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February 1.

President Lincoln issued an order for a draft of five hundred thousand men, to serve three years or during the war.--(Doc. 72.)

A fight took place late this afternoon in the New Creek Valley, Va., between an advancing column of the enemy's troops and one column of Nationals. After a sharp engagement the rebels were repulsed and driven back over two miles.--A fight took place at Bachelor's Creek, N. C., between a large force of rebels under the command of Generals Pickett and Hoke, and the Union forces under General J. W. Palmer, resulting in the retreat of the latter with considerable loss in men and material.--(Doc. 69.)

The blockade-running steamer Wild Dayrell was chased ashore and burned, near Stump Inlet, N. C., by the National gunboat Sassacus, under the command of Lieutenant Commander F. A. Roe.--Admiral Lee's Report.

February 2.

The United States steamer Underwriter, lying at anchor in the Neuse River, N. C., was surprised and destroyed by a party of rebels, who belonged to the forces on the expedition against Newbern.--Admiral Lee's Report.

One hundred and twenty-nine deserters from the rebel army under the command of General Johnston, who had effected their escape during his late movement, entered the provost-marshal's office at Chattanooga, and took the oath of allegiance to the United States.--this morning eleven prisoners and ten horses, belonging principally to the Sixth Virginia cavalry, were captured near Blue Ridge, in the vicinity of Thornton's Gap, Va.--the British steamer Presto, in attempting to run into Charleston Harbor, ran ashore off Sullivan's Island, where she was destroyed by the National fleet.

February 3.

Major-General W. T. Sherman, with the Sixteenth army corps, under the command of Major-General Hurlbut, and the Seventeenth army corps, commanded by General McPherson, left Vicksburgh upon an expedition through Mississippi.--(Doc. 122.)

The guard of one company of infantry posted at Patterson Creek Bridge, eight miles east of [41] Cumberland, Va., was attacked at half-past 1 P. M. yesterday, by five hundred rebel cavalry, under General Rosser, and after a spirited resistance, in which two were killed and ten wounded, the greater part of the company were captured. This accomplished, the rebels set fire to the bridge, and leaving it to destruction, started off with their prisoners in the direction of Romney. The employes of the railroad succeeded in staying the fire, and saved the bridge, with only slight damage. General Averill, with his command of nearly two thousand cavalry, and who had been sent out from Martinsburgh by General Kelley, this morning overtook the rebels near Springfield, and a severe engagement ensued. The rebels were driven through Springfield, and thence to and south of Burlington. Many of the rebels were killed and wounded, and the Union captures were large, including the recovery of the men yesterday taken at Patterson's Creek, and many horses. The enemy retreated rapidly to the back country, hotly pursued by the cavalry.--A fight took place at Sartatia, Miss., between a body of rebels numbering about three thousand, under General Ross, and the National gunboats, on an expedition up the Yazoo River to cooperate with General Sherman.--(Docs. 122 and 124.)

February 4.

The British steamer Nutfield, from Bermuda to Wilmington, N. C., was chased ashore and destroyed near New River Inlet, N. C., by the National war steamer Sassacus.--Admiral Lee's Report.

February 5.

The Fourteenth Illinois cavalry, commanded by Major Davis, which had been out on an expedition from Knoxville, Tenn., reported at headquarters, after having performed one of the most daring raids of the war. Evading the enemy's cavalry, the force dashed round into Jackson County, North-Carolina, surprised the camp of Thomas's celebrated Indian Legion, capturing fifty of those outlaws — among whom were three lieutenants and an Indian doctor — besides killing and wounding a large number. Thomas, himself, with a remnant of his band escaped. Before the war he was the United States agent for the Cherokees of East-Tennessee and North-Carolina, a position which gave him great influence with the savages.

The Union loss in the fight was three killed--among whom was Lieutenant Capran, son of the colonel who first commanded the regiment — and five wounded. A detachment of the Forty-ninth Ohio were sent to bring in the prisoners.

Day before yesterday a scouting-party sent out from Cape Girardeau, Mo., by Colonel J. B. Rogers, under command of Captain Shelby, Second regiment of cavalry, M. S. M., attacked a large band of guerrillas under the noted chief, John F. Bolin, killed seven, and captured eight men, thirteen horses, and fifteen wagons loaded with corn. Bolin was captured and confined in the guard-house at that post.

