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The voyage set out by the right honourable the Earle of Cumberland, in the yere 1586. intended for The South sea, but performed no farther then the latitude of 44. degrees to the South of the Equinoctial, Written by M. John Sarracoll marchant in the same voyage.

THE 26. day of June, in the yeere 1586. and in the 28. yeere of the Queenes majesties raigne, wee departed from Gravesend in two ships; the Admirall called The red dragon, and the other The barke Clifford , the one of the burden of 260. tunnes, with 130. men, and the other of the burden of 130. tunnes, with 70. men: the Captaine of the Admirall was M. Robert Withrington, Of the viceadmirall M. Christopher Lister, both being furnished out at the costs and charges of the right honourable the Erle of Cumberland, having for their masters two brethren, the one John Anthonie, and the other William Anthonie.

The 24. of July wee came into the sound of Plimmouth, and being there constrained by Westerly winds, to stay till the 17. of August, wee then departed with another ship also for our Rear-admirall called the Roe, whereof M. Hawes was Captaine, and a fine pinnesse also called the Dorothie, which was sir Walter Raleghs. We foure being out in the sea, met the 20. of August, with 16. sailes of hulkes in the Sleeve, who named themselves to bee men of Hamborough, laden and come from Lisbone. Our Admirall hailed their Admirall with courteous wordes, willing him to strike his sailes, and to come abord to him onely to know some newes of the countrey, but hee refused to do so, onely stroke his flag & tooke it in. The viceadmiral of the hulkes being a head, would neither strike flagge nor saile, but passed on without budging, whereupon our Admirall lent him a piece of Ordinance, which they repayed double, so that we grew to some little quarel, whereupon one of the sternemost hulkes, being as I suppose more afraide then hurt, stroke amaine, our Admirall being neere him, laid him abord, and entred with certaine of his men, how many I know not, for that we were giving chase to the Windermost men, thinking our Admirall would have come up againe to us, to have made them all to have stroke: but the weather growing to be very thicke and foggie, with small raine, he came not up but kept with another of the hulkes which Captaine Hawes had borded and kept all night, and tooke out of her some provision that they best liked. They learned of the men that were in the hulke, that there were 7. hulkes laden in Lisbone with Spaniards goods, and because their lading was very rich, they were determined to go about Ireland , and so they let her goe againe like a goose with a broken wing.

The next day after being the 21. day, wee espied 5. sailes more, which lay along to the Eastwards, but by reason of the night which then was neere at hand, wee could hardly come to them. Yet at last we hailed one of the biggest of them, & they tolde us that they were al of Hamborough : but another saide shee was of Denmarke, so that indeede they knew neither what to say, nor what to do. Our Admirall being more desirous to folow his course, then to linger by chasing the hulks, called us from pursuing them with his trumpet, and a piece of Ordinance, or else wee would have seene what they had bene, and wherewith they had bene laden.

The 22. day because of contrary winde wee put into Dartmouth all 4. of us, and taried there seven dayes.

The 29. we departed thence and put out to Sea, and began our voyage, thinking at the first to have runne along the coast of Spaine, to see if wee could have mette with some good prize to have sent home to my Lord: but our Captaine thought it not the best course at the last, but rather kept off in the sea from the coast. And upon Saturday the 17. of September wee fell with the coast of Barbarie, and the 18. halled in with the roade of Santa Cruz. The 21. day wee fell with one of the ylands of the Canaries, called Forteventura. In running alongst this yland, we espied upon a hill by the water side, one waving with a white flagge, whereupon wee manned both our boates, and sent them towards the shoare, to understand what newes. They found them to bee two ragged knaves and one horseman, and they tolde us that Lanzarota was taken, and spoyled in August by the Turkes: when we saw they had nothing else to say, we left them, and proceeded on our course, and fell againe with the coast of Barbarie.

The 25. day of September about 10. of the clocke we fell with Rio del Oro, standing just under our Tropike: we anckered in the mouth of it in 8. fadom, the entrance of it is about 2. leagues over. And the next day our Captaine with the boate searched the river, and found it to be as broad 14. or 15. leagues up, as at the entrie of it, but found no towne nor habitation, saving that there came downe two poore men, and one of them spake good Spanish, and told our Captaine, that certaine Frenchmen used to come thither, and laded some oxe hides, and goats hides, but other commoditie there was none. We departed thence the 27 day, & the last day of the moneth being calme we went abord our General, & there consented to goe for Sierra Leona, to wood and water. From thence till the 10. of October wee were much becalmed with extreeme hot weather, much lightning, and great store of raine. This 10. day we sounded, finding a great current as we supposed by the ripling water, which after wee found to bee an ordinary tide, the flood setting to the Northwest, and the ebb Southeast, and here we had but 18. fathome water, and no lande to bee seene: it was on the Southermost part of the showles that lie in about 11. degrees, but halling South off againe, it presently deeped unto 50. fathome, and after halling Southeast and by East, and East southeast, we sounded, but had no ground in 120. fathome.

