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The opposing forces at New Madrid (Island number10), Fort Pillow, and Memphis.

The composition and losses of each army as here stated give the gist of all the data obtainable in the Official Records. K stands for killed; w for wounded; m w mortally wounded; m for captured or missing; c for captured.-editors.

Union army at New Madrid. Major-Gen. John Pope.

first division, Brig.-Gen. David S. Stanley. First Brigade, Col. John Groesbeck: 27th Ohio, Col. John W. Fuller; 39th Ohio, Major Edward F. Noyes. Brigade loss: k, 2; w, 5 = 7. Second Brigade, Col. J. L. Kirby Smith: 43d Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Wager Swayne; 63d Ohio, Col. John W. Sprague. Brigade loss: w, 5.

Second division, Brig.-Gen. Schuyler Hamilton. First Brigade, Col. W. H. Worthington: 59th Ind., Col. J. I. Alexander; 5th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Charles L. Matthies. Brigade loss: k, 2; w, 4 = 6. Second Brigade, Col. Nicholas Perezel: 10th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. William E. Small; 26th Mo., Col. George B. Boomer. Artillery: 11th Ohio Battery, Capt. Frank C. Sands. Loss: k, 1.

Third division, Brig.-Gen. John M. Palmer. First Brigade, Col. James R. Slack: 34th Ind., Col. Townsend Ryan; 47th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Milton S. Robinson. Second Brigade, Col. Graham N. Fitch: 43d Ind., Col. William E. McLean; 46th Ind., Lieut.-Col. Newton G. Scott. Cavalry: 7th Ill., Col. Wm. P. Kellogg. Loss: w, 1; m, 2 = 3. Artillery: G, 1st Mo., Capt. Henry Hescock.

Fourth division, Brig.-Gen. E. A. Paine. First Brigade, Col. James D. Morgan: 10th Ill., Lieut.-Col. John Tillson; 16th Ill., Col. Robert F. Smith. Brigade loss: k, 1; , 1 1 2. Second Brigade, Col. Gilbert W. Cumming: 22d Ill., Lieut.-Col. Harrison E. Hart; 51st Ill., Lieut.-Col. Luther P. Bradley. Cavalry: H and I, 1st Ill., Major D. P. Jenkins. Sharp-shooters: 64th Ill., Major F. W. Matteson.

Fifth division, Brig.-Gen. Joseph B. Plummer. First Brigade, Col. John Bryner: 47th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Daniel L. Miles; 8th Wis., Lieut.-Col. George W. Robbins. Second Brigade, Col. John M. Loomis: 26th Ill., Lieut.-Col. Charles J. Tinkham; 11th Mo., Lieut.-Col. William E. Panabaker. Artillery: M, 1st Mo., Capt. Albert. M. Powell.

cavalry division, Brig.-Gen. Gordon Granger: 2d Mich., Lieut.-Col. Selden H. Gorham; 3d Mich., Lieut.-Col. R. H. G. Minty, Col. John K. Mizner.

artillery division, Major Warren L. Lothrop: 2d Iowa, Capt. N. T. Spoor; 5th Wis., Capt. Oscar F. Pinney; 6th Wis., Capt. Henry Dillon; 7th Wis., Capt. Richard R. Griffiths; C, 1st Mich., Capt. A. W. Dees; H, 1st Mich., Capt. Samuel De Golyer; C, 1st Ill., Capt. Charles Houghtaling; F, 2d U. S., Lieut. John A. Darling, Lieut. D. P. Walling.

unassigned troops: Engineer Regt. of the West, Col. Josiah W. Bissell; 22d Mo., Lieut.-Col. John D. Foster; 2d Iowa Cav., Col. W. L. Elliott; 2d Ill. Cav. (4 cos.), Lieut.-Col. Harvey Hogg; 4th U. S. Cav. (3 cos.), Lieut. M. J. Kelly; 1st U. S. Infantry (6 cos.), Capt. George A. Williams. Loss of latter regiment: k, 2; w, 5; m, 1--8.

flotilla Brigade, Col. Napoleon B. Buford: 27th Ill., Lieut.-Col. F. A. Harrington; 42d Ill., Col. George W. Roberts; 15th Wis., Col. Hans C. Heg; G, 1st Ill. Artillery, Capt. Arthur O'Leary; G, 2d. Ill. Artillery, Capt. Frederick Sparrestrom.

Union naval forces at Island number10. Flag-Officer A. H. Foote: Benton (flag-ship), Lieut.-Comr. S. L. Phelps; St. Louis, Lieut.-Comr. Leonard Paulding Cincinnati, Comr. R. N. Stembel; Pittsburgh, Lieut.-Comr. Egbert Thompson; Mound City, Comr. A. H. Kilty; Carondelet, Comr. Henry Walke; Eleven Mortar-boats, Capt. Henry E. Maynadier.

