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No. 125. reports of Brig. Gen. James D. Morgan, U. S. Army, commanding First brigade, of operations May 1-August 23.

Hdqrs. Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps,
In the Field, near Atlanta, Ga., August 23, 1864.

Captain: In compliance with orders from corps headquarters, I have the honor to herewith transmit report of the part taken by my command from the commencement of the present campaign up to 23d of August, when, by order of the department commander, I assumed command of Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps.

In obedience to orders received from division headquarters early on the morning of the 2d of May, broke up my winter camp at Mc-Afee's Church, near Rossville, Ga., and at 6 a. m. moved out with my command, consisting of the Tenth, Sixteenth,, and Sixtieth Illinois Infantry (the Tenth and Fourteenth Michigan Infantry not having yet returned from veteran furlough), on the Ringgold road, marching eleven miles; bivouacked on the east side of the Chickamauga Creek, remaining there during the 3d and 4th. May 5, command moved at sunrise, passing through Ringgold and Taylor's Gap. The Sixtieth Illinois Infantry was deployed near Stone Church; drove in rebel pickets and established picket-line, remaining in this position during the 6th. May 7, brigade moved at 5 a. m. toward Tunnel Hill; Tenth Illinois Infantry deployed as skirmishers, which gained possession of a high, rugged hill, overlooking Rocky Face; bivouacked for the night and remained in same position during the 8th. May 9, at 5 a. m. brigade moved out and took up a position in front of Rocky Face on the right of General Howard's command; Sixtieth Illinois Infantry deployed as skirmishers, and drove the rebel pickets to the top of the ridge. During the day my command was moved to the right, my right resting on the railroad. Three companies each from Tenth and Sixteenth Illinois Infantry deployed as skirmishers and a strong demonstration made upon enemy's position at Buzzard Roost. May 10, occupied same position during early part of the day; was relieved by General Stanley and took up a position in rear of that command, remaining during the 11th. May 12, at 6 a. m. moved toward Resaca, brigade on the right of the division; passing through Snake Creek Gap, bivouacked at midnight, after marching over fourteen miles over bad roads. May 13, moved at 4 a. m.; the day was passed in taking up position; knapsacks were left in rear of earth-works, bivouacking some three miles in advance of our last position near Dalton road. May 14, moved at 8 a. m.; command in reserve during the day. At [647] 10 p. m. moved to the front line to the left of the Fifteenth Army Corps and relieved a brigade of General Butterfield's. Completing earth-works, remained during the 15th under a severe fire from enemy's sharpshooters. May 16, command moved at 8 a. m. toward Rome, marching seventeen miles; bivouacked for the night. The Tenth Michigan, returned veterans, joined the command to-day. May 17, moved at 7 a. m. over good roads to within two miles of Rome, where the enemy was found strongly posted; deployed my command on the right of the road in two lines; the Sixteenth Illinois was moved to the right, deployed as skirmishers, and handsomely drove the enemy to their main lines. Darkness prevented any farther advance. The Sixtieth Illinois and Tenth Michigan Infantry were moved to the right during the night, Tenth Illinois guarding train, and arrangements made for assaulting the works early in the morning. During the night Capt. T. Wiseman, assistant adjutantgeneral of my staff, volunteered, with a company of the Sixteenth Illinois Infantry, to try and get possession of the bridge across the Oostenaula; darkness prevented success. May 18, a dense fog prevented an early advance; about 8 a. m. Tenth Michigan Infantry, deployed as skirmishers, drove the enemy's pickets across the Alabama road, and the rebel works were soon occupied by my command, the enemy having crossed the river, destroying the bridge. A battery of the enemy's, stationed on the opposite side of the Coosa River, having opened fire on my line, Captain Barnett's battery reported to me and was soon in a good position, and in a short time silenced that of the enemy. May 19, 20, and 21, remained on the north side of the Coosa River. May 22, Tenth Illinois Infantry were ordered to descend the Oostenaula in pontoon boats to cross the Etowah and take possession of the south side of the Coosa, the enemy's pickets having become troublesome in this direction. This movement was promptly and handsomely executed by this excellent regiment. At 5 p. m. the pontoon bridge having been completed over the Etowah River, the balance of my command moved to the south side of the Coosa, remaining during the 23d. May 24, command moved at 5 a. m., and bivouacked at Peak's Spring, having marched sixteen miles. May 25, moved at 7.30 a. m., passing to the left of Van Wert, bivouacking for the night, having marched twelve miles. May 26, left camp at 7.30 a. m.; after marching some three miles, countermarched and took the road to Dallas. On a reconnaissance near that place, the Tenth Illinois Infantry took the advance and skirmished into the town, the main line entering soon after, receiving a few shell from a battery of General Logan's corps, by mistake, who shortly after entered the town on our right. My command took up a strong position half a mile east of Dallas, advanced a picket-line and discovered the enemy strongly in position in our front. The command remained in this position, with some very slight changes, during the 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, and 31st, during which time skirmish firing was severe and constant, and upon my immediate right a strong attempt was made to carry our lines, but met a signal repulse from the Sixteenth Army Corps.

