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Here follow the latitudes of the headlandes, Capes, and Islands, as well of Madera, The Canaries, and the West Indies, as of the Azores and the Isles of Cabo Verde.

Degrees of latitude.
THE island called Puerto santo standeth in33
The isle of Madera standeth in32 1/2
The isle Salvaja in30
The isle of Alagranza in29 1/2
The isle Fuerte ventura in28 1/2
The Grand Canaria in28 1/2
The isle of Palma, and the point called Punta de Naga in Tenerif in28 1/2
The isle of Gomera in27 1/2

The latitudes of the Islands of the West Indies.

Degrees of latitude.
The island of Fonzeca standeth in 11 1/4
The isle Tabago in skant 11
The Barbudos in 13
The isle of Trinidad upon the North side in 10
The isle of Granata in 11 1/4
The isle of Sant Vincent in 12
The isle of santa Lucia in 12 3/4
The isle of Dominica in 14
The isle of Matalina or Martinino in 14 1/2
The isle of Marigalante in 15
The isle of Deseada in 15 1/2
The isle of Monserate in 16
The isle called La Antigua in 17
The isle called La Baruada in 17
The isle of S. Bartholomew in 17
The isle of S. Martin in 17 1/2
The isle called La Anguilla in skant 18
The isle of Sombrero in 18 1/2
The isle Anegada in 18 1/2
The isle called La isla de Avez in 15 1/2
The isles called Las Virgines in 18
The isle of Santa Cruz in 17
The isle of S. Juan de Puerto rico
{ On the North side in
18 1/2
{ On the South side in 17 1/4
Cape del Enganno upon the East part of Hispaniola in 18 1/2
The point of the isle of Saona in 17 1/2
The Cape called Punta de Nizao neere S. Domingo in Hispaniola in 17 1/2
The isle of Beata on the South side of Hispaniola in 17
The point of Bacao on the South side of Hispaniola in 17 1/2
Cape Tiburon upon the West part of Hispaniola, and the isle of Navaza in 18 1/3
The isle of Jamaica
{ On the South side in
17 1/4
{ On the North side in 18 1/2
Cape de Cruz on the South side of Cuba in 20
The 3 Isles called Caimanes, or Crocodiles, South of Cuba, in 19 1/4
The dangerous isles called Los Jardines South of Cuba in 21
The isle of Pinos in 21
Cape de Corrientes upon the Southwest part of Cuba in 21 1/2
Cabo de sant Anton being the most westerly Cape of Cuba in 22
The litle isles called Los Alacranes, or The Scorpions, in 22
The isles called Nigrillos in 23 1/2
Isla de Lobos, or The isle of seales neere the maine of Nueva Espanna, in 22
The Cape of Yucatan called Cabo de Catoche in 21
The island called Isla de Ranas in 21 1/2

The latitudes of certaine places upon the coast of Nueva Espanna, and of divers other places lying in the way from thence to Spaine.

Degrees of latitude.
Villa rica standeth in 19 1/2
Sant. Juan de Ullua in 18 3/4
From Sant Juan de Ullua sayling to the Tortugas you must sound in 27 1/2
The small isles called Las Tortugas stand in 25
The Port of Havana upon the Northwest part of Cuba in 23 1/2
The head of the Martyrs lying before the Cape of Florida in 25
The Mimbres are in 26 1/2
The Chanel of Bahama in 27 1/2
The Cape de Cannaveral upon the coast of Florida in 28 1/3
The Isle of Bermuda in 33
The *isle of John Luis or John Alvarez in 41 1/4

The latitudes of the Isles of the Azores.

Degrees of latitude.
The isle of Flores standeth in 39 1/2
The isle of Cuervo in 40
The isle of Fayal in 38 1/2
The isle of Pico and the isle of Sant George both in 38 1/2
The isle of Terzera in 39
The isle of Gracioso in 39 1/2
The isle of Santa Maria in 37
The isle of sant Michael in 38
Cape sant Vincent upon the coast of Spaine 37
The Rocke in 39
The Burlings in 40
Bayona in 42 1/2
Cape Finister in 43 1/2
The enterance of the streights of Gibraltar is in 36
Cape Cantin upon the coast of Barbarie in 32 1/2
Cape Bojador upon the coast of Barbarie in 27*
Rio del oro, or The river of Gold, in 23 1/2
Cabo de Barbas in 22
Cabo blanco, or the white Cape in 20 3/4

The latitude of the isles of Cabo verde.

