April 1.
The funeral ceremonies of Owen Lovejoy, were held at his late residence near the town of Princeton, Illinois.--the steamer Maple Leaf, while returning to Jacksonville from Pilatka, struck a rebel torpedo, which exploded, tearing off the steamer's entire bow, the vessel sinking in ten minutes. Two firemen and two deck-hands were drowned. The passengers, sixty in number, were safely landed, but their baggage was all lost, including that of two or three regiments.--the battle of Fitzhugh's Woods, Ark., was fought this day.1--(Doc. 128.)
A party of rebels made an attack on Brooks's plantation, (which was being worked on a Government lease,) near Snydersville, on the Yazoo River, and destroyed all the valuable buildings and machinery. The First Massachusetts cavalry, (colored,) six hundred strong, drove the rebels off, after an hour's fight. The enemy numbered nearly one thousand five hundred. The Union loss was sixteen killed. Ten killed and wounded of the rebels were left on the field.
April 2.
Captain Schmidt, of company M, Fourteenth New York cavalry, while scouting near Pensacola, Florida, with thirty of his men, came upon a party of fifty rebels belonging to the Seventh Alabama cavalry, under command of Major Randolph, C. S. A. The Nationals immediately charged them, and after a hand-to-hand fight of about ten minutes, defeated them with a loss of from ten to fifteen killed and wounded, eleven prisoners, one lieutenant, two sergeants, and eight men. The loss of the Nationals was First Lieutenant Lengerche and two men slightly wounded.
April 3.
This night a band of forty rebels landed at Cape Lookout, took possession of the lighthouse, put the keeper and his wife in durance, and exploded a keg of powder, which seriously damaged the building. They then retired on the approach of the steamer City of Jersey.
General J. P. Hatch, commanding the district of Florida, issued the following order from his headquarters at Jacksonville:
The Brigadier-General Commanding desires to make known to his command the successful accomplishment of a daring and difficult expedition, by a detachment of twenty-five men of the One Hundred and Fifteenth New York volunteers, commanded by Captain S. P. Smith, of the same regiment. This little party, sent from Pilatka to a point thirty-two miles from the post, surprised and captured a picket of the enemy, consisting of one sergeant and nine men, with their arms, and thirteen horses, and equipments complete. To bring off the horses, it was necessary to swim them across the St. John's River, and force them for a mile and a half through a swamp previously considered impracticable. The energy, intrepidity, and skill with which this expedition was conducted demands the praise of the commander of this district, and the imitation of troops hereafter detached on similar expeditions. II. The Brigadier-General Commanding announces that the Marine Battery, which was so promptly and cheerfully placed on the line of our intrenchments when they were first thrown up in the vicinity of Jacksonville, and at a time when it was much needed, has been ordered on board the sloop-of-war Mahaska. He takes this opportunity to return his thanks to Captain G. B. Balch, commanding United States naval forces on St. John's River, for his kindness, and to Ensign Augustus E. French, and the petty officers and men under him, for their valuable services, very good conduct, and exhibition of excellent discipline, throughout their intercourse with the troops of this command.
April 4.
The gunboat Scioto, under the command of Lieutenant Commander George H. Perkins, captured the rebel schooner Mary Sorley. Two hours and a half previous to the capture, the Mary Sorley was seen coming out of Galveston, Texas, in a gale. The Scioto gave chase, and after running south by west about twenty-five miles, made the capture beyond signal distance of any of the blockading vessels. All the official papers were found on board.--Captain Marchand's Report.
By direction of the President of the United States, the following changes and assignments were made in army corps commands: Major-General P. H. Sheridan was assigned to the command of the cavalry corps of the army of the Potomac. [59] The Eleventh and Twelfth corps were consolidated and called the First army corps. Major-General J. Hooker was assigned to command. Major-General Gordon Granger was relieved from the command of the Fourth army corps, and Major-General O. O. Howard was assigned in his stead. Major-General Schofield was assigned to the command of the Twenty-third army corps. Major-General Slocum would report to Major-General Sherman, commanding the division of the Mississippi, and Major-General Stoneman would report to Major-General Schofield, commanding the department of the Ohio, for assignment. Major-General Granger would report by letter to the Adjutant-General of the army. Captain Horace Porter, United States ordnance department, was announced as an aid-de-camp to Lieutenant-General Grant, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel.--General Orders.
Captain Phelps, of gunboat Number Twenty-six, captured a rebel mail-carrier near Crockett's Bluff, Ark., with five thousand letters from Richmond and other points, and sixty thousand percussion-caps for General Price's army. The letters contained official communications from Shreveport, and a considerable sum of Federal money.--the Metropolitan Fair, for the benefit of the Sanitary Commission, was inaugurated at New York City, with imposing ceremonies.--New York Papers.
T. A. Henderson, Provost-Marshal of the district of Florida, issued the following circular from his headquarters at Jacksonville:
All refugees from the rebel lines, and deserters from the rebel armies, and all persons desiring to become such, are hereby informed that they will not, under any circumstances, be compelled to serve in the United States army against the rebels. This assurance is fully given in General Orders Number Sixty-four, of date February eighteenth, 1864, from the War Department. All such refugees and deserters, who are honest in their intentions of for ever deserting the rebel cause, will be allowed every opportunity of engaging in their usual avocations; or, if they desire employment from the United States, will, as far as expedient, be employed on the government works, receiving proper compensation for their services. All refugees or deserters who may bring horses or mules into the Union lines will be paid their full value.
April 5.
The government powder-mills, belonging to the rebels, at Raleigh, North-Carolina, exploded this day, and killed several persons.
April 6.
Brigadier-General Guitar, from his headquarters at Macon, Missouri, issued general orders relinquishing his command of the district of North-Missouri, to Brigadier-General C. B. Fisk.
Reuben Patrick, captain of a company of secret service employed by order of Governor Bramlette, by Colonel G. W. Gallup, commanding the district of Eastern Kentucky, with fifteen men of company I, Fourteenth Kentucky, and four of his own company, surprised Captain Bradshaw, with eighty men of Hodge's brigade, on Quicksand Creek. He drove them in all directions, they leaving all their horses, arms, and camp equipage in Patrick's possession, who selected thirty of the best horses, and, with three prisoners, made quick time for camp, where he arrived, having left ten dead rebels, and seven mortally wounded on the ground. The captured arms were destroyed by burning them. This is the same Patrick who stole Humphrey Marshall's artillery out of his camp at Shelbyville, last spring.
An election was held in Maryland, to determine whether a convention should be called for the purpose of amending the Constitution of the State. The question was carried by a large majority.--the schooner Julia A. Hodges was captured off Matagorda Bay, Texas, by the National vessel Estrella.
April 7.
The rebels made a dash within the National picket-lines at Port Hudson, La., and a brisk skirmish ensued, without important results to either side. A detachment of the One Hundred and Eighteenth Illinois mounted infantry, and a section of Barnes's battery, Twenty-first New York, with one gun, had been out mending the line of telegraph to Baton Rouge, and on their return were attacked by a superior force of rebel cavalry and driven in. Simultaneously an attack was made on the pickets by an equally large force, and the detachment on the telegraph road was cut off and flanked. The cavalry came in by wood roads, but the piece of artillery was spiked and left, and afterward carried off by the enemy. In the several skirmishes the Nationals lost one killed, four wounded, and six prisoners. They took two prisoners, one of them an officer. General [60] Ullman's division marched several miles outside, but on the approach of the infantry the rebels left without hazarding a tight. The rebel force was the Wirt Adams's cavalry from up the river, numbering nearly a thousand. They were well mounted and equipped.--the rebel schooner Spunky was captured by the National schooner Beauregard, off Cape Canaveral.
