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November 1.

An expedition, consisting of the U. S. steamer Northerner and gunboat States of the North, with a detachment of the Third New York cavalry, and two pieces of Allis's artillery, under the command of Major Garrard, proceeded, on the twenty-ninth ultimo, up the Pungo Creek, N. C., where they captured two rebel schooners. Proceeding to Montgomery, the troops disembarked. Major Garrard then marched his force to Germantown, Swanquarter, and Middletown, capturing in these places one hundred and thirty horses and mules, and twenty-five prisoners, among whom were a rebel lieutenant-colonel, a major, a captain, and a lieutenant. To-day, on returning from Middletown, they were met by a squad of rebel cavalry, on whom they opened one of their field-pieces, when they fled at the first fire. The force then returned to Montgomery, and embarked on the steamer without further molestation.--Philadelphia Ledger.

At New Orleans, La., General Butler issued the following orders:--

No pass to go beyond the lines of this army, in any direction, will be respected by any officer or soldier, unless it bear the personal signature of the Commanding General of this Department.

All persons of the age of sixteen years and upward, coming within the lines, will be held as spies, unless they take the oath of allegiance to the United States, or show that they are neutral aliens; and all persons whatsoever thus coming will immediately report themselves at the office of the Provost-Marshal.

No person will be arrested as a slave by any policeman or other person, and put in confinement for safe keeping, unless the person arresting knows that such person is owned by a loyal citizen of the United States.

The Inspector and Superintendent of Prisons is authorized to discharge from confinement all slaves not known to be the slaves of loyal owners.

Yesterday and to-day, the U. S. gunboats Clifton and Westfield bombarded the town of Lavacca, on Matagorda Bay, Texas. The rebels opened fire on the gunboats from two batteries, but without doing them any injury. After firing more than one hundred and thirty rounds, the gunboats found their ammunition was nearly exhausted, and they were thus compelled to raise the siege without effecting a capture of the town. During the bombardment, a one hundred pound rifled gun on board the Westfield, burst, wounding three men and Acting Master Warren.

Governor Brown, of Georgia, issued an address to the planters of that State, calling upon them voluntarily to send to General Mercer one fifth of their negroes, in order to complete the for-tifications around Savannah. If they were not sent in, General Mercer was authorized to impress whatever number he required for that purpose.--(Doc. 22.)

The rebel schooner Adventurer, laden with salt, leather, etc., was captured by the United States steamer Kensington, in the vicinity of Mermanteau Pass, La.--Major-General Peck, from his headquarters at Suffolk, Va., issued a general order denouncing pillage, and calling upon his forces to cooperate with him in bringing the guilty to a speedy trial.--The Richmond Whig of this date opposes the rebel conscription law as “unpopular, if not odious, among a large class of the people.”

A National force composed of the First Mounted Riflemen, N. Y. S. V., Follett's battery, the Eleventh cavalry of Pennsylvania volunteers, and General Wessell's brigade, visited Franklin, Va., to-day, and succeeded in driving the rebels from the town with some loss.--New York Tribune.

November 2.

Yesterday and to-day, a series of skirmishes took place near Philomont, Va., between a force under General Pleasanton, which was ,advancing from Purcellsville to Union, and the rebel forces under General Stuart, ending in the retreat of the rebels.--(Doc. 21.)

Snicker's Gap, Va., was occupied by the National forces under General McClellan. When General Hancock arrived there it was held by the [11] rebel cavalry, who were driven out; a column of rebel infantry advanced to retake it, but were dispersed by the fire of the National artillery. General Pleasanton pursued the rebels several miles beyond Union, and at three o'clock in the afternoon succeeded in exploding one of their caissons and capturing ten of their wounded.--General McClellan's Despatch.

An expedition under Colonel Dewey to Pittman's Ferry, Current River, Mo., in pursuit of a band of guerrillas infesting that locality, this day returned to camp at Patterson, Wayne County, Mo., having captured thirteen rebels and made a march of one hundred and sixty miles in eight days.--(Doc. 23.)

An engagement occurred near Williamston, N. C., between four companies of the Twentieth regiment of North-Carolina rebels, under the command of Colonel Burgwyn, and a party of National troops.--Richmond Dispatch, November 7.

Colonel Lee, of Hamilton's National cavalry, retured to Grand Junction, Miss., after a three days reconnaissance in the direction of Ripley and ten miles south. Ripley was captured and held twenty-four hours, as was also the town of Orizaba. Lieutenant-Colonel Hovis and the Surgeon of Faulkner's rebel rangers were captured, together with a captain, two lieutenants, and sixty men. Faulkner himself effected his escape, with the loss of four men.--The British schooner Path-finder was captured by the gunboat Penobscot, off Shallot Inlet, N. C.--The ship Levi Starbuck, in latitude 35°, 30′, longitude 66°, was captured and burned by the rebel privateer Alabama.

November 3.

A fight took place in Bayou Teche, fourteen miles from Brashear City, La., between five Union gunboats and a large rebel force, supported by the rebel gunboat Cotten, resulting in a retreat of the rebels and the escape of the gunboat.--(Doc. 27.)

Tampa, Florida, was bombarded by the National forces.--Major Reid Sanders, of the rebel army, was captured in the Chesapeake this morning by Captain Dungan of the gunboat Hercules, while endeavoring to embark for Europe.

