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The testimoniall of the companie of The Desire touching their losing of their Generall, which appeareth to have beene utterly against their meanings.

THE 26 of August 1591 wee whose names bee here under written, with divers others departed from Plimmouth under M. Thomas Candish our Generall, with 4 ships of his, to wit, The Galeoh, The Robuck, The Desire, and The Black pinnesse, for the performance of a voyage into The South sea. The 19 of November we fell with the bay of Salvador in Brasil . The 16. of December we tooke the towne of Santos , hoping there to revictuall our selves, but it fell not out to our contentment. The 24 of January we set saile from Santos , shaping our course for The Streights of Magellan. The 8 of Februarie by violent stormes the sayde fleete was parted: The Robuck and The Desire arrived in Porte Desire the 6 of March. The 16 of March The Black pinnesse arrived there also: and the 18 of the same our admirall came into the roade; with whom we departed the 20 of March in poore and weake estate. The 8 of Aprill 1592 we entred The Streights of Magellan. The 21 of Aprill wee ankered beyond Cape Froward, within 40 leagues of The South sea, where wee rode untill the 15 of May. In which time wee had great store of snowe, with some gustie weather, the wind continuing still at Westnorthwest against us. In this time wee were inforced for the preserving of our victuals, to live the most part upon muskles, our provision was so slender; so that many of our men died in this hard extremitie. Then our General returned for Brasil there to winter, & to procure victuals for this voyage against the next yeere. So we departed The Streights the 15 of May. The 21 being thwart of Port Desire 30 leagues off the shoare, the wind then at Northeast and by North, at five of the clock at night lying Northeast, wee suddenly cast about lying Southeast and by South, and sometimes Southeast: the whole fleete following the admirall, our ship comming under his lee shot ahead him, and so framed saile fit to keepe companie. This night wee were severed, by what occasion wee protest wee know not, whither we lost them or they us. In the morning we only saw The Black pinnesse, then supposing that the admirall had overshot us. All this day wee stoode to the Eastwards, hoping to find him, because it was not likely, that he would stand to the shoare againe so suddenly. But missing him towards night, we stood to the shoareward, hoping by that course to finde him. The 22 of May at night we had a violent storme, with the winde at Northwest, and wee were inforced to hull, not being able to beare saile, and this night we perished our maine tressle-trees, so that wee could no more use our maine top-saile, lying most dangerously in the sea. The pinnesse likewise received a great leake, so that wee were inforced to seeke the next shoare for our reliefe. And because famine was like to bee the best ende, wee desired to goe for Port Desire, hoping with seales and penguins to relieve our selves, and so to make shift to followe the Generall, or there to stay his comming from Brasil . The 24 of May wee had much winde at North. The 25 was calme, and the sea very loftie, so that our ship had dangerous foule weather. The 26 our foreshrowdes brake, so that if wee had not beene neere the shoare, it had beene impossible for us to get out of the sea. And nowe being here mored in Port Desire, our shroudes are all rotten, not having a running rope whereto wee may trust, and being provided onely of one shift of sailes all worne, our top-sailes not able to abide any stresse of weather, neither have wee any pitch, tarre, or nailes, nor any store for the supplying of these wantes; and wee live onely upon seales and muskles, having but five hogsheads of porke within bourd, and meale three ounces for a man a day, with water for to drinke. And forasmuch as it hath pleased God to separate our fleete, and to bring us into such hard extremities, that only now by his mere mercy we expect reliefe, though otherwise we are hopelesse of comfort, yet because the wonderfull workes of God in his exceeding great favour toward us his creatures are farre beyond the scope of mans capacitie, therefore by him we hope to have deliverance in this our deepe distresse. Also forasmuch as those upon whom God will bestow the favour of life, with returne home to their countrey, may not onely themselves remaine blamelesse, but also manifest the trueth of our actions, wee have thought good in Christian charitie to lay downe under our hands the trueth of all our proceedings even till the time of this our distresse.

Given in Port Desire the 2 of June 1592. Beseching the almightie God of his mercie to deliver us from this miserie, how or when it shall please his divine Majestie.

