselfe utterly unfurnished,
whereof already he had found some proofe, being but
once from them but three dayes. Wherefore he concluded that he would not goe himselfe.
The next day, not onely the Assistants but divers
others, as well women as men, began to renew their
requests to the Governour againe, to take upon him to
returne into England
for the supply, and dispatch of all
such things as there were to be done, promising to make
him their bond under all their handes and seales for the
safe preserving of all his goods for him at his returne to
, so that if any part thereof were spoyled or lost,
they would see it restored to him, or his Assignes, when
soever the same should be missed and demanded: which
bond, with a testimony under their hands and seales, they
foorthwith made, and delivered into his hands. The copie
of the testimony I thought good to set downe.
May it please you, her Majesties subjects of England
we your friends and countrey-men, the planters in Virginia
, doe by these presents let you and every of you to
understand, that for the present and speedy supply of
certaine our knowen and apparent lackes and needes,
most requisite and necessary for the good and happy
planting of us, or any other in this land of Virginia
, wee
all of one minde & consent, have most earnestly intreated,
and uncessantly requested John White, Governour of the
planters in Virginia
, to passe into England
, for the better
and more assured help, and setting forward of the foresayd supplies: and knowing assuredly that he both can
best, and wil labour and take paines in that behalfe for
us all, and he not once, but often refusing it, for our
sakes, and for the honour & maintenance of the action,
hath at last, though much against his will, through our
importunacie, yeelded to leave his governement, and all
his goods among us, and himselfe in all our behalfes to
passe into England
, of whose knowledge and fidelitie in
handling this matter, as all others, we doe assure ourselves by these presents, and will you to give all credite
thereunto, the 25 of August 1587.
The Governour being at the last through their extreame
intreating constrayned to returne into England
, having
then but halfe a dayes respite to prepare himselfe for the
same, departed from Roanoak
the seven and twentieth
of August in the morning, and the same day about midnight, came aboord the Flieboat, who already had weyed
anker, and rode without the barre, the Admirall riding by
them, who but the same morning was newly come thither
againe. The same day both the ships weyed anker, and
set saile for England
: at this weying their ankers, twelve
of the men which were in the Flyboate were throwen from
the Capstone, which by meanes of a barre and brake,
came so fast about upon them, that the other two barres
thereof strooke and hurt most of them so sore, that some
of them never recovered it: neverthelesse they assayed
presently againe to wey their anker, but being so weakened with the first fling, they were not able to weye
it, but were throwen downe and hurt the second time.
Wherefore having in all but fifteene men aboord, and
most of them by this unfortunate beginning so bruised,
and hurt, they were forced to cut their Cable, and leese
their anker. Neverthelesse, they kept company with the
Admirall, untill the seventeenth of September, at which
time wee fell with Corvo
, and sawe Flores
THE eighteenth, perceiving of all our fifteene men in the
Flyboate there remained but five, which by meanes of
the former mischance, were able to stand to their labour:
and that the Admirall meant not to make any haste for
, but to linger about the
Island of Tercera for
purchase: the Flyboate departed for England
with letters,
where we hoped by the help of God to arrive shortly:
but by that time we had continued our course homeward
about twenty dayes, having had sometimes scarse and
variable windes, our fresh water also by leaking almost
consumed, there arose a storme at North-east, which for
sixe dayes ceased not to blowe so exceeding, that we were
driven further in those sixe then we could recover in
thirteene daies: in which time others of our saylers began
to fall very sicke and two of them dyed, the weather also
continued so close, that our Master sometimes in foure
dayes together could see neither sunne nor starre, and all
the beverage we could make, with stinking water, dregs
of beere, and lees of wine which remayned, was but three
gallons, and therefore now we expected nothing but
famine to perish at Sea.
THE 16 of October we made land, but we knewe not
what land it was, bearing in with the same land at
that day: about sunne set we put into a harbour, where
we found a Hulke of Dublin, and a pinnesse of Hampton
riding, but we knew not as yet what place this was,
neither had we any boate to goe ashore, untill the pinnesse sent off their boate to us with 6 or 8 men, of whom
we understood wee were in Smerwick
in the West parts
of Ireland
: they also releeved us presently with fresh
water, wine, and other fresh meate.
The 18 the Governour and the Master ryd to Dingen
a Cushe, 5 miles distant, to take order for the new
victualing of our Flieboate for England
, and for reliefe
of our sicke and hurt men, but within foure daies after the
Boatswain, the Steward, and the Boatswains mate died
aboord the Flieboat, and the 28 the Masters mate and two
of our chiefe sailers were brought sicke to Dingen.
THE first the Governour shipped himselfe in a ship called
the Monkie, which at that time was ready to put to sea
from Dingen for England
, leaving the Flyboat and all his
companie in Ireland
. The same day we set sayle, and on
the third day we fell with the North side of the lands end,
and were shut up the Severne, but the next day we
doubled the same for Mounts Bay.
The 5 the Governour landed in England
neere Saint Michaels mount in
The 8 we arrived at Hampton
, where we understood
that our consort the Admiral was come to Portsmouth
and had bene there three weekes before: and also that
Ferdinando the Master with all his company were not
onely come home without any purchase, but also in such
weaknesse by sicknesse, and death of their chiefest men,
that they were scarse able to bring their ship into harbour,
but were forced to let fall anker without, which they could
not wey againe, but might all have perished there, if a
small barke by great hap had not come to them to helpe
them. The names of the chiefe men that died are these,
Roger Large, John Mathew, Thomas Smith, and some
other saylers, whose names I knew not at the writing
hereof. An. Dom. 1587.