At a late hour to-night he was forcibly taken by the enraged soldiers and citizens from the custody of the guard, and hung. No intimation of the act reached the officers until the deed was perpetrated. The officers did all in their power to suppress the violation of the law, but to no avail. Bolin made the following confession before his execution:

I was at Round Pond; there were eight men killed; two by Nathan Bolin and one by John Wright. They were killed with handspikes. I emptied one revolver. At Round Point I shot one man; at Dallas I wounded another. I captured eight men on Hickory Ridge; I told them I was going to shoot them, but their soldiers recaptured them before I could do so. I have killed six or seven men; I killed my cousin; I ordered him to halt — he would not, and I shot him down.

Governor Yates, of Illinois, issued a proclamation, saying that that State, under every call, had exceeded her quota, and was not, on the first of January or at any other time, subject to a draft.

Day before yesterday, an expedition, under command of Colonel Jourdan, left Newport, N. C., for the White River, for the purpose of making a reconnaissance. The command was made up of Vermont and New York troops, and a part of the Second North-Carolina regiment, who rendered efficient service as guides. Last evening they came upon a body of cavalry about five miles from Young's Cross-Roads, and captured the entire party, numbering twenty-eight men and thirty horses, with their arms and equipments. A quantity of corn was also captured and brought in. The command returned to Newport this day, without losing a man.

The steamer Emma was fired into at a point fifteen miles below Helena, Ark., with cannon and musketry. The shells were filled with Greek fire, three of which exploded in various parts of [42] her, setting her on fire, but the flames were extinguished.--the bombardment of Fort Sumter was continued; eighty-six shots were fired at the city of Charleston during the day.

February 6.

The English steamer Dee was discovered ashore and on fire, at a point one mile south of Masonboro Inlet, N. C., by the National gunboat Cambridge. Finding it impossible to extinguish the flames or get her off, Commander Spicer, of the Cambridge, abandoned the attempt, and still further destroyed her by firing into her.--Admiral Lee's Report.

The Sixteenth army corps, General Hurlbut, and Seventeenth corps, General McPherson, under orders of Major-General Sherman, entered Jackson, Miss., the enemy offering but little resistance.--(Doc. 122.)

A party of Yankees went to Windsor, in Bertie County, N. C., in boats, while another party landed on the Roanoke River, eight miles below, and marched on the town, where they made a junction with those that went up in boats. They burned up some meat, destroyed some salt, and carried off the Rev. Cyrus Walters, of the Episcopal Church, and several others. They attacked Captain Bowers's camp, and routed the small force there; but, Captain Bowers being reenforced with a small body of cavalry, after some sharp fighting, the Yankees retired.--Raleigh Confederate.

A detachment of the Seventh Indiana entered the town of Bolivar, Tenn., under the impression that the place was still occupied by the Federal troops. Much to their surprise, they found a regiment and a half of rebels in posession. They were in the town, and demanded what troops they were. The reply was, Mississippi. The Indianans, with the shout, “Remember Jeff Davis!” made a furious attack upon the astonished and disconcerted rebels, and drove them out of Bolivar in the utmost confusion, killing, wounding, and capturing about thirty. The Union loss was one killed and three wounded.

In the rebel Congress, the following resolution was introduced this day:

Whereas, The President of the United States, in a late public communication, did declare that no propositions for peace had been made to that Government by the confederate States, when in truth such propositions were prevented from being made by the President, in that he refused to hear or even to receive two commissioners appointed to treat expressly of the preservation of amicable relations between the two governments; nevertheless that the confederate States may stand justified in the sight of the conservative men of the North of all parties, and that the world may know which of the two governments it is that urges on a war unparalleled for fierceness of conflict, and intensifying into a sectional hate unsurpassed in the annals of mankind; therefore,

Resolved, That the confederate States invite the United States through their government at Washington, to meet them by representatives equal to their representatives and senators in their respective congresses----, on the day of----, next----, to consider, first, whether they cannot agree upon a recognition of the confederate States of America. Second, in the event of declining such a recognition, whether they cannot agree upon the formation of a new government, founded upon the equality and sovereignty of the States; but if this cannot be done, to consider, third, whether they cannot agree upon treaties offensive, defensive, and commercial.