John Davis Captaine. Thomas Watkins.
Randolph Cotton. George Cunington.
John Pery. John Whiting.
William Maber gunner. James Ling.
Charles Parker. The Boat-swain.
Rouland Miller. Francis Smith.
Edward Smith. John Layes.
Thomas Purpet. The Boat-swaines mate.
Matthew Stubbes. Fisher.
John Jenkinson. John Austin.
Thomas Edwards. Francis Copstone.
Edward Granger. Richard Garet.
John Lewis. James Eversby.
William Hayman. Nicolas Parker.
George Straker. Leonard.
Thomas Walbie. John Pick.
William Wyeth. Benjamin.
Richard Alard. William Maber.
Stephan Popham. James Not.
Alexander Cole. Christopher Hauser.

After they had delivered this relation unto our captaine under their handes, then wee began to travell for our lives, and wee built up a smiths forge, and made a colepit, and burnt coles, and there wee made nailes, boltes, and spikes, others made ropes of a peece of our cable, and the rest gathered muskles, and tooke smeltes for the whole companie. Three leagues from this harborough there is an Isle with foure small Isles about it, where there are great abundance of scales, and at the time of the yeere the penguins come thither in great plentie to breede. Wee concluded with the pinnesse, that she should sometimes goe thither to fetch seales for us; upon which condition wee would share our victuals with her man for man; whereunto the whole companie agreed. So wee parted our poore store, and shee laboured to fetch us scales to eate, wherewith wee lived when smeltes and muskles failed: for in the nepe streames wee could get no muskles. Thus in most miserable calamitie wee remained untill the sixt of August, still keeping watch upon the hils to looke for our Generall, and so great was our vexation and anguish of soule, as I thinke never flesh and blood endured more. Thus our miserie dayly increasing, time passing, and our hope of the Generall being very colde, our Captaine and Master were fully perswaded, that the Generall might perhaps goe directly for The Streights, and not come to this harborough: whereupon they thought no course more convenient than to goe presently for The Streights, and there to stay his comming, for in that place hee could not passe, but of force wee must see him: whereunto the companie most willingly consented, as also the Captaine and Master of the pinnesse; so that upon this determination wee made all possible speede to depart.

The sixt of August wee set saile, and went to Penguinisle, and the next day wee salted twentie hogsheads of scales, which was as much as our salt could possibly doe, and so wee departed for The Streights the poorest wretches that ever were created. The seventh of August towarde night wee departed from Penguin-isle, shaping our course for The Streights, where wee had full confidence to meete with our Generall. The ninth wee had a sore storme, so that wee were constrained to hull, for our sailes were not to indure any force. The 14 wee were driven in among certaine Isles never before discovered by any knowen relation, lying fiftie leagues or better from the shoare East and Northerly from The Streights: in which place, unlesse it had pleased God of his wonderfull mercie to have ceased the winde, wee must of necessitie have perished. But the winde shifting to the East, wee directed our course for The Streights, and the 18 of August wee fell with the Cape in a very thicke fogge; and the same night we ankered ten leagues within the Cape. The 19 day wee passed the first and the second Streights. The 21 wee doubled Cape Froward. The 22 we ankered in Salvage coove, so named, because wee found many Salvages there: notwithstanding the extreme colde of this place, yet doe all these wilde people goe naked, and live in the woods like Satyrs, painted and disguised, and flie from you like wilde deere. They are very strong, and threw stones at us of three or foure pound weight an incredible distance. The 24 in the morning wee departed from this coove, and the same day we came into the Northwest reach, which is the last reach of the Streights. The 25 we ankored in a good coove, within foureteene leagues of the South sea: in this place we purposed to stay for the General, for the streight in this place is scarce three miles broad, so that he could not passe but we must see him. After we had stayed here a fortnight in the deep of winter, our victuals consuming, (for our Seals stunke most vily, and our men died pitifully through cold and famin, for the greatest part of them had not clothes to defend the extremitie of the winters cold) being in this heavie distresse, our captaine and Master thought it the best course to depart from the Streights into the South sea, and to go for the Isle of Santa Maria, which is to the Northward of Baldivia in 37 degrees & a quarter, where we might have reliefe, and be in a temperate clime, and there stay for the Generall, for of necessity he must come by that Isle. So we departed the 13 of September, & came in sight of the South sea. The 14 we were forced backe againe, and recovered a coove 3 leagues within the streights from the South sea. Againe we put foorth, & being 8 or 10 leagues free of the land, the wind rising furiously at Westnorthwest, we were inforced againe into the streights only for want of sails; for we never durst beare saile in any stresse of weather, they were so weake: so againe we recovered the coove three leagues within the streights, where