June 1, moved to the left; bivouacked on the left of the Fourth Army Corps. At 10 p. m. Sixtieth Illinois and Tenth Michigan Infantry went into position, relieving Colonel Casement's brigade, remaining during the 2d and 3d. June 4, command marched at 10 a. m. two miles to Stoneman's Hill. Fourteenth Michigan Infantry returned to-day from veteran furlough. June 5, remained in same [648] position; rebels evacuated works in front last night. June 6, command ordered to move at 4 a. m.; marched at 8 a. m.; took up a position two and a half miles west of the railroad, having marched eight miles. June 7, 8, and 9, command remained in same position. June 10, marched at 7 a. m. four miles through heavy rain over bad roads; bivouacked for the night on General Howard's left. June 11, command moved at 9 a. m. to the left in reserve and rear of First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps; at 4 p. m. formed on the left of the First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps; at 5.30 p. m. moved still farther to the left, and went into position about 8 p. m. two miles southwest Big Shanty, remaining during the 12th and 13th. June 14, at 9 a. m. made reconnaissance toward Marietta road; Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, in advance as skirmishers, occupied the road and took up a strong position well in the advance, near Joel Bitt's house, remaining in same position during 15th and 16th. June 17, picket-line advanced (7 prisoners taken), the First Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, coming up into position on the right. June 18, at 4 p. m. brigade line advanced about one-half mile. June 19, early this morning the enemy's works in our front found to be vacated; command moved forward toward Kenesaw Mountain, the Sixtieth Illinois Infantry in the advance; deployed as skirmishers as they advanced; the rebels made stout resistance; they were steadily driven to the base and well up the mountain by the Sixtieth Illinois Infantry. It is no more than justice to say here that this is a fine regiment and ably commanded. The enemy were found in force and well intrenched on the ridge. This mountain is very abrupt and precipitous. Our main line was established near the base of the Kenesaw, with Noonday Creek in our immediate front, our left unprotected. The command remained in this position during the 20th, 21st, 22d, 23d, 24th, and 25th, and during the whole of the time was constantly under fire from artillery and musketry. On the 21st General Dodge connected on my left. On the evening of the 23d the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry was ordered to advance and make a demonstration to attract the attention of the enemy while some movement was being made on our right. June 26, about 1 a. m. my command was relieved by General Harrow's division, of the Sixteenth Army Corps, and moved to the right and bivouacked in reserve and rear of Fourth Army Corps. June 27, early this morning relieved General Whitaker's brigade in the trenches and one regiment (Seventy-seventh Pennsylvania) of General Cruft's brigade; the line was taken up under a severe fire from the enemy's line, the Tenth Illinois Infantry losing 1 killed and 8 wounded; remained in same position during the 28th, 29th, and 30th of June, and 1st and 2d of July.