The isles of Sant Anton, Sant Vincent, Santa Lucia, and Sant Nicolas stand all in 18 1/3
Isla del Sal, or The isle of salt, in 17 1/4
The isle called Buena vista in 16
The isle of Sant Iago in 15

The latitudes of divers Islands, Capes, and other places, from the Isle of Margarita upon the coast of Cumana Westward along the coast of Tierra Firma.

Degrees of latitude.
The isles of Aruba , Curazao, and Buinaro stand all in 12
The isle of Margarita in 11
The islandes called Los Testigos in 11 1/4
The coast of Baya Honda to Cape de la Vela lyeth East and West in 12
Cape del Aguja in 11 1/3
The rockes of Serrana in 14
The Roncador in 13 1/2
The isle of Santa Catelina in 13 1/2
The isle of Sant Andrew in 12 1/2
The Seranilla in 15 1/2
The isle of Centanilla or Santanilla in 17 1/4
Cape Camaron on the maine, South of the enterance of the Honduras 16
Ganaba in . 16 3/4
Genaza in 16 1/2

Here followeth a declaration of the Longitudes, or Western and Eastern distances, from Spaine to Newe Spaine in America , and from thence backe againe to Spaine.

From Sal Medina upon the Coast Andaluzia till you bring your selfe North and South with Cape Cantin upon the Coast of Barbary 85
From Sal Medina to the island of Gran Canaria 200
From the Gran Canaria to Deseada 850
From Deseada to Monserate 20
From Monserate to santa Cruz 58
From santa Cruz to Cape Roxo the Southwest Cape of Sant Juan de Puerto Rico 45
From Cape Roxo to Saona 25
From Saona to sant Domingo 25
From sant Domingo to Ocoa 18
From Ocoa to Beata 20
From Beata to the isle Baque 43
From the isle Baque to Navaza 33
From Navaza to sant Iago of Cuba 32
From sant Iago of Cuba to Cabo de Cruz 34
From Cabo de Cruz to the first Cayman 40
From the first Cayman to the middle Cayman 6
From the middle Cayman to the great Cayman 12
From the great Cayman to the isle of Pinos 48
From Cabo de Cruz to the isle of Pinos by the forsaid course 106
From the isle of Pinos to Cabo de Corrientes 19
From Cabo de Corrientes to Cabo de sant Anton 20
The course fro Cabo de sant Anton to sant Juan de Ullua by the outside or North of the Isles called Alacranes. From Cabo de sant Anton to the Nigrillos 106
From the Nigrillos, untill you bring your selfe North and South with the isle Vermeja 25
From the isle Vermeja to Villa Rica 96
From Villa rica to Sant Juan de Ullua 12
The course from Cabo de Corrientes to sant Juan de Ullua on the inside or South of the Alacranes. From Cabo de Corrientes to the first sounding 45
From the first sounding till you come so farre a head as the island called Isla de Ranas 80
From Isla de Ranas unto

The longitudes from New Spaine, backe againe to Spaine.

From Saint Juan de Ullua to the Tortugas. 280
From the Tortugas to Havana. 36
From Havana to the head of the Martyrs. 36
From the head of the Martyrs to the Mimbres. 30
From the Mimbres to Bahama. 22
From the head of the Martyrs to Cabo de Cannaveral. 62
From Cabo de Cannaveral to Bermuda. 350
From Bermuda to the Isle of John Luis or John Alvarez. 320
From the Isle of John Luis or Alvarez to Flores. 300
From Flores to Fayal. 28
From Fayal to Terzera. 28
From Terzera to Saint Michael . 28
From Saint Michael to Cape Saint Vincent . 218
From Terzera to Cape Saint Vincent . 256
From Cape S. Vincent to Cabo de santa Maria upon the coast of Algarbe. 22
From Cabo de santa Maria to Sal Medina in Andaluzia. 32

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