No. 108. reports of Capt. Robert B. Hull, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry.
Hdqrs. Detachment Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Near Atlanta, Ga., September 17, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to submit a report of the operations of the detachment Eighteenth Infantry during the Atlanta campaign, from May 2, 1864, to September 2, 1864:
At the commencement of the campaign the detachment embraced two battalions, each composed of eight companies, viz, Companies B, D, E F, G, and H, First Battalion, and Companies G and H, Third Battalion (temporarily attached to First Battalion), and all commanded by Capt. George W. Smith; and Companies A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H, Second Battalion, commanded by Capt. W. J. Fetterman. Captain Smith, in connection with his command of the First Battalion, was also detachment commander until relieved by Capt. Lyman M. Kellogg, June 14.
He, however, continued to command the First Battalion until July 21, when he was appointed acting assistant adjutant-general First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, by General Johnson. Captain Smith has furnished a report of the operations of the First Battalion, while in command, which report is hereto attached.
Captain Fetterman commanded the Second Battalion until relieved by Captain Kellogg, July 11, and then served with his company until July 15, when he was appointed acting assistant adjutant-general Second Brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, by General King. Captain Fetterman has furnished a report of the operations of the Second Battalion while in command, which report is hereto attached.
Captain Kellogg joined and assumed command of the detachment June 14 and of the Second Battalion July 1, and August 11 he consolidated the sixteen companies into eight companies for field and tactical purposes.
From July 11 to July 21 the detachment was commanded by Captain Kellogg, with Captain Smith as acting field officer and second in command, and from July 21 to September 1 with Capt. Robert B. Hull as acting field officer and second in command.
Captain Kellogg was wounded in action September 1, and the command of
the detachment was assumed by me on the same day and on the battle-field.
The reports of Captains Smith and Fetterman, above referred to, are complete and carefully prepared papers, and give the history of the detachment and its operations down to July 11.
In continuation of the said reports I have further to report that from July 11 to July 17 the detachment was held in reserve, the whole army, mean time, operating to push the enemy south of the Chattahoochee River. July 17, crossed the Chattahoochee River at Ball's Ferry, and July 18 crossed Nancy's Creek in pursuit of the enemy.
July 20, crossed Peach Tree Creek and took position in line of battle, but was ordered during the day (the right having been attacked) to the support of the First Brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. July 21, marched to the left of our line and connected with the Fourth Corps. July 22, rejoined the division and marched to within two miles of Atlanta and a point west of and near the Western and Atlantic Railroad; took position, fortified, and remained until August 3, during which period a continued skirmish was kept up, and several times the detachment was subjected to heavy artillery fire of the enemy.
August 3, marched to the extreme right of the army, participating in a movement extending our lines and covering the right flank.
August 4, the detachment as skirmishers drove the enemy's pickets and cavalry vedettes until dark.
August 5, in connection with First Brigade, First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, made forced reconnaissance, and same night marched back to the left and took position in the intrenched lines of our army and on the right of the Fifteenth Army Corps. August 7, at 1 p. m. the detachment was detailed and thrown out in front of our works, and, with three companies deployed as skirmishers, ordered to advance.
Determined: resistance being offered by the enemy from his rifle-pits to the advance of our skirmish line, and no connection being had on our right, the Fifteenth U. S. Infantry was ordered to the right, and the two regiments then advanced, driving or capturing all in front of them, capturing two lines of well-constructed rifle-pits and all in them, and sweeping up to the abatis of the enemy's works and in the face of a direct musketry and artillery fire delivered upon us from behind his main works.
The two regiments held their position until darkness enabled them to throw up intrenchments, and within 150 yards of the enemy's line.
This day will long be remembered in the regiment for the determined, persistent, and desperate nature of the conflict and the great loss incurred.
In this charge that gallant young soldier First Lieut. Alfred Townsend lost his leg. Lieutenant Townsend displayed on this field the same, extraordinary bravery in the face of death, and patient heroism in suffering, that won for him his commission in the army on the Potomac.
The detachment lost in killed and wounded 25 per cent. of its effective force.
Three first sergeants (old and tried soldiers) were wounded, viz, Charles A. Patterson, Company G, First Battalion; Benjamin R. Elrick, Company H, Second Battalion, and Charles M, Stacks, Company H, Third Battalion.
The detachment in this affair captured prisoners greater in number than its own strength, taking several companies entire with their officers and while in the act of re-enforcing their lines.
From August 8 to August 25 the detachment occupied the line captured on the 7th and the old first line of our works.
During that time (on the 19th and 20th) we marched twice to the right of our army and back, acting as support to the Twenty-third Army Corps in movements made by
said corps.
August 26, at night withdrew from our line (in connection with the Army of the Cumberland), thus commencing that brilliant flank movement which ended in the decisive victory of Jonesborough and resulted in the capture of Atlanta.
August 28, reached the West Point railroad, and August 29 aided in its destruction.
August 30 and 31, marched and countermarched with a view to reach the Atlanta and Macon Railroad.
On September 1 was fought the battle of Jonesborough, the decisive and final struggle of the campaign, and in which this detachment participated, with a loss almost as great as that sustained on the 7th ultimo.