we indured most furious weather, so that one of our two cables brake, whereby we were hopeles of life. Yet it pleased God to calme the storme, and wee unrived our sheates, tackes, halliers, and other ropes, and mored our ship to the trees close by the rockes. We laboured to recover our ankor againe, but could not by any means, it lay so deepe in the water, and as we thinke cleane covered with oaze. Now had we but one ankor which had but one whole Flouke, a cable spliced in two places, and a piece of an olde cable. In the middest of these our troubles it pleased God that the wind came faire the first of October; whereupon with all expedition wee loosed our morings, and weighed our ankor, and so towed off into the chanel; for wee had mended our boate in Port Desire, and had five oares of the pinnesse. When we had weighed our ankor, we found our cable broken, onely one strand helde: then wee praysed God; for we saw apparantly his mercies in preserving us. Being in the chanel, we rived our ropes, & againe rigged our ship, no mans hand was idle, but all laboured even for the last gaspe of life. Here our company was devided; some desired to go againe for Port Desire, and there to be set on shore, where they might travell for their lives, and some stood with the Captaine & Master to proceed. Whereupon the Captaine sayd to the Master: Master, you see the wonderfull extremitie of our estate, and the great doubts among our companie of the truth of your reports, as touching reliefe to be had in the South sea: some say in secret, as I am informed, that we undertake these desperate attempts through blind affection that we beare to the General. For mine owne part I plainely make knowen unto you, that the love which I bare to the Generall caused mee first to enter into this action, whereby I have not onely heaped upon my head this bitter calamity now present, but also have in some sort procured the dislike of my best friends in England , as it is not unknowen to some in this company. But now being thus intangled by the providence of God for my former offences (no doubt) I desire, that it may please his divine Majestie to show us such mercifull favour, that we may rather proceed, then otherwise: or if it be his wil, that our mortall being shal now take an ende, I rather desire that it may bee in proceeding then in returning. And because I see in reason, that the limits of our time are now drawing to an end, I do in Christian charity intreat you all, first to forgive me in whatsoever I have bin grievous unto you; secondly that you wil rather pray for our General, then use hard speeches of him; and let us be fully perswaded, that not for his cause & negligence, but for our own offences against the divine Majesty we are presently punished; lastly, let us forgive one another and be reconciled as children in love & charity, and not think upon the vanities of this life: so shall we in leaving this life live with our glorious redeemer, or abiding in this life, find favour with God. And now (good master) forasmuch as you have bin in this voyage once before with your master the general, satisfie the company of such truths, as are to you best knowen; & you the rest of the generals men, which likewise have bin with him in his first voyage if you heare any thing contrary to the truth, spare not to reproove it, I pray you. And so I beseech the Lord to bestow his mercy upon us. Then the master began in these speeches: Captain, your request is very reasonable, & I referre to your judgment my honest care, & great pains taken in the generals service, my love towards him, & in what sort I have discharged my duety, from the first day to this houre. I was commanded by the general to follow your directions, which hitherto I have performed. You all knowe, that when I was extreamely sicke, the General was lost in my mates watch, as you have well examined: sithens which time, in what anguish and griefe of minde I have lived, God onely knoweth, and you are in some part a witnesse. And nowe if you thinke good to returne, I will not gainesay it: but this I assure you, if life may be preserved by any meanes, it is in proceeding. For at the Isle of Santa Maria I doe assure you of wheate, porke, and rootes enough. Also I will bring you to an Isle, where Pelicans bee in great abundance, and at Santos wee shall have meale in great plenty, besides all our possibilitie of intercepting some shippes upon the coast of Chili and Peru . But if wee returne there is nothing but death to be hoped for: therefore doe as you like, I am ready, but my desire is to proceede. These his speeches being confirmed by others that were in the former voyage, there was a generall consent of proceeding; and so the second of October we put into the South sea, and were free of all land. This night the winde began to blowe very much at Westnorthwest, and still increased in fury, so that wee were in great doubt what course to take: to put into the Streights wee durst not for lacke of ground tackle: to beare sayle wee doubted, the tempest was so furious, and our sayles so bad. The pinnesse come roome with us, and tolde us that shee had received many grievous Seas, and that her ropes did every houre fayle her, so as they could not tell what shift to make: wee being unable in any sort to helpe them, stood under our coarses in view of the lee-shore, still expecting our ruinous end.

