June 1.
At eight o'clock this morning the battle between the Union and rebel forces at Fair Oaks, Va., was resumed, and the rebels were defeated and compelled to fall back upon Richmond.--(Docs. 17 and 92.)
General Fremont's advance brigade, under Colonel Cluseret, occupied Strasburgh without resistance. A midnight reconnaissance three miles beyond Strasburgh came upon a rope barricade and ambush of Jackson's rear-guard, and retired successfully with the loss of only three wounded. Col. Figyelmesy, of Gen. Fremont's staff, with only fifteen men, brilliantly charged and put to flight a body of cavalry commanded by Ashby in person.
The expedition sent out by General Pope on the twenty-eighth of June, under Colonel Elliott, with the Second Ohio cavalry, returned to Corinth, Mississippi, this day. By forced marches they reached the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and although the rebels were guarding it with a force of five thousand infantry running up and down to prevent him reaching it, succeeded in destroying the track in many places, blowing up one culvert, burning the depot, locomotives, and a [22] train of twenty-six cars loaded with supplies, destroying ten thousand stand of small arms, three pieces of artillery, and capturing two thousand prisoners, whom he released on parole, as he had not time to march them with his cavalry.--(Docs. 49 and 76.)
The fortifications at Pig Point, Va., were destroyed to-day, together with the rebel barracks in the vicinity.--An order was issued from the War Department extending the Department of Virginia to include that part of Virginia south of the Rappahannock and east of the railroad from Fredericksburgh to Richmond, Petersburgh, and Weldon, under command of Major-Gen. McClellan. Major-Gen. Wool was assigned to the command of the Middle Department, and Major-Gen. Dix to Fortress Monroe to assume command at that point, reporting to Gen. McClellan for orders.
Yesterday the Union forces under command of Brig.-Gen. Wright succeeded in crossing from Edisto Island to Seabrook's Point, S. C., and to-day they had a skirmish with the rebel pickets in the vicinity, which resulted in the retreat of the rebels.--Official Report.
June 2.
Jacksonport, Arkansas, was visited by a rebel gunboat, commanded by Capt. Fry. After throwing a few shot and shell on the camp-ground just vacated by the Ninth Illinois cavalry, she dropped alongside the wharf-boat and destroyed all the cotton and molasses to be found.--Jacksonport Cavalier Extra, June 7.
An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Columbia, Tennessee, at which speeches were delivered by Niell Brown and Andrew Johnson, with great applause.--The First regiment of Fire Zouaves, N. Y.S. V., were mustered out of service at Governor's Island.--General John A. Dix assumed command of Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk, Va.--General Banks recrossed the Potomac and occupied Bunker Hill, Virginia.
Mass meetings were held at Memphis, Tenn., yesterday and to-day. Addresses were made by Jeff. Thompson and others. Resolutions were adopted never to surrender voluntarily. Though Memphis had already seventy-two companies in the field, every man capable of bearing arms was called upon to repair forthwith to Fort Pillow. A committee was appointed to collect men, money, and arms.--Memphis Argus, June 2.
Two boats belonging to the United States bark Kingfisher, of the blockading squadron off Saint Marks, Florida, were captured as they were proceeding up the Ocilla River for water, by a party of rebels on shore. Two of the boats' crew were killed, two wounded, and the rest made prisoners.--New Bedford Mercury, June 23.
Parker Spring, superintending the construction of United States Military telegraph lines, gave an account, in a letter to the Lancaster (Pa.) Express, of the services of the Morse telegraph to the army, and of General McClellan's use of it.--(Doc. 129.)
A party of National scouts captured the mate and six seamen belonging to the rebel gunboat Beauregard, at a point nearly opposite Fulton, Missouri.
Edward L. Pierce, Special Agent of the Treasury Department of the United States, made a report concerning the condition of the freedmen of South-Carolina.--The Union forces under Major-Gen. Hunter, operating against Charleston, S. C., this day landed on James Island, under cover of the gunboats, without opposition.
To~day the Union fleet of gunboats (eight vessels) moved up the James River from their former position at City Point, toward the rebel batteries below Richmond, Va. When some distance up, they got aground; the rebels appeared on a bluff on the opposite shore and fired into the fleet, which returned the fire and the rebels dispersed. At flood-tide the fleet backed off and dropped down the stream.
A slight skirmish took place near Washington, N. C., between a small scouting party, composed of a sergeant and six men of Mix's New York cavalry, and a force of rebel infantry, resulting in the capture by the rebels of three of the Union party.--Gen. Sigel was placed in command at Harper's Ferry, Va.
A fight took place on the road between Strasburgh and Staunton, Va., between a portion of the Union army under Gen. Fremont and the rebels under Gen. Jackson, resulting in the defeat of the latter. The rebels in the retreat burned the bridge after they had crossed the Shenandoah River at Mount Jackson.--(Doc. 53.)
June 3.
Major-General Robert W. Lee was assigned to the command of the rebel army in front of Richmond, in consequence of a slight wound to General Johnston, and, upon assuming his important position, issued an address to the army, which was read at the head of the regiments. Its sentiments created the liveliest enthusiasm. [23] The address informed them, in a very few words, that the army had made its last retract, and that henceforth every man's watchword must be, “Victory or death!” The response was cheers from all the regiments.--Petersburgh Express, June 5.
The Twenty-fifth regiment of New York volunteers, under the command of Col. Bryan, left Albany for the seat of war.--Gen. Hooker made a reconnoissance in force on the Williamsburgh, Va., turnpike, reaching a point within four miles of Richmond. The rebels were not numerous; their pickets were visible, but they fled on the approach of the National troops.
A letter was published in the Richmond Dispatch, said to have been found in Gen. Casey's tent at the battle of Fair Oaks. It details a plan for the occupation of the Southern States “after the war.” --(Doc. 130.)
The sentence of death pronounced on six persons at New Orleans, La., for having violated their parole, was this day commuted by General Butler, who confined them at hard labor on Ship Island, during the pleasure of the President of the United States.
June 4.
Major-General Halleck reported to the Secretary of War that General Pope, with forty thousand men, was thirty miles south of Florence, Alabama, pushing the enemy hard; that he had ten thousand prisoners and deserters from the enemy, and fifteen thousand stand of arms captured. Also that nine locomotives and a number of cars were captured.--(Doc. 131.)
Fort Pillow. otherwise called Fort Wright, on the Mississippi River, was evacuated by the rebels. After the occupation of the Fort, the Union gunboat fleet steamed directly to Memphis.--(Doc. 54.)