A force of rebel guerrillas, numbering about three hundred men, under Quantrel, attacked near Harrisonville, Mo., a wagon train, with an escort of twenty-two men of the Sixth Missouri cavalry, under the command of Lieutenant New-by, killing eight of the escort, six teamsters, wounding four, and taking five prisoners, including Lieutenant Newby, and burning the entire train of thirteen wagons. Three or four hours thereafter, the rebels were overtaken by detachments of the Fifth and Sixth regiments, Missouri cavalry, under the command of Colonel Catherwood, and utterly routed. They were pursued for twenty-five or thirty miles with great loss. The Unionists did not lose a man.--Missouri Democrat.

The steamer Darlington, with a company of colored troops on board, under the command of Colonel O. T. Beard, proceeded up Bell River, Florida, drove in the rebel pickets below Cooper's, destroyed their place of rendezvous, then destroyed the salt-works, and all the salt, corn, wagons, and horses which could not be taken away. Thence proceeded to Jolly River and destroyed two salt-works, with a large amount of salt and corn. Thence went to Saint Mary's, and brought off two families of contrabands, after driving in the rebel pickets.

Captain Flint, of the First Vermont cavalry, with eighty men of his company, doing picket-duty in the vicinity of New Baltimore, Va., was attacked by one hundred and fifty rebel cavalry. Captain Flint drove the rebels two or three miles, and then returned to his post.--Piedmont, Va., was occupied by the National cavalry under Generals Pleasanton and Averill.

November 4.

Francis Arnold, General Sigel's cook, and five others, were arrested to-day in the vicinity of Fairfax Court-House, Virginia, for smuggling contraband of war through the lines to the rebels. A quantity of goods in their possession, consisting of swords, shoulder-straps, gold lace, etc., were seized, and the men were sent to the old Capitol Prison at Washington.

The Union pickets near Bolivar Heights, Virginia, were attacked to-day by a party of rebel cavalry, and three of their number were captured.--New York Evening Post.

General Grant, with several divisions of his army from Bolivar, Tennessee, and Corinth, Mississippi, occupied La Grange, Mississippi, this night.--New York Herald.

The English bark Sophia, while attempting to run the blockade of Wilmington, North-Carolina, was destroyed by the National steamers Daylight and Mount Vernon.--Com. Scott's Report.

The United States expeditionary steamer Darlington, with a small force of colored troops [12] on board, under the command of Colonel O. T. Beard, proceeded to King's Bay, Georgia, and destroyed the extensive rebel salt-works, about a mile from the landing, together with all the property on the place. On returning to the steamer, Colonel Beard's command was attacked by a party of rebels, but they succeeded in reaching the vessel without injury. The colored troops returned the rebel fire, killing two of the enemy.

November 5.

Lamar, Missouri, was this day captured by a body of rebel guerrillas under Quantrel, after a sharp fight with the garrison, consisting of only eighty State troops, under the command of Major Bruden, and partially destroyed by fire.--Leavenworth Conservative.

A skirmish took place to-day at Barbee's Cross-Roads, Virginia, between a force of Union troops, under the command of General Pleasanton, and a detachment of General Stuart's rebel cavalry, resulting in the retreat of the latter with considerable loss.--(Doc. 29.)

Salem, Virginia, was occupied by the National cavalry under General Bayard.--Curran Pope, Colonel of the Fifteenth regiment of Kentucky volunteers, died at Danville, Kentucky.--This day, while a battalion of General Shackleford's cavalry, under the command of Major Holloway, was moving from Henderson to Bowling Green, Kentucky, a party of rebel guerrillas under Johnson attempted to surprise them, on the Greenville road, about seven miles from Madisonville. The attack was promptly met by the National forces, and the rebels were routed with the loss of eight killed and a large number wounded and captured. Colonel Fowler, who commanded the guerrillas, was among the killed.--Indianapolis Journal.

This day Colonel Wyndham, of Bayard's cavalry, had a spirited engagement with the rebel cavalry and artillery at New Baltimore, Virginia, and succeeded in driving them off to their main body, near Warrenton.--General McClellan by direction of the President of the United States, was relieved from the command of the Army of the Potomac, and General Burnside was ordered to succeed him.--The monitor Weehawken was launched at Jersey City, New Jersey.

A fight took place to-day in the vicinity of Nashville, Tennessee, between the Union forces under General Negley, and a numerically much superior rebel force in two divisions, one of which was under the command of General J. H. Morgan, resulting in a repulse of the rebels with considerable loss.--(Doc. 28.)

November 6.

Major-General Butler, from his headquarters at New Orleans, issued the following order:

General orders, no. 90.

Headquarters Department number 1, Confederate States of America, New-Orleans, La., March 20, 1862.
. . . .

XII. All process from any court of law or equity in the parishes of Orleans and Jefferson, for the ejection of the families of soldiers now in the service of the government, either on land or water, for rent past due, is hereby suspended, and no such collections shall be forced until fur ther orders. . . . . .

By command of Major-General Lovell. J. G. Pickett, Assistant Adjutant-General.

The above extract from orders of the rebel General Lovell is accepted and ordered as referring to the families of soldiers and sailors now in the service of the United States.

By command of Major-General Butler.

George C. Strong, A. A. G.

General Reynolds took possession of War renton, Virginia, this afternoon, the rebels offering no opposition; five prisoners belonging to the Third Virginia cavalry, and two infantry soldiers were captured.--General Charles D. Jameson died at Old Town, Maine, this morning.--The English schooner Dart was captured off Sabine Pass, Texas, by the United States schooner Rachel Seaman.

General Beauregard ordered non-combatants to leave Charleston, South-Carolina, “with all their movable property, including the slaves.” This was done “to avoid embarrassments and delay, in case a sudden necessity should arise for the removal of the entire population.”