The total Union loss (including 2 killed and 13 wounded on the St. Louis, by the bursting of a gun March 17) was 17 killed, 34 wounded, and 3 captured or missing.

Confederate army at Island number10. (1) Major-Gen. John P. McCown; (2) Brig.-Gen. W. W. Mackall. Subordinate General Officers: Brig.-Generals A. P. Stewart, L. M. Walker, E. W. Gantt, and James Trudeau. Infantry: 1st Ala., Tenn., and Miss., Col. Alpheus Baker; 1st Ala., Col. J. G. W. Steedman; 4th Ark. Battalion, Major M. M. McKay; 5th Ark. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. F. A. Terry; 11th Ark., Col. J. M. Smith; 12th Ark., Lieut.-Col. W. D. S. Cook; 11th La., Col. S. F. Marks; 12th La., Col. Thomas M. Scott; 5th La. Battalion, Col. J. B. G. Kennedy; 4th Tenn., Col. R. P. Neely; 5th Tenn., Col. W. E. Travis; 31st Tenn., Col. W. M. Bradford; 40th Tenn., Col. C. C. Henderson; 46th Tenn., Col. John M. Clark; 55th Tenn., Col. A. J. Brown. Cavalry: Hudson's and Wheeler's companies, Miss.; Neely's and Haywood's companies, Tenn. Light Artillery: Point Coup6e, La. Battery, Capt. R. A. Stewart; Tenn. Battery, Capt. Smith P. Bankhead. Tenn. Heavy Artillery: Companies of Captains Jackson, Sterling, Humes, Hoadley, Caruthers, Jones, Dismuke, Bucker, Fisher, Johnston, and Upton. Engineer Corps: Captains A. B. Gray and D. B. Harris. Sappers and Miners: Capt. D. Wintter.

Confederate naval forces at Island number10. Flag-Officer George N. Hollins. McRae (flag-ship), Lieut. Thomas B. Huger, 6 32-pounders, 1 9-inch, 1 24-pounder rifle; Livingston, Comr. R. F. Pinkney; Polk, Lieut.-Comr. J. H. Carter, 5 guns; Pontchartrain, Lieut.-Comr. John W. Dunnington; Maurepas, Lieut. Joseph Fry, 5 rifled guns; Jackson, Lieut. F. B. Renshaw, 2 guns; Floating Battery, New Orleans, Lieut. S. W. Averett. No loss reported. The fleet, with the exception of the Floating Battery, was not actively engaged.

The total Confederate loss in killed and wounded is estimated at about 30. Of the number of Confederates captured the Confederate and Union reports range from 2000 to 7000, respectively.

Union fleet at Fort Pillow, May 10TH, 1862. Capt. Charles Henry Davis, commanding pro tern. Benton (flagship), Lieut. S. L. Phelps; Carondelet, Comr. Henry Walke; Mound City, Comr. A. H. Kilty; Cincinnati, Comr. R. N. Stembel (w); St. Louis, Lieut. Henry Erben; Cairo, Lieut. N. C. Bryant; Pittsburgh, Lieut. Egbert Thompson.

The Union loss as officially reported was: Cincinnati, wounded, 3 (1 mortally). Mound City, wounded, 1. Total, 4.

Union fleet at Memphis, June 6TH, 1862. Flag-Officer Charles Henry Davis, commanding. Gun-boats--Benton (flagship), Lieut. S. L. Phelps; Louisville, Comr. B. M. Dove; Carondelet, Comr. Henry Walke; Cairo, Lieut. N. C. Bryant; St. Louis, Lieut. Wilson McGunnegle. Ram fleet-Queen of the West (flag-ship), Col. Charles Ellet, Jr.; Monarch, Lieut.-Col. Alfred W. Ellet; Switzerland, First Master David Millard.

The Union loss as officially reported was: Gun-boatswounded, 3. Ram fleet-wounded, 1 (Col. Ellet, who subsequently died). Total, 4.

Confederate River defense fleet, at Fort Pillow and Memphis. Capt. J. E. Montgomery, commanding. Little Rebel (flag-ship), Capt. Montgomery; General Bragg, Capt. William H. H. Leonard, General Sterling Price, First Officer, J. E. Henthorne; Sumter, Capt. W. W. Lamb; General Earl Van Dorn, Capt. Isaac D. Fulkerson; General M. Jeff. Thompson, Capt. John H. Burke; General Lovell, Capt. James C. Delaney; General Beauregard, Capt. James Henry Hurt. Each vessel carried one or more guns, probably 32-pounders.