Jeff Davis threatened retaliation in the case of Major W. Van Benthuysen, who had been arrested by Gen. Butler, at New Orleans, “for aiding the escape of a scoundrel and spy.”
Brig.-General J. T. Boyle, headquarters in Louisville, assumed command of the National troops in Kentucky this morning.
A fight occurred near Jasper, Tenn., between a body of Union troops under the command of Gen. Negley, and a large force of rebel cavalry under Gen. Adams, which resulted in a complete rout of the rebels, with great loss.--(Doc. 55.)
Sixteen hundred of Gen. Prentiss's troops, who were taken prisoners at the battle of Pittsburgh Landing, arrived at Nashville, Tenn., they having been paroled by the rebel authorities, “in consequence of their being unable to feed them.” --Nashville Union, June 5.
June 5.
The Twenty-fourth regiment of Massachusetts, while on a scouting expedition on the Pactolus road, near Washington, N. C., were attacked from an ambush by a rebel regiment, and had seven men killed and several wounded.--(Doc. 59.)
The Twelfth regiment New York State militia, under the command of Col. William S. Ward, left New York for Washington, D. C.--The volunteer recruiting service in the United States, discontinued by General Orders No. 33, of April third, 1862, was restored, and orders to that effect were published by General Thomas.
The rebel artillery opened upon the National forces at New Bridge, on the Chickahominy River, Va., from five different points, attempting to prevent General McClellan's troops from rebuilding the bridge; their fire was returned, and after an engagement of over two hours, the rebels were compelled to retire.
A heavy storm, which had lasted two whole days, raised the Chickahominy River, Va., to an unprecedented height.--President Lincoln complimented First Lieut. D. C. Constable, commanding the revenue steamer E. A. Stevens, by handing him personally a commission as captain in the revenue cutter service, in recognition of his gallantry in leading with his steamer the attacking forces in their ascent of the James River and bombardment of Fort Darling.--Second Lieutenant J. Wall Wilson was also promoted to a first lieutenancy for gallant bearing during the same action.
Nathaniel S. Berry was inaugurated Governor of New Hampshire, at Concord, in the presence of both branches of the Legislature and a large concourse of citizens. In his message, alluding to National affairs, the Governor says there can be but one result to the struggle in which we are engaged — submission to the first principles of the government inaugurated and established by our fathers. The base rebellious spirit which designed to reverse the free and humane policy of our fathers, must fail. The fearful lesson we have had in the conflict with slavery, its disasters to all its promoters, its evident weakness in its death-struggle with freedom, all portend [24] a change in the estimation in which this great evil will be hereafter held, and foretell in legible characters, written in view of all the nations, that its days are numbered. For these reasons the Governor rejoices in the late message of President Lincoln, and in the abolishing of slavery in the District of Columbia, and its prohibition in the territories. But he affirms the principle that each State submitting to the provisions of the Constitution should control its own local institutions; but such submission should be regarded as a pre-requisite to the employment of the benefits of that instrument
Judge Birch, who was arrested at Rolla, Mo., for expressing disloyal sentiments, was released from arrest and paroled, with the understanding that he was to report himself whenever required.--James Trabue, one of the principal dry-goods merchants of Louisville, Ky., was arrested to-day by the military authorities at that place. He refused to take the oath of allegiance.--Two companies of the Pennsylvania “Round-head” regiment, on James Island, S. C., were cut off by the rebels, but after a sharp fight were rescued by the Eighth Michigan regiment.--The United States gunboat fleet and mortar fleet arrived before Memphis, Tenn., at nine P. M.
June 6.
At five o'clock A. M., the United States fleet in the Mississippi river, near Memphis, engaged the rebel fleet of eight rams and gunboats, and after a two hours fight, seven of the rebel craft were either captured or destroyed. On the conclusion of the battle, the Mayor of Memphis surrendered the city.--(Doc. 60.)
Gen. Fremont's army reached Harrisonburgh, Va., at two o'clock this afternoon, and drove out the rebel rear-guard from the town. At four o'clock the First New Jersey cavalry, after driving the enemy through the village, fell into an ambuscade, and Colonel Windham, its commander, was captured. The regiment sustained considerable loss. General Bayard subsequently engaged the rebels with his brigade, drove them from his position, capturing their camp. They then continued their retreat.--(Doc. 63.)
The tax bill was passed by the Senate of the United States, by a vote of thirty-seven to one, Mr. Powell, of Kentucky, voting in the negative.
June 7.
An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Shelbyville, Tenn., at which speeches were made by Andrew Johnson, W. H. Wisner and Col. May.--On the Chickahominy River the rebels opened fire on the pickets of Gen. Sumner, but without any effect.--The rebel steam-tug Mark R. Chesk, was captured near Memphis, Tenn.
The Paris Constitutionnel, of this day, published an article to show “the impossibility of the South being conquered,” and maintaining that foreign “mediation alone will succeed in putting an end to a war disastrous to the interests of humanity.”
William Mumford, a citizen of New Orleans, was hung in that city for an overt act of treason in pulling down the American flag from the United States Mint.--(Doc. 65.)
In the Missouri Convention a bill for the gradual emancipation of slaves was submitted and defeated by a vote of fifty-two to nineteen.
Memphis, Tenn., was formally taken possession of in the name of the Government of the United States, by Col. G. N. Fitch, commanding Indiana brigade.--The schooner Rowena, formerly the Garibaldi, ran into Stono Inlet, S. C., this evening, not knowing it to be in the possession of the National forces, and was captured by the gunboat Pawnee.--Official Report.
The rebel batteries at Chattanooga, East-Tennessee, were silenced by the artillery of General Negley's command after a bombardment of three hours.--(Doc. 64.)
June 8.
This day a scouting party under Lieut. Bonse, company A, Tenth Virginia regiment, captured, in Braxton County, Va., Ben. Haymond, Ed. Riffle and Stan. Conrad, three of the most notorious bushwhackers in Western Virginia. Haymond and Riffle had been cutting telegraph wires, robbing Union men, stealing horses, etc.--Cincinnati Gazette, June 11.