A fight took place near Leatherwood, Kentucky, between a small body of Union troops under the command of Captain Ambrose Powell, and a gang of rebel guerrillas, resulting in the flight of the latter, leaving six of their number dead, and their captain mortally wounded.--Frankfort Commonwealth.

November 7.

At Big Beaver Creek, Missouri, a block-house, occupied by portions of two companies of the Tenth Illinois cavalry, and two militia companies, was attacked by the rebel Colonel Green, who had one thousand three hundred men [13] and three pieces of artillery. On the destruction of the block-house, the militia retreated to the woods, and fought five hours, when Captain Barstow, who was in command, displayed the white flag, and surrendered the garrison.--New York Tribune.

To-day a debate took place in the rebel Senate, on the bill to extend the operation of the sequestration act to all persons natives of or residents within any of the rebel States, and who had refused to submit to the constitution and laws of those States. A substitute proposed by the Committee of the Judiciary was adopted. It provided that the President of the rebel States should issue his proclamation, ordering all persons within the limits of those States who were loyal, and adhered to the United States Government, to leave the rebel States within forty days, on pain of forfeiture of property. Another of its provisions was the granting of immunity to all persons adhering to the Union who, within forty days, should take the oath of allegiance to the rebel States.

The United States steamer Darlington, with a company of colored troops on board, in command of Lieutenant-Colonel O. T. Beard, Forty-eighth New York volunteers, proceeded up Sapelo River, Georgia, accompanied by the Union gunboat Potomska, and captured a number of rebels and slaves on the plantations along the river, and destroyed a large and valuable salt-work. The rebels on shore attacked the Darlington several times on the route, but the colored troops fought bravely, and she escaped without injury.

A single company of enrolled militia, at Lamar, Missouri, barricaded the court-house in that place, and successfully repelled an attack made upon them by a large body of guerrillas, said to be under the command of Quantrel.--General McClellan issued his farewell address to the “officers and soldiers of the Army of the Potomac.” --(Doc. 30.)

November 8.

Yesterday General Bayard was attacked by the rebels at Rappahannock Bridge, Virginia, but succeeded in repulsing them. This morning he continued his operations and compelled them to retire, leaving him in possession of the bridge and all the neighboring fords. During the day, he captured Lieutenant-Colonel Blunt, of General Longstreet's staff, together with two servants and ten men of the rebel army.--A very heavy snow-storm occurred in Richmond, Virginia, and its vicinity.--The First company of the South-Carolina colored volunteers was mustered into the service of the United States, at Beaufort, South-Carolina, by General Saxton.

Colonel Lee, of the Seventh Kansas, with about one thousand five hundred Union cavalry, made a successful reconnoissance in the vicinity of Hudsonville, Mississippi, defeating a party of rebels in a short skirmish, killing sixteen, and capturing one hundred and seventy-five of their number, one hundred horses, and a stack of firearms.--(Doc. 39.)

The ship T. B. Wales, in latitude 28°, 30′, longitude 58°, was captured and burned by the privateer Alabama.--General Pleasanton, in a skirmish with the rebel General Stuart, captured three pieces of artillery, a captain, a lieutenant, and five privates, without loss. The Richmond Whig, of this day, declared that the success of the Democrats in the elections at the North was “about equal to a declaration of peace.” --Holly Springs, Mississippi, was evacuated by the rebels.--Mobile News.

Prince Gortschakoff, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, sent a despatch to Paris, in reply to a proposal of concerted mediation between the belligerents in America, made to the Russian government by the Emperor of the French. The despatch says: “We are inclined to believe that a combined step by France, England, and Russia, no matter how conciliatory and how cautiously made, if it were taken with an official and collective character, would run the risk of causing the very opposite of the object of pacification, which is the aim of the wishes of the three Courts.”

A skirmish occurred near Marianna, Ark., between a detachment of the Third and Fourth Iowa and Ninth Illinois cavalry, under the command of Captain Marland L. Perkins and a party of rebels, resulting in defeat of the latter, with a loss of five killed. The Nationals had one man wounded.--Missouri Democrat.

November 9.

A reconnaissance was this day made by a party of Union troops under the command of Captain Dahlgren, to Fredericksburgh, Va., where they discovered a force of rebels, whom, after a sharp skirmish, they drove off with some loss.--(Doc. 31.)

Yesterday an expedition under the command of General Kelley, composed of about eight hundred rank and file, left New Creek, Va., for [14] the purpose of capturing or driving off the rebel Colonel Imboden and his men. The Union force reached Moorefield this morning, and after remaining a few hours, pushed on toward the rebel camp, which was about four miles beyond that place. When they arrived at the camp, finding it deserted, they continued the pursuit, and overtaking them at a point about eighteen miles from Moorefield, gave them battle and drove them into the mountains.--(Doc. 40.)

St. Mary's, Fla., was bombarded and partially destroyed by the United States gunboat Mohawk.--A reconnoissance from Bolivar Heights, Md., was made by General John W. Geary, surprising the rebels at Halltown; occupying Charlestown, and reaching a point in the vicinity of Front Royal, from which the positions of the rebel Generals Longstreet and Hill were discovered.--Baltimore American.

General Butler, commanding department of the Gulf, issued an order enforcing the confiscation act in the district of Lafourche, comprising all the territory in the State of Louisiana, west of the Mississippi River, except the parishes of Plaquemines and Jefferson.--(Doc. 41.)

