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tranquillus adj.

with comp. and sup, quiet, calm, still, tranquil: mare, quod naturā suā tranquillum sit: tranquillo mari gubernare, L.: aquae, O.—As subst n., a quiet sea, calm: te ad scopulum e tranquillo auferre, T.: in tranquillo tempestatem adversam optare dementis est: tranquillo pervectus Chalcidem, on the calm sea, L.: non tranquillo navigamus, L.—Of the countenance, calm, undisturbed, serene: frons tranquilla et serena.—Fig., calm, quiet, peaceful, placid, composed, untroubled, undisturbed, serene, tranquil: ut appetitūs sint tranquilli: tutae tranquillaeque res omnes, S.: senectus, H.: tranquillior in plebem fecerunt, L.: tranquillior animo esse: in transferendis faciendisque verbis tranquillior: tranquillae tuae quidem litterae, i. e. bring peaceful tidings: tranquillissima res, T.: tranquillissimus animus. —As subst n., calmness, quiet, tranquillity, peace: esse amorem in tranquillo, T.: in urbe ex tranquillo moles discordiarum . . . exorta est, L.: videre nihil tranquilli.

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