The 21. of October wee fell with land upon the coast of Guinea, in the height of 8. degrees, a very high land, but of no great length: it was the high land over Sierra Leona. Wee drewe in to the land, and found neere the shoare more water then in the offing: at the Northern end of the high land we anckered about a mile, and somewhat more from the shoare in 11. fathome. To goe into the harbor of Sierra Leona we did borrow upon the South side, having no ground in 10. fathome, halfe a mile from the shoare.

Upon the Northside of this harbour is very shoale water, but on the Southside no feare, more then is to be scene.

The 23. day being Sunday wee came to an ancker in the bay of fresh water, and going ashoare with our boate, wee spake with a Portugal, who tolde us that not farre off there were Negros inhabiting, and that in giving to the king a Botija of wine, and some linnen cloth, hee would suffer us to water and wood at our pleasure. But our Captaines thinking it not good to give any thing for that which they might take freely, landed, and certaine of our men with them, whereupon the Portugall and the Negros ranne all away into the woods. Then wee returned againe into our boates, and presently went and landed in another place, thinking to have fetcht a walke, and so to come to our boats againe. But wandering through a little wood, we were suddenly and unawares upon a towne of the Negros, whereupon they strooke up their drumme, giving withall a great showt, and off went their arrowes as thicke as haile. Wee were in number about 30. caleevers, and 20. with our weapons, which wee also let flie into the woods among them, and what hurt we did, we know not.

Then wee returned to our boates, and tooke wood and water at our pleasure, and reasonable store of fish, and amongst the rest we halled up a great foule monster, whose head and backe were so hard, that no sword could enter it: but being thrust in under the belly in divers places, and much wounded, hee bowed a sword in his mouth, as a man would do a girdle of leather about his hande, and likewise the yron of a boare speare. He was in length about nine foote, and had nothing in his belly, but a certaine quantitie of small stones, to the value of a pottell.

The fourth of November wee went on shore to a towne of the Negros, which stoode on the Southeast side of the harbour, about a Sacar shot from the roade, which we found to be but lately built: it was of about two hundreth houses, and walled about with mightie great trees, and stakes so thicke, that a rat could hardly get in or out. But as it chanced, wee came directly upon a port which was not shut up, where wee entred with such fiercenesse, that the people fled all out of the towne, which we found to bee finely built after their fashion, and the streetes of it so intricate, that it was difficult for us to finde the way out, that we came in at. Wee found their houses and streets so finely and cleanly kept, that it was an admiration to us all, for that neither in the houses nor streets was so much dust to bee found, as would fill an egge shell. Wee found little in their houses, except some matts, goards, and some earthen pots. Our men at their departure set the towne on fire, and it was burnt (for the most part of it) in a quarter of an houre, the houses being covered with reed and straw.

After this wee searched the countrey about it, where wee found in divers plaines good store of rice in stacks, which our men did beate out, and brought a bord in the huske, to the quantitie of 14. or 15. tunnes in both our ships.

The 17. day of November wee departed from Sierra Leona, directing our course for the Straights of Magellan. In this harbour divers of our men fell sicke of a disease in the belly, which for the time was extreeme, but (God bee thanked) it was but of small continuance. Wee founde also in divers places of the woods, images set upon pinnes, with divers things before them, as eggs, meale, rice, round shot of stones, and divers other things, such as the barbarous people had to offer up.

When we came neere to the Line, wee found it nothing so hot as it is at Sierra Leona, by reason of the great winde and raine.

About the 24. day of November one or two of our men died, and others also were sicke of a Calentura.

The second day of January we had a little sight of land, being about the height of 28. degrees to the Southward of the Line.

The 4. day wee fell with the shoare high and bold, being in 30. degrees, and a terse, little more or lesse. All of it to the Northward was a high land, but to the Southward it did presently faile, and was a very low land, and all sandie. About sixe leagues from the shoare wee sounded, and had about fifteene or sixteene fathome water, and blacke sandie oze. We thought to have gone to the shoare, and to have watered, but we could not discerne any good harbour, and therefore we cast off to seaward againe.

The 12. day wee found our selves in 32. degrees and 27. minutes. From the day of the Nativitie of Christ, till the 13. day of this moneth, although the Sunne was very neere unto us, yet we found no want of winds but variable as in England , & not so hot but that a mans shoulders might well disgest a frize gowne, and his bellie the best Christmas cheere in England , yet wee for our parts had no want, but such as might content honest men.