July 3, enemy found to have evacuated their works in our front early this morning; the Tenth Illinois Infantry advanced promptly to Marietta and Powder Springs road as a skirmish line; the remaining regiments of the brigade moved to a point just south of Marietta, halted while the Fourth Army Corps passed to the right, then followed Twentieth Army Corps on Sandtown road four miles south of Marietta; 20 prisoners taken. July 4, early this morning received orders to drive in the enemy's pickets. The Sixtieth Illinois Infantry was deployed as skirmishers; very bad ground in front, low, marshy creek (Rottenwood), and dense undergrowth. The Sixtieth passed through it and drove in the rebel pickets to main lines, but for the want of proper support on the right was unable [649] to hold so advanced a line. At 5 p. m., by direct orders from General Sherman in person, five companies of the Sixteenth Illinois Infantry were deployed on the right of the Sixtieth Illinois Infantry on Atlanta road, the line advanced, and lost ground regained, and held; subsequently, a regiment of the Twentieth Army Corps relieved the Sixteenth Illinois Infantry. July 5, just after 3 a. m. Major Burnett, in command of the Tenth Michigan, on the skirmish line, reported that the enemy had vacated their works and that he was advancing with his command. I would not be doing my duty did I not say here that Major Burnett is a prompt, skilled, and intelligent officer and perfect gentleman, an honor to the service. Main line advanced and took up a position on the right of the Third Brigade, about two miles from the Chattahoochee River. The Fourteenth Michigan Infantry was deployed as skirmishers and promptly drove in the enemy's pickets, losing 7 killed and 30 wounded. This is a fighting regiment. Remained in this position during the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, and 16th. At 3 a. m. on the morning of the 16th Major Burnett, commanding Tenth Michigan Infantry, on picket-line, reported that he was in the rebel works and was pushing forward toward the river in hopes to save the bridge and capture some prisoners; Sixteenth Illinois Infantry was ordered forward to his support and the whole command held in readiness to move. July 17, command moved at 5 a. m. on the road to Pace's Ferry, and at 11 a. m. crossed the Chattahoochee River on pontoon laid at that point; was then ordered forward toward Nancy's Creek; Sixteenth Illinois Infantry deployed as skirmishers; the enemy's pickets were soon struck and a brisk skirmish was kept up during the entire day; bivouacked near Nancy's Creek. July 18, about I p. m. pickets crossed Nancy's Creek about one mile and formed upon the right of the Third Brigade. July 19, main line crossed Nancy's Creek, Moore's Mill, and a fine ford in our front on Peach Tree Creek. The rebels occupied strong works on opposite side on a ridge completely commanding the mill ford and all its approaches. The Tenth Michigan Infantry, on picket, moved during the night to the mill and intrenched; destroyed the flume, letting out the water above the dam; the skirmishing at this point very heavy, close, and destructive; several officers and men were killed and wounded. July 20, five companies of the Sixtieth Illinois Infantry crossed Peach Tree Creek early this morning and formed on the right of the Third Brigade. At 6.30 p. m. Major Burnett, with Tenth Michigan Infantry, crossed Peach Tree Creek at the mill and occupied rebel works. The Sixteenth and Sixtieth Illinois and Fourteenth Michigan Infantry crossed the creek during the night and took position; rebel major taken prisoner. July 21, Fourteenth Michigan and Sixteenth Illinois Infantry on picket3 Tenth Michigan Infantry made a reconnaissance to the front; advanced about one and a half miles; met with some resistance on the right; brigade followed at 3 p. m. The whole command recrossed Peach Tree Creek and bivouacked for the night, the Tenth Illinois picketing from Chattahoochee River to Moore's Mill, on Peach Tree Creek. July 22, Tenth Illinois Infantry relieved by cavalry and joined command. At 1.30 p. m. brigade crossed Peach Tree Creek and moved out on Atlanta road; went into position at Meyer's house, on Proctor's Creek, fronting southwest, being the extreme right of the army, remaining in this position during the 23d, 24th, 25th, and 26th. July 27, moved at 1.30 p. m., [650] the Tenth Illinois Infantry advanced as skirmishers, driving rebel pickets and clearing front for General Howard's command, then returning to camp. July 28, received orders to be ready to march with my brigade at 8 a. m.; reported to General Davis for orders; was informed by the general that he was too unwell to take command of the division in the field; at 9 a. m. took command of the division on the Turner's Ferry road, ready to move under the following order:

August 28, 1864.
Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas
Order General Davis to move to Turner's Ferry, and then, by a road leading toward East Point, to feel forward for Howard's right, back into some known point of Turner's Ferry. I will be over on that flank all day and await to reach out as far as possible.

W. T. Sherman, Major-General.

In compliance with the above order, I did move to Turner's Ferry; halted one hour for rest and dinner. Having no guide and no correct map of the country, I had to rely upon such information as I could obtain of residents. Returning from the river at the ferry, turned to the right at the church, one mile from the river, and took the road leading t6ward East Point. The enemy's pickets were soon met on the road. They were well posted and in good numbers, requiring the deploying of a whole regiment to clear the front. After moving upon this road about one and a half miles, a staff officer of the general commanding the division overtook the command, and I received verbal orders to return as soon as possible to the Turner's Ferry road, the enemy having attacked General Howard's right. Heavy skirmishing continuing in front, I determined to advance and take the first road to the left. This was done, and the division was moved with all dispatch back to Turner's Ferry road, arriving late in the evening, and, owing to a bad swamp and a dark night, was nearly all night getting into camp. The whole day's work can be summed up in a few words — a late start, an excessively hot day, a long and hard march (fourteen miles), and a late and very dark camp. July 29, division advanced, First Brigade on the right, about one and a half miles, crossed Green's Ferry road, and intrenched on the right of General Howard's command. July 30, brigade moved to the right, Sixtieth Illinois Infantry as skirmishers. July 31, division moved out on East Point road on a reconnaissance, First Brigade on the right; Sixteenth Illinois Infantry, deployed as skirmishers, drove the enemy's pickets across Utoy Creek. This is a fine regiment, then ably commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Cahill. Returned to camp about 6 p. m.; heavy rain during the march; remaining in same camp during 1st, 2d, and 3d 6f August.