The fourth of October the storme growing beyond all reason furious, the pinnesse being in the winde of us, strake suddenly ahull, so that we thought shee had received some grievous sea, or sprung a leake, or that her sayles failed her, because she came not with us: but we durst not hull in that unmercifull storme, but sometimes tried under our maine coarse, sometime with a haddock of our sayle, for our ship was very leeward, and most laboursome in the sea. This night wee lost the pinnesse, and never saw her againe.

The fift, our foresayle was split, and all to torne: then our Master tooke the mizzen, and brought it to the foremast, to make our ship worke, and with our sprit-saile we mended our foresayle, the storme continuing without all reason in fury, with haile, snowe, raine, and winde such and so mighty, as that in nature it could not possibly be more, the seas such and so lofty, with continuall breach, that many times we were doubtfull whether our ship did sinke or swimme.

The tenth of October being by the accompt of our Captaine and Master very neere the shore, the weather darke, the storme furious, and most of our men having given over to travell, we yeelded our selves to death, without further hope of succour. Our captaine sitting in the gallery very pensive, I came and brought him some Rosa solis to comfort him; for he was so cold, that hee was scarce able to moove a joint. After he had drunke, and was comforted in heart, hee began for the ease of his conscience to make a large repetition of his forepassed time, and with many grievous sighs he concluded in these words: Oh most glorious God, with whose power the mightiest things among men are matters of no moment, I most humbly beseech thee, that the intollerable burthen of my sinnes may through the blood of Jesus Christ be taken from me: and end our daies with speede, or shew us some mercifull signe of thy love and our preservation. Having thus ended, he desired me not to make knowen to any of the company his intollerable griefe and anguish of minde, because they should not thereby be dismayed. And so suddenly, before I went from him the Sunne shined cleere; so that he and the Master both observed the true elevation of the Pole, whereby they knew by what course to recover the Streights. Wherewithall our captaine and Master were so revived, & gave such comfortable speeches to the company, that every man rejoiced, as though we had received a present deliverance. The next day being the 11 of October, we saw Cabo Deseado being the cape on the South shore (the North shore is nothing but a company of dangerous rocks, Isles, & sholds.) This cape being within two leages to leeward off us, our master greatly doubted, that we could not double the same: whereupon the captain told him: You see there is no remedy, either we must double it, or before noon we must die: therefore loose your sails, and let us put it to Gods mercy. The master being a man of good spirit resolutely made quicke dispatch & set sails. Our sailes had not bene halfe an houre aboord, but the footrope of our foresaile brake, so that nothing held but the oylet holes. The seas continually brake over the ships poope, and flew into the sailes with such violence, that we still expected the tearing of our sayles, or oversetting of the ship, and withall to our utter discomfort, wee perceived that wee fell still more and more to leeward, so that wee could not double the cape: wee were nowe come within halfe a mile of the cape, and so neere the shore, that the counter-suffe of the sea would rebound against the shippes side, so that wee were much dismayed with the horror of our present ende. Beeing thus at the very pinch of death, the winde and Seas raging beyond measure, our Master veared some of the maine sheate; and whether it was by that occasion, or by some current, or by the wonderfull power of God, as wee verily thinke it was, the ship quickened her way, and shot past that rocke, where wee thought shee would have shored. Then betweene the cape and the poynt there was a little bay; so that wee were somewhat farther from the shoare: and when we were come so farre as the cape, wee yeelded to death: yet our good God the Father of all mercies delivered us, and wee doubled the cape about the length of our shippe, or very little more. Being shot past the cape, we presently tooke in our sayles, which onely God had preserved unto us: and when we were shot in betweene the high lands, the wind blowing trade, without any inch of sayle, we spooned before the sea, three men being not able to guide the helme, and in sixe houres wee were put five and twenty leagues within the Streights, where wee found a sea answerable to the Ocean.