A special report of the part taken by this detachment in the battle of Jonesborough has been furnished by me, a copy of which report is attached and made part of this report.
September 2 to 7, the army leisurely fell back to Atlanta and encamped, this detachment encamping on the West Point railroad, two and a half miles southwest from Atlanta, and on the extreme right of the Fourteenth Army Corps.
All the movements and operations of this detachment during the campaign were made in connection with the Second Brigade. First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.
I give below the name of every officer of the regiment who has participated in the campaign, or any portion of it, with his rank, command, date of joining it, &c.: Capt. Lyman M. Kellogg, joined and assumed command of detachment June 14; wounded September 1. Capt. George W. Smith, participated in the whole campaign; commanded detachment till June 14 and First Battalion till July 21, when appointed on staff First Division. Capt. Robert B. Hul, participated in the whole campaign; commanded Companies G and D, First Battalion; he commanded First Battalion from July 21, and detachment from September 1; slightly wounded May 14. Capt. William J. Fetterman, participated in the whole campaign; commanded Company A, Second Battalion, and the Second Battalion until June 11; appointed on brigade staff July 15. Capt. Philip R. Forney, in arrest under charges when campaign opened ; resigned June 3; resignation accepted.
Capt. Ansel B. Denton, commanded Company C, Second Battalion, till August 23; resigned and leave of absence granted August 23. Capt. Richard L. Morris, Jr., commanded Company D, First Battalion; left sick at Kenesaw Mountain June 26. Capt. Anson Mills participated in whole campaign; commanded Company H, First Battalion, till August 25, when appointed on brigade staff; slightly wounded July 30. Capt. Andrew S. Burt, commanded Companies F, First, and G, Third Battalion, and participated in the whole campaign, except battle of Jonesborough, September 1. Capt. Morgan L. Ogden, on sick report when campaign opened; left sick at Dallas May 27. First Lieut. Thomas B. Burrowes, joined command at Dallas June 2; commanded Company G, Second Battalion; severely wounded September 1. First Lieut. James Powell, commanded Company B, First, and H, Third Battalion; participated in the whole campaign; severely wounded September 1. First Lieut. Horace Brown, in arrest at opening of campaign; resigned July 28. First Lieut. Daniel W. Benham, quartermaster First Battalion; commanded Company E, First, from July 8 to July 15; was adjutant of detachment from June 6 to July 8; appointed on brigade staff July 15; participated in the whole campaign.
First Lieut. Frederick Phisterer, adjutant Second Battalion, entered campaign; received leave of absence August 18. First Lieut. Frederick H.
Brown, regimental quartermaster, participated in the whole campaign as acting quartermaster Second Battalion, and commanding Company G, Second, till July 9; appointed detachment quartermaster June 27. First Lieut. William H. Bisbee, joined May 16; commanded Companies A, Second, and G, Third, till August 20, when appointed adjutant Second Battalion and detachment adjutant; slightly wounded July 30. First Lieut. John I. Adair, joined May--; commanded Company D, Second, till severely wounded, May 31. First Lieut. Alfred Townsend, entered campaign and commanded Companies E, First, and G, Third, until severely wounded, August 7. First Lieut. Reuben F. Little, joined June 1, 1864; commanded Companies C, D, and E, Second; slightly wounded July 4. First Lieut. John S. Lind, participated in whole campaign, except the battle of Jonesborough, September 1; commanded Companies B, G, and H, Second. Second Lieut. James S. Ostrander, participated in the whole campaign; commanded Company F, Second; slightly wounded August 7. Second Lieut. Orrin E. Davis, participated in the whole campaign; commanded Companies E, First, and H, Third Battalion. Second Lieut. John U. Gill, entered campaign as acting adjutant First Battalion; commanded Company H, Second, until left back sick, August 24. Second Lieut. E. N. Wilcox, commanded Company A, Second, until June 26, when he was sent back sick.
The list of casualties1 attached shows 10 commissioned officers wounded, 38 enlisted men killed, 166 enlisted men wounded, and 17 enlisted men missing.
The reports and papers attached to this report, and to be taken as part of the same, are, first, report of Captain Smith of the operations of First Battalion and detachment to date of consolidation, and marked A; second, report of Captain Fetterman of the operations of Second Battalion to July 11, and marked B; third, report of Captain Hull of the part taken by the detachment in the battle of Jonesborough, September 1, and marked C; fourth, tabular report of changes in the detachment among commissioned officers and enlisted men during the campaign (prepared by Lieutenant Bisbee, adjutant detachment), and marked D 2; fifth, report of casualties among commissioned officers and enlisted men, by name, during the campaign, and marked E.3
All which is respectfully submitted.
R. B. Hull, Captain, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Comdg. Detachment. Capt. William J. Fetterman
, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., 2d Brig., 1st Div., 14th Army Corps.
, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., 2d Brig., 1st Div., 14th Army Corps.
supplemental report.
Hdqrs. detachment Eighteenth Infantry, Camp near Atlanta, Ga., September 18, 1864.