The tenth day being about 8. leagues from the shoare, and a little short of the River of Plate, it was my good happe to espie a saile, which was a small Portugal bound for the River to a towne called Santa Fee: and from thence by horse and carts, the marchants, and part of their goods were to bee transported into Peru . This shippe being about the burthen of 45. or 50. tunnes, wee tooke that day about three of the clocke, wherein there was for Master or Pilote an Englishman called Abraham Cocke borne in Lee. We examined him and the rest concerning the state of the River, and they told us that there were in the River five townes, some of 70. housholds, and some of more. The first towne was about 50. leagues up the River called Buenos Ayres, the rest some 40. some 50. leagues one from another, so that the uppermost towne called Tucaman is 230. leagues from the entrance of the River. In these townes is great store of corne, cattell, wine, and sundry fruits, but no money of gold or silver: they make a certaine kinde of slight cloth, which they give in trucke of sugar, rice, Marmalade, and Sucket, which were the commodities that this shippe had.

They had abord also. 45. Negros, whereof every one in Peru yeeldeth 400. duckets a piece, and besides these, there were as passengers in her, two Portugal women and a childe.

The 11. day wee espied another saile, which was the consort of this Portugall, and to him also we gave chase, and tooke him the same day: Hee was of the burthen of the other, and had in him good store of sugar, Marmalade, and Succats, with divers other things, which we noted downe our booke. In this ship also we found about 35. Negro women, and foure or five friers, of which one was an Irish man, of the age of three or foure and twentie yeeres, and two Portugal women also, which were borne in the river of Jenero. Both these ships were bought in Brasil , by a yong man which was Factor for the bishop of Tucaman, and the friers were sent for by that bishop to possesse a new Monasterie, which the bishop was then a building. The bookes, beads, and pictures in her, cost (as one of the Portugals confessed) above 1000. duckats.

Of these ships we learned, that M. John Drake, who went in consort with M. Fenton, had his Barke cast away a little short of the River of Plate, where they were taken captives by the Savages, all saving them which were slaine in the taking: the Savages kept them for a time, and used them very hardly, yet at the last John Drake and Richard Faireweather, and two or three more of their company with them got a Canoa, and escaped, and came to the first towne of the Spaniards. Faireweather is maried in one of the townes, but John Drake was carried to Tucaman by the Pilot of this ship, and was living, and in good health the last yeere. Concerning this voyage of the Portugals they tolde us that it was the thirde voyage that was made into the River of Plate these 30. yeeres.

The 12. of January wee came to Seale yland, and the 14. day to the Greene yland, where going in we found hard abord the maine 8. fathome, 7. and 6. and never lesse then five fathome. There lies a ledge of rocks in the faire way, betwixt the yland and the maine, so that you must bee sure to borrow hard abord the maine, and leave the ledge on the larbord side.

One of the Portugals which wee caried along with us in our shippe seemed to bee a man of experience, and I entred into speach with him concerning the state of the River: hee tolde mee that the towne of Buenos Ayres is from the Greene yland about seventie leagues, standing on the Southside of the River, and from thence to Santa Fee is 100. leagues, standing on the same side also. At which towne their shippes doe discharge all their goods into small Barkes, which rowe and towe up the River to another towne called Ascension, which is from Santa Fee 150. leagues, where the boats discharge on shoare, and so passe all the goods by carts and horses to Tucaman, which is in Peru .

The towne of Ascension stands in a very fertile place, reaping corne twise in the yeere, with abundance of wine, cattell, and fruits. In the townes of Ascension and Tucaman a rapier of 20. rials of plate is worth 30. duckats, a boxe of Marmalade 20. duckats; a looking glasse a foote over is worth 30. li. pictures in tables of 14. inches, 30. and 40. li. a piece.

The 16. day wee went from Greene yland to the watering place, which is about a league to the Westward, where wee tooke in about 18. tunnes of water, and the 22. day came againe to Seale yland to make provision of Seales, where a storme arose, which put us in some danger, by the breaking of our anckers and cables, and the winde blew so colde, that wee much marveiled at it, considering the height of the place. I must needes in this place finde fault with our selves and the whole company, that riding in this River 16. dayes, the chanell was not sounded, nor the way made perfect.

The 29. day wee tooke into our ship one Miles Philips, which was left in the West Indies by M. Hawkins.

The first of February I tooke the Sunne in 38. degrees. And the 3. day of February I tooke it againe and found it to be in 41. degrees.

The 7. day of February our Captaine master Lister being in one of the prizes, hoysed over bord his Gundelo, and went abord the Admirall, and being there they sent their Gundelo abord us, for our Master, master Collins, and my selfe, & at our comming we were called into the Captaines cabbin, where were set in counsell for matters touching the state of our voyage, these men whose names are under written.

  • Master Robert Withrington Captaine of the Admirall.
  • Master Christopher Lister Captaine of The barke Clifford .
  • John Anthonie, Master of the Admirall.
  • Thomas Hood, Pilot for the Streights.
  • William Anthonie, Master of the barke Clifford .
  • David Collins.
  • Tristram Gennings.
  • Master William Withrington.
  • Master Beumond Withrington.
  • Master Wasnes.
  • Master Norton.
  • Master Wilkes.
  • Master Harris.
  • Thomas Anthonie.
  • Nicholas Porter.
  • The master Gunner:
  • And Alexander Gundie, his mate.
  • John Sarracol.