An extension of the following military departments of the United States was made: 1. The Department of,the Mississippi is extended so as to include the whole of the States of Tennessee and Kentucky. All officers on duty in those States will report to Major-Gen. Halleck. 2. The Mountain Department is extended eastward to the road running from Williamsport to Martinsburgh, Winchester, Strasburgh, Harrisonburgh, and Staunton, including that place — thence in the same direction southward until it reaches the Blue Ridge chain of mountains; thence with the line of the Blue Ridge to the southern boundary of the State of Virginia. 3. The Department of the Shenandoah is extended [25] eastward to include the Piedmont District and the Bull Mountain range.
General Prim, commanding the Spanish forces recently sent to Mexico, together with his suite, visited the army of the Potomac to-day.
General Fremont attacked (Stonewall) Jackson seven miles beyond Harrisonburgh, Va., near Union Church or Cross Keys, at half-past 8 this morning, and drove him from a strong position with considerable loss.--(Doc. 18.)
The obsequies of General Turner Ashby of the rebel cavalry, were celebrated at Charlottesville, Va. “The services were performed by the Rev. Mr. Norton and Rev. Mr. Avery--the latter had been chaplin in the cavalry from the opening of the war. Both spoke of the deceased in terms of high praise as a man, a soldier, and a Christian. The brave soldiers wept as they listened to the pious exhortations of the clergymen. They had lost a host in Gen. Ashby, but they were expected to imitate him in all things, and especially in his veneration and respect for Christianity. The country looked to them for deeds of greater valor than had ever yet been accomplished by them; and there, on the dead body of their late commander, they should swear not to sheathe their swords when a hostile army polluted the soil of Virginia and the South. After the services in the chapel the remains of General Ashby were conveyed to the University cemetery and committed ‘earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust,’ Colonel T. G. Randolph and the Professors of the University assisting in the ceremony. They grave was covered by the cavalry, and they fired several volleys over it, and there he will remain in this classic ground until the last trump shall summon all to the general judgment.” --Lynchburgh Republican, June 12.
Judge Swayne, of Memphis, Tenn., refused to open the Criminal Court in that city, after receiving an order from Col. G. N. Fitch, commanding United States forces, instructing him to confine himself to the hearing and adjudication of such cases only as are not based upon the recognition of the right of a State to secede from the Union, or upon the presumption of the establishment or existence of a so-called Southern Confederacy, or recognizing the same.
A small force of Union troops, commanded by Capt. W. Geary, Third Pennsylvania cavalry, while on a reconnoissance in the vicinity of New Market, Va., captured a rebel spy named Hance. He was the medium by which letters were carried to and fro, giving the rebels much information concerning the movements of the Union army. When captured he had a mail made up, ready to carry into Richmond.
A reconnoissance was this day made, under cover of eight Union gunboats, by a body of National troops, commanded by Colonel Morrow, on James Island, S. C. The Union forces drove the rebels a distance of two miles, and were at one time within three miles of the city of Charleston, and in full view of Fort Sumter. The object of the reconnoissance was accomplished, and the troops fell back to their former position, losing two killed and seven wounded.
June 9.
General (Stonewall) Jackson in retreat before the army under General Fremont fell upon an advance body of the force under General Shields, near Port Republic, Va. After a hard fight this advance body fell back upon the main body under General Shields, and Jackson continued his retreat.--(Doc. 19.)
The Senate of the United States resolved itself into a High Court of Impeachment, for the trial of Judge Humphreys, of Tennessee, for treason, and the members of the House of Representatives were introduced in due form; but it was finally concluded to postpone the proceedings until the twenty-sixth.--The House bill prohibiting slavery in the territories was passed.--Secretary Welles addressed an elaborate communication to the Naval Committee of Congress on the construction of armored ships.
General Halleck at Corinth, Miss., sent the following despatch to the War Department:
The enemy has fallen back fifty miles from here by railroad, and near seventy miles by wagon road. General Pope estimates the rebel loss from casualties, prisoners, and desertion, at over twenty thousand, and General Buell at between twenty thousand and thirty thousand. A person who was employed in the confederate commissary department, says they had one hundred and twenty thousand men in Corinth, and that now they cannot muster much over eighty thousand. Some of the fresh graves on the road have been opened and found filled with arms. Many of the prisoners beg not to be exchanged, saying they purposely allowed themselves to be taken. Beaureguard himself retreated from Baldwin on Saturday afternoon to Okolona, Miss.
Brigadier-General D. B. Birney, having [26] been tried by court-martial, and honorably acquitted of the charges brought against him, this day reassumed command of his brigade by order of General Kearny, commmanding division.
The House of Representatives of the United States called for information respecting the organization by General Hunter, of the Department of South-Carolina, of a regiment of black volunteers for the defence of the Union.--(Doc. 132.)
An interesting correspondence between Judge Rost, Captain Huse, and R. M. T. Hunter, rebel agents in Europe, was this day published.
June 10.
The Seward-Lyons Treaty for the suppression of the African slave-trade was officially promulgated. It is to remain in full force for the term of ten years. Instructions for the ships of the United States and British navies, and regulations for the mixed courts of justice, accompany company the publication.
The obsequies of Colonel J. Lafayette Riker, of the Sixty-second regiment of New York volunteers and of Colonel James Miller, of the Eighty-first Pennsylvania regiment, took place in the city of New York.--The schooner Julia was captured at Barataria, La., by master's mate John H. Gregory, with a crew of twelve men from the United States gunboat Kittatinny.
A fight took place on James Island, S. C., between a body of Union troops, and a large force of rebels. It was hotly contested for more than two hours, and ended in the rout of the rebels, with a loss to them of seventeen killed, thirty wounded, and six prisoners. The Unionists lost three killed and thirteen wounded.--Official Report.
The Union army under General Fremont reached Port Republic, Va.--The rebels in front of the Union lines at Savage's station, Chickahominy Swamp, Va., kept up a bombardment, without effect, their shells falling short of the mark.
June 11.
This day about noon, near Montgomery, Owen County, Kentucky, a severe skirmish took place between a large party of bushwackers and the Union forces under Captain Nicklin, consisting of a portion of the Thirteenth Indiana light artillery, and a squad of Captain Blood's Provost-Guard, (mounted.) In the skirmish a sergeant of the cavalry, and a private of artillery, were killed. The loss on the part of the bushwhackers was not ascertained; but twenty-five of them were captured and carried to Louisville. The point at which the skirmish occurred was in a thick clump of brush and bushes, through which the cavalry could not force their horses. After the fight was over, an examination of the ground showed that the bushwackers were badly cut up. The ground was in many places covered with blood, and tracks were visible of bodies drawn off.--Louisville Democrat.