February 7.

The reconnoissance which was sent out from the army of the Potomac on Friday night and yesterday morning, returned to-day, having ascertained the rebels' exact position and probable strength. The Second corps (General Warren's) took to Morton's Ford at seven A. M., yesterday, under Generals Caldwell, Webb, and Hayes. General Alexander Hayes, commanding the Third division, led the advance in person, fording the river waist-deep, on foot, at the head of General J. T. Owen's brigade. The rebel sharp-shooters, in rifle-pits, on the other side, kept up a galling fire, while a battery stationed on the hills to the right, and a mile beyond the ford, hotly shelled the advancing column. On reaching the south bank of the Rapidan, a charge was made on the rebel rifle-pits, and twenty-eight men and an officer captured. Much skirmishing ensued, and at midnight Warren recrossed his troops.--(Doc. 104.)

Great excitement and consternation existed in Richmond, Va., on account of the approach of General Butler's forces upon that place. Last night the bells of the city were rung, and men were rushing through the streets, crying: “To arms, to arms! The Yankees are coming!” During the remainder of the night there was an intense commotion everywhere visible. The Home Guard was called out, and the tramp of armed men could be heard in all directions. Cannon were being hauled through the streets. [43] women and children were hurrying to and fro, and there was all the evidence of such a panic as had never before been witnessed in Richmond.

This morning there was no abatement in the excitement. The guards were all marched out of the city to the defences, and the armed citizens placed on guard over the prisoners. Horsemen were dashing to and fro, and the excitement among the prisoners to know the cause of all this commotion became intense. It was soon learned that a large cavalry and infantry force, with artillery, had made their appearance on the peninsula at Bottom's Bridge, within ten miles of the city, a point so famous in McClellan's peninsula campaign, and that Richmond was actually threatened by the Yankees. The same hurrying of troops, arming of citizens, and excitement among the women and children continued during the morning. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the alarm-bells were again rung with great fury. The rumors that prevailed were conflicting and wild, and it was the impression that eight or ten thousand cavalry would have found but little difficulty in entering the city, liberating the prisoners, destroying the forts and public property, and retiring by the peninsula before any sufficient force to resist them could be brought to the aid of the small garrison left to defend it.--A fight took place at Vidalia, La.--(Doc. 76.)

February 8.

The expedition sent by General Butler, with the object of making a sudden dash into Richmond, Va., and releasing the Union prisoners confined there, returned, having been unsuccessful. The following are the facts of the affair: On Saturday morning, February sixth, General Butler's forces, under command of Brigadier-General Wistar, marched from Yorktown by the way of New Kent Court-House. The cavalry arrived at half-past 2 o'clock yesterday morning at Bottom's Bridge, across the Chickahominy, ten miles from Richmond, for the purpose of making a raid into Richmond, and endeavoring, by a surprise, to liberate the prisoners there.

The cavalry reached the bridge at the time appointed, marching, in sixteen hours and a half, forty-seven miles. A force of infantry followed in their rear, for the purpose of supporting them. It was expected to surprise the enemy at Bottom's Bridge, who had had for some time only a small picket there. The surprise failed, because, as the Richmond Examiner of to-day says, “a Yankee deserter gave information in Richmond of the intended movement.” The enemy had felled a large amount of timber, so as to block up and obstruct the roads and make it impossible for our cavalry to pass. After remaining at the bridge from two o'clock until twelve, General Wistar joined them with his infantry, and the whole object of the surprise having been defeated, they all returned to Williamsburgh. On his march back to New Kent Court-House, his rear was attacked by the enemy, but they were repulsed without loss. A march by the Union infantry, three regiments of whom were colored, of more than eighty miles, was. made in fifty-six hours. The cavalry marched over one hundred miles in fifty hours.

The office of the newspaper Constitution and Union, at Fairfield, Iowa, edited by David Sheward, was visited by company E, Second Iowa, to-day. The type and paper were thrown out of the windows, and subscription-books destroyed.

General Foster telegraphed from Knoxville, under date o yesterday, that an expedition sent against Thomas and his band of Indians and whites, at Quallatown, N. C., had returned completely successful. They surprised the town, killed and wounded two hundred and fifteen, took fifty prisoners, and dispersed the remainder of the gang in the mountains. The Union loss was two killed and six wounded.--General Grant's Despatch.