John B. Villipigue, Brigadier-General in the rebel army, died at Port Hudson.--The draft was again postponed in the State of New York.--The Forty-third, Forty-fourth, and Forty-sixth regiments of Massachusetts volunteers left Boston for the seat of war.

A skirmish took place at the house of Captain Eversoll, on the North Fork of the Kentucky River, in Perry County, Ky., between two companies of Union troops under Captains Morgan and Eversoll, and a numerous body of rebel guerrillas, resulting in a retreat of the latter, leaving three of their number dead on the field.--Frankfort Commonwealth.

November 10.

An expedition consisting of about four hundred Union troops, under the command of Colonel Foster, this day left Henderson, Ky., in pursuit of several bands of rebel guerrillas that had been for some time infesting northwestern Kentucky. The force divided itself into four columns, and was entirely successful, defeating the rebels wherever they were come up with, taking a large number of prisoners, horses, and arms.

A party of regular cavalry, under the command of Lieutenant Ash, of the Second dragoons, on a foraging party, at a point ten miles south of Warrenton, Va., encountered a squadron of the Fifth Virginia rebel cavalry, whom they routed and put to flight, after making a gallant charge directly through their ranks.--Officers of all grades belonging to the army of the Potomac were ordered to join their respective commands within twenty-four hours.

Captain G. W. Gilmore, with a party of Union troops, made a reconnoissance into Greenbrier County, Va. Near Williamsburgh, he captured a wagon-train belonging to the rebel General Jenkins, about to be loaded with grain; also a number of prisoners, horses, mules, etc. He set fire to the wagons and grain.--(Doc. 43.)

General Burnside, in accordance with the orders of President Lincoln, assumed command of the army of the Potomac.--The Legislature of Georgia passed a bill to obstruct the navigable rivers of the State, and appropriated five hundred thousand dollars to aid in the work. The Governor was also authorized to impress slaves for the purpose.--Savannah Republican.

Resistance to the draft occurred in Ozaukee County, Wis.--An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at Memphis, Tenn.

November 11.

Yesterday a skirmish took place near Huntsville, Tenn., between a band of rebel guerrillas and a detachment of the Huntsville Home Guard, under Captain Duncan, resulting in a rout of the rebels with a loss of four killed and several wounded; the Home Guard sustaining no loss whatever. To-day the rebels crossed the Cumberland Mountains, committing many depredations on their route, and made their way to Jacksboro, Tenn.

Great excitement existed at Chambersburgh, Pa., it having been reported that the rebels were in Mercersburgh, and on their march for the former place.--The One Hundred and Fifty-sixth regiment of New York volunteers, under the corn mand of Colonel Erastus Cooke, left Kingston for the seat of war.--Lieutenant Johnson, of the Seventeenth regiment of Kentucky, was dismissed the service of the United States.--A fight took place near Lebanon, Tenn., between a party of National cavalry, under the command of Kennett and Wolford, and the rebels under Morgan, resulting in the defeat of the latter with a loss of seven killed and one hundred and twenty-five captured.-At Newbern, N. C., the National pickets and a small advance force were driven in by a large body of rebels, who opened the attack with shell and canister. Every thing was prepared [15] to meet the rebels, should they attempt to enter the town, but they confined themselves to prepared to meet the rebels, should they attempt to harassing the pickets, and withdrew during the night.--The Supreme Court of Georgia decided that the rebel conscript law was constitutional, under the provision which gives to Congress the power to raise armies, and also distinguished from the power to call out the militia. Judge Jenkins delivered the opinion.--Savannah Republican.

November 12.

General Hooker assumed command of the Fifth corps of the army of the Potomac.--The British schooner Maria was captured, while endeavoring to evade the blockade at Sabine Pass, Texas.

A cavalry engagement took place near Lamar, Miss., between a detachment of the Second Illinois and a company of the Seventh Kansas regiments, under the command of Major John J. Mudd, and a force of rebels, resulting in an utter route of the latter with great loss.--Missouri Democrat.

November 13.

Earl Russell replied, officially, to the circular of Drouyn De Lhuys, proposing mediation in the affairs of the United States of America, dissenting from the French proposition for the reasons, that “there is no ground, at the present moment, to hope that the Federal Government would accept the proposal suggested, and a refusal from Washington, at the present time, would prevent any speedy renewal of the offer of the government.” --See Supplement.

The Fifteenth regiment of New Hampshire volunteers, under the command of Colonel John W. Kingman, left Concord, for the rendezvous of General Banks's expedition, on Long Island, N. Y.--Governor Brown, of Georgia, sent a message to the General Assembly of that State, in reference to the raids of negroes in Camden County.--(Doc. 44.)

At seven o'clock this morning, Colonel Lee, chief of cavalry on the staff of General Hamilton, took possession of Holly Springs, Miss., after a slight skirmish, in which four rebels were killed and a number taken prisoners.--President Lincoln issued an order directing that the Attorney-General of the United States be charged with the superintendence and direction of all proceedings under the Conscription Act, and authorizing him to call upon the military authorities to aid him in carrying out its provisions.

Lieutenant-Colonel Beard, of the Forty-eighth New York regiment, in command of one hundred and sixty of the First South-Carolina (colored) volunteers, left Beaufort, S. C., on an expedition to the Doboy River, Ga., where he succeeded in loading the U. S. steamers Ben Deford and Darlington with about three thousand feet of lumber.--(Doc. 48.)

