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gardens on the Esquiline, of unknown ownership. They are mentioned only once (Frontin. de aq. i. 5), where the junction of the aqua Appia and the aqua Augusta is said to be ' ad spem veterem ' on the boundary between them and other gardens, the name of which cannot be made out.1 This place is also called AD GEMELLOS (q.v.), and the horti Torquatiani, therefore, were south of the via Praenestina and west of Spes vetus (BC 1874, 53-4; LA 248-249; HJ 364).

1 The supplement [Epaphroditia]norum is due to Lanciani, and is accepted by Bennett in the Loeb edition. See HORTI EPAPHRODITIANI. Carcopino (Basilique Pythagoricienne, 67-72) proposes to read Tauria]norum, placing the BASILICA (q.v.) within the limits of these gardens, and pointing out that neither the Horti Epaphroditiani nor the Horti Pallantiani need have come into existence until after the death of Statilius Taurus (53 A.D.), so that the Horti Tauriani may have included the area which they afterwards occupied. He attributes the Horti Torquatiani to D. Iunius Silanus Torquatus, a great- grandson of Augustus, who was forced to commit suicide in 64 A.D.

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