April 8.
Last night, a scouting-party of one hundred men of the Second Missouri volunteers, from New Madrid, was surprised in camp and in bed by guerrillas, at a point sixteen miles northwest of Osceola, in Arkansas. A member of the attacked band gives the following detailed account of the expedition and surprise. He says: “The rebels demanded a surrender, firing on our men in their beds, before they could get up, and as they sprang up, the assailants fired a dreadful volley from double-barreled shot-guns. Lieutenant Phillips, springing up, and calling to his men to rally, discharged one shot with revolver, and was struck in the left temple by a ball, and killed instantly. Major Rabb called to the men to rally, but they were so tightly pressed for the moment, that they fell back to a house at which was company K. The combatants were so close, that it was dangerous to our own men for those at the house to fire. The firing on our part was thus much curtailed for the moment. But all was soon over; the rebels have fallen back, and taken covering in the darkness of the night. But they were not all as fortunate as they might have wished ; for at the close of the fray, some of them were heard to call out: ‘Don't leave us, for we are wounded.’ The fact of finding some arms on the ground, twenty or thirty feet off, where Lieutenant Phillips lay, proved that some of them had got their rights, (Federal lead.) In a few minutes after the fray, Sergeant Reese was ordered to take eight men and carry the wounded to the house, which was done immediately. Here is the list of the unfortunate--Lieutenant Phillips, killed: Lieutenant Orr, severely wounded ; Sergeant Handy, killed; Sergeant Millhouse, severely wounded; Sergeant Claypool, slightly, in arm; William Julian, slightly; Thomas Jump, slightly, in leg; Joseph V. Davis, slightly; Milton R. Hardie, mortally, (has since died ;) Able Benny, slightly, in leg; William Chasteen, mortally, (has since died in hospital.) Total--four killed, seven wounded, all of company I, Second Missouri.” The dead were necessarily left, and after burying them, the party conveyed the wounded the long distance to the river, and taking the steamer Darling, returned to quarters at New Madrid to-night.
By a general order, issued this day from the headquarters of the army of the Potomac, all civilians, sutlers, and their employes, were ordered to the rear by the sixteenth. Members of the Sanitary or Christian Commissions, and registered news correspondents only, were allowed to remain. All property for which there was no transportation, also was ordered to the rear, and the authority of corps commanders to grant furloughs was revoked, and none to be granted save in extreme cases, or in case of reenlisted veterans.
A party of guerrillas entered Shelbyville, Ky., at one o'clock A. M., this day, stole seven horses, and broke open the Branch Bank of Ashland; but before they could rifle it of its contents, they became alarmed at the proximity of the Twelfth Ohio cavalry, and decamped. The rest of them were arrested, and confined in Taylorsville jail.--this evening, the National cavalry, under the command of General Grierson, made a descent upon a bridge over Wolf River, Tenn., which had just been completed by the rebel General Forrest, and succeeded in capturing and destroying it, with a loss of eight killed and wounded, and the capture of two rebel prisoners.
The battle of Sabine Cross-Roads, La., took place this day. A participant in the fight gives the following account of it: “On the morning of the eighth of April, the regiment broke up camp at Pleasant Hill, and with the Twenty-fourth Iowa, Fifty-sixth Ohio, Forty-sixth Indiana, and Twenty-ninth Wisconsin, which composed the Third division, moved in the direction of Mansfield. After marching ten miles, the division halted and went into camp, as was supposed, for the night. At half-past 2 o'clock P. M., we (the Twenty-eighth Iowa) were ordered into line, and forward with the division, to support General Lee's cavalry and the Fourth division of the Thirteenth army corps, then engaging the enemy. A rapid march of an hour brought us to the scene of action. The Twenty-eighth Iowa was formed on the extreme left, supported by four companies of the Twenty-fourth Iowa, and advanced into an open field to meet the enemy. Here the regiment (the Twenty-eighth) halted, and was ordered to fire. After a spirited contest of about fifteen minutes, being exposed to a terrible [61] fire of grape, shell, and shrapnel from the enemy's batteries, causing sad havoc in our ranks, we were ordered to fall back a short distance to secure a better position. This was accomplished in the best possible manner. Our second position was taken behind a fence, near a small ravine, and held two hours, receiving the constant fire of the enemy's infantry, and being exposed to their artillery. At this time the enemy had gained our left flank and rear, and were pouring a deadly fire upon us. Our ammunition being, in a great measure, exhausted, and having no support whatever, we were obliged to retreat with the rest of the division. After a running fight of three miles, in which we harassed the advance of the enemy, we were met by the Nineteenth army corps, and, with their assistance, succeeded in checking them. Night soon caused a cessation of hostilities.” --(Doc. 131.)
Colonel Howell, of the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania volunteers, continued his reconnoissances toward the rebel outposts, in the neighborhood of Hilton Head, S. C. To-day, he advanced up the May River, in the patrol-boats Foulk and Croton, guarded by the gunboat Chippewa. Detachments from the Seventy-sixth and Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania volunteers accompanied the expedition. Landing on Hunting Island, the forces drove in the rebel pickets, and skirmished with the force in their rear. Captain Phillips, with some men of the Eighty-fifth, drove away the pickets in another locality, and regained the main body without casualty. Meanwhile, the Chippewa shelled the woods on and about the neighboring shores. Reembarking, the force proceeded toward Bluffton, shelling that place and its vicinity.
Major-General John J. Peck, in official orders, issued the following from his headquarters at Newbern, N. C.:
The Commanding General has the satisfaction of announcing another expedition against the enemy, in which both the military and naval forces of North-Carolina took part, sharing the honors equally. On the twenty-fifth of March, Colonel J. Jourdan, commander of the sub-district of Beaufort, with two hundred men of the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth New York volunteer infantry, embarked on board the United States gunboat Britannia, Lieutenant Huse commanding, and steamed for Bogue and Bear Inlets, for the purpose of capturing two of the enemy's vessels engaged in contraband trade, and also a body of cavalry reported to be at Swansboro. Nearing the inlets, a portion of the command was transferred to small boats, and an effort made to effect a landing and move on Swansboro. All night long, in the breakers and storm, these little boats, with their patient crews, were tossed about. Several craft, in the violence of the gale, were dashed to pieces; but, through the energetic exertions of Colonel Jourdan and others, no lives were lost, although one officer (Captain David, of the One Hundred and Fifty-eighth New York volunteers) was seriously injured. In the morning the storm abated, and another attempt was made. As the boats moved up, instead of seeing the expected cavalry, they were saluted by heavy volleys of musketry from the river-banks. The enemy proving too strong, the party was obliged to return to the vessel. At the same time, Lieutenant King, of Colonel Jourdan's staff, with a body of men in boats, moved up Bear Inlet: he found and burned one of the vessels sought, together with its cargo of salt and leather. He returned to the gunboat, bringing with him forty-three negro refugees. The whole expedition arrived at Beaufort on the morning of the twenty-sixth ultimo, without the loss of a man. Great credit is due Colonel Jourdan and the officers and men of his command, together with the officers and men of the navy, for the efficient service performed. The Commanding General tenders his thanks especially to Colonel Jourdan, Captain Cuff, and Lieutenant King, of the army, and to Commander Dove and Lieutenants Huse and Cowie, of the navy.