February 9.

Jefferson Davis approved the bill, passed in secret session of the rebel congress, to prohibit the exportation of cotton, tobacco, naval and military stores, molasses, sugar or rice; also one to prohibit the importation of luxuries into the confederate States.--Colonel A. D. Streight, and one hundred and eight other National officers, escaped from Libby Prison, at Richmond, Va. Forty-eight of these were recaptured by the rebels, and returned to prison.

February 10.

The English steamers Fannie and Jennie, and the Emily, were destroyed near Masonboro Inlet, N. C., by the National gunboat Florida, commanded by Pierce Crosby. The Fannie and Jennie was the old prize Scotia, captured in 1862, and condemned, not being considered suitable for naval purposes. She was commanded by the celebrated blockade-runner Captain Coxetter, who was drowned while attempting to escape.--Commander Crosby's Report.

[44] The Richmond Enquirer, of this date, contained an editorial, denouncing the Virginia Legislature, for attempting to interfere with the state and war matters of the rebel government, by the passage of an act, requesting Jeff Davis to remove the act of outlawry against General Butler, in order to facilitate the exchange of prisoners.

Major-General Meade, in a speech at Philadelphia, in response to an address of welcome by Mayor Henry, stated, that it might “not be uninteresting to know that since March, 1861, when the army of the Potomac left its lines in front of Washington, not less than one hundred thousand men had been killed and wounded.”

February 11.

The cavalry expedition under the command of Generals W. S. Smith and Grierson, intended to cooperate with the forces under General Sherman, left Memphis, Tenn.--(Doc. 122.)

The English steamer Cumberland, with a cargo of arms and ammunition, arrived at Key West, Fla. She was captured by the United States gunboat De Soto, while trying to run the blockade on the fifth instant.--(Doc. 103.)

A westward-bound train on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was captured ten miles west of Harper's Ferry, Va., by a band of guerrillas. The usual signal to stop the train was given, when the thieves surrounded it, and commenced a general robbery of the passengers, male and female. Greenbacks, jewelry, and other valuables were taken, and few of the passengers escaped without losing something. The object seemed to be entirely to obtain booty, as, notwithstanding several Union officers and soldiers were on board, no prisoners were taken. The engine and tender were run off the track, but the train was not injured.

February 12.

Decatur, Miss., was entered by the National troops, belonging to the command of General W. T. Sherman, on an expedition into that State.--(Doc. 122.)

February 13.

No entry for February 13, 1864.

February 14.

Major Larmer, of the Fifth Pennsylvania reserve regiment, Acting Inspector-General on General Crawford's staff, was shot dead in a skirmish with guerrillas about two miles east of Brentsville, Va. He was out with a scouting-party of some fifty men of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania cavalry, who, as they were crossing a bridge over Cedar Run, at the point above mentioned, were suddenly fired upon by a band of guerrillas concealed in a pine thicket a short distance off the road.

His men were driven back across the bridge, but there held their ground until assistance could be sent for from General Crawford's division. Colonel Jackson, of the Eleventh Pennsylvania reserves, was then sent out with a portion of his regiment, and on his approach the rebels fled. The men then recrossed the bridge to the point where they had been driven back, and brought away the body of Major Larmer, which had been left in the hands of the rebels. The Nationals lost in the skirmish, besides Major Larmer, three cavalrymen killed and one wounded, and two prisoners.

Gainesville, Florida, was captured by the United States troops under Captain George E. Marshall, of the Fortieth Massachusetts infantry, and held for fifty-six hours against several attacks of the rebels double his own number. A large quantity of rebel stores were distributed among the people of the town, alter which Captain Marshall successfully evacuated the place.--(Doc. 87.)

It appearing that large numbers of men qualified for military duty were preparing to leave Idaho for the far West, for the purpose of evading the draft ordered by the President of the United States, Governor W. M. Stone, of that territory, issued a proclamation, announcing that no person would be permitted to depart in that direction without a proper pass, and that passes would be granted to those only who would make satisfactory proof that they were leaving the State for a temporary purpose, and of their intention to return on or before the day of drafting, March tenth.

