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No. 99. report of Maj. Michael H. Fitch, Twenty-first Wisconsin Infantry.

Hdqrs. Twenty-First Wisconsin Vol. Infantry, Near Jonesborough, Ga., September 5, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of the operations of this regiment during the campaign commencing May 7, at Ringgold, Ga., and ending September 8, 1864, at Atlanta, Ga.:

May 7, moved south toward Buzzard Roost and at Tunnel Hill formed line of battle, but met with no enemy. May 9, by order of General Carlin, this regiment and the Thirty-third Ohio, Lieutenant-Colonel Montgomery, both under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Hobart, made a reconnaissance of the western face of Rocky Face Ridge south of the gap for the purpose of gaining the crest. After passing with much caution along the base of the ridge for a mile skirmishers from both regiments were deployed, and the ascent began. The regiment advanced behind the skirmishers and halted when the latter had gained the foot of an almost perpendicular crest on the upper edge of which the rebel skirmishers were posted. The ascent being there found impracticable, the detachment was ordered back by General Carlin. Several shots were exchanged, and 1 rebel hit; no casualties to this regiment.

May 12, moved through Snake Creek Gap toward Resaca, and on the 14th, brigade being formed in two lines near Resaca, the Twenty-first being the third regiment in the front line, at 10 a. m. the movement against the enemy began. One company (K) was on the skirmish line and skirmished very heavily with the enemy for about half a mile through thick undergrowth and in very hilly woods. The enemy's skirmishers were driven from the woods and across an open field beyond a tortuous creek into their main line of works. This regiment with the others in the brigade were formed near the edge of the wood, on a high bank of the creek, in the same order in which they had advanced, and, by order of General Carlin, commanding brigade, charged through the creek and across the open field upon the enemy's works, which were distant about 300 yards. The creek in many places was waist deep to the men, and in moving through the ranks were very much broken. In this broken condition it emerged into the open field under a most galling fire from the enemy, in which it was impossible to again reform. In the impetuosity of the charge many of the men were ahead of the regiment, but were compelled to take shelter after advancing about half-way across the field, where they encountered another branch, and those behind, seeing the hopelessness of gaining the enemy's works, took shelter behind stumps and whatever offered protection. The most of the regiment during the afternoon fell back to the creek and remained there under the shelter of temporary works, from which they kept up a fire upon the enemy that kept them close under their works until after dark, when those yet in the open field joined them, and the regiment was relieved and retired with the balance of the brigade to the rear to bivouac during the night. In the engagement the regiment lost in killed 9 men, and wounded 2 officers, Second Lieutenants Harding and Fargo (both commanding companies), and 36 men. The enemy having evacuated Resaca on the night of the [556] 15th May, the regiment moved with the brigade in all its marches and went into position with it on Pumpkin Vine Creek, near Dallas, Ga., May 27.

May 28, two companies of this regiment, under Captains Weisbrod and Edwards, drove the enemy's skirmishers from a very strong position on a wooded ridge and established our skirmish line 200 yards in advance, and within that distance of the enemy's main line. The regiment took position on the ridge from which the enemy's skirmishers had been driven.

May 30, about 6 p. m. that part of the line on which the Twentyfirst was posted was attacked by part of Hood's corps, which advanced from their main works in line of battle. The skirmish line drove them back, and those of this regiment took 1 wounded prisoner. Three dead rebels were left in front of the skirmish line of the regiment. This position was held until June 2, when the regiment was relieved by the One hundred and fifth Ohio, of a brigade from General Baird's division, having been constantly skirmishing with the enemy for six days, and much of the time the rebels and ours occupying the summit of the same ridge within 30 yards of each other, firing constanly. During these six days skirmishing lost 4 men killed and 24 wounded.

June 6, marched within three miles of Acworth and changed position from day to day with the brigade. When near Big Shanty, June 17, the skirmish line of the brigade became again heavily engaged with the enemy, driving him about a half mile. June 18, the skirmish line of the brigade, of which fifty men from this regiment formed a part, charged upon the enemy's rifle-pits and drove his skirmishers into the main line, capturing 13 prisoners, of whom the skirmishers of the Twenty-first took 7. The enemy that night abandoned his position and fell back to Kenesaw Mountain, and the regiment moved up and took position at that place. Here the movements are identical with those of the brigade, changing position as ordered from one part of the line of the army to another, constantly under the fire from the enemy's artillery, and a part of the regiment nearly every day on the skirmish line.