April 9.
In the National House of Representatives, there was a very exciting discussion, in Committee of the Whole, on a resolution offered by Mr. Colfax to expel Mr. Alexander Long, of Ohio, for disloyal sentiments uttered in his speech on Friday last. During the discussion, Mr. Benjamin G. Harris, of Maryland, arose, and boldly avowed his gratification at the secession of the South, justifying it fully, and rebuking the Democratic party for not daring to come up to his standard of political morality. Mr. E. B. Washburne, of Illinois, instantly offered a resolution to expel Mr. Harris, which received eighty-one votes against fifty-eight; but two thirds being required, the resolution was not adopted. Mr. Schenck, of Ohio, then offered a resolution, severely censuring Mr. Harris, declaring him to be an unworthy member of the [62] House, which was adopted. The proceedings were very turbulent, and the debates very sharp.
The heaviest freshet known in Virginia for ten years occurred this night on the line of the Orange and Alexandria road. Several bridges were seriously damaged, and one was washed away entirely.
This morning, about two o'clock, a small tug was discovered approaching the flag-ship Minnesota, lying off Newport News, Va. She was hailed, and answered in reply to the question, “What boat is that?” “The Roanoke.” Still approaching, she was warned to keep off or she would be fired upon. Regardless of the warning, she came on, drifting with the tide, and when quite near, steamed straight at the port-quarter, striking the Minnesota with a torpedo or infernal machine, which exploded, shaking the vessel with a terrible concussion from stem to stern, and throwing the tug several yards from the ship. Immediately steam was raised on the tug, and before any thing could be done by the people on board the flag-ship, the tug was safe off in the darkness. The Government tug, laying alongside the flag-ship, that should have had steam up and given chase, as she was ordered on the spot, danced up and down on the disturbed waves, powerless for harm to the unknown midnight visitor.
The battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, was fought this day.--(Doc. 131.)
April 10.
The transport steamer, General Hunter, was destroyed by torpedoes in St. John's River, twelve miles above Jacksonville, Florida. The quartermaster of the steamer was killed. All others on board were saved.
“we can hope no good results from trivial and light conduct on the part of our women,” says the Mobile News of this date. “Instead of adorning their persons for seductive purposes, and tempting our officers to a course alike disgraceful and unworthy of women, whose husbands and brothers are in our armies, they had better exhort them to well-doing, than act as instruments of destruction to both parties. The demoralization among our women is becoming fearful. Before the war, no woman dared to demean herself lightly; but now a refined and pure woman can scarcely travel without seeing some of our officers with fine-looking ladies as companions. You are forced to sit at the tables with them; you meet them wherever you go. Is it that we, too, are as wild as our enemies, scoffing at God and at all rules of social morality? For heaven's sake, let us frown down this growing evil, unless all mothers and fathers would have their daughters grow up in a pestilential atmosphere, which but to breathe is death. Is not the hand of the enemy enough to send destruction to our homes, or must we have disgrace added to death? The evil can only be remedied by banishing the frail sisters from society, and putting no man in position who is not moral. Are not the bright and shining examples of Lee, Jackson, Johnston, Wheeler, Maury, and many others, enough to teach aspirants for office, that pure and moral men can make generals? that it is not necessary to play lackey to fast women to gain their country's applause? Nor need they think they are not known. By their deeds we know them. Our President is a pure and moral man; were it not well for him to set an example, by discountenancing and refusing promotion to this set of moths? We have no laws to reach such a class but public opinion; then let that be used without mercy.” --the battle at Prairie D'Ann, Arkansas, took place this day.--(Doc. 130.)
April 11.
At Huntsville, Alabama, a caisson of Croswell's Illinois battery exploded, killing instantly privates Jacob Englehart, John Olsin, Wm. Humphrey, David Roach, Wm. Mattison, and Horace Allen, and wounding George Barnes, and Wm. Regan. Several of the bodies of the killed were blown to atoms, and portions were found five hundred feet distant. The horses attached to the caisson were killed. The railroad depot was badly shattered. One citizen had his thigh broken, and several others were slightly injured.--last night a gang of guerrillas burned two houses, and stole several horses on the Kentucky side of the river, opposite Cairo, Ill.--the Mexican schooner Juanita, while attempting to evade the blockade, was captured and destroyed by the steamer Virginia, off San Luis Pass, Texas.--the schooner Three Brothers was captured in the Homasassa River, by the National vessel Nita.
April 12.
The English steamer Alliance, while attempting to evade the blockade, was captured near Dawfuskie Island, in the Savannah River, Ga. Her cargo consisted of assorted stores for the rebel government.
[63] Fort Pillow, Ky., garrisoned by loyal colored troops, under the command of Major Booth, was attacked by the rebel forces under General Forrest, and after a severe contest was surrendered to the rebels, who commenced an indiscriminate butchery of their prisoners, unparalleled in the annals of civilized warfare--(Docs. 1 and 139.)
A detachment of the First Colorado cavalry had a fight with a party of Cheyennes on the north side of the Platte River, near Fremont's Orchard, eighty-five miles east of Denver, on the State road. Two soldiers were killed, and four wounded. Several of the Indians were also killed.--the steamer Golden Gate, from Memphis for Fort Pillow, laden with boat-stores and private freight, was taken possession of by guerrillas to-night, at Bradley's Landing, fifteen miles above Memphis, Tenn. The boat, passengers, and crew were rifled of every thing.
April 13.
The rebel General Buford appeared before Columbus, Ky., and demanded its unconditional surrender. Colonel Lawrence, in command of the post, refused the demand, and the rebels retired.--the ocean iron-clad steamer Catawba was successfully launched at Cincinnati, Ohio.--the schooner Mandoline was captured in Atchafalaya Bay, Florida, by the National vessel Nyanza.--the rebel sloop Rosina was captured by the Virginia, at San Luis Pass, Texas.
Last night the notorious bushwhacking gang of Shumate and Clark went to the house of an industrious, hard-working German farmer, named Kuntz, who lives some twenty-five to thirty miles from the mouth of Osage River, in Missouri, and demanded his money. He stoutly denied having any cash; but the fiends, not believing him, or perhaps knowing that he did have some money, deliberately took down a wood-saw which was hanging up in the cabin, and cut his left leg three times below and four times above the knee, with the saw. Loss of blood, pain, and agony made the poor fellow insensible, and he was unable to tell where the money was concealed. His mangled body was found to-day, life extinct. A boy who lived with him, succeeded in making his escape, terror-stricken, to give the alarm. After leaving Kuntz's, the gang went to an adjoining American farmer, and not succeeding in their demands for money, they destroyed every thing in and about the place, took the man out, and literally cut his head off.--Missouri Democrat.