This company being all assembled together, the Master of the Admiral declared that the cause of our assembly was to determine after good advice, what course or way were best and most likely to all mens judgments to be taken. First for the good preferment of my Lords voyage, then the health of our men, and lastly the safegard of our shippes, and further shewed his minde to us all in these wordes, as neere as I could cary them away.

MY masters, my Lords determination touching this our voyage is not unknowen unto you all, having appointed it to be made, and by the grace of God to be performed by us for the South sea. But for as much as wee doe all see the time of the yeere to bee farre spent, as also the windes to hang contrary, the weather drawes on colder and colder, the nights longer and longer, our bread so consumed that we have not left above two moneths bisket, our drinke in a maner all spent, so that we have nothing but water, which in so cold a countrey as the Streights, if we should get in, and bee forced there to winter, would no doubt be a great weakening to our men, and a hazard of the overthrow of the voyage: These things considered, both our Captaine, Master Hood, and I doe rather thinke it good for the wealth of our voyage, the health of our men, and safetie of our ships, to goe roome with the coast of Brasill, where by Gods grace wee shall well victuall our selves, both with wine which is our greatest want, and other necessaries.

Besides, it is given us here to understand by the Portugals which we have taken, that there is no doubt but that by Gods helpe and our endevour, wee shall bee able to take the towne of Baya, at our pleasure, which if wee doe put in practise, and doe not performe it, being somewhat advised by them, they offer to loose their lives. And having by this meanes victualled our selves, wee may there spend upon the coast some three or foure moneths, except in the meane time wee may happen upon some good thing to content my Lord, and to purchase our owne credits: otherwise, wee may take the Spring of the yeere, and so proceede, according to my lords directions. And assure your selves (by the assistance of God) wee will not returne without such benefite by this voyage, as may redound to my lords profite, and the honour of our countrey. Nowe if there bee any of you that can give better course and advise, then this which I have delivered, let him speake, and wee will not onely heare him, but thanke him for his counsell, and followe it.

To this speech of M. Anthony, M. Lister our captaine answered in this sort:

M. Withrington, & M. Anthony, both, you know, that the last words that my lord had with us in such a chamber were, that in any case we should follow our voyage only for the South sea, except by the way, we might perchance meete with such a purchase, as that wee might returne with 6000 pounds: and therefore I see no safetie, howe wee may dare offer to goe backe againe, being so neere the Streights as we are: for my part I neither dare nor wil consent unto it, except we be further forced, then yet wee are. My accompt is this, that he that dieth for this yeere is excused for the next, and I rather choose death, then to returne in disgrace with my lord.

Hereunto both the captaine and master of the Admirall replied that they were all of that mind: yet notwithstanding, that in going roome the voyage was in better possibilitie to bee performed, then in wintring either in the Streights, or at Port S. Julian, all things considered And so agreeing, and concluding all in one, they were determined presently to beare up.

The next day being the 8 of February, there fell out many and divers speeches on each part concerning the altering of our course, some would continue for the Streights, and other some would not. Whereupon a viewe was taken in both ships of victuals, and reasonable store was found for both companies: and the winde withall comming to the North, we determined to take out of the prizes the best necessaries that were in them, and so cast them off, and to plie for the Streights.

All this time wee held on our course, and the 15 day wee found our selves in the height of 44 degrees, but then the winde came to the South, with much raine, wind, cold, and other untemperate weather, continuing in that sort five or sixe dayes, in which time we hulled backe againe into the height of 42 degrees.

Sunday being the 20 of February, our Admirall being something to the leeward of us, and the storme somewhat ceased, put aboord his flag in the mizen shrowds, as a token that hee would speake with us, and thereupon wee bare roome with him, and having hailed one another, captaine Withrington shewed the disposition of all his company, which was rather to goe roome with the coast of Brasil , then to lie after that sort in the sea with foule weather and contrary winds. Our captaine on the other side shewed the contrary disposition of his men, and company, willing notwithstanding to proceede: but in the ende, both the shippes fell asunder, and our captaine sayd, Seeing then there is no remedie, I must be content, though against my will.

The 21 day the weather grew faire, and the wind good at the South for the Streights, yet our Admirall bare roome still, we supposing hee would have taken the benefit of the time: whereupon our whole company began to think of the inconveniences that would arise by deviding our selves, and losing our Admirall, being very willing to continue their course, and yet not without the company of the Admiral. And then wee began to cast about after him, and at the last bare with him, and he tolde us, that upon a second viewe of the victuals, hee found their store so slender, and their want so great, that there was no remedy for them but to seeke some meanes to be relieved, which was the onely cause that hee bare Northward. This speech made us of the barke to enter into a new consultation: and we found many of our men weake, and all our calievers not serviceable, and the Smiths that should mend them to be in the Admiral. We considered also, that by breaking of company, eche ship should be the more weakened: wee continued in this consultation til the foure and twentieth day, and in all that time found master captaine Lister more desirous to accomplish, and to fulfill the voyage, and not willing in any case to turne his ship, but that the desire which we all had to continue in consort with our Admirall, made us to thinke well of his company, and in fine an agreement and conclusion was thus made on all sides, to follow the Admiral, without any more talke of the Streights till the Spring.