In the night of July 2, 1864, the enemy again evacuated his position; during this engagement lost 3 killed and 3 wounded. July 3, marched through Marietta, Ga., and went into camp about three miles south of that place. July 4, this regiment was deployed as skirmishers, covering the brigade, and advanced — about one mile south, where they came upon the enemy's works and became sharply engaged with his skirmishers, driving them. July 5, the enemy fell back to the Chattahoochee and the brigade followed. Having advanced about two miles this regiment, under Maj. M. H. Fitch, and the Tenth Wisconsin Infantry, under Captain Roby (the detachment being commanded by the former officer), were sent by order of Colonel IVicCook, commanding brigade, on a road leading to the right from the main column for the purpose of opening communication with General McPherson's column, which was moving south parallel with the column and west of it; the detachment, preceded by skirmishers, advanced about two miles, when it came upon a part of the line of rebel works at the Chattahoochee River, behind which the enemy was posted in force. The road upon which it had moved is the main thoroughfare from Marietta to Atlanta. The rebel skirmishers were driven during the whole march; the detach ment took position at the forks of a road nine and a half miles [557] from Atlanta, and being relieved about 3 p. m. by General Davis' division, joined the brigade in position east of it about one mile, having killed 2 rebels and taken 2 prisoners; no casualties occurred to the detachment. July 17, advanced across the Chattahoochee River, skirmishers from the regiment engaging and driving those of the enemy every day until the 20th of July, when the regiment, lying in the second line of the brigade on the crest of a hill near Peach Tree Creek, was ordered by Colonel McCook, commanding brigade, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hobart, commanding second line, to move down the hill into the ravine and take position. At this time, about 4 p. m., a rebel line of battle had attacked most furiously the One hundred and fourth Illinois on the northern face of the hill beyond the ravine into which the Twenty-first was ordered, but the order not having been given to the commanding officer of this regiment, and he supposing the order was to move in support of the One-hundred and fourth Illinois against the rebels, charged upon the double-quick up the hill to the right of that regiment, the rebels falling back at the beginning of the movement, before the Twenty-first reached the position, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. In this affair the regiment lost 3 wounded. July 21, at 7 p. m. moved south one mile and threw up heavy earthworks, but July 22, the rebels having again fallen back, at daylight, we advanced to Atlanta and took position on the north side of that city.

August 7, the regiment, in the mean time, having moved toward the right of the position of our army, about 4 p. m. General Carlin ordered two companies of this regiment to be deployed against the rifle-pits occupied by the enemy's skirmishers. The first division of the regiment, commanded by Capt. Henry Turner, was moved forward, and they were supported in a few minutes by the second division, under Captain Edwards. These two divisions moved gallantly, but met with such stubborn resistance that the remaining six companies were thrown forward upon the charge, when the rebel pits were carried and several prisoners taken, among whom was a rebel captain. The regiment lost 13 wounded, among whom was Captain Turner, of Company D. This movement gave a good position for the main line to occupy within 150 yards of the enemy's works, which was held until August 21, at 8 p. m., when the regiment moved with the brigade around the left flank of the rebel army. August 28, came to the Montgomery railroad. six miles west of East Point. August 29, deployed as skirmishers in front of the brigade; moved east upon the Montgomery railroad, driving rebel cavalry about two miles, and moved back same day to point of departure. From that date until the present our movements have been merely marches, with the single exception. of the retreat in the face of the enemy and in line of battle on September 6, when our skirmishers were engaged with the enemy, and 1 man was reported missing.

The total casualties to the regiment during the campaign are as follows: Killed, 19; wounded, 90; taken prisoners, 3; total, 112.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

M. H. Fitch, Major, Comdg. Twenty-first Wisconsin Volunteers. Capt. J. W. Ford
, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., 1st Brig., Ist Div., 14th Army Corps.

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