In this time we freed our ship from water, and after wee had rested a little, our men were not able to moove; their sinewes were stiffe, and their flesh dead, and many of them (which is most lamentable to bee reported) were so eaten with lice, as that in their flesh did lie clusters of lice as big as peason, yea and some as big as beanes. Being in this miserie we were constrained to put into a coove for the refreshing our men. Our Master knowing the shore and every coove very perfectly, put in with the shore, and mored to the trees, as beforetime we had done, laying our ankor to the seaward. Here we continued until the twentieth of October; but not being able any longer to stay through extremitie of famine, the one and twentieth we put off into the chanell, the weather being reasonable calme: but before night it blew most extreamely at Westnorthwest. The storme growing outrageous, our men could scarcely stand by their labour; and the Streights being full of turning reaches we were constrained by discretion of the Captaine and Master in their accounts to guide the ship in the hell-darke night, when we could not see any shore, the chanell being in some places scarse three miles broad. But our captaine, as wee first passed through the Strieghts drew such an exquisite plat of the same, as I am assured it cannot in any sort be bettered: which plat hee and the Master so often perused, and so carefully regarded, as that in memorie they had every turning and creeke, and in the deepe darke night without any doubting they conveyed the ship through that crooked chanell : so that I conclude, the world hath not any so skilfull pilots for that place, as they are: for otherwise wee could never have passed in such sort as we did.

The 25 wee came to an Island in the Streights named Penguin-isle, whither wee sent our boate to seeke reliefe, for there were great abundance of birds, and the weather was very calme; so wee came to an ankor by the Island in seven fadomes. While our boate was at shore, and we had great store of Penguins, there arose a sudden storme, so that our ship did drive over a breach and our boate sanke at the shore. Captaine Cotton and the Lieutenant being on shore leapt in the boate, and freed the same, and threw away all the birdes, and with great difficultie recovered the ship: my selfe also was in the boate the same time, where for my life I laboured to the best of my power. The ship all this while driving upon the lee-shore, when wee came aboord, we helped to set sayle, and weighed the ankor; for before our comming they could scarse hoise up their yardes, yet with much adoe they set their fore-coarse. Thus in a mighty fret of weather the seven and twentieth day of October wee were free of the Streights, and the thirtieth of October we came to Penguin-isle being three leagues from Port Desire, the place which wee purposed to seeke for our reliefe.

When wee were come to this Isle wee sent our boate on shore, which returned laden with birdes and egges; and our men sayd that the Penguins were so thicke upon the Isle, that shippes might be laden with them; for they could not goe without treading upon the birds, whereat we greatly rejoiced. Then the captaine appointed Charles Parker and Edward Smith, with twenty others to go on shore, and to stay upon the Isle, for the killing and drying of those Penguins, and promised after the ship was in harborough to send the rest, not onely for expedition, but also to save the small store of victuals in the shippe. But Parker, Smith, and the rest of their faction suspected, that this was a devise of the Captaine to leave his men on shore, that by these meanes there might bee victuals for the rest to recover their countrey: and when they remembered, that this was the place where they would have slaine their Captaine and Master, surely (thought they) for revenge hereof will they leave us on shore. Which when our Captaine understood, hee used these speeches unto them: I understand that you are doubtfull of your security through the perversenesse of your owne guilty consciences: it is an extreame griefe unto me, that you should judge mee blood-thirstie, in whome you have seene nothing but kinde conversation: if you have found otherwise, speake boldly, and accuse mee of the wrongs that I have done; if not, why do you then measure me by your owne uncharitable consciences? All the company knoweth indeed, that in this place you practized to the utmost of your powers, to murther me and the master causeles, as God knoweth, which evil in this place we did remit you: & now I may conceive without doing you wrong, that you againe purpose some evill in bringing these matters to repetition: but God has so shortened your confederacie, as that I nothing doubt you: it is for your Masters sake that I have forborne you in your unchristian practizes : and here I protest before God, that for his sake alone I will yet indure this injury, and you shall in no sorte be prejudiced or in any thing be by me commanded: but when we come into England (if God so favour us) your master shall knowe your honesties : in the meane space be voide of these suspicions, for, God I call to witnes, revenge is no part of my thought. They pave him thanks, desiring to go into the harborough with the ship, which he granted. So there were ten left upon the Isle, and the last of October we entred the harborough. Our Master at our last being here having taken carefull notice of every creeke in the river, in a very convenient place, upon sandy oaze, ran the ship on ground, laying our ankor to seaward, and with our running ropes mored her to stakes upon the shore, which hee had fastened for that purpose; where the ship remained till our departure.