The surgeons who served with the detachment Eighteenth Infantry during the campaign were Edward J. Darken, assistant surgeon, U. S. Army, and William T. Sherwood, acting assistant surgeon, U. S. Army. Dr. Darken served with the First Battalion until relieved, July 16. Dr. Sherwood served with Second Battalion until July 16, and from that time was the only surgeon with the detachment.
He served during the whole campaign.
Both surgeons remained
with the troops while on the march, in the trenches, and on the battle-field, fully sharing their dangers and hardships, and at all times ably and faithfully performed their arduous and responsible duties.
R. B. Hull, Captain, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, Comdg. Detachment.
Hdqrs. detachment Eighteenth U. S. Infantry,
Battle-field of Jonesborough, September 3, 1864.
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this detachment in the battle of Jonesborough, Ga., September 1, 1864:
The detachment, composed of sixteen companies, was consolidated for field and tactical purposes into eight companies, and commanded as follows: First company, commanded by Capt. Robert B. Hull; second company, commanded by Lieut. James S. Ostrander; third company, commanded by First Sergt. William W. Bell; fourth company, commanded by Lieut. James Powell; fifth company, commanded by Lieut. Reuben F. Little; sixth company, commanded by First Sergt. William Gordon; seventh company, commanded by Lieut. Orrin E. Davis; eighth company, commanded by Lieut. Thomas B. Burrowes; the whole detachment commanded by Capt. L. M. Kellogg; Lieut. William H. Bisbee being detachment adjutant.
The detachment left camp at 7 a. m., marching with the Second (or regular) Brigade, the first company, commanded by Capt. Robert B. Hull, acting as flankers and skirmishers.
The flankers struck the enemy's line of skirmishers about noon, and the brigade immediately deployed and formed line of battle.
The first company, acting as skirmishers, was then withdrawn and placed in line.
The detachment advanced with the brigade in line of battle until a point was reached overlooking and directly in front of the salient point of the enemy's intrenched double lines.
The brigade was again formed, and about 2 p. m. the order to assault was given, the second company, Lieut. James S. Ostrander commanding, being deployed in front as skirmishers.
The detachment in line of battle then advanced for a distance of 400 yards, through a dense thicket, down to and over a swamp covered with almost impenetrable undergrowth, making it extremely difficult to preserve the integrity of the line.
Emerging into the open field directly in front of the enemy's lines, the command was immediately subjected to a destructive fire of. musketry.
The distance before us, over which to advance to reach our enemy, was at least 800 yards, and the necessity of immediately advancing and taking the works with a dash became apparent to our commander.
Orders were immediately given to that effect, and the detachment, at a double-quick, led forward by Captain Kellogg, in a most intrepid manner, assisted gallantly by Lieutenant Bisbee, steadily and quickly approached the enemy; and, without wavering or hesitating, the detachment assaulted, drove the enemy from his works, and immediately entered them.
The dash was so impetuous and sudden that a large number of the enemy were unable to leave the intrenchments.
Almost simultaneously with the capture of the works a deadly fire was opened upon the detachment from a second line of intrenched works, concealed in the woods directly in our front and on our right flank.
The loss soon became great.
Captain Kellogg and Lieutenants Burrowes and Powell were here wounded.
The struggle was continued in and around the enemy's intrenchments, the enemy constantly massing in our front and his fire increasing.
It soon became evident that the second line of the enemy's works could not be successfully assaulted by so thin a line in the face of so great a force, and the detachment, therefore, fell back about 100 yards in good order, turning and fighting, and reformed, still under fire, on their colors behind a slight crest and between the enemy's works and a brigade of the Second Division, which was forming in our rear to make the final assault.
Our greatest loss occurred within a short distance of the enemy's works and in them, where, for some minutes, it was a hand-to-hand contest.
The three officers above named and Sergeant Bell, commanding third company, were wounded in or near the works.
The command entered the battle with 8 officers, 36 non-commissioned officers, and 225 privates.
The total loss killed and wounded-3 officers, 9 non-commissioned officers, and 31 privates, and 1 non-commissioned officer and 7 privates missing.
The men of this command behaved with their usual gallantry, and Sergeants Bell and Gordon, commanding companies, were conspicuous for the soldierly qualities displayed by them oil the field.
Sergt. Maj. Andrew Durfey, Second Battalion, and detachment sergeantmajor, is also mentioned for good conduct.
The color guard, consisting of Sergts.
James McKenzie and Willis G. C. Hickman, and Corpls.
Peter Barnes and James Risher, also attracted my attention, Sergeant McKenzie still standing by the colors after being severely wounded; Corporal Barnes was also wounded.
The officers of the detachment without exception behaved gallantly and showed the greatest intrepidity, being ever in the front during the assault, and at all times during the various positions taken and formations made necessary by our movements, possessed and exercised complete control over their companies and commands.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
R. B. Hull, Captain, Eighteenth Infantry, Comdg. Detachment. Capt. William J. Fetterman
, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., 2d Brig., 1st Div.. 14th Army Corps.
, Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., 2d Brig., 1st Div.. 14th Army Corps.