The 10 day of March, it fell out so unfortunately, that Samuel Teller our masters mate, fell overboord, and so perished, we being not able by any meanes to recover him.

The eight and twentieth day being in the height of one and twenty degrees, wee espied a saile, which wee judged came out of the Streights, and had rich lading, but the night being at hand, we lost her very unluckily, and the next day could have no sight of her.

The fift day of April we fel with the land of Brasilia , in the height, as I judge, of sixteen degrees and a tierce, and our Captaine went then aboord the Admirall, where they concluded to sende the pinnesse and our boate on shore for fresh water, because wee stoode in neede of it, which did so with eighteene good men, and three or foure tunne of water caske. They were from us till the eighth day in the morning, at which time we espied them againe, and that day we came all together into the roade of Camana, where there came a Canoa aboord us, and one of the chiefest Portugals that belonged to the place. Here wee tooke in beefes, hogs, water and wood at our pleasure, having almost no man able to resist us, but some of our Portugals stole from us in the Canoa.

The 11 day wee entred into the haven of Baya, where wee were received at the point comming in, with two great pieces of Ordinance, which discharged bullets at us five times a piece, but they lost shot and powder, and did us no harme. After wee had passed the point, wee halled in for the roade as close as the wind would permit us, but could not come so neere as we desired, and therefore we came to an ankor a faire birth off the towne, not without great store of shotte from thence, but yet our harme was none at all for ought they could doe.

At our comming in, wee found in the road eight ships and one caravel, of the which one was a hulke or double flie boat of the burden of two hundred and fifty tunnes, having in her 24 pieces of good Ordinance: shee with the rest of the ships, together with the towne, gave us shot, and shot, but not one touched so much as any of our sayles. And least wee should seeme in the meane time to be idle, we repayed for every shot of theirs, two or three sometimes at the ships and the towne together.

The next day at night wee thought to have hailed in with the ships, and to have fetched out some of them: but the wind blew then off the shore, so that wee could not possiblie doe it. And againe the next day at night we concluded to goe with our owne two boates, and two other boats of the countrey which we had taken before, which went with caravel-sailes, into the roade, and accordingly performed the same, notwithstanding the shot of the enemie. The Moone did shine, and gave very good light, and in we went with our caravels and boates, and the shot came about our eares as thicke as haile : but the Portugals and the rest perceiving us no whit at all to shrinke or be dismayed, forsooke their ships, & began to provide to save themselves, some with their boats, some by swimming, and so wee entred the ships with a great showte, and found few to resist us: but yet the shore not being a cables length from us, they did so plie both their great and small ordinance at us, that it much annoyed us: But yet for all that we made light of their shot, and our men of the barke Clifford entred the Admirall and Viceadmirall, and our Admirals men entred two other ships of the like burden, and presently every one cut the cables in the hause, and so by the helpe of God in despite of them all, wee brought away foure of them. The least whereof was of the burthen of 130 tunnes.

In this broile the hulke shotte at us many times, but did no hurt at all: but at the last comming by the hulke towing our new prizes, we hailed them and demanded whence they were, they answered us of Flushing, and then we commanded him to wey ankor, and to come after us: And not daring to refuse it, he did so, and brought with him a caravel with fortie or fiftie buts of wine in her, and another small barke which had little or nothing in her: and rode by us as one of our company, and was a ship of the burden of two hundreth and fifty tunnes. Our hard happe was to find no great matter, either of marchandize or victuals in these ships, saving in one of them we found foure buts of wine, in another two, in another one, and some fish, and all the rest of their lading was on shore.

All this was done upon Easter eeve, and we gave thanks to God, that we had sped so well: and that very night there came a boate from the towne, with a Dutch merchant, and one Portugal , to offer some ransome for the ships, as they sayd, but as I judge rather to espie our strength: we kept them that night aboord, and the next day we sent them to our Admiral.

The next day being Easter day arose a very great storme insomuch that our caravel which we first tooke brake from us, and one of our new prizes also, by meanes of the breaking of her cable, slipt away: whereupon, although the winde was great, and the sea troublesome, yet wee sent certaine of our men in our boat, to recover them if they might, but we feare, that the rage of the weather hath caused us to leese both our men and prizes.

In the middest of this storme, our two Spaniards which wee tooke in the river of Plate, seeing us all busie about our prizes, beganne to thinke howe they might escape our handes, and suddenly slipt both out of one of the cabbins windowes, and by swimming got a shoare, a thing which seemed to us impossible, considering the outrage of the weather.