Thomas H. Watts, Governor of Alabama, issued the following communication to the people of Mobile:

Your city is about to be attacked by the enemy. Mobile must be defended at every hazard and to the last extremity. To do this effectively, all who cannot fight must leave the city. The brave defenders of the city can fight with more energy and enthusiasm when they feel assured that the noble women and children are out of danger.

I appeal to the patriotic non-combatants to leave for the interior. The people of the interior towns, and the planters in the country, will receive and provide support for all who go. The [45] patriots of this city will see the importance and necessity of heeding this call.

Those who love this city and the glorious cause in which we fight, will not hesitate to obey the calls which patriotism makes.


February 15.

Yesterday and to-day attacks were made upon the fort at Waterproof, La. The following account of the affair was given by Lieutenant Commander Greer, of the steamer Rattler: “A force of about eight hundred cavalry, of Harrison's command, on the fourteenth made an attack upon the post, driving in the pickets and pressing the troops very hard. Fortunately for them the Forest Rose, was present. Captain Johnson immediately opened a rapid fire on them, which drove them back. He got his vessel under way and shelled the enemy wherever his guns would bear. They hastily retreated to the woods. This lasted from three to five P. M. At eight o'clock, the enemy attempted to make a dash into the town, but Captain Johnson, who was well advised as to their approaches, drove them back. Eight dead rebels and five prisoners were left in our hands. Our loss was five killed and two wounded. Captain Johnson says some of the negroes fought well, but for want of proper discipline a majority did not. Lieutenant Commander Greer arrived with the Rattler, after the fighting was over. He then proceeded to Natchez, reported the facts to Commander Post, and asked him to send up reenforcements. The next morning he despatched two hundred men and some howitzer ammunition to Waterproof. Upon arriving at that place on the fifteenth, he found that in the morning the enemy, who had been reenforced in the night, and whose forces now consisted of two regiments of infantry and one of cavalry, and four pieces of artillery, had again attacked the post. The Forest Rose, whose commander was ever on the alert, was ready for them. A few well-directed shells stopped them from planting their battery on the plank-road, and drove them off in confusion. The attempts of the remainder to advance were frustrated by the Forest Rose. Captain Johnson says that Captain Anderson asked repeatedly for me to take his troops on board and throw them across the river, while in every request he (Johnson) declined, and could only tell him to fight. After I got the enemy to retreat he felt more easy, and discontinued his requests to cross. I do not think Captain Anderson was intimidated, but, by the bad discipline of his officers and the incapacity of his men, he became panic-stricken. The ram Switzerland arrived about the close of the fight and joined them. The rebel loss, as far as known, was seven killed, a number wounded, who were taken off, and several prisoners, among them a lieutenant, who were taken to Harrison. Our loss was three killed and twelve wounded. In the two days fight the Forest Rose expended two hundred and seventy shell.”

Colonel Phillips, commanding the expedition to the Indian Territory, reported to General Thayer that he had driven the enemy entirely out of that region, and in several skirmishes killed nearly a hundred rebels, and had captured one captain and twenty-five men.

Judge Stewart, of the Provincial Court of Admiralty, Nova Scotia, gave judgment that the capture of the Chesapeake was an act of piracy, and ordered restitution of the vessel and cargo to the original owners.

February 16.

An engagement took place between the rebel fort at Grant's Pass, near Mobile, and the National gunboats.--the British steamer Pet was captured by the United States gunboat Montgomery. The capture was made near Wilmington, N. C. The Pet was from Nassau, for Wilmington, with an assorted cargo of arms, shot, shell, and medicines, for the use of the rebel army. She was a superior side-wheel steamer, of seven hundred tons burthen, built in England expressly for Southern blockading purposes. She had made numerous successful trips between Nassau and Wilmington.--the blockading steamer Spunky was chased ashore and destroyed while attempting to run the blockade of Wilmington, N. C.

February 17.

The United States steam-sloop [46] Housatonic was destroyed by a torpedo in the harbor of Charleston, S. C.--(Doc. 84.)

February 18.