The British schooner Maria Alfred, with an assorted cargo, intended for the rebels, was captured in latitude 28° 50′ N., longitude 95° 5′ W., by the National vessel Rachel Seaman.
April 14.
Major-General Alfred Pleasonton was assigned to duty as second in command of the Missouri department, by order of Major-General Rosecrans.
An expedition, under command of General Graham, consisting of the army gunboats, the Ninth New Jersey, the Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, the One Hundredth and the Eighteenth New York regiments, and two sections of artillery, under Captain Easterly, left Fortress Monroe last night, and landed at different points. They concentrated at Smithfield, Va., this evening, and succeeded in routing the enemy, capturing one commissioned officer and five men — all wounded; also several horses and carriages, and some commissary stores. A rebel mail, and one piece of artillery, formerly taken from the gunboat Smith Briggs, were also captured. Fifty contrabands were brought off at the same time. The Union loss was one missing, and five slightly wounded.
This morning, a force of confederate cavalry, estimated at some twenty in number, and supposed to be a portion of Captain Jumel's command, stationed on the Grosse Tete, appeared in front of the village and park on the opposite side of the Bayou Plaquemine, La., and a party being detailed, crossed over and set fire to all the cotton at that place, while parties were at the same time engaged in burning that on flatboats at the village.--Plaquemine Gazette and Sentinel.
Colonel Gallup, at Paintsville, Ky., while falling back to get an advantageous position, attacked one thousand rebels, killing and wounding twenty-five, including a rebel colonel, and capturing fifty rebels, one hundred horses, and two hundred saddles. Near Shelbyville, the rebel advance ran into Colonel True's advance, which was going from West-Liberty to Shelbyville; Colonel True captured six rebels, and then pressed forward to join Colonel Gallup.
April 15.
The National gunboat Chenango, while proceeding to sea from New York City to-day, burst one of her boilers, killing one man, and severely wounding thirty-two others.--A meeting was held at Knoxville, Tenn., at which [64] resolutions offered by W. G. Brownlow were unanimously adopted, favoring emancipation, recommending a convention to effect it, and requesting Governor Johnson to call the same at the earliest period practicable, and indorsing the administration and war policy of President Lincoln. Governor Johnson made a powerful speech in support of the resolutions.--the Ninth Connecticut and Eighth Vermont reenlisted veteran regiments arrived at New Haven, Ct., this evening.--General John W. Geary, commanding Second division, Twelfth (afterward Twentieth) army corps, started from Bridgeport, Ala., on an expedition down the Tennessee, last Tuesday, taking with him one thousand men, and one gunboat. They shelled along the banks of the river, occasionally routing a party of guerrillas and rebel cavalry, until within eleven miles of Decatur. Here they came to a large force of infantry, artillery, and cavalry. It was nearly dark, and the General ordered the boat up the river again. But the rebels were not to be thus trifled with, and sent a battery of flying artillery up both sides of the river to head off the gunboat. The artillery went up the banks, and got in position to play when the Nationals passed; but the night was very dark, and the General with his men passed in safety. The expedition halted ten miles below Bridgeport, at a small village, and sent out a company as skirmishers. They went in the town, drove some rebel pickets, and captured a mail and seventeen thousand dollars in confederate money. They returned to camp this evening.
A body of rebel cavalry made an attack on the National pickets at Bristoe Station, Va., killing one man, and wounding two others of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania regiment. They were driven off after a few shots had been exchanged, but carried their wounded with them.--the notorious guerrilla Reynolds, and his command, was surprised by a party of National cavalry, near Knoxville, Tenn., and ten of them killed. Reynolds and fifteen others were captured, together with their horses, equipments, and arms.
The expedition to Smithfield, Va., which left Portsmouth day before yesterday, returned this day. A participant gives the following account of it:
The expedition consisted of three regiments, the Twenty-third and Twenty-fifth Massachusetts, and the Ninth New Jersey. Our regiment, the Twenty-third, alone landed at a point nine miles above Smithfield. The others were to land below at that place. We took up our line of march, and within about one mile came upon the rebel signal corps, who gave us a volley and fled. We followed, meeting with no opposition for three miles, when we found them posted behind breastworks and reenforced. They were too strong for our skirmishers, and Captain Story, of company F, was ordered to charge the breastworks with his command, companies I and D, about fifty men; and lest this should seem small for two companies, I will say, our whole regiment only mustered three hundred men, and were put into six companies of fifty men each. We were ordered to fix bayonets, and then forward, every man's eye being on the breastworks as he advanced toward it, expecting to receive a volley; but the rebels fled without firing. We pressed after them; and a mile further came to a mill-dam, with a bridge to cross, and discovered a turn in the road on the opposite side, where the rebels had posted themselves to advantage. A company was ordered into the woods to keep up a fire on them. The videttes were on the road watching the movements of the enemy, but kept themselves well covered, as we had already found they were good shots, having had two men wounded before reaching their breastworks. At this point, Sergeant Thomas Porter, of company I, a daring and brave young man, ventured beyond the videttes to get a shot, when he fell mortally wounded, the ball entering his shoulder, passing entirely down the back, and was extracted near the side. At this time we heard firing in our rear, and feared that the guerrillas would give us trouble by attacking our rear-guard; but we were determined to clear our way in front first, and Captain Raymond was ordered to charge across the bridge at all hazards, and disperse the foe, which was handsomely done, capturing the officer of the signal corps and two of his men, while the rest scattered in all directions, we not losing a man. In the morning we were informed that the Colonel's orders were from General Graham, commanding the expedition, to reach Smithfield at such an hour, expecting we should meet with little or no opposition; but, as the prospect was, that every mile was not only to be disputed, but that we were going to have considerable trouble in our rear with the guerrillas, the Colonel concluded to fall back to the river, under the protection of the gunboats, as we had already three wounded men to get there, and no ambulance to [65] convey them in. On turning back to the breastworks from which we drove the rebels, we took a different road from the one we came up in the morning, but had not gone far, before the guerrillas were following us, and a rear-guard was taken from company F, and they had something to do to keep them back, continually exchanging shots. The rebels were bold and daring; they knew every turn in the road, and would watch their chance to ride up and give us a shot, whenever opportunity offered. When within a half-mile of the river where we halted, Corporal Hiram B. Lord, of Newburyport, was wounded in the thigh, the ball passing in one side and out of the other. We came to the river-bank and stacked our arms in front of the residence of General F. M. Boykin, who was a noted politician of the democratic school, as letters found on his premises proved. This place has of late been made the headquarters of the rebel signal corps. Here was found a brass field-cannon in good order. A few rods from here is a fort which was erected at the outbreak of the rebellion, and was to command not only the river, but all approaches to it by land. In it were a number of large guns dismounted, and ten so damaged that they will never be of any use again. It looks as if it had been deserted for some time. Just before dark, our regiment took up its quarters in this fort, as it was thought it would be a good position, in case the enemy should come upon us in force. We had not been in the fort more than two hours, before we were ordered to go aboard the transport, and that night moved down to Smithfield; and the next forenoon the other part of the expedition came out, and we all returned to Portsmouth. A Lieutenant, belonging to frigate Minnesota who accompanied the expedition to Smithfield, was killed, and also an officer of the Ninth New Jersey killed, and one private wounded. I believe those were all the casualties they met with. The Twenty-third had one mortally wounded, Porter, of company I; two seriously, Lord, of company I, Symonds, of company C; one slightly, Osborn, company G; and one wounded and taken prisoner, Thomas, of company F, who was sent with the quartermaster and another man to signalize the gunboats of our whereabouts. What damage we did the rebels we do not know. The other part of the expedition took some prisoners, two of them wounded; whether they killed any I did not learn. I think this expedition is the second made under the command of Brigadier-General Graham.