Colonel Shanks, with four hundred men, attacked a camp of rebel guerrillas, above Calhoun, Ky., on Green River, a few nights since. The rebels broke and ran in every direction, leaving their horses, arms and all their camp equipage to fall into the hands of the Union forces.--Governor Letcher, of Virginia, issued a proclamation informing the people that he had reason to believe that the volunteers from that State, in the rebel army, were not provided with the necessary supply of shirts, drawers, shoes, stockings, and gloves, and appealing to them to furnish such of these articles as they might be able to spare for the use of the troops.--(Doc. 53.)

November 14.

General Burnside issued an order reorganizing the army of the Potomac.--At New Orleans, Brigadier-General Shepley issued a proclamation authorizing the election of members of the Congress of the United States, in those portions of the State of Louisiana held by the National forces.

November 15.

A fight took place near Fayetteville, Va., between a detachment of Union troops, under the command of General Sturgis, and a large body of rebels, resulting, after about an hour's duration, in a retreat of the rebels.--(Doc. 45.)

An enthusiastic Union meeting was held at New Orleans, La., at which J. A. Rozier presided, and speeches were made by Thomas J. Durant, Colonel Deming of the Seventy-Fifth N. Y. S. V., and others. After the meeting dispersed a procession was formed, and paraded through the principal streets of the city by torchlight.

The iron-clad steamer Passaic, with Admiral Gregory, General Superintendent of iron-clads; Chief-Engineers Stimers, Lawton, and Robie, on board, made her trial-trip up the Hudson River, as far as the Palisades, where she fired several shots from her eleven-inch and fifteen-inch guns. The working of the guns, the turrets, and the sailing qualities of the vessel gave satisfaction to all on board.

The Second army corps of the army of the Potomac, under the command of General Couch, [16] left Warrenton, in the advance on Fredericksburgh, Virginia.

November 16.

The remaining corps of the army of the Potomac, which had been encamped around Warrenton, with the exception of the Fifth corps, and the cavalry under the command of General Pleasanton, followed in the advance on Fredericksburgh.--President Lincoln issued an order respecting the observance of the Sabbath-day in the army and navy.--(Doc. 32.)

The advance of General Sill's brigade had a skirmish with a party of rebel cavalry on the Murfreesboro road, seven miles from Nashville, Tenn., without any loss

November 17.

Warrenton, Va., was finally evacuated by the army under General Burnside.--The Twenty-third regiment of Connecticut volunteers, under the command of Colonel Charles E. L. Holmes, arrived in New York, en route for the seat of war.-The schooner Annie Dees was captured by the gunboat Seneca, while attempting to run the blockade of Charleston, S. C.

At Gloucester Point, Va., an outpost picket-guard, belonging to the One Hundred and Fourth regiment of Pennsylvania, was attacked at about three o'clock this morning by a party of rebel cavalrymen, who succeeded in escaping from the National lines, after killing one of the guard, wounding three, and capturing two others.--Philadelphia Press.

The Committee of the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society in London issued an address, which they earnestly commended to the favorable consideration of their fellow-countrymen, and to the friends of humanity in all lands, with the object of evoking such an expression of sympathy as should encourage the emancipation party in the United States, in their most difficult position, to persevere in their endeavors to obtain justice for the slave.

Jefferson Davis, at Richmond, Va., issued the following order:

Lieutenant-General T. N. Holmes, Commanding Trans-Mississippi Department:
General: Inclosed you will find a slip from the Memphis Daily Appeal, of the third instant, containing an account, purporting to be derived from the Palmyra (Missouri) Gourier, a Federal journal, of the murder of ten confederate citizens of Missouri, by order of General McNeil of the United States army.

You will communicate by flag of truce with the Federal officer commanding that department, and ascertain if the facts are as stated. If they be so, you will demand the immediate surrender of General McNeil to the confederate authorities, and, if this demand is not complied with, you will inform said commanding officer that you are ordered to execute the first ten United States officers who may be captured and fall into your hands.

November 18.

A skirmish took place at Rural Hills, Tenn., between a force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Hawkins, and a body of rebel cavalry, resulting in a retreat of the latter, leaving sixteen of their number dead on the field.--(Doc. 46.)

Lieutenant-Colonel John Mix, with a force of the Third New York cavalry, and a part of Allis's artillery, went from Newbern, N. C., on a reconnoissance on the Dover road toward Kinston. At Cove Creek they encountered the Tenth regiment of North-Carolina rebel infantry, and a large portion of the Second cavalry belonging to the same State, who, after a spirited engagement, retreated from the field, leaving a number of arms, blankets, and other equipments.--N. Y. Herald.

Falmouth, Va., was occupied by the column of the army of the Potomac, under the command of General Sumner.--(Doc. 47.)

The English schooners Ariel and Ann Maria were captured off Little Run, S. C., by the United States gunboat Monticello, under the command of Captain Braine.

November 19.

Colonel Dodge, of the New York Mounted Rifles, made a descent on a party of rebels at Blackwater, Va., and dispersed them, capturing a number of tents, rifles, and other implements of war.--James A. Seddon was appointed rebel Secretary of War, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of G. W. Randolph. Richmond Enquirer.

A skirmish took place near Wallen's Creek, Ky., between a small force of the Harlem County State Guard and a gang of rebel guerrillas, in which the latter were routed with the loss of all their camp equipage, including horses, guns, swords, etc.--The first General Council of the Episcopal Church of the rebel States met at Augusta, Ga.

The Fiftieth regiment of Massachusetts volunteers, under the command of Colonel Messer, left Boston for the seat of war.--The rebel privateer [17] Alabama succeeded in escaping from the harbor of Martinique.--See Supplement.

General Rosecrans, from his headquarters at Nashville, Tenn., issued general orders defining the relations between soldiers and citizens.--General Order No. 19.

