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a temple of Fortuna in her relation to the equites, vowed in 180 B.C. by Q. Fulvius Flaccus during his campaign in Spain (Liv. xl. 40, 44), and dedicated in 173 (ib. xlii. 10), on 13th August (Fast. Ant. ap. NS 1921, 106). For the decoration of this temple Fulvius took some of the marble tiles from the temple of Juno Lacinia near Croton, but was ordered by the senate to restore them (Liv. xlii. 3; Val. Max. I. I. 20). It is referred to under the date of 92 B.C. (Obseq. 53), and possibly of 158 (ib. 16), but it must have been destroyed before 22 A.D. when there was no temple of Fortuna equestris in Rome (Tac. Ann. iii. 71 ; cf. BPW 1903, 1648, for arguments to the contrary). This temple was near the theatre of Pompey (Vitr. iii. 3. 2) and is cited by Vitruvius as an example of a systylos, in which the intercolumnar space is equal to twice the diameter of the columns (HJ 487-488; Becker, Top. 618-619; Rosch. i. 1521 ; RE vii. 33-34; AR 1909, 76).

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