The third of November our boat with water, wood, and as many as shee could carry, went for the Isle of Penguins: but being deepe, she durst not proceed, but returned againe the same night. Then Parker, Smith, Townesend, Purpet, with five others, desired that they might goe by land, and that the boate might fetch them when they were against the Isle, it being scarce a mile from the shore. The captaine bade them doe what they thought best, advising them to take weapons with them: for (sayd he) although we have not at any time seene people in this place, yet in the countrey there may be Savages. They answered, that here were great store of Deere, and Ostriches; but if there were Salvages, they would devoure them: notwithstanding the captaine caused them to cary weapons, calievers, swordes, and targets: so the sixt of November they departed by land, and the bote by sea; but from that day to this day wee never heard of our men. The 11 while most of our men were at the Isle, onely the Captaine and Master with sixe others being left in the ship, there came a great multitude of Salvages to the ship, throwing dust in the ayre, leaping and running like brute beasts, having vizards on their faces like dogs faces, or else their faces are dogs faces indeed. We greatly feared least they would set our ship on fire, for they would suddenly make fire, whereat we much marvelled: they came to windward of our ship, and set the bushes on fire, so that we were in a very stinking smoke: but as soone as they came within our shot, we shot at them, & striking one of them in the thigh they all presently fled, so that we never heard nor saw more of them. Hereby we judged that these Canibals had slaine our 9 men. When we considered what they were that thus were slaine, and found that they were the principall men that would have murthered our Captaine and Master, with the rest of their friends, we saw the just judgement of God, and made supplication to his divine Majesty to be mercifull unto us. While we were in this harborough, our Captaine and Master went with the boat to discover how farre this river did run, that if neede should enforce us to leave our ship, we might know how farre we might go by water. So they found, that farther than 20 miles they could not go with the boat. At their returne they sent the boats to the Isle of Penguins; whereby wee understood that the Penguins dryed to our hearts content, and that the multitude of them was infinite. This Penguin hath the shape of a bird, but hath no wings, only two stumps in the place of wings, by which he swimmeth under water with as great swiftnes as any fish. They live upon smelts, whereof there is great abundance upon this coast: in eating they be neither fish nor flesh: they lay great egs, and the bird is of a reasonable bignes, very neere twise so big as a ducke. All the time that wee were in this place, we fared passing well with egs, Penguins, yong Seales, young Gulles, besides other birds, such as I know not: of all which we had great abundance. In this place we found an herbe called Scurvygrasse, which wee fried with egs, using traine oyle in stead of butter. This herbe did so purge ye blood, that it tooke away all kind of swellings, of which many died, & restored us to perfect health of body, so that we were in as good case as when we came first out of England . We stayed in this harbour until the 22 of December, in which time we had dried 20000 Penguins; & the Captaine, the Master, and my selfe had made some salt, by laying salt water upon the rocks in holes, which in 6 daies would be kerned. Thus God did feed us even as it were with Manna from heaven.