November 20.

Colonel Carlin's expedition, which had been patrolling the country between Nashville and Clarksville, Tenn., returned to the former place this evening, having captured forty-three rebels, eighteen horses, twenty mules, and one hundred muskets.--Louisville Journal.

Just before daybreak this morning a party of rebel cavalry made a sudden descent upon the National pickets stationed at Bull Run bridge, Va., and captured three of their number.--Both Warrenton and Leesburgh were occupied by rebel cavalry.

November 21.

General Patrick, Provost-Marshal-General of the army of the Potomac, this morning crossed the Rappahannock to Fredericksburgh, Va., under a flag of truce, conveying to the rebel authorities of that city a letter from Major-General Sumner, commanding right grand division of the army, demanding its surrender.--(Doc. 54.)

A sharp skirmish took place at Bayou Bontouca, near Fort Pike, La., between a small detachment of Union troops commanded by Captain Darling, Thirty-first Massachusetts, and a band of guerrillas, numbering one hundred and fifty, under Captain Evans. The fight lasted about half an hour, and resulted in a rout of the rebels, with a loss to them of four killed and several wounded. The Union force had none killed and but one wounded.

Charles A. Davis, a chaplain in the army of the United States, was this day expelled from the Methodist Conference of Virginia, by that body in session at Petersburgh.--Salem, Va., was occupied by the rebels.

November 22.

A party of National troops, consisting of details from four companies of the First New York cavalry, under the command of Captain Harkins, had a skirmish with a body of rebels near Winchester, Va., and succeeded in capturing four men and thirty horses.--Baltimore American.

Major-General Sumner, commanding the right grand division of the army of the Potomac at Fredericksburgh, Va., in reply to a communication from the Mayor and Common Council of that town, praying that the town should not be fired upon informed them that he was authorized to say that so long as no hostile demonstration was made from the town it would not be shelled.--(Doc. 54.)

Commander Foxhall A. Parker, of the steamer Mahaska, in conjunction with a body of land forces under Brigadier-General Naglee, made an expedition into Mathew County Va., and together destroyed twelve salt-works, with a large quantity of salt, burned five schooners, two sloops, and a number of scows and boats, and captured a lighter and twenty-four large canoes. They also destroyed a vessel on the stocks.--Report of Admiral Lee.

A party of rebels made an attack upon the National forces near Halltown, Va., but were driven back by General Geary, who opened on them a masked battery of six guns.--The Secretary of War issued an order discharging from military custody all persons who had been arrested for discouraging volunteer enlistments, opposing the draft, or for otherwise giving aid and comfort to the rebels; also discharging all persons who had been arrested in the rebel States, and sent from such States for disloyalty or hostility to the Government of the United States, upon giving their parole to do no act of hostility against the Government, nor render aid to its enemies.

November 23.

Lieutenant Cushing, in command of the United States steamer Ellis, proceeded up New River, N. C., on a reconnoitring expedition. At Jacksonville. he captured two schooners, and in returning down the river, succeeded in running his own vessel on a shoal and losing her.--(Doc. 33.)

November 24.

General Kelley sent out a party of National scouts from New Creek, who succeeded in capturing a rebel cavalry picket of twelve men, with horses and accoutrements, within four miles of Winchester, Va. The prisoners reported that Stonewall Jackson had left that vicinity with his command for Richmond, leaving only a regiment of cavalry, who were instructed to follow in a few days.--Notice was given to women desiring to go to their friends in the rebel States, that their applications would have to be presented in writing, and verified by oath, previous to the six-teenth day of December following. The schooner Retribution ran the blockade of Wilmington, N. C.--General R. H. Milroy, commanding the Cheat [18] Mountain (Va.) division of the Union army, issued an order suppressing the circulation of the Wheeling (Va.) Press within his lines.--General Orders, No. 36.

At noon to-day, several hundred mounted guerrillas attacked a Federal supply train of forty-seven wagons, in Texas County, Mo., between Hartsville and Houston, about thirty miles south of Lebanon. The train escort consisted of fifty men of the Third Missouri cavalry. They made a vigorous resistance, had five of their number killed, and about a dozen wounded, and inflicted an equal if not greater loss upon the enemy. The latter succeeded, in capturing only twenty of the wagons. The rest were brought off in safety, with their contents, by the escort and the teamsters.--Missouri Democrat.

The schooner Agnes, and sloop Ellen, from Nassau, N. P., had run into Indian River, Fla., and discharged their cargoes, and when returning in ballast, were captured by a boat expedition from the United States gunboat Sagamore, some eight miles down the river.

November 25.

J. W. Shirk, of the gunboat Lexington, had a skirmish with a body of rebels at a plantation on the Mississippi River, twenty miles below Helena, Ark. The gunboat was fired upon by a party of infantry, assisted by a piece of artillery, without damage, however, except to the wood-work of the vessel. Captain Shirk brought his guns to bear on the attacking party, and soon compelled them to retreat, leaving behind several killed and wounded. He afterward landed a party of sailors, who captured and carried off twenty contrabands, and sixteen bales of cotton.--Official Report.

James Buchanan, in the National Intelligencer of this day, closed a controversy between General Winfield Scott and himself, on subjects growing out of the rebellion.--The Eighth and Fifty-first regiments of Massachusetts volunteers, under the command of Colonels Coffin and Sprague, embarked from Boston for Newbern, N. C.