A flag of truce was received at Batesville, Arkansas, the headquarters of General Curtis, bearing a letter from General Hindman of the rebel army, threatening to hang every Federal officer and soldier who might fall into his hands, in case General Curtis should hang certain persons in his hands as outlaws. General Curtis replied immediately, disclaiming any intention of hanging.--Specie payment was resumed by the New Orleans Bank of America.--New Orleans True Delta, June 11.
A rebel battery of four guns was this day captured at James Island, S. C., by two regiments of Union troops.--The schooner Princeton was captured by the United States steamer Susquehanna.
June 12.
A fight took place at Waddell Farm, near Village Creek, Arkansas, between a body of National troops under the command of Colonel Albert E. Brackett of the Ninth Illinois cavalry, and a party of rebels known as “Hooker's company,” in which the latter were defeated with a loss of twenty-eight killed, wounded and prisoners. Col. Brackett's loss was one taken prisoner and twelve wounded.--(Doc. 66.)
A detachment of the Richmond Blues had a skirmish near the Chickahominy on the right wing of the rebel army, with a body of Yankee infantry. The fire of the Blues killed six of the Federals and placed several hors du combat, when they retreated.--Richmond Examiner, June 14.
General Fremont left Harrisonburgh, Va. The citizens expressed their delight by an illumination of every house in the town.
A small expedition of United States forces under Captain Hynes, Topographical Engineers, went up the Nansemond River without resistance.--(Doc. 71.)
Mount Jackson, Va., was occupied by the Union army under General Fremont.--A daring though unsuccessful attack was made on a battery on James Island, S. C., by the Seventy-ninth New York, Eighth Michigan, and Twenty-eighth Massachusetts regiments.
[27] About forty farmers of Conway County, Arkansas, came into the Union lines at Batesville, to volunteer for the Union.--Missouri Democrat.
June 13.
This day a force of about three hundred rebel troops left Fort Chapman, and proceeded to Hutchinson Island, S. C., where they killed and wounded a number of negroes, and burned a chapel and dwelling-house. On the approach of the boats of the United States ship Dale, lying in St. Helena Sound, the rebels retreated. About seventy negroes were taken on board the Dale, including several of the wounded.--(Doc. 69.)
Colonel James R. Slack, commanding at Memphis, Tenn., issued the following order: Hereafter the dealing in and passage of currency known as “confederate scrip” or “confederate notes” is positively prohibited, and the use thereof as a circulating medium regarded as an insult to the Government of the United States, and an imposition upon the ignorant and deluded. “All persons offending against the provisions of this order will be promptly arrested and severely punished by the military authorities.”
The Bank of Louisiana, at New Orleans, being ordered by the Provost-Judge to pay a citizen in current funds his deposit formerly received by them in confederate notes, the Bank appealed to General Butler, who sustained the decision of the Judge.--Congress passed a joint resolution of thanks to Lieut. Morris and the other officers and men of the United States frigate Cumberland.
The pickets of Gen. McClellan's army near Richmond were driven in from Old Church, and large bodies of the rebels were discovered moving from the neighborhood of Mechanicsville bridge and Richmond towards the battle-field of Fair Oaks.--(Doc. 67.)
At daylight this morning the rebels opened a sharp fire of artillery in front of Gen. Sumner's position, in the vicinity of Richmond, which continued three hours, killing one and wounding another of the National troops.
The United States flag was this day raised in the village of Gretna, La., amid the rejoicings of a large number of spectators. After the ceremony a series of patriotic resolutions were unanimously passed.
The rebel transport Clara Dolsen was captured on the White River, Arkansas, by the tug Spitfire.--(Doc. 70.)
A fight took place on James Island, S. C., between a body of Union troops and a much superior force of the rebels, resulting in the retreat of the rebels with a loss of nineteen killed and six wounded. The Union party lost three killed and nineteen wounded.--Official Report.
June 14.
Capt. Craven, of the United States steam sloop Brooklyn, sent a marine guard and party of seamen, numbering in all about one hundred men, under command of Lieut. Lowry, to Bayou Sara, Louisiana, for the purpose of destroying the telegraph apparatus and cutting the wires. After an absence of two hours, Lieut. Lowry returned to the ship, having accomplished his work. (Doc. 133.)
General James H. Van Alen, Military Governor of Yorktown, Va., issued an order directing that all negroes in his department, “contraband or otherwise, should be under the immediate charge and control of the Provost-Marshal--that they be allowed full liberty,” etc.
Captain Atkison, of company C, of the Fiftieth Indiana volunteers, with twenty men, captured six thousand two hundred pounds of powder at Sycamore Mills, thirty miles below Nashville, Tenn., and five miles north of the Cumberland River. The company also stopped at Fort Zollicoffer, and brought off a gun.
June 15.
The rebel General J. E. B. Stuart, with a cavalry force, left the rebel lines near Richmond, Va., on the thirteenth, and rode through the lines of the right wing of the Union army in front of Richmond to Garlick's Landing, Pamunkey River, where he burned two schooners. Thence to Tunstall's station, where he fired into, but failed to capture, a railroad train; thence rode around the left wing of the Union army, and into Richmond again to-day.--(Doc. 67.)
Lieutenant commanding Howell, in the Union gunboat Tahoma, accompanied by Lieut. Commanding English, in the Somerset, crossed the bar of Saint Mark's River, Florida, and drove out a company of rebel artillery, with four or five field-pieces, from a fort near the lighthouse on that river, afterwards landing and burning the fort with the buildings used as barracks.--Official Report.
June 16.
The Richmond Dispatch of this date says: “Desertion has become far too frequent in the confederate army. And yet the habit is not peculiar to confederate soldiers. There must be desertions from all military service where there [28] is no punishment for desertion. We mean no punishment adequate to the offence — none which a coward or vagabond had not rather encounter than endure the service or the perils of a battle. Death is the proper punishment, and it is the punishment prescribed in our laws — the punishment meted to the deserter by governments generally. We anticipate that our own government will be forced to resort to it. With a creditable humanity and forbearance, the policy of appealing to the pride of the soldier by advertisement, by disgraces, has been pursued by our commanders; but there is little pride and no honor in the deserter, and the fear of disgrace will not deter him from absconding. The penalty of death will. An example or two would have a fine effect.”
The battle of Secessionville, James Island, S. C., was fought this day, resulting in the defeat of the National forces.--(Doc. 72.)