The 22 of December we departed with our ship for the Isle, where with great difficulty, by the skilful industry of our Master we got 14000 of our birds, and had almost lost our captaine in labouring to bring the birds aboord : & had not our Master bene very expert in the set of those wicked tides, which run after many fashions, we had also lost our ship in the same place: but God of his goodnes hath in all our extremities bene our protector. So the 22 at night we departed with 14000 dried Penguins, not being able to fetch the rest, and shaped our course for Brasil . Nowe our captaine rated our victuals, and brought us to such allowance, as that our victuals might last sixe moneths; for our hope was, that within sixe moneths we might recover our countrey, though our sailes were very bad. So the allowance was two ounces & a halfe of meale for a man a day, and to have so twise a weeke, so that 5 ounces did serve for a weeke. Three daies a weeke we had oile, three spoonfuls for a man a day; and 2 dayes in a weeke peason, a pint betweene 4 men a day, and every day 5 Penguins for 4 men, and 6 quartes of water for 4 men a day. This was our allowance; wherewith (we praise God) we lived, though weakly, and very feeble. The 30 of January we arrived at the Ile of Placencia in Brasill, the first place that outward bound we were at: and having made the sholde, our ship lying off at sea, the Captaine with 24 of the company went with the boat on shore, being a whole night before they could recover it. The last of January at sun-rising they suddenly landed, hoping to take the Portugales in their houses, & by that meanes to recover some Casavimeale, or other victuals for our reliefe: but when they came to the houses, they were all razed, and burnt to the ground, so that we thought no man had remained on the Iland. Then the captaine went to the gardens, & brought from thence fruits & roots for the company, and came aboord the ship, and brought her into a fine creeke which he had found out, where we might more her by the trees, and where there was water, and hoopes to trim our caske. Our case being very desperate, we presently laboured for dispatch away; some cut hoopes, which the coopers made, others laboured upon the sailes and ship, every man travelling for his life, & still a guard was kept on shore to defend those that laboured, every man having his weapon like wise by him. The 3 of February our men with 23 shot went againe to the gardens, being 3 miles from us upon the North shore, and fetched Cazavi-roots out of the ground, to relieve our company instead of bread; for we spent not of our meale while we staied here. The 5 of February being munday, our captaine and master hasted the company to their labour; so some went with the Coopers to gather hoopes, and the rest laboured aboord. This night many of our men in the ship dreamed of murther & slaughter: In the morning they reported their dreames, one saying to another; this night I dreamt, that thou wert slaine; another answered, and I dreamed, that thou wert slaine: and this was general through the ship. The captaine hearing this, who like wise had dreamed very strangely himselfe, gave very streight charge, that those which went on shore should take weapons with them, and saw them himselfe delivered into the boat, & sent some of purpose to guard the labourers. All the forenoone they laboured in quietnesse, & when it was ten of the clocke, the heat being extreme, they came to a rocke neere the woods side (for al this countrey is nothing but thick woods) and there they boyled Cazaviroots, & dined: after dinner some slept, some washed themselves in the sea, all being stripped to their shirts, & no man keeping watch, no match lighted, not a piece charged. Suddenly as they were thus sleeping & sporting, having gotten themselves into a corner out of sight of the ship, there came a multitude of Indians & Portugales upon them, and slew them sleeping: onely two escaped, one very sore hurt, the other not touched, by whom we understood of this miserable massacre: with all speed we manned our boat, & landed to succour our men; but we found them slaine, & laied naked on a ranke one by another, with their faces upward, and a crosse set by them: and withall we saw two very great pinnesses come from the river of Jenero very ful of men; whom we mistrusted came from thence to take us : because there came from Jenero souldiers to Santos , when the Generall had taken the towne and was strong in it. Of 76 persons which departed in our ship out of England , we were now left but 27, having lost 13 in this place, with their chiefe furniture, as muskets, calivers, powder, & shot. Our caske was all in decay, so that we could not take in more water than was in our ship, for want of caske, and that which we had was marvellous ill conditioned: and being there mored by trees for want of cables and ankers, we still expected the cutting of our morings, to be beaten from our decks with our owne furniture, & to be assayled by them of Jenero: what distresse we were now driven into, I am not able