This morning at daylight, a body of rebel cavalry entered Poolesville, Md., seized the government telegraph operators stationed there, paroled them, and then permitted them to telegraph to the authorities at Washington an account of what had befallen them.--Colonel Dodge, with two battalions of mounted rifles and one howitzer, had a spirited but short engagement with the rebels at Zuni, on the Blackwater River, Va., resulting in the rout of the rebels, with the wounding of one private on the National side.

Henderson, Tenn., was captured by the rebel cavalry, who burned the railroad station at that place, and made prisoners of a company of Union troops.--The rebel guerrilla Burke was killed at Shepherdstown, Md., by a party of the Second Massachusetts regiment, under the command of Captain Cogswell.--Baltimore American.

A party of rebel guerrillas, who were making a raid in Crawford County, Mo., robbing the farmers of their fire-arms, horses, harness, clothing, negroes, etc., were to-day overtaken in the vicinity of Huzza River, Iron County, by a company of volunteers, under the command of Captain N. B. Reeves, and dispersed, with the loss of all their plunder, two of the party being killed.--(Doc. 69.)

November 26.

A fight took place at Cold Knob Mountain, Va., between the Second Virginia volunteer cavalry, Colonel J. C. Paxton, and a force of rebel troops, in which the latter were routed, with the loss of over one hundred of their number taken prisoners, with their horses, etc.--(Doc. 49.)

Between two and three o'clock this morning, a gang of twenty or thirty rebel guerrillas, led by Even Dorsey, crossed into Maryland and visited the village of Urbanna, seven miles south-east of Frederick, on the road leading to Washington. They made a descent upon the store of Thomas A. Smith, the Postmaster at Urbanna, and, after robbing the store, made Smith and a young man named Harris, the assistant postmaster, mount two of Smith's horses, with the design of carrying them off as prisoners. Smith, who was a resolute man, watched his opportunity, and gave them the slip in the darkness of the night. The rebels fired three or four shots after him, but missed him. Thinking Harris might also escape, one of the gang shot him through the body, saying: “We'll make short of you, before you try on the same game.” They then rode away, leaving him for dead by the roadside.--National intelligencer.

A successful reconnoissance was made this morning by a detachment of Union troops, under the command of General Geary, from Harper's Ferry, along the Shenandoah to the vicinity of Berryville, Va. They captured a number of prisoners, destroyed a rebel cloth factory, which cost over one hundred thousand dollars, and obtained some valuable information concerning the numbers and position of the rebel forces.

[19] The Seventh Illinois cavalry attacked a force of rebel troops encamped near Summerville, Miss., and captured twenty-eight of their number, including a captain and two lieutenants, with their horses, arms, etc.

November 27.

Colonel Kirk, commanding the Fifth brigade of General Sill's division, made a reconnoissance from Nashville toward La Vergne, Tenn., with two companies of the Third Indiana cavalry, and that portion of his brigade not on picket-duty. He came upon the rebel outposts of cavalry three quarters of a mile beyond Scrougesville. The rebels fired a few rounds and fled, until they fell in with their other out-posts on the right and left of the road, when they made a stand at a church three fourths of a mile beyond. Here they discharged several rounds at the Union advance, slightly wounding Lieutenant-Colonel Hurd, of the Thirtieth Indiana, who was bravely leading his men. This regiment, under lead of Colonel Dodge, quickly drove the guerrillas from their position, who retreated until they reached their artillery, which was planted on a hill. They fired a few rounds and continued retreating. The National troops chased them some two miles beyond La Vergne, when the rebels fled so fast, that they soon became invisible. Several of the rebels were killed and wounded, a number of them being seen to fall. They were carried off by their friends. The Nationals had ten privates wounded; none killed. A guerrilla, who was captured, stated that General Wheeler, who was in command, was wounded.--Nashville Union, November 29.

A Union cavalry force, two thousand five hundred strong, under the command of Brigadier-General C. C. Washburne, left Helena, Ark., this afternoon, on an expedition into the State of Mississippi--(Doc. 61.)

Political prisoners were released from Fort Warren, Mass.--At Louisville, Ky., General Boyle issued the following order: “All commanding officers serving in this district are ordered not to permit any negroes or slaves to enter the camps, and all officers and privates are forbidden to interfere or intermeddle with the slaves in any way.” --The schooner Mary E. Mangum, while entering the port of Roseau, Dominica, was fired into by the rebel steamer Alabama, without damage.--This morning the United States forces consisting of the Ninth Illinois and part of the Fourteenth Missouri regiments, under the command of Colonel Mersey, evacuated Rienzi, Miss, carrying away all the government stores and property. This movement was made in anticipation of an attack upon Corinth by the rebels, who were reported to be advancing in two heavy columns upon that place, respectively from the south and east.--Missouri Democrat.

November 28.

The battle of Cane Hill, Ark., was fought by the Union forces under General Blunt, and the rebel troops under the command of General Marmaduke, which resulted in a retreat of the latter with considerable loss.--(Doc. 34.)

This morning, while doing picket-duty near Hartwood Church, about fifteen miles from Falmouth, Va., the first and third squadrons of the Third Pennsylvania cavalry, belonging to General Averill's brigade, were suddenly attacked by a numerically superior force of rebel cavalry, and after a brief resistance, in which four of the Unionists were killed and nine wounded, were finally taken prisoners.

An important reconnoissance was this day made by a large Union force under the command of General Stahel, to Upperville, Paris, Ashby's Gap, Snickersville, Berryville, etc.--(Doc. 50.)