Attorney-General Bates officially communicated to the Secretary of War his opinion concerning the relations of Governors of States to volunteers in the National service.--(See Supplement.)
At Memphis, Tenn., a large body of rebel officers and soldiers, together with citizens of the city, took the oath of allegiance to the United States.--Memphis Avalanche, June 17.
This day, while a few soldiers were hunting for deserters in the vicinity of Culpeper, Va., they suddenly came upon a rebel mail-carrier who was endeavoring to conceal himself in the woods. He was immediately arrested, after a slight resistance, and taken to headquarters at Manassas. A large number of letters to prominent officers in the rebel service, many of which contained valuable information, were found in the mail-bag, also ten thousand dollars in confederate bonds. The carrier's name was Granville W. Kelly.--Baltimore American, June 18.
Surgeon Hayes, One Hundred and Tenth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, having been ordered to conduct to Washington a large detachment of sick and wounded men, and having shamefully neglected them after their arrival, the President directed that for this gross dereliction of duty he be dismissed the service, and he was accordingly dismissed.--General Order.
This afternoon the rebels in front of the National pickets near Fair Oaks, Va., attempted to flank a portion of the Union forces during a violent thunder-storm, but were soon repulsed with some loss. Lieut. Palmer, Aid to Gen. Sickles, while giving orders to the commandant of the regiment attacked by the rebels, fell pierced with three balls.
Four of the five men, who, while personating Union soldiers, entered and pillaged a house in New Orleans, La., of a large sum of money and other valuables, were this day hanged in that city. The fifth man was reprieved.
June 17.
Major-General J. C. Hindman, of the rebel army, issued a proclamation to the inhabitants of the Trans-Mississippi District, Arkansas, calling upon all those who were not subject to conscription, to organize themselves into independent companies of mounted troops or infantry, as they might prefer, arming and equipping themselves, and to serve in that part of the district in which they might belong.--(Doc. 134.)
The rebel batteries at City Point, on the James River, below Fort Darling, Va., opened fire on the Union fleet of gunboats, but the boats returned it so briskly with shell and shrapnel, that the batteries were silenced, and the rebels retired.
General Wallace assumed command of the city of Memphis, Tenn. His first official act was to take possession of the office of the newspaper Argus. T. Knox and A. D. Richardson were appointed to supervise all editorials which appeared in the newspapers.
Threats having been made to tear down the Union flags flying over the houses of some of the citizens of Memphis, Tenn., the Provost-Marshal of that city issued an order instructing the guard to shoot down any one attempting to haul down the flag, or offering any insult or molestation to resident citizens who had thus manifested their devotion to the Union.
The United States gunboats St. Louis, Lexington, Conestoga and Mound City, on an expedition up White River, Arkansas, opened fire on a rebel battery at St. Charles, while the Forty-third and Forty-sixth Indiana regiments made a land attack, which resulted in the capture of the battery. During the fire a ball entered the steam-drum of the Mound City, and it exploded.--(Doc. 75.)
This afternoon the stage from Fort Scott was stopped eight miles from Kansas City, Mo., by six men armed with double-barreled shotguns, supposed to belong to Quantrell's band of [29] guerrillas, and the passengers robbed of seven hundred dollars in money, three gold watches, four revolvers and several overcoats. One passenger saved two thousand dollars, which he had sewed in the linings of his coat, and the express-agent's trunk, containing over ten thousand dollars, was thrown aside as of no value.
June 18.
The fort over Eastern Branch, near Washington, D. C., in the vicinity of the hamlet “Good hope,” hitherto known as “Fort Good Hope,” was named “Fort Wagner,” in honor of Lieut. Wagner, of the Topographical Engineers, who died of wounds received near Yorktown, on the seventeenth of April last.
Col. Averill returned to the headquarters of General McClellan, on the Chickahominy, from a scout to the Mattapony, in search of a band of guerrillas. They were found to have left the previous day. He destroyed the bridge, took a number of wagons and carts loaded with supplies for Richmond, destroyed a large amount of rebel grain, and captured several important prisoners.
A reconnoissance was this day made by the Sixteenth Massachusetts, under Col. P. T. Wyman, for the purpose of ascertaining the exact character of the ground in front of the picket-line at Fair Oaks, Va.--(Doc. 135.)
A band of rebels were attacked by Major Zeley and a party of Union troops, near Smithville, Ark. Captain Jones, their leader, and fourteen of his men were captured. The rebels had four men wounded. Union loss, two killed and four wounded.--A skirmish occurred at Tallahatchie, Fla.
An expedition composed of four companies of Union troops, under Col. Kimball, sent from New Orleans to Manchac, La., for the purpose of dispersing a large number of rebels encamped in that place, this day returned to New Orleans, after having successfully performed the object of its mission. On the approach of the Union force, the rebels decamped, leaving their regimental colors, guns, camp equipage, etc., behind them. The guns were spiked, the colors taken away, and the bridge at Manchac Pass burned.
Gen. Morgan marched at one A. M. to attack the rebels at Cumberland Gap, but on his arrival there found that they had abandoned that position a few hours before.--(Doc. 136.)
The bill emancipating the slaves of rebels passed the United States House of Representatives, by a vote of eighty-two against fifty-four.
June 19.
A skirmish took place between the Twentieth Indiana regiment, in General Kearny's division of the army of the Potomac, and a body of rebel troops, which lasted for more than an hour. The Union troops held their position with slight loss, having had only three men wounded. In the afternoon, Gen. Kearny complimented the regiment for its bravery and discipline.
The confederate schooner Louisa, laden with cotton, two flatboats, laden with rice, and a steam tug-boat, were captured about twelve miles up the Santee River, by a boat's crew of the United States steamer Albatross, blockading off the North-Santee River, S. C.
June 20.
A force from Gen. Sherman's command occupied Holly Springs to-day, and destroyed several pieces of trestle-work on the Mississippi Central Railroad. The machinery for repairing and manufacturing arms was removed from Holly Springs to Atlanta, Ga., previous to the evacuation of the place by the rebels.
The Paris Constitutionnel, of this date, expressed the opinion that mediation was but a question of time. The cause had gained. More than one hundred provincial journals in France had given in their adhesion to it. The idea had gained ground in England. Such an expression of public opinion in two great countries could not remain without effect, but mediation could not be proposed with the certainty of rejection. It was for the government to seize upon a favorable opportunity.