An expedition, consisting of four hundred men belonging to the National cavalry, under General Gregg, left Warrenton, Va., last night, to examine the country in the direction of Middleburgh and Aldie. This evening the party returned, bringing in twenty-eight of Mosby's rebel guerrillas and fifty-one horses. On their return they were charged on by the rest of the guerrilla band, for the purpose of retaking their fellows, but the charge was repulsed, and one more prisoner added to those already in the hands of the Union cavalry.

February 19.

A fight took place at Waugh's Farm, twelve miles north-east of Batesville, Ark. About a hundred men, composed of company I, Eleventh Missouri cavalry, and Fourth Arkansas infantry, under command of Captain William Castle, of the Eleventh Missouri, out on a foraging expedition, with a large train of wagons in charge, were attacked by three hundred men under Rutherford. They were taken by surprise, but fought desperately against greatly superior numbers.

The rebels retreated across White River, having lost six killed and ten wounded. Of the Nationals, Captain Castle and private Alfred Wilgus, of company I, Eleventh Missouri cavalry, and a man of the Fourth Arkansas infantry, were killed. Wounded--Sergeant F. M. Donaldson, severely in the thigh and abdomen; William Ball, severely in the foot; John H. Brandon, in both hands and breast, slightly; all of company I, Eleventh Missouri.

The Nationals lost forty prisoners, mostly teamsters, about thirty horses, and sixty wagons were burnt, and the teams, six mules to each, carried off.--Sergeant Spencer's Account.

The Twenty-first, Forty-seventh, and One Hundred and Eighteenth regiments of Indiana volunteers, returned to Indianapolis, and met with an enthusiastic welcome.

February 20.

The battle of Olustee, Florida, was fought this day by the National forces under the command of General Seymour and the rebels under General Caesar Finnegan.--(Doc. 87.)

The rebel schooner Henry Colthurst, from Kingston, Jamaica, with a cargo of the munitions of war for the confederate government, and other articles of merchandise, was captured, near San Luis Pass, by the National schooner Virginia.

February 21.

A plot to escape, set on foot by the rebel prisoners confined at Columbus, Ohio, was discovered and frustrated.

February 22.

Two companies of the Thirty-fourth Kentucky infantry (A and I) were engaged in a hand-to-hand encounter of about four hours duration, against superior numbers of the enemy. The rebels, about five hundred strong, attacked them at Powell's River Bridge, Tenn., at six o'clock A. M., and after making four separate charges on the bridge, which were gallantly met and repulsed, the rebels were driven from their position and compelled to retreat in disorder, leaving horses, saddles, arms, etc., on the field. They took most of their dead and wounded with them.

There were a great many daring acts of bravery committed; but as the whole affair is one of the most brilliant of the war, it would be almost impossible to make any distinction. There is one, however, that is well worth recording. The attack was made by infantry, while the cavalry prepared for a charge. The cavalry was soon in line and moving on the bridge; on they came in a steady, solid column, covered by the fire of their infantry. In a moment the Nationals saw their perilous position, and Lieutenant Slater called for a volunteer to tear up the boards to prevent their crossing. There was some hesitation, and in a moment all would have been lost, had not one William Goss (company clerk of company I) leaped from the intrenchments, and, running to the bridge under the fire of about four hundred guns, threw ten boards off into the river, and returned unhurt. This prevented the capture of the whole force.--Louisville Journal.

A fight occurred near Mulberry Gap, Tenn., between the Eleventh Tennessee cavalry and a body of rebels, in which the National troops were obliged to retreat

Lieutenant-General J. B. Hood, of the rebel army, in an address to his old division, concludes as follows:

A stern conflict is before us; other hardships must be borne, other battles fought, and other blood shed; but we have nothing to fear if we only prove ourselves worthy of independence — it is ours, but our armies must deliver us. With them we must blaze a highway through our enemies to victory and to peace. In the trials [47] and dangers that are to come, I know you will claim an honorable share, and win new titles to the admiration and love of your country; and in the midst of them, whether I am near you or far from you, my heart will be always there; and when this struggle is over, I shall look upon no spectacle with so much pleasure as upon my old comrades, who have deserved so well of their country, crowned with its blessings and encompassed by its love.

A small force of National troops left Hilton Head, S. C., in transports, and proceeded up the Savannah River to Williams's Island, arriving at that place about dark yesterday. A company of the Fourth New Hampshire regiment landed in small boats and made a reconnoissance, in the course of which they met a small body of the enemy. The Nationals lost four men of the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania This morning the Union forces withdrew, bringing twenty prisoners. The reconnaissance was highly successful.