August 4, at 1 p. m., in accordance with orders, division moved across Utoy Creek and ordered to form on General Baird's right. Owing to some delay by troops co-operating on my left, this division did not get into position. Bivouacked for the night in reserve and refuse line, throwing up light works. August 5, division moved at 10 a. m. about one mile to the right and front, and took up a position on the right of General Baird's division, the Third Brigade on the left, Second Brigade center, and First Brigade on the right, our line extending across the Lick Skillet road, rebels shelling our lines severely during the day; remained in the same position during [651] the 6th. August 7, about 1 p. m. received orders to advance my line; the whole division was ordered to swing forward on the left (Third Brigade), the First Brigade upon the right, being much farther from the main lines; moved forward some three-fourths of a mile; the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry, deployed as skirmishers, supported by Sixteenth Illinois Infantry, drove the rebels out of very strongly constructed rifle-pits into the main works. By this movement my front was changed from south to east, the Second Brigade following the movement in the center; the entire change was a perfect success; the Fourteenth Michigan Infantry took 34 prisoners, losing 8 killed and 28 wounded. August 8, by order from corps commander, Tenth Michigan and Sixtieth Illinois Infantry and two regiments of the Second Brigade moved to the right some two miles, to protect the right and rear of the Twenty-third Army Corps. No change in the position during the 9th, 10th, and 11th. August 12, relieved General Cox's division on the right, each brigade throwing out its line so as to cover the front of Second Division; remaining in same position during 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, and 18th. August 19, at 4 a. m. the First and Third Brigades moved some three miles to the right and rear of Twenty-third Army Corps as a reserve to that command; returned at dark; Second Brigade occupied the trenches of the division during the day. August 20, at 4 a. m. the First and Third Brigades moved to same position as yesterday; at 9 a. m. was directed to make a reconnaissance toward Red Oak; with First and Third Brigades moved out on Campbellton road, soon turning to the left to Red Oak, the Third Brigade in advance; Twentysecond Indiana Infantry deployed as skirmishers. Meeting with but little resistance, our march was rapid; two regiments of the First Brigade were left at the junction of East Point road, and two regiments at Mim's house, to guard my left flank; taking Mr. Mim as a guide, moved forward to railroad at a point one-half mile north of Red Oak Station, cutting the road for a short distance and telegraph line; returned to camp at dark; it rained very hard during the day, and making a long march of twenty miles. The Tenth Illinois Infantry reported to Sixteenth Army Corps to-day, by orders of Lieut. Gen. U. S. Grant, through headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi. August 21, the Seventeenth New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry reported to First Brigade to-day.

From the 28th of July up to the 23d day of August I have been temporarily (during the continued illness of General Davis) in command of the division, taking command of the division in all movements in the field. I have, therefore, in addition to reporting the movements of my own brigade, included that of the division during that time. On the 23d of August, General Davis having assumed command of Fourteenth Army Corps, I was assigned to the command of his division.

I am without report from Tenth Illinois Infantry, that regiment having been transferred to the Army of the Tennessee. Orders have been sent for the report, and will be forwarded as soon as received.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

James D. Morgan, Brigadier-General. Capt. T . W. Morrion
, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Second Division, 14th Army Corps.


Hdqrs. Second Division, Fourteenth Army Corps, White Hall, Ga., September 15, 1864.
Captain: In forwarding report of the Tenth Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry I respectfully ask to make the following addition to my brigade report: In advancing upon Peach Tree Creek (July 18), the Tenth Illinois Infantry were in advance, deployed as skirmishers, and in gaining possession of the ground, especially in front of Moore's Mill, were subjected to a very severe fire, but this fine regiment steadily fought its way to the banks of the creek, intrenching and maintaining its position. Major Wilson and Captain Munson (Company H), Tenth Illinois, were severely wounded, the latter losing an arm. They were both good officers. Captain Coleman, of the Sixtieth Illinois Infantry, was killed; First Lieutenant Welling, Company G, Tenth Michigan Infantry, severely wounded, losing a leg. Both excellent officers.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

James D. Morgan, Brigadier-General. Capt. A. C. Mcclurg
, Asst. Adjt. Gen. and Chief of Staff, 14th Army Corps.

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