This storme continued long, and prevented us of making our intended attempt against the towne, having as much to doe as possibly we might, in keeping our ships and prizes from running ashore; and falling into the hands of those that stood gaping greedily for our ruine.

The 19 day the storme being a little ceased, wee all weyed and came to an Island that lyeth next Northwest from the bay, and the twentieth day we went on shore, and our carpenters set up our pinnesse.

The 23 day the people of the countrey came downe amaine upon us, and beset us round, and shot at us with their bowes and arrowes, but in short time wee caused them to retire, and many of them were caried away by the helpe of their fellowes, although wee had some of our men hurt with some of their arrowes.

The 24 day we received out of the caravel twelve buts of wine and foure barels of oyle, and halfe a quarter.

The 26 of April our pinnesse was lanched : and the same day came downe unto us a great number of Portugals and Indians, with whom we skirmished the space of two houres to their cost.

The second day of May the Admirals boate went a shore with 14 men to fill water, and presently being on shore, they were intrapped with two or three hundred Indians which assaulted them, and slew one or two of our men, but the rest escaped notwithstanding the number of the enemie, and came safe againe with water to the ship. We suffered this losse by meere negligence, & want of circumspection.

The 5 day the captaine of the Admiral himselfe tooke a small barke, his owne little caravel, our pinnesse and the Dutchmans boate, and at night went on shore to get victuals, amongst the bullocks which were in the fields: and in the morning they were gone so farre, that they were out of sight. Which being perceived by the enemie, they presently made ready their galley for Admiral, with four caravels, with as many men in them as possibly could thrust in & stand one by another: and they bare over with the North shore to meete with our pinnesse and boats: whereupon our men fell into great danger, although M. Lister our captaine disswaded M. Withrington from that attempt, by laying before him the danger both of himselfe and us also, being so far one from the other. But being once gone, there was no remedie but they were to abide whatsoever might happen : we in the barke Clifford , although wee were weakely left, yet perceiving the Galley to make after our men, weyed and pursued the galley, as neere the shore as we could conveniently come for want of water: the hulke also weyed and came after us to follow the enemie, but the enemie with his oares got sight of our pinnesse and boats before wee could, and bare directly with them : which being espied of our men, and they seeing no way to avoide them, made themselves ready (notwithstanding the great oddes) to fight it out like men, and to live and die together. The course that they tooke for their best advantage upon the sudden, was this: they went all into the pinnesse, and made fast the Dutchmans boate to one side, and the small caravel to the other side, and so waited the comming of the enemie, giving them first of all a piece of Ordinance for their welcome, which they presently repaied againe with a piece out of the prowe of the galley, and presently after, with three or foure small brasse pieces, charged with haileshot, and so giving a mighty shoute, came all aboord together, crying, entrad, entrad: but our men received them so hotely, with small shot and pikes, that they killed them like dogs. And thus they continued aboord them almost a quarter of an hour, thinking to have devoured our men, pinnesse and all. And surely to mans judgement, no other thing was likely in regard of their great number, and the fewnes of our men, and they at the first thought all was their owne: but God, who is the giver of all victories, so blessed our small company, and so strengthened their armes and mindes to fight, that the enemie having received a mighty foyle, was glad to ridde himselfe from their handes: and whereas at their entrance, wee esteemed them to bee no lesse then betwixt two hundred and three hundred men in the galley, we could scarse perceive twenty men at their departure stand on their legs, but the greater part of them was slaine, many deadly wounded, their oares broken, & she departed from our men, hanging upon one side (as a Sowe that hath lost her left eare) with the number of dead and wounded men that lay one upon another. And whereas their comming aboord was in a great bravado, with drumme, shouting, and crying, they departed without either noise of drumme or speech.

We lost in this conflict of our men, three onely, which were Alexander the Master Gunners mate, Laurence Gambrel, a proper yoong man of Hampton , and another that was master Benmans man. Some also were hurt with the arrowes of the enemie, but the wounds were curable: and thus it pleased Almighty God, of his great goodnes, to give victory to 50 or 60 Englishmen, against sixe or seven hundreth Portugals and Indians, for which we ceased not to give such dutifull thanks to his Majestie, as so miraculous a victory required.

Now touching the purpose of our men, who made that attempt for fresh victuals, their labour was nothing lost, but in despite of the enemie they brought to our ships 16 or 17 yong bullockes, which was to our great comforts and refreshing. As for us that were in our ship, we could not come neere them by two miles, or more, to give them any aid, yet we suppose that the countenance of our ships was an incouragement to our men, and some maner of feare to the enemie.

Now whereas our opinion concerning the number of the Portugals and Indians which were slaine, as aforesayd, was grounded at that time upon our probable conjecture, not being able otherwise to come to the knowledge thereof: you shall understand that the next night after the fight there came aboord us two Indians upon a Gyngatho, who were runne away from their masters, and they told us for a very good trueth, that the gallie went out from the towne with foure hundreth men in her, but there came not backe to the towne again alive above thirty of them all: and I amongst the rest being desirous to know of one of them, what the newes was at the towne, he answered me with great laughter: Todo esta cacado en Tierra.