This morning, about eleven o'clock, as a detachment of the Second Massachusetts cavalry, under command of Captain J. S. Read, who had been out on a scouting expedition, were returning toward Dranesville, Va., on the way to Vienna, they were attacked on the Dranesville Pike, about two miles from the latter place, by a gang of rebel guerrillas, supposed to be under Mosby, concealed in the pines. In the detachment of the Second Massachusetts there were one hundred and fifty men, while Mosby had at least between two and three hundred men. The Second Massachusetts were fired upon from the dense pine woods near Dranesville, and retreated. Afterward eight of their men were found dead and seven wounded, and at least fifty or seventy-five were taken prisoners, or missing. Among the prisoners was Captain Manning, of Maine. Captain J. S. Read, the commander of the detachment, was shot through the left lung, and died a few moments after being wounded.

February 23.

On the publication of the currency bill, passed by the rebel Congress, a panic seized the people of Richmond, and many tradesmen closed their shops. Brown sugar sold for twelve dollars and fifty cents by the hogshead, and whiskey, which a few days before sold for twenty dollars a gallon, could not be purchased for one hundred and twenty dollars.--the Second Massachusetts regiment of infantry left Boston, to rejoin the Twelfth army corps, under General Grant. The Twenty-third regiment also left Boston for Newport News, Va.

February 24.

A police magistrate at St. John's, New Brunswick, ordered the Chesapeake pirates to be committed to be surrendered to the United States, upon charges of robbery, piracy, and murder.

February 25.

The following was published in Richmond, Va.:

General Bragg has been assigned to duty in Richmond as consulting and advisory General. We regard the appointment as one very proper, and believe that it will conduce to the advancement and promotion of the cause. General Bragg has unquestionable abilities, which eminently fit him for such a responsible position. The country will be pleased to see his experience and information made use of by the President. His patriotism and zeal for the public service are fully recognized and appreciated by his countrymen. The duties of the commander-in-chief, who, under the constitution, can be no other than the President, are most arduous, and require much aid and assistance as well as ability and experience. General Bragg has acquired, by long service, that practical experience necessary to the position to which he is assigned by the general order published in to-day's Enquirer.

An erroneous impression obtains as to the nature of this appointment,of General Bragg. He is not and cannot be commander-in-chief. The Constitution of the confederate States makes the President the commander-in-chief. General Bragg is detailed for duty in Richmond “under” the President. He does not rank General Lee nor General Johnston. He cannot command or direct them, except “by command of the President.” His appointment has been made with the knowledge and approval of Generals Cooper, Lee, Johnston, and Beauregard, all his superiors in rank, who, knowing and appreciating the usefulness and ability of General Bragg, concur in his appointment by the President.

--Richmond Enquirer.

Fort Powell, situated below Mobile, Ala., was bombarded by the ships belonging to the National fleet.--the British sloop Two Brothers, from Nassau, N. P., was captured in Indian River, abreast of Fort Capron, Florida, by the National bark Roebuck.

February 26.

No entry for February 26, 1864.

February 27.

Brigadier-General James H. Carleton sent the following to the National Headquarters, [48] from his post at Sante Fe, New Mexico:

What with the Navajos I have captured and those who have surrendered, we have now over three thousand, and will, without doubt, soon have the whole tribe. I do not believe they number now much over five thousand, all told. You have doubtless seen the last of the Navajo war; a war that has been continued with but few intermissions for the past one hundred and eighty years; and which, during that time, has been marked by every shade of atrocity, brutality, and ferocity which can be imagined, or which can be found in the annals of conflicts between our own and the aboriginal race. I beg to congratulate you, and the country at large, on the prospect that this formidable band of robbers and murderers have at last been made to succumb.

To Colonel Christopher Carson, First cavalry New Mexican volunteers, Captain Asa B. Carey, United States army, and the officers and men who have served in the Navajo campaign, the credit for these successes is mainly due.

The untiring labors of Major John C. McFerran, United States army, the chief quartermaster of the department, who has kept the troops in that distant region supplied in spite of the most discouraging obstacles and difficulties — not