A delegation from the religious society of Progressive Friends appeared before the President, at Washington, for the purpose of presenting a memorial praying him to decree the emancipation of the slaves.
The United States gunboat Jacob Bell, commanded by Lieut. E. P. McCrea, proceeded up the James River, Va., with despatches for the commander of the Monitor. She succeeded in her mission, but was considerably damaged by the rebel batteries on shore.--(Doc. 137.)
Lieut.-Col. William B. Cassilly, Sixty-ninth Ohio volunteers, assumed command of the military district of Franklin, Williamson County, Tenn.
The brig Yankee Blade arrived in New York from New Orleans, laden with sugar, molasses, and cotton — the first arrival since the remission of the blockade.
June 21.
At New Orleans, La., a large and enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Union Hall, in the Fourth district. The meeting was called to order by D. S. Dewees, Esq., who nominated Edwin White, Esq., as Chairman of the meeting. The following-named gentlemen were appointed Vice-Presidents: Robert Watson, C. Auch, W. A. Bills, and Wm. McDuff. L. M. Day, Esq., was appointed Secretary. Able and eloquent addresses were made by the President, Judge Hiestand, and D. S. Dewees, Esq. The meeting was characterized by great unanimity of feeling, and the addresses of the several gentlemen were received with universal demonstrations of appreciation. In the evening a festival took place at the Planter's Hotel, the patriotic hostess of which is Madame De Bare. A grand Union ball was given, which was numerously attended.
A series of skirmishes took place between a force of Union troops, under the command of Col. Sill, and a considerable body of rebel infantry and artillery, at the mouth of Battle Creek, Tennessee.--(Doc. 138.)
Colonel Charles Ellett, commander of the ram squadron of the United States, on the Mississippi River, died at Cairo, Ill., while on his way to New Albany, Ind.--The Seventh, Twenty-second, Thirty-seventh, and Forty-seventh regiments New York State militia were mustered into the service of the United States Government for three months.
A fight took place near Fair Oaks, Va., between the pickets of the Union army, supported by a redoubt, and a large attacking force of rebels, in which the rebels were repulsed with great loss in killed and wounded. The Unionists lost two killed and seven wounded.
General Butler, commanding Department of the Gulf, issued the following order at New Orleans:
Any vessel attempting to leave this port and take away any person of color who did not come here on board of her, and has not a pass from these headquarters, will be liable to confiscation, and her master punished by imprisonment. No vessel shall so leave the port until the master shall take an oath that he has not any such person on board, and will not allow any such to come on board.
The rebels kept up a continuous shower of shells along the lines of the Union army before Richmond. They opened upon Gen. Hooker's advance, but did no damage. Gen. Hooker replied from his batteries, by throwing heavy shells among their artillerymen, which caused them to retire.
A reconnoissance was made by Captain Keenan, with two companies of the Pennsylvania cavalry, to the James River, Va. He successfully passed the rebel pickets and communicated with the Union gunboat Galena.
An engagement took place at Simon's Bluff, Wadmelaw Sound, S. C., between the United States gunboats Crusader and Planter, and a body of rebels stationed at that place.--(Doc. 139.)
June 22.
Yesterday thirty Sisters of Charity arrived at Fortress Monroe, and to-day left for White-House Point, Va., for the purpose of ministering to the sick and wounded soldiers of the army of the Potomac.
A detachment of the Sixth Illinois cavalry made a descent on a squadron of rebel cavalry guarding a train near Coldwater station, on the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, and captured twenty-five prisoners and about twenty thousand pounds of bacon which was on the train. They then destroyed the bridges on the road, rendering it impassable. A party of the Eighth Vermont regiment, stationed at Algiers, near New Orleans, La., took an engine and a car and went out a short distance on the Opelousas Railroad on a reconnoissance. They had proceeded but a few miles when they were fired upon by a party of guerrillas, and had three men killed and eight wounded.
June 23.
The London Times, of this date, said that whatever might be the result of the civil war in America, it was plain that it had reached a point at which it was a scandal to humanity. It had become a war of extermination. Utter destruction might be possible, or even imminent, but submission was as far off as ever. Persons who listened to the excited railers on either side might think that there was no alternative but to let a flood of blood pass over the land; but, at that calm distance, it might perhaps be wisely calculated that such voices did not represent the mind of the American people. Both parties ought by this time to be tired of the strife. There had been blood enough shed, fortunes enough made, losses enough suffered, and wrongs enough inflicted and endured. The opportunity ought to be either present or at hand when some potent [31] American voice, prudently calling, “Peace,” might awaken an universal echo.
Martial law was proclaimed in the cities of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., by order of Brig.-General E. L. Viele, Military Governor.
Brigadier--General Schofield, Military Commandant District of Missouri, this day issued a General Order from his headquarters, St. Louis, warning the rebels and rebel sympathizers in Missouri that he would hold them responsible in their property and persons for any damages that might thereafter be committed by the lawless bands of armed men which they had brought into existence, subsisted, encouraged, and sustained up to that time.
The Third battalion, Fifth Pennsylvania cavalry, Col. Campbell, stationed at Gloucester Point, made a reconnoissance under the command of Major Wilson, into the counties of Gloucester and Mathews, Va., for the purpose of capturing a body of rebel cavalry, who were overrunning those counties, arresting deserters, and impressing others into their service who were unwilling to volunteer. On arriving at Mathews's Court-House, Major Wilson found he was a day too late. The rebel cavalry had been there, and arrested twenty-four men as being deserters from their army.
June 24.
Earl Van Dorn, rebel General, at Jackson, Miss., issued an order assuming the command over the “Department of Louisiana,” and recommending “that all persons living within eight miles of the Mississippi River remove their families and servants to the interior, as it was the intention to defend the Department to the last extremity.”
President Lincoln visited West-Point, New York.--Captain Jocknick of the Third New York cavalry, made a successful reconnaissance from Washington, N. C., to Tranter's Creek.--(Doc. 140.)
Major-General J. C. Hindman, of the rebel army issued a proclamation to the people of Arkansas, calling upon them to assist him in preventing General Curtis from joining the Union fleet on the Mississippi.
June 25.
The division of the army of the Potomac under command of General Hooker, this day advanced in the vicinity of the Chickahominy River, with a view of occupying a new position. The advance was resisted with great determination by the rebels. They fought for seven hours, when they retreated with great loss, leaving the Unionists in the position desired. The loss of the Union army was about two hundred in killed and wounded. This battle was the first of a series of conflicts, lasting over seven days, and resulting in the retreat of the Army of the Potomac, under the command of Major-General McClellan, to the James River, under the protection of the fleet of Union gunboats.--(Doc. 77 and 78.)