The twelfth day I was sent for to come aboord the admirall, about the hulke: where upon the complaint of the Dutchmen, master Withrington entred into bond to them for the paiment of their fraight, but how my lord would like that bond of debt at our returne, I knowe not. I gave him my advise and counsell to get his bond againe into his hands.

The thirteenth day our captaine sent out of our ship certaine victuals unto the Admirall, as one butte of dight rise, two chests of clean rise, one barrell of oatemeale, one barrell of peason, and one barrell of oile, because they were somewhat scanted of victuals, and we at this time were to have out of the Admirall our part of five and twenty chests of fine sugar, and more, of eight chests, and sixe chests that were taken in the Bay of Todos Santos, at the Ingenios, more of one hundreth and thirty hats, and other divers pillages, which were taken in the prizes, and at the shore.

The foureteenth day being Monday, it was concluded amongst us all, not to leave the towne of Baya so, but notwithstanding the time that they had to strengthen themselves and the towne, yet to give an attempt for the winning of it: and therefore wee provided our pinnesses, caravels, and boates for the enterprise: and as we were departing from our shippes, the winde turned directly contrary to our course, so that our determination for that time was broken, and wee returned againe to our ships: and to say the trueth, if the weather and winde had served, our attempt had bene very desperate, considering the number of Portugals and Indians which were then gathered together, to the number of seven or eight thousand, and their artillery upon the shore, playing upon us: but neverthelesse we had proceeded, if the winds had favoured us.

The 16 day we went to certaine Ingenios of the Portugals, where we found the people fled and we entered their houses without resistance. We found in their purging house 1000 pots of sugar, some halfe purged, some a quarter, and some newly put into the pots: so that every man tooke his pot of sugar for their provision, and set all the rest on fire.

The 17 day wee all weyed to goe to another Ingenio, to see if wee could find there better sugar, and in the way we met with a prize, which was a caravel, which wee found driving with the weather, and entred her, and had in her onely three Faulcons of yron, which our pinnesse brought away, and set the ship on fire. Dalamor in the small prize ran so farre in, that hee brought his ship on ground, where shee lay three or foure houres, till such time as there came from the towne five caravels full of men, which being perceived of us, our captaine with our men went to him to ayde him. The caravels came within Faulcon shot of us, but durst come no neerer, lest they might have tasted of the like banket, that they received the last time. About halfe flood came the galley againe, and three caravels more, but before they came, the barke was a floate, and set sayle: and then they all went to gard their Ingenios, which we had purposed to visit: but the night comming on, perswaded us to the contrary.

The 19 day we set sayle to goe into the roade of Baya againe, with our pinnesses, and a flag of truce, to see if we could recover our foure men, which remained alive of those ten, that perished in our boate, of whom we spake before, which foure were unfortunately fallen into their hands: but they at our approching neere the towne, shot at us, and wee as ready as they, gave them in all 27 shot, and so ankored a little from the towne, to see what they would doe.

The 20 day riding still before the towne, our Admirall sent a Negro ashore, with letters from the Portugals, that wee had prisoners aboord : the effect of which letters was, that if we might have our men released and delivered us, they should have theirs from our ships.

The next day in the morning, in stead of their bloody flagge, they put up two white flagges, and sent a Gingatho off to us with two Indians, with letters of answere from the Governour; but they would not consent in any case that we should have our men, and willed their Portugals to take their captivitie patiently, for they would not redeeme them: a motion they made in their letters, to buy againe one of their prizes, which we had taken out of the rode: but our admirall answered them, no, seeing they detained our men, wee would keepe both their men, and ships too. The same evening we weyed, and came out of the haven, halfe a league to seaward.

The 22 we set saile to sea, and the 23 came to an Island twelve leagues to the Southward of Baya, to wood, and water.

The 24 day being aboord with our pinnesses, we met with a Canoa, wherein was one Portugall, and sixe Indians: we shot at the Canoa, and killed an Indian, and tooke the Portugall, and one of the Indians, and brought them aboord our shippes: we there examined them, and the Portugal confessed that there was a shippe laden with meale, and other victuals, bound for Fernambuck, but put into a creeke, because she durst not goe along the coast, hearing of our shippes. Whereupon we manned both our pinnesses, and tooke the Portugal with us, to goe and seeke the same ship, but that night we could not find her.

The 26 day we went againe, and found her, being hailed up into a creeke, where a man would have thought a shippe boate could not have entred : wee found her indeed laden with meale principally: but she had also in her fourteene chests of sugar, of which two were in powder, and twelve in loaves. This ship was of the burden of one hundred and twenty tunnes, and a new ship, this being the first voyage that ever she made, and as the Portugall confessed, shee was fraighted for Fernambuck, but the men of Baya having great want of bread, bought both the ship and her lading, and so thought to stay her in this creeke, till we were gone off the coast: but it was our good hap to disappoint their pretense, and to fetch her from thence, where they thought her as safe as if she had bene at Lisbon .