to expresse. To depart with 8 tunnes of water in such bad caske was to sterve at sea, & in staying our case was ruinous. These were hard choises; but being thus perplexed, we made choice rather to fall into the hands of the Lord, then into the hands of men: for his exceeding mercies we had tasted, & of the others cruelty we were not ignorant. So concluding to depart, the 6 of February we were off in the chanell, with our ordinance & small shot in a readines, for any assalt that should come, & having a small gale of winde, we recovered the sea in most deepe distresse. Then bemoning our estate one to another, and recounting over all our extremities, nothing grieved us more, then the losse of our men twise, first by the slaughter of the Canibals at Port Desire, and at this Ile of Placencia by the Indians and Portugals. And considering what they were that were lost, we found that al those that conspired the murthering of our captaine & master were now slain by salvages, the gunner only excepted. Being thus at sea, when we came to cape Frio , the winde was contrary; so that 3 weekes we were grievously vexed with crosse windes, & our water consuming, our hope of life was very small. Some desired to go to Baya, & to submit themselves to the Portugales, rather then to die for thirst: but the captaine with faire perswasions altered their purpose of yeelding to the Portugales. In this distresse it pleased God to send us raine in such plenty, as that we were wel watered, & in good comfort to returne. But after we came neere unto the sun, our dried Penguins began to corrupt, and there bred in them a most lothsome & ugly worme of an inch long. This worme did so mightily increase, and devoure our victuals, that there was in reason no hope how we should avoide famine, but be devoured of these wicked creatures: there was nothing that they did not devour, only yron excepted: our clothes, boots, shooes, hats, shirts, stockings: and for the ship they did so eat the timbers, as that we greatly feared they would undoe us, by gnawing through the ships side. Great was the care and diligence of our captaine, master, and company to consume these vermine, but the more we laboured to kill them, the more they increased; so that at the last we could not sleepe for them, but they would eate our flesh, and bite like Mosquitos. In this wofull case, after we had passed the Equinoctiall toward the North, our men began to fall sick of such a monstrous disease, as I thinke the like was never heard of: for in their ankles it began to swell; from thence in two daies it would be in their breasts, so that they could not draw their breath, and then fell into their cods; and their cods and yardes did swell most grievously, and most dreadfully to behold, so that they could neither stand, lie, nor goe. Whereupon our men grew mad with griefe. Our captain with extreme anguish of his soule, was in such wofull case, that he desired only a speedie end, and though he were scarce able to speake for sorrow, yet he perswaded them to patience, and to give God thankes, & like dutifull children to accept of his chastisement. For all this divers grew raging mad, & some died in most lothsome & furious paine. It were incredible to write our misery as it was: there was no man in perfect health, but the captaine & one boy. The master being a man of good spirit with extreme labour bore out his griefe, so that it grew not upon him. To be short, all our men died except 16, of which there were but 5 able to moove. The captaine was in good health, the master indifferent, captaine Cotton and my selfe swolne and short winded, yet better then the rest that were sicke, and one boy in health: upon us 5 only the labour of the ship did stand. The captaine and master, as occasion served, would take in, and heave out the top-sailes, the master onely attended on the sprit-saile, and all of us at the capsten without sheats and tacks. In fine our miserie and weaknesse was so great, that we could not take in, nor heave out a saile: so our top-saile & sprit-sailes were torne all in pieces by the weather. The master and captaine taking their turnes at the helme, were mightily distressed and monstrously grieved with the most wofull lamentation of our sick men. Thus as lost wanderers upon the sea, the 11 of June 1593, it pleased God that we arrived at Bear-haven in Ireland , and there ran the ship on shore: where the Irish men helped us to take in our sailes, and to more our ship for flooting : which slender paines of theirs cost the captaine some ten pounds before he could have the ship in safetie. Thus without victuals, sailes, men, or any furniture God onely guided us into Ireland , where the captaine left the master and three or foure of the company to keepe the ship; and within 5 dayes after he and certaine others had passage in an English fisher-boat to Padstow in Cornewall. In this maner our small remnant by Gods onely mercie were preserved, and restored to our countrey, to whom be all honour and glory world without end.

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