Yesterday the United States steamer Monticello, Lieut. Commanding D. L. Braine, picked up at sea, in an open boat, eight contrabands from Little River Inlet, South-Carolina, from whom information was obtained that two schooners were preparing to run the blockade, laden with cotton and turpentine, and that the cargo was already in the warehouse, near the wharf, ready for shipment. This evening Captain Glisson ordered an expedition to be fitted out, to consist of an armed boat from each vessel, and ordered Lieutenant Braine, of the Monticello, to proceed to the Inlet with the boats and send the expedition in. The duty was ably performed by Lieutenants Braine and Bunce, with the officers and men under them, the reports of whom show that the town was entirely deserted. The schooners were found at the wharf, and were not considered worth the trouble of bringing away. They found at the wharf and in warehouses two hundred barrels of turpentine, sixty bales of cotton, and fifty-three barrels rosin, the whole of which was destroyed by fire.--Capt. Glisson's Report.
General Butler ordered, that “all the property in New Orleans belonging to General D. E. Twiggs, and of his minor son, the income of which he has received, and under the charge of his agent, H. W. Palfrey, Esq., consisting of real estate, bonds, notes of hand, treasury notes of the United States, slaves, household furniture, etc., is hereby sequestered, to be held to await the action of the United States Government.”
The Union ram fleet arrived off Vicksburgh, Miss., yesterday, and to-day communicated with Commodore Farragut, commanding fleet of gunboats.
A large body of rebel cavalry under Jackson, this day visited a number of plantations in the vicinity of Memphis, Tenn., on the line of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, burning great quantities of cotton and arresting all persons found purchasing that staple.--Memphis Avalanche, June 27.
[32] A Union force, under the command of Gen. Williams, consisting of four regiments of infantry and nearly two batteries of artillery, left Baton Rouge, La., on the twentieth, and arrived at Vicksburgh, Miss., this day.--(Doc. 142.)
A train of ears on the Memphis and Ohio Railroad, laden with a company of Union troops, eighty mule-teams with provender, etc., was this day captured by a large force of rebel cavalry, in the vicinity of Germantown, Tennessee. The rebels destroyed the locomotive, burned the cars, and killed ten men.
June 26.
West H. Humphreys, convicted of having acted as a Judge under the rebel government, was impeached by the Senate of the United States, and sentenced to be removed from his office, and to be forever disqualified from holding any office of profit or honor under the government of the United States.
The Union mortar-fleet on the Mississippi, under the command of Commodore Porter, commenced to shell the rebel batteries before Vicksburgh. The bombardment lasted for three hours without any result.
The National forces under Majors-General Fremont, Banks, and McDowell were consolidated into one army, called the army of Virginia, and Major-General Pope was assigned by the President to the chief command. The forces under General Fremont constituted the First army corps, to be commanded by General Fremont. The forces under General Banks constituted the Second army corps, to be commanded by him. The forces under Gen. McDowell constituted the Third army corps, to be commanded by him.
Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred W. Ellet, commanding Union ram-flotilla on the Mississippi, went up the Yazoo River with two rams, for the purpose of capturing three rebel gunboats. On his approach the rebels set fire to their boats and started them down on him, compelling him to leave the river to escape the destruction of his vessels. The rebel vessels were entirely consumed.--Lieut.-Colonel Ellet's Report.
Nine vessels of the gunboat fleet, under command of Captain Rodgers, entered the Appomattox River, Va., and when about six miles from its mouth, were attacked by the rebels. The squadron opened fire in return, and after shelling him for an hour, the enemy retired. The object of the expedition was to discover the condition of the river, and was entirely successful. It was ascertained that the rebels had blocked it up, about seven miles from its mouth, with sunken vessels laden with stone, etc.--New Haven Palladium.
The rebel schooner Zaide, while attempting to run the blockade, was run ashore in the mouth of Cape Fear River, by the blockading fleet off Wilmington, N. C., and burned.
The battle of Mechanicsville, Va., was fought this day. It commenced at noon and lasted until dark. The Unionists opened with artillery at long-range, but the rebels finding themselves weak in this arm, came into close conflict. The fight increased in fury as it progressed, and it finally became one of the most terrific combats of the war. After losing more than a thousand men, the rebels retreated.--(Doc. 78.)
June 27.
The work of cutting off Vicksburgh from the Mississippi River, by means of a canal, was this day commenced, under the supervision of General Williams of the Union army.--(Doc. 142.)
To-day the bombardment of Vicksburgh, by the Union fleet, was renewed.
The London Herald of this day in an article on the aspect of affairs in America, declared the Union “a nuisance among nations.”
A skirmish took place at Williams's bridge, on the Amite River, La., between a small force of Union troops under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Keith, Twenty-first Indiana volunteers, and a body of rebels, resulting in the utter rout of the latter. On returning to Baton Rouge, on the same day, and when within a mile or two of that place, Colonel Keith encountered another band of rebels, and after a sharp fight defeated them.--(Doc. 83.)
Major-General John C. Fremont having requested to be relieved from the command of the First army corps of the Army of Virginia, because, as he says, the position assigned him by the appointment of Major-Gen. Pope as Commander-in-Chief of the Army of Virginia is subordinate and inferior to those heretofore held by him, and to remain in the subordinate command now assigned would, as he says, largely reduce his rank and consideration in the service. It is ordered that Major-General John C. Fremont be relieved from command. Second, That Brigadier-General Rufus King be and he is hereby assigned to the command of the First army corps of the Army [33] of Virginia, in place of General Fremont, relieved.--Secretary Stanton's Order.
The British steamer Modern Greece, laden with arms and other munitions of war, ran aground three quarters of a mile east of Fort Fisher, N. C. The blockading fleet fired on her with a view of destroying her, but the fort opened fire on them, when they retired.--Mobile Evening News, June 30.
A small skirmish occurred at Swift Creek bridge, N. C., between a body of Union troops and marine artillery under the command of Col. Howard, and a force of the rebels, which resulted in the complete rout of the latter.