The 28 day we devided the meale amongst us, according to the want of every ship.

The 30 day, 16 or 17 Dutchmen went with their boate from the hulke to shoare, to fill water: and upon a sudden they were assaulted with fifty or sixty Portugals, and so many more Indians armed with shot and other weapons, and they slew their Master and Purser, and the rest were hurt, but yet escaped with their lives: a good warning for us to bee circumspect, and carefully in our landing.

The last day of May wee cast off one of our prizes, which wee called the George, and our Admirall and the hulke tooke the men and other necessaries out of her, into them. The same day the Portugals which had hurt the Dutchmen came to the shore, and dared us to come on land: whereupon wee went into our pinnesses with fortie shot: but the cowardly villanes ranne all away to the hils, from the water side: but master Lister with nine men followed them, and they fled still before them, and durst not stay their approch: so they came backe againe, and wee filled water quietly, and at our pleasure.

The third day of June our captaine master Lister , having a great desire for the performance of this voyage, according to my Lords direction, went to our admirall, and requested him to give him sixe buts of wine, one barrell of oile, three or foure barrells of flesh, and to have Thomas Hood and seven or eight seamen for some of our landmen, and by Gods help he with the barke Clifford , would alone proceede for the South sea: but admirall mightily withstoode his motion, and would grant no iote of his particular requests.

The 7 of June, having no use at all of our prizes, we burnt one, and cast off another, and filled our owne ships with the necessaries of them.

The 8 day wee put off to sea, but yet with much adoe came againe to our ankoring place, because of the weather.

The 10 day the admirall sent for us to come aboord him, and being come, hee opened a Carde before all the company, and tolde us that my lords voyage for the South sea was overthrowen for want of able men, and victuals, and that therefore hee thought it best to plie for some of the Islands of the West India, or the Azores , to see if they could meete with some good purchase, that might satisfie my lord. These wordes were taken heavily of all the company, and no man would answere him, but kept silence, for very griefe to see my lords hope thus deceived, and his great expenses and costs cast away. The common sort seeing no other remedie, were contented to returne as well as he.

The 16 day wee espied a sayle, whereupon our pinnesse and Dalamor gave her chase, and put her ashore upon the Island, where the men forsooke her, and ran away with such things as they could conveniently carie: our pinnesse boorded her, and found little in her; they tooke out of her nine chests of sugar, and one hogge, and 35 pieces of pewter, and so left her upon the sands.

From this time forward we began to plie Northwards, and the first of July fell with the land againe, where we fished, and found reasonable good store. I tooke the latitude that day, and found our selves in 10 degrees and 22 minutes.

The 7 day we determined to fall with Fernambuck, and wee came so neere it, that Dalamor (as he told us) espied some of the ships that were in the harbour: yet notwithstanding we all fell to leeward of the river, & could not after that, by any meanes recover the height of it againe: but we ceased not on all parts to endevour the best we could, & oftentimes lost company for a day or two, one of another, but there was no remedie, but patience, for to Fernambuck we could not come, having so much overshot it to the Northward, and the wind keeping at the South and Southwest.

The 20 day I tooke the Sunne in 5 degrees 50 minuts, which was 2 degrees to the Northward of Fernambuck, and the further wee went, the more untowardly did the rest of our ships worke, either to come into haven, or to keepe company one with another. And truely I suppose, that by reason of the froward course of the Admirall, he meant of purpose to lose us: for I know not how the neerer we endevoured to be to him, the further off would he beare from us, and wee seeing that, kept on our owne course, and lookt to our selves as well as we could.

The 24 day our whole company was called together to consultation, for our best course: some would goe for the West India, some directly North for England ; and in conclusion, the greater part was bent to plie for our owne countrey, considering our necessities of victuals and fresh water, and yet if any place were offered us in the way, not to omit it, to seeke to fill water.

The 26 day in the morning, we espied a lowe Island, but we lost it againe, and could descrie it no more. This day we found our selves in 3 degrees and 49 minutes.

The 27 day we searched what water we had left us, and found but nine buts onely, so that our captaine allowed but a pinte of water for a man a day, to preserve it as much as might be, wherewith every man was content, and we were then in number fiftie men and boyes.

The first of August we found our selves 5 degrees to the Northward of the line, all which moneth we continued our course homeward, without touching any where: toward the end whereof, a sorrowfull accident fell out in our hulke, which being devided from us in a calme, fell afire by some great negligence, and perished by that meanes in the seas, wee being not able any wayes to helpe the ship, or to save the men.

The 4 day of September, we had brought our selves into the height of 41 degrees & 20 minutes, somewhat to the Northwards of the Islands of the Azores: and thus bulting up and downe with contrary winds, the 29 of the same moneth, we reached the coast of England , and so made an end of the voyage.

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