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Ὄξος). The Jihoun or Amou. A great river of Central Asia, forming the boundary between Sogdiana on the north and Bactria and Margiana on the south, and falling into the Caspian. The Jihoun now flows into the southwestern corner of the Sea of Aral; but there are still distinct traces of a channel in a southwesterly direction from the Sea of Aral to the Caspian, by which at least a portion, and probably the whole, of the waters of the Oxus found their way into the Caspian. The Oxus occupies an important place in history, having been in nearly all ages the extreme boundary between the great monarchies of southwestern Asia and the hordes which wander over the central steppes. Herodotus does not mention the Oxus by name, but it is supposed to be the river which he calls Araxes.

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