G. F. Shepley, Military Commandant of New Orleans, by order and approval of Gen. Butler, suspended the municipal government of that city, until such time as there should be a sufficient number of the citizens of New Orleans loyal to their country and their Constitution to entitle them to resume the right of self-government. In the mean time he appointed two bodies to perform the duties of Aldermen and Assistant-Aldermen; the one to be known as the “Bureau of Finances,” and the other the “Bureau of streets and landings,” while he, the Military Commandant, would act in the capacity of Mayor.
The battle of Gaines's Mills, Va., one of the “seven days contests,” was fought this day.--White-House, Va., was evacuated by the Union forces under General McClellan.--(Doc. 78.)
A severe fight took place near Village Creek, Arkansas, between two battalions of the Ninth Illinois cavalry, commanded by Colonel Albert G. Brackett, and a considerable body of rebel troops. The rebels had chosen a position of great strength, and Colonel Brackett, although repeatedly making the attempt, found it impossible to dislodge them. He fought them until dark, when he withdrew his men, having two killed and thirty-one wounded.--(Doc. 141.)
June 28.
A small party of Union troops under the command of Lieutenant Glenn, was this day attacked by a body of Indians near Rocky Ridge, Utah. Two white men and one Indian were killed.--The rebel General Hindman burned the railroad bridge at Madison, Arkansas, fearing that General Curtis would pass that way to the Mississippi.
Five clergymen, who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the Government of the United States, were this day imprisoned in Nashville, Tenn., by order of Andrew Johnson, Governor of the State.
The battle of the Chickahominy, Va., took place this day.--(Doc. 78.)
Flag-officer D. G. Farragut reported to the Secretary of the Navy that the Union fleet passed up above Vicksburgh, silencing the shore batteries while passing, and that he had communicated with Gen. Halleck and Commodore Davis.--Official Despatch.--(Doc. 143.)
June 29.
The British steamer Ann was cut out from under the guns of Fort Morgan, at the mouth of Mobile Bay, by the United States steamer Kanawha. She ran in during the night, passed the blockading fleet, and as it was very dark, she could not be seen by the vessels. Lights had been kept burning on the fort all night, so that she had no trouble in finding the channel. This morning she was discovered by the Susquehanna, within a half-mile of the fort, unloading her cargo into a rebel steamer alongside. The Susquehanna, accompanied by the Kanawha, then got under weigh, and steamed within gunshot and opened fire, which was returned by the fort, and kept up for an hour on both sides. In the mean time the crew deserted the steamer. She was soon discovered to be adrift, and dropped down with the current about a mile, when the Kanawha was ordered to go in and bring her out, which she did under a heavy fire from the fort.
The battles of Peach Orchard and Savage's Station, Va., were fought this day.--(Doc. 78 and Supplement.)
A fight took place at Henderson, Ky., between a company of the Louisville Provost-Guard, supported by a detachment of Captain Andrew's Michigan battery, and a force of rebel guerrillas, which resulted in the complete rout of the latter.
Moorefield, Va., was this day captured by a body of Ashby's cavalry, eighty-six in number, under the command of Colonel Harris. A large company of the Maryland Home Guard occupied the place at the time, but they made no defence, having been informed that the rebel force was four thousand strong. They were taken prisoners, and were released next day.
General Halleck, at Corinth, Miss., issued an order authorizing the protection of the mail service in his department.--The bombardment of Vicksburgh was continued to-day. The firing commenced at noon, and, with the exception of [34] an intermission of an hour, did not cease until about twelve o'clock at night.
June 30.
C. C. Fulton, one of the proprietors and editors of the Baltimore American, was committed to Fort McHenry by order of the Secretary of War.
Lord Brougham made a speech in the House of Lords concerning the civil war in the United States. His lordship was informed that horrible cruelties and crimes were committed on both sides; he deprecated these barbarities, but he threw no imputation on the character of the American people, for it was incident to and inseparable from civil war that horrible crimes should occur. He thought that neither England nor France should interfere. But all must have felt equally anxious that the conflict should cease. Those who were most friendly to America were the most anxious that this should take place, and he had ever been most friendly to her. If war was to go on, it would produce a state of things worse than American slavery. The whites would suffer more by the war than ever the negroes suffered under the most cruel masters. It was his lordship's opinion that the war was creating more mischief and misery, and would lay the foundation of more lasting animosity and injury than all that had been said against what was called the “domestic institution.” If the Americans would only listen to their true friends, they would see the absolute necessity, if they regarded the continuance of their reputation in Great Britain, and the affection entertained for them there, of putting a speedy end to the civil war. This was what the truest and staunchest friends of America most ardently desired.
General Crawford, with a portion of his brigade and a cavalry force under Col. Tompkins, made a reconnoissance in force up the Valley of the Shenandoah, and entered Luray, Va., this morning, driving out the rebel picket-guard, and capturing one of them. Four companies of rebel cavalry which occupied the town fled on his approach. They were pursued a mile out on the New Market road, when a skirmish ensued, the cavalry charging the rebels, wounding several of them, and capturing four prisoners. The Union loss was one killed and three wounded. The object of the reconnoissance was fully accomplished.--The bombardment of Vicksburgh was reopened to-day at two P. M., and continued all night
General Butler, at New Orleans, issued the following order: John W. Andrews exhibited a cross, the emblem of the sufferings of our blessed Saviour, fashioned for a personal ornament, which he said was made from the bones of a Yankee soldier, and having shown this, too, without rebuke, in the Louisiana Club, which claims to be composed of chivalric gentlemen: It is therefore ordered, that for this desecration of the dead, he be confined at hard labor for two years on the fortifications at Ship Island, and that he be allowed no verbal or written communication to or with any one except through these headquarters.--Special Order, No. 152.
A turnpike bridge between Harrodsburgh and Ferryville, and another between Nicholasville and Pekin, Ky., were burned, supposed by rebel guerrillas.--Louisville Journal, July 1.
The United States gunboat Sagamore made an attack upon the town of Tampa, Fla. After firing sixty or seventy shells, she succeeded in silencing the battery on shore, but finding it impossible to get near enough to the town to protect the boats that intended to land, she was obliged to retire without effecting the object for which she went.
Fidel Keller and Mrs. Philip Phillips, of New Orleans, were arrested by order of Major-General Butler, and sent to Ship Island. The first for “exhibiting a human skeleton, labelled ‘Chickahominy,’ in his bookstore window,” and the latter for laughing and mocking at the remains of Lieut. De Kay, during the passage of his funeral procession before her residence.
The battles of Glendale or White Oak Swamp, and Charles City Cross-Roads, Va., were fought this day.--(Doc. 78 and Supplement.)