The Confederate loss in the action off Fort Pillow, May 10th, as officially reported, was: killed, 2; wounded, 1=3. No report was made of the Confederate loss in the action at Memphis of June 6th, nor is it possible, in view of the irregular organization of the fleet, the nature of the conflict, and the dispersal of the survivors, to form even an approximate estimate of it. [464]

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Henry Walke (3)
S. L. Phelps (3)
Egbert Thompson (2)
Roger N. Stembel (2)
R. P. Neely (2)
J. E. Montgomery (2)
A. H. Kilty (2)
Alfred W. Ellet (2)
Charles Henry Davis (2)
N. C. Bryant (2)
W. H. Worthington (1)
D. Wintter (1)
George A. Williams (1)
Joseph Wheeler (1)
D. P. Walling (1)
L. M. Walker (1)
Edwin Upton (1)
James Trudeau (1)
W. E. Travis (1)
Charles J. Tinkham (1)
John Tillson (1)
F. A. Terry (1)
Wager Swayne (1)
R. A. Stewart (1)
Alexander P. Stewart (1)
Sterling (1)
J. G. W. Steedman (1)
David S. Stanley (1)
John W. Sprague (1)
N. T. Spoor (1)
Frederick Sparrestrom (1)
Robert F. Smith (1)
James M. Smith (1)
J. L. Kirby Smith (1)
William E. Small (1)
James R. Slack (1)
Thomas M. Scott (1)
Newton G. Scott (1)
Frank C. Sands (1)
Townsend Ryan (1)
Milton S. Robinson (1)
George W. Roberts (1)
George W. Robbins (1)
F. B. Renshaw (1)
M. Powell (1)
John Pope (1)
Leonidas Polk (1)
Joseph B. Plummer (1)
Oscar F. Pinney (1)
R. F. Pinkney (1)
Nicholas Perezel (1)
Leonard Paulding (1)
William E. Panabaker (1)
John M. Palmer (1)
E. A. Paine (1)
Arthur O'Leary (1)
Edward F. Noyes (1)
James D. Morgan (1)
John K. Mizner (1)
R. H. G. Minty (1)
David Millard (1)
Daniel L. Miles (1)
Dandridge McRae (1)
William E. McLean (1)
M. M. McKay (1)
Wilson McGunnegle (1)
John P. McCown (1)
Henry E. Maynadier (1)
Charles L. Matthies (1)
F. W. Matteson (1)
S. F. Marks (1)
W. W. Mackall (1)
Warren L. Lothrop (1)
John M. Loomis (1)
William H. H. Leonard (1)
W. W. Lamb (1)
J. B. G. Kennedy (1)
M. J. Kelly (1)
William P. Kellogg (1)
David R. Jones (1)
Albert Sidney Johnston (1)
D. P. Jenkins (1)
Stonewall Jackson (1)
James Henry Hurt (1)
Humes (1)
Thomas B. Huger (1)
Charles Houghtaling (1)
George N. Hollins (1)
Harvey Hogg (1)
Hoadley (1)
Henry Hescock (1)
J. E. Henthorne (1)
C. C. Henderson (1)
Hans C. Heg (1)
E. G. Haywood (1)
Harrison E. Hart (1)
D. B. Harris (1)
F. A. Harrington (1)
Schuyler Hamilton (1)
John Groesbeck (1)
Richard R. Griffiths (1)
A. B. Gray (1)
Gordon Granger (1)
Selden H. Gorham (1)
Samuel Golyer (1)
E. W. Gantt (1)
John W. Fuller (1)
Isaac D. Fulkerson (1)
Joseph Fry (1)
John D. Foster (1)
Andrew H. Foote (1)
Graham N. Fitch (1)
C. F. Fisher (1)
Henry Erben (1)
W. L. Elliott (1)
Charles Ellet (1)
John W. Dunnington (1)
Benjamin M. Dove (1)
Earl Dorn (1)
Dismuke (1)
Henry Dillon (1)
James C. Delaney (1)
A. W. Dees (1)
John A. Darling (1)
Gilbert W. Cumming (1)
W. D. S. Cook (1)
John M. Clark (1)
Robert L. Caruthers (1)
J. H. Carter (1)
John H. Burke (1)
Napoleon B. Buford (1)
Bucker (1)
John Bryner (1)
A. J. Brown (1)
Luther P. Bradley (1)
W. M. Bradford (1)
George B. Boomer (1)
Josiah W. Bissell (1)
Smith P. Bankhead (1)
Alpheus Baker (1)
S. W. Averett (1)
J. I. Alexander (1)
Anselm Albert (1)
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