A forage-train belonging to the National forces under the command of Colonel Williams, of the Kansas infantry, was attacked and captured at a point about eight miles from Camden, Ark., by a portion of the rebel forces under General Price.--Leavenworth Conservative.
The Richmond Examiner contained the following review of the situation:
Whilst the black cloud is slowly gathering on the horizon which will soon overspread the heavens, and, amid roaring thunder, discharge its flashes of lightning, a silence full of awe reigns through all nature, unbroken except by the painful soughing of the wind and a faint muttering in the distance. Such is the apparent quiet that oppresses our mind, and makes us bend low before the fearful storm that we feel in our heart is not afar off. Even the busy hum of preparation is hushed; what man can do to prepare for the fearful day has been done, and the South, at least, stands ready, like the strong man armed; the good knight, with the sword loose in its sheath, his harness bright and his heart full strong. Our men, after all their struggles and buffetings, riddled with wounds, broken by sickness, tried by cares, overcast by checks, are yet undaunted and unwavering; and once more, after imploring the Most High for his blessing, cast off the dust and ashes from their head, and rise at the call of danger, hopeful and confident as when they buckled on their maiden swords. People and army, one soul and one body, feel alike in their innermost hearts that when the clash comes, it will be a struggle for life or death. So far, we feel sure of the issue. All else is mystery and uncertainty. Where the first blow will fall, when the two armies of Northern Virginia will meet each other face to face; how Grant will try to hold his own against the master spirit of Lee, we cannot even surmise. But it is clear to the experienced eye that the approaching campaign will bring into action two new elements not known heretofore in military history, which may not unlikely decide the fate of the gigantic crusade. The enemy will array against us his new iron-clads by sea, and his colored troops on land. Europe will watch with nervous interest the first great trials made of these improved monitors, [66] if it should be our good fortune to finish and equip our own vessels of that class in time to meet them on equal terms. For since Aboukir and Trafalgar — a longer pause than was ever before known in the history of Europe — there have been no great naval fights, where fleets have met and the empire of the ocean has been at stake. Great wars have been carried on by land, but the sea has not been the scene of like great conflicts. During this long truce, two new elements — steam and improved projectiles — have entirely changed the conditions of such contests. Vessels have become independent in their movements. Wind or tide may aid or impede, but they are no longer essential, and steam enables them to approach each other at will, untrammelled by external agencies. The power of the engines of war which they carry has steadily increased; and in precise proportion as the projectile gained in weight and distance, the means of defence were improved in the armament of vessels. Thus, we have now guns of a calibre unknown since the first days of artillery, and ships armed like the mailed knights of the middle ages. They promise a truly fearful character for the result of the first hostile meeting on a large scale. The experiments heretofore made with ironclad vessels have been but very imperfect trials. During the Crimean war certain floating batteries of the French attacked the very strong batteries of Kinsburn, and silenced them with apparent ease. They were, however, mere iron boxes, having neither masts nor yards, and, in fact, in no point like the iron-clads of our day, with their plate armor at the sides and their turrets on deck. A trial on a larger scale was contemplated against the forts of Venice, when peace came and resigned them to the dockyard. In our navy, also, the vessels of the enemy have, with the exception of the fight with the Merrimac, attempted only the reduction of stone walls at Charleston. Successful in beating down brick and mortar, and reducing granite to atoms, their projectiles have been found powerless against sand-bags and heaps of rubbish. The only serious encounter that can be called a fair trial of iron-clads resulted in the destruction of the monitor Keokuk, by the superiority of our projectiles — steel bolts and spherical shot — devised by Brooke, the ingenious inventor of the deep-sea sounding-line. The Yankee gunboats occasionally, with their light draughts and powerful guns on pivots, have ascended our rivers with impunity, frightened the people on shore, and controlled the country for miles around. The prestige that attended them at first, and cost us so dear, has, however, completely vanished. Like every dreaded danger, they succumbed as they were fairly looked in the face. Now we know fully their vulnerability, and the perils of a water transport for troops, with their helplessness when attacked in boats. Since the first trials, however, the Yankees have made great efforts to remedy the evils that attended their early iron-clads — their want of buoyancy, their sinking too deep forward to approach well at certain landings, the necessity to tow them out at sea, and their slowness, which would embarrass the fleet to which they may be attached. They claim now to possess vessels as buoyant and free in motion as ordinary steamers, impenetrable to any known projectile, including the new Whitworth arms, and provided with a heavier armament than the last built iron-clads of the English. These they propose to carry into our harbors, and if we there can meet them, a conflict such as the world has not seen yet will take place. The famous deeds of our noble Merrimac will be repeated, and England especially will watch the result with intense interest, as she well knows that these Yankee iron-clads were, in reality, not built for us, but for British ports and British vessels. After Mr. Seward's insolent despatch to Mr. Adams, which Earl Russell so conveniently ignored, they are amply forewarned. Another fleet of smaller but equally dangerous vessels has been built in the interior of the country, and there is no doubt that the Yankees will again send out the fleet of light gunboats, well armed and iron-clad, to force their way into regions otherwise inaccessible, to carry war to waters where they are least expected, and to overcome shore defences by a tempest of converging fire. They will again try to illustrate the powerful aid which a land army may receive from the kindred branch afloat, manoeuvring on its flank, and supporting it by bold demonstrations. It is fortunate for us that we are both forewarned and forearmed. We have been steadily informed of the powerful engines of war prepared for our destruction. We have had our successes on the Lower James and in Charleston harbor. We have, just in time, received the instructive account of the first trial of an English-built iron-clad, the Danish monitor Rolf Krake, before [67] Prussian batteries, and may derive great comfort from the severe punishment she has received by guns far inferior to those we hold in readiness. For we also have not been idle, and both afloat and on shore all is prepared to resist attack and to meet the foe on his own terms. Our rivers also will have less to fear, for repeated triumphs and captures have taught us the value of horse-artillery and light movable batteries against the best-armed boats. Still, the conflict will be fierce and full of interest, not only to those who are engaged in it, but to all observers. Our fate is at stake; but we may, in all probability, have to perform the rehearsal of a fearful tragedy soon to be enacted on a still vaster stage, amid the crash of ancient empires and the uprising of powerful races in the old world. The other new feature likely to give a strange coloring to the summer's campaign is the large force of armed blacks which our enemy is practising to employ. They have apparently reconsidered their first plan of using them mainly for garrison duty, and we see them, in Virginia and other points of attack, place them in the van, or send them, well mounted, on foraging expeditions, in order thus to harden them for war. Whilst it cannot be expected that they will ever fight with the bravery or gallantry of our own men, we are disposed to believe that they will be as soldiers but little inferior to the riff-raff of Germany and Ireland, which enters so largely into the composition of the Northern army. The history of war teaches us that the most indifferent material may be made useful by careful association, and it is a maxim of common experience that those who will not fight alone and by them-selves, will stand their ground, if properly supported and surrounded by large numbers. It is never wise to despise an enemy, least of all when he is as yet untried.
April 16.
The report of the United States Commissary of Prisoners was made public. It showed that the number of rebel officers and men captured by the National troops since the beginning of the war was one lieutenant-general, five major-generals, twenty-five brigadier-generals, one hundred and eighty-six colonels, one hundred and forty-six lieutenant-colonels, two hundred and forty-four majors, two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven captains, five thousand eight hundred and eleven lieutenants, sixteen thousand five hundred and sixty-three non-commissioned officers, one hundred and twenty-one thousand one hundred and fifty-six privates, and five thousand eight hundred citizens. Of these, there remained on hand at the date of the report twenty-nine thousand two hundred and twenty-nine officers and men, among whom were one major-general and seven brigadiers. There had been one hundred and twenty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven rebels exchanged against one hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and sixty-six Union men returned.
April 17.
Fort Gray, near Plymouth, North-Carolina, garrisoned by National troops under the command of Captain Brown, of the Eighty-fifth New York regiment, was attacked by a force of rebels belonging to the command of General Pickett, who was repulsed after having made several attempts to carry the position by assault.--an unsuccessful attempt to capture the steamer Luminary was made by the rebels at a point thirty-five miles below Memphis, on the Mississippi River.--the English schooner Lily was captured by the gunboat Owasco, off Velasco, Texas.
A riot occurred in Savannah, Georgia, this day. Women collected in a body, with arms, and marched the streets in a procession, demanding bread or blood. They seized food wherever it could be found. The soldiers were called out, and, after a brief conflict, the most active and prominent leaders were put in jail.
April 18.
This day at noon, three guerrillas were discovered in the town of Hunneville, on the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, forty miles west of Hannibal, Mo. A dozen of the citizens, some armed, mustered to capture them. They had been purchasing stores, and were then at the saloon of a Union citizen, Mr. Dieman. On the approach of the squad, the guerrillas drew in defence, closed doors, and fired upon the citizens, wounding a militia captain, but not dangerously. They also fired upon Dieman, inflicting a severe wound. The citizens fired, killing two of the guerrillas, and wounding the third, who succeeded in escaping from the house and the vicinity.--the Maryland State Fair, for the benefit of the Sanitary and Christian Commissions, was opened with appropriate ceremonies at Baltimore. A speech was made by President Lincoln, in which he referred to the changes that had taken place in Baltimore during the past three years, and to the Fort Pillow massacre, which he said should be amply retaliated.--the rebel schooner Good Hope was captured and destroyed at sea, by the [68] schooner Fox, tender to the National steamer San Jacinto.--the rebel schooner Oramoneta, with a cargo of munitions of war, was captured off St. Augustine, Fla., by the Beauregard.
An attempt to blow up the United States frigate Wabash, was made off Charleston Harbor this night.
April 19.
A party of eighty mounted rebels attempted an invasion of Kentucky through Pound Gap, but were driven back by a detachment of the Forty-fifth Kentucky mounted infantry. A band of one hundred and fifty guerrillas was also driven out of the State into Macon County, Tenn., eight of them being killed and ten captured, with fifty of their horses.--the English schooner Fanny was captured off Velasco, Texas, by the National gunboat Owasco.
April 20.
Plymouth, North Carolina, garrisoned by one thousand six hundred men, under the command of General Wessells, was captured by the rebels, after an obstinate and prolonged fight. The following account of the operations in the vicinity of Plymouth, and its capture, was given by a participant:
On Saturday evening, April seventeenth, at about half-past 5 o'clock, the rebels attacked Fort Gray, on the Roanoke, two miles above the town, with six pieces of field-artillery. They were speedily repulsed, doing but little damage, except sinking our gunboat Bombshell by firing into her. She dropped down and sunk opposite Plymouth, much injured. On Monday they fired occasionally all day at Fort Wessells, and took it by assault on Monday night, with a loss of some sixty killed. Here our men fought like tigers, and the heroic Captain Chapin, of company K, Eighty-fifth New York, fell. This little fort is about a mile from the town; in it we had about sixty men and four thirty-two pounders. Here, through mistake, the rebels fired on their own men, and, it is said, killed several of them. Our loss here, so far as known, was only two killed, beside Captain Chapin. Our artillery played heavily upon this fort all day Tuesday, ceasing at intervals. On Monday, at dusk, they drove in our pickets in front, killing one and wounding one; and at dark they opened and continued for two hours and a half a most fierce fire of artillery upon Fort Williams, our strongest fort, in which General Wessells had his headquarters during the siege. Fort Williams fired in upon them heavily, with great slaughter, and received but little injury, excepting the death of Lieutenant Cline, of the One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania. Just after dark, one of our gunboats opened upon them a most galling fire. The cannonading now for more than two hours was most grand, awful, terrific, and sublime. I stood upon the piazza of my own room, with shells and balls dropping around me. Men who had been in the Peninsula campaign said they never saw any thing to equal the firing here. One shell from our gunboat, commanded by Captain Flusser, who afterward fell dead on the deck of his own ship, it was said, killed three and wounded nineteen rebels. About nine o'clock all firing ceased, and the rebels retired to the woods in front of Fort Williams. The women, children, and our sick, were sent to Roanoke Island on Saturday night, together with a schooner-load of old negroes. Another load went on Monday night. About four o'clock on Tuesday morning, the rebel ram, with two guns, came down and swept out all our gunboats, upon which we had depended so much to protect the left and lower part of the town, The gunboats Miami and Southfield were linked together, and the ram ran between them, and ran into the Southfield, and she soon sank. Then the Miami went below. All day on Tuesday, the ram lay some two miles below town, and kept up firing all day, but with little or no execution, save perforating the houses. She threw shells most awfully swift. I could dodge balls from other pieces, but it would be hard to dodge one from her. Her guns are thirty-two pounders; a good many of her shells never burst. It takes her about eight minutes to load and fire. Early on Wednesday morning, about day-light, the rebels, with five brigades, commanded by General Ransom, (a part of Stonewall Jackson's division,) made assault after assault upon the redoubt on the left, in which we had about two hundred men and four thirty-two pounders. Coming up with such an overwhelming force, they succeeded, with the loss of scores of killed, in taking this little fort, which let them into the town, up Main street. Shortly after their entrance into the town, about three hundred of us were taken prisoners of war, and marched nearly two miles below town, leaving our beautiful flag still floating over Fort Williams, with the brave General Wessells, his staff, and some two hundred men, still holding out, and refusing to sur render until ten P. M. on Wednesday. [69] Their force engaged has been estimated at ten thousand, with a reserve of four or five thousand. Our effective force was about two thousand. Their killed and wounded, I suppose, is about one thousand--some put it at one thousand five hundred. General Hoke, commanding the rebel forces, was heard to say that their loss was about one thousand five hundred, Our killed won't exceed twenty, and wounded not eighty; captured, including citizens, two thousand two hundred. They shot a great many blacks after the fight was over.
April 21.
Major-General Peck issued the following general order at Newbern, N. C., this day:
With feelings of the deepest sorrow, the Commanding General announces the fall of Plymouth, N. C., and the capture of its gallant commander, Brigadier-General H. W. Wessells, and his command. This result, however, did not obtain until after the most gallant and determined resistance had been made. Five times the enemy stormed the lines of the General, and as many times were they handsomely repulsed with great slaughter, and but for the powerful assistance of the rebel iron-clad ram and the floating sharp-shooter battery, the Cotton Plant, Plymouth would still have been in our hands. For their noble defence, the gallant General Wessells and his brave band have and deserve the warmest thanks of the whole country, while all will sympathize with them in their misfortune. To the officers and men of the navy, the Commanding General renders his thanks for their hearty cooperation with the army, and the bravery, determination, and courage that marked their part of the unequal contest. With sorrow he records the death of the noble sailor and gallant patriot, Lieutenant Commander C. W. Flusser, United. States navy, who in the heat of battle fell dead on the deck of his ship, with the lanyard of his gun in his hand. The Commanding General believes that these misfortunes will tend not to discourage the troops, but to nerve the army of North-Carolina to equal deeds of bravery and gallantry hereafter. Until further orders, the headquarters of the sub-district of the Albemarle will be at Roanoke Island. The command devolves upon Colonel D. W. Wardrop, of the Ninety-ninth New York infantry.
The English schooner Laura was captured off Velasco, Texas, by the National gunboat Owasco.--an expedition in boats, from the gunboats Niphon and Fort Jackson, under command of Captain Breck, of the Niphon, proceeded to within seven miles of Wilmington, N. C., where they succeeded in destroying the North-Carolina salt-works and other property valued at over $100,000, and brought away fifty-five prisoners--laborers in the salt-works.
April 22.
An expedition up the Rappahannock River, under the command of Foxhall A. Parker, commanding the Potomac flotilla, terminated this day. The following communication detailing the facts connected with it, was made by the commander in charge:
Having learned, from various sources, that the rebel government had established a ferry at Circus Point, a few miles below Tappahannock, on the Rappahannock River, and was busily engaged in collecting boats at some point on the river for the purpose of attacking the blockading vessels, I proceeded thither with a portion of this flotilla, on the eighteenth instant, where I remained until this evening, visiting both banks of the river and all its various creeks, (some of which I was told had not before been entered during the war,) from Circus Point to Windmill Point, with the following result: Two ferries broken up, seven large lighters, (each capable of carrying one hundred men, three pontoon-boats, twenty-two large skiffs and canoes, two hundred white-oak beams and knees, (large enough for the construction of a sloop-of-war,) five hundred cords of pine wood, and three hundred barrels of corn destroyed. Twenty-two fish-boats, (one of which is fitted for carrying small-arms,) one thousand pounds of bacon, two horses, sixty bushels of wheat, a chest of carpenter's tools, and many other articles, (a correct list of which will be sent to the department at an early day,) brought off. Five refugees and forty-five contrabands (men, women, and children) were received on board of this vessel, and landed in Maryland, with the exception of five stout fellows whom I shipped. At Bohler's Rocks, on the south side of the Rappahannock, the landing of our men was opposed by a large force of cavalry, (said to be five hundred,) which was kept at bay by the fire of the Eureka, commanded by Acting Ensign Hallock, and a howitzer launch in charge of Acting Master's Mate Eldridge. Acting Master W. T. Street, who had charge of this expedition, showed good judgment, and proved himself a valuable and efficient officer. He speaks highly of Acting Ensign Roderick and Acting Master's Mate [70] Borden, who accompanied him on shore. In Parrot's Creek, eight seamen, led by Acting Ensign Nelson, chased six of the rebel cavalry. Yesterday afternoon, as the Eureka got within thirty yards of the shore, just below Urbanna, where I had sent her to capture two boats hauled up there, a large number of rebels, lying in ambush, most unexpectedly opened upon her with rifles, and a piece of light artillery. Thus taken by surprise, Acting Ensign Hallock displayed admirable presence of mind, and I think not more than five seconds had elapsed before he returned the fire from his light twelve-pounder, and with small-arms; and, although the little Eureka, with officers and men, has but sixteen souls on board, for some ten minutes (during which time the fight lasted) she was one sheet of flame, the twelve-pounder being fired about as fast as a man would discharge a pocket-pistol. The rebels were well thrashed, and I think must have suffered considerably. They fortunately fired too high, so that their shells and bullets passed over the Eureka without injury to the vessel or crew. It was quite a gallant affair, and reflects a great deal of credit upon both officers and men of the Eureka, a list of whom I herewith inclose. This morning, April twenty-second, observing a party of eighteen men at a distance of about two miles from this ship, with muskets slung over their backs, crawling on their hands and knees to get a shot at some of our men then on shore, I directed a shell to be thrown at them from a one-hundred pounder Parrott gun, which struck and exploded right in their midst, killing and wounding, I think, a large number of them, as only four were seen after the explosion, who were, as might be supposed, running inland at the top of their speed. Lieutenant Commander Eastman, who had the detailing of the various expeditions, well sustained, in the performance of this duty, the reputation which he had already acquired as an officer of marked energy and ability. I have it from the best authority that the rebels have placed torpedoes in the Rappahannock, just above Bohler's Rocks, where this flotilla was anchored; off Fort Lowry, off Brooks's Barn, opposite the first house above Leedstown, and at Layton's, somewhat higher up. All these are on the port hand going up. Others are said to be placed at various points in the river, from Fort Lowry to Fredericksburgh. They have also been placed in the Piankatank River, and in many of the creeks emptying into Chesapeake Bay.
Major-General J. G. Totten died at Washington City this day.
“the capture of Richmond,” said the Columbus, Ga., Times, of this day, “would prove of greater importance to our enemies, in a political point of view, than any other sense. With our capital in their possession, we would find additional influence brought to bear against us abroad; but as a material loss, its fall would in no manner compare with the disadvantages which would result from a defeat of General Johnston, and the occupation of Georgia that would follow. The first point is near our boundary lines; the second is our great centre. To lose the one would be as the loss of a limb; should we be driven from the other, it would be a terrible blow at our most vital point. This we must admit, and our enemy knows it.” --A party of six rebel guerrillas were captured near Morrisville, Va. They had attacked a National picket-station, and killed one man a short time previous.
April 23.
This morning a party of rebels attacked the National pickets at Nickajack Trace, and after compelling them to surrender, committed the most flagrant outrages upon them. A correspondent at Chattanooga, Tenn., gives the following particulars of the affair:
Sixty-four men, detailed from the Ninety-second Illinois, Lieutenant-Colonel D. F. Sheets, commanding, were doing picket-duty near Lyle's farm, under command of Lieutenant Horace C. Scoville, company K. Eighteen of the men were placed in reserve near the farm, the rest were distributed at seven different posts. The supposition is, that a regiment of rebel infantry crossed Taylor's Ridge during the night, about five miles from Ringgold, and formed a line, extending from the base of the ridge to the Alabama road. This line faced south, being in the rear of our pickets. Another regiment crossed the ridge higher up the valley, and faced west. A body of cavalry (probably two companies) came on our pickets from the south, and a smaller body advanced from the direction of Leet's farm. Thus were our men nearly surrounded by the wily enemy, before the attack commenced, and the assault was made simultaneously upon all the posts. The enemy's cavalry first assailed our videttes, who retired, fighting desperately, until reenforced from the reserve, when the rebels were temporarily repulsed. Advancing again in still larger numbers, they forced our men to fall back. But the latter soon found their retreat cut off by the infantry which had [71] formed in their rear, and barricaded the road. Such was the disposition of the rebel force, that the reserve at Lyle's house, now reduced to nine men, were cut off from the remainder. Consequently, there was nothing left for our brave fellows but to surrender, or cut their way out, each man fighting for himself. They resolved to attempt the latter. Some desperate hand-to-hand contests ensued, and some chivalric daring was displayed, which the historian will never record. Of the sixty-four men, thirty-four escaped death or capture; and with heroic determination not to return to camp until relieved, they reoccupied the ground from which they had been driven, although they knew not at what moment the enemy might return to the attack, and kill or capture the remainder of them. Of that heroic band not a man came to camp without orders. Five were killed, four mortally wounded, three severely wounded, and eighteen missing. Lieutenant Scoville was wounded and captured. The rebel loss in killed and wounded must at least have equalled our own, and we took one prisoner. The men speak in high terms of Lieutenant Scoville's conduct until he was wounded; and I am informed that Colonel Sheets speaks highly of Sergeant Strock, of company C, and Sergeant Hine, of company E, who saved most of their men, and commanded the party who reoccupied the field. From the statements of wounded soldiers, and of citizens living near the roads along which the enemy retired, I gather the following facts, and offer no comment. A citizen saw a rebel officer shoot down one of our men, after he had surrendered and marched some distance with his captors. The only excuse for the vile outrage was, that the poor fellow could not keep up with the fiends who had taken him prisoner. After the officer had shot the man, the citizen heard one of the rebel scoundrels say: “That's right, cap, give it to him again!” William Chattannach, or Chattnach, a private in company B, after surrendering, was marched off with several others upon the double-quick, until totally unable to go further. A rebel lieutenant then came up to him, and shot him twice, the first time inflicting a slight, the second a mortal wound. He then left him, supposing le had killed him. Shortly after, two rebels came up to him and robbed him of his pocketbook and boots. One of them said, “Let's scalp the----Yankee!” but did not execute the proposition. This statement was taken from poor Chattannach's dying lips. Reginald O'Connor, company B, was shot for the same reason, after being captured. George A. Springer and John Craddock, company E; George Marle, company F ; and William Reynolds, company I, all make similar statements with regard to themselves. William Hills, company K, was found dead a mile from the post where he had stood on picket during the night. A lady living near where he was posted, declared, that she saw him pursued by some rebel cavalrymen. On being overtaken, he at once handed over his gun to one of the savages, who immediately fired the contents of the same into Hill's body, killing him instantly. In the case of O'Connor, three soldiers who saw the murder, declare, upon oath, that it was also committed by a rebel officer. Such are some of the details of this stupendous crime, whose atrocity is perhaps unsurpassed even by the bloody murders recently committed by these rebel miscreants in West-Tennessee and Kentucky. The following list of killed and wounded is nearly complete. Killed: Garner McKeel, company E; William Hills, company K; John Douns, company B; William Gifford, company H. Wounded: Reginald O'Connor, company B. fatally; William Chattannach, company B, fatally; G. A. Springer, company E, fatally; John Craddock, company E, severely, not dangerously; George Marle, company F, fatally; D. W. Butler, company A, dangerously; James Rhoades and William Reynolds, company I, both fatally. Of these killed and wounded, two had not surrendered when shot; seven were either killed or wounded (all but one, mortally) after they had surrendered to the enemy as prisoners of war; the circumstances connected with the shooting of the other three have not been definitely ascertained. Of the facts connected with these horrid outrages, there is no room to doubt. They are taken mostly from the affidavits of dying men — the surest testimony in the world.
April 24.
The steamer John J. Roe was burned by the rebels at a point below Natchez, on the Mississippi.--A scouting-party of the First Michigan cavalry, sent out from Alexandria, Va., under command of Lieutenant Jackson, came across a band of rebel guerrillas, about nine miles up the Occoquan road, when a brisk skirmish ensued. Four of the rebels were [72] wounded and taken prisoners. Lieutenant Jackson had two of his men slightly wounded, and succeeded in capturing one horse.--Governor Brough issued an order, calling the National Guard of Ohio into active service for one hundred days.
April 25.
To-day a wagon-train, consisting of two hundred and forty wagons, returning to Pine Bluffs, Arkansas, together with the escort, under the command of Colonel Drake, comprising the Twenty-sixth Iowa regiment, the Seventy-seventh Ohio regiment, and the Forty-third Indiana regiment, with four pieces of artillery, was captured by the rebels.
A party of rebels, in an attempt to surprise the National pickets, on the King's Road, near Jacksonville, Florida, were surrounded and captured by the Seventy-fifth Ohio mounted infantry.
April 26.
General Steele evacuated Camden, Arkansas, and commenced his march to Little Rock, on account of a want of supplies.--(Doc. 130.)
April 27.
Acting Master Hill, commanding the United States steamer Currituck, of the Potomac flotilla, succeeded in destroying two thousand bushels of grain, which was in process of transportation to Richmond.--Com. Parker's Report.
The English schooner O. K. was captured by the National vessel Union, off the coast of Florida.--the army under General Banks, including the forces of General A. J. Smith, returned to Alexandria, La.--(Doc. 131.)
April 28.
Brigadier-General Devens, with a brigade of cavalry, on a reconnoissance to Madison Court-House, Va., surprised a party of thirty rebels in that place, and succeeded in capturing the whole of them.
April 29.
The English schooner Miriam was captured in lat. 25° 25′ N. long. 84° 30′, W., by the National vessel Honeysuckle.
An expedition, under the command of Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Hooker, sent to Carter's Creek from the Potomac flotilla, succeeded in destroying eleven boats and canoes, a large quantity of grain, and a number of log-huts, which had been used as barracks by the rebel soldiers. In approaching these, Acting Master Street, who had charge of the landing party, consisting of twenty-five seamen, fell in with a company of rebel cavalry, who, mistaking his force for the advance-guard of a much larger one, put spurs to their horses and fled. Lieutenant Hooker well planned the expedition, and Acting Master Street displayed boldness and decision in carrying it out.--Com. Parker's Report.
Considerable excitement was caused in Richmond, Va., to-day, by the presence of the rebel government impressing agents for the collection of horses for the use of General Lee's army.
April 30.
A company for the establishment of a volunteer rebel navy was organized in Richmond, Va., with a capital of ten millions of dollars, one million five hundred thousand of which had been paid in.--Richmond Enquirer.
General Steele, on his retreat from Camden, Ark., crossed the Saline River. Before crossing, he was attacked by the rebels, under General Fagan, and lost several men, among them Major Atkinson and Lieutenant Henry, both of whom were killed.--the schooner Judson was captured off Mobile Bar, Ala., by the steamer Connemaugh.