An expedition consisting of five thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry, under the command of General A. P. Hovey, yesterday left Helena, Ark., and to-day arrived at Delta, Miss., for the purpose of cutting the road and telegraph wires, on the Tennessee and Mississippi railroads, and creating a panic in the rebel forces under General Price. Bridges on both roads were destroyed, together with two locomotives and thirty or forty freight-cars.--The cavalry under General Washburne had several skirmishes with General Price's rear-guard, the main body of whose army being in full retreat to the Big Black River, driving them and capturing about fifty prisoners. The expedition was considered to be very successful.--New Albany Ledger.

November 29.

The steamer Star was captured and burned by guerrillas at a point about two miles below Plaquemine, La. This morning the Star went up as high as Plaquemine; she soon left, and came down about a mile, when she landed and took in forty-five hogsheads of sugar; after which she crossed over to the left bank, at a wood-pile about another mile lower down, to take in wood. She had not got more than a cord when she was surprised by a gang of guerrillas, who took possession of her and moved her to the opposite side of the river, and after rolling out [20] about thirty hogsheads of sugar, set her on fire. Captain McKiege and the engineer, William Dewey, were detained as prisoners, but the rest of the crew were given their liberty--New Orleans Delta, December 2.

A skirmish occurred between a scouting-party from Captain Mear's Maryland Home Guard, stationed at Berlin, and a body of Bob White's rebel cavalry, in which the latter were put to flight with a loss of two men.-General Curtis, at St. Louis, Mo., reported to the War Department at Washington, that a cavalry expedition, under Major Torry, to the forks of the Mingo and St. Francis Rivers, had captured Colonel Phelan and ten men of the rebel army.

The Savannah Republican says that “the people of Charleston, S. C., have pulled up their lead pipes and contributed sixty thousand pounds to the government, and that the government will issue receipts for all lead pipes and other fixtures, and binds itself to replace them at the end of the war.” --The column of the Union army under General Grant, passed through Holly springs, Miss., this morning--(Doc. 55.)

November 30.

A skirmish took place near Abbeville. Miss., between a reconnoitring force of Union troops under the command of Colonel Lee, and a strong body of rebels, resulting in a retreat of the latter to their fortifications at Abbeville, with some loss. Not a man of the Union party was injured.

An expedition to Yellville, Ark., by the First iowa, Tenth Illinois, and Second Wisconsin regiments, under command of Colonel Dudley Wickersham, returned to General Herron's camp, having been successful in destroying portions of the rebel saltpetre-works, arsenal, and store-houses, with about five hundred shot-guns and rifles.--General Curtis's Despatch.

A rumor was prevalent in Washington, that a proposition for an armistice of thirty days was made by the rebel government, and that General Robert E. Lee was in that place negotiating the terms.--The Forty-seventh regiment of Massachusetts troops, under the command of Colonel Marsh, left Boston for the seat of war.--A expedition to Hyde County, N. C., under the command of Major Garrard of the Third New York cavalry, returned to Newbern, having thoroughly destroyed all the bridges in that vicinity, besides capturing Colonel Carter, of the Thirteenth North-Carolina volunteers, and a rebel sergeant belonging to the Fourth North-Carolina confederate troops.--George P. Kane, late Marshal of Baltimore, Md., issued an address to his fellow-citizens of the State of Maryland, setting forth a statement relative to his incarceration at Fort Warren, Mass.--The schooner Levi Rowe, while attempting to run the blockade of Wilmington, N. C., was captured by the steamer Mount Vernon.--The bark Parker Cook was captured and destroyed, in the Mona Passage, by the rebel steamer Alabama.

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Henderson, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (2)
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Blackwater Creek (Virginia, United States) (2)
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Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Abbeville, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Zuni (Virginia, United States) (1)
Yellville (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Williamston (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Williamsburg (Virginia, United States) (1)
Watts (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Upperville (Virginia, United States) (1)
Texas County (Missouri, United States) (1)
Tampa (Florida, United States) (1)
Summerville (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Patterson, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)
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Orizaba Mine (Nevada, United States) (1)
Old Town (Maine, United States) (1)
North Shore (Louisiana, United States) (1)
New River, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (1)
Murfreesboro (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Mercersburg (Ohio, United States) (1)
Memphis (Tennessee, United States) (1)
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Martinique (1)
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La Grange (Tennessee, United States) (1)
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Kingston (Tennessee, United States) (1)
King's Bay (Georgia, United States) (1)
Kentucky River (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Jolly River (Florida, United States) (1)
Jacksonville (Florida, United States) (1)
Jacksboro (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Iron County (Missouri, United States) (1)
Indian River (Florida, United States) (1)
Hyde (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Huntsville (Alabama, United States) (1)
Hudsonville (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Hudson River (United States) (1)
Hudson (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Hendersonville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Hartsville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Harrisonville (Missouri, United States) (1)
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Hamilton (Virginia, United States) (1)
Greenville, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Greenbrier (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Green (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Grand Junction (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Gloucester Point (Virginia, United States) (1)
Germantown (Tennessee, United States) (1)
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Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Franklin, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
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Concord, N. H. (New Hampshire, United States) (1)
Cold Knob Mountain (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Clarksville (Tennessee, United States) (1)
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Chambersburgh (Ohio, United States) (1)
Camden, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Calhoun, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Brashear City (Louisiana, United States) (1)
Bowling Green (Kentucky, United States) (1)
Boonsborough (Arkansas, United States) (1)
Bolivar, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (1)
Big Black (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Berlin (Berlin, Germany) (1)
Bell River (Florida, United States) (1)
Beaver Creek (Missouri, United States) (1)
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (1)
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (1)
Atchafalaya River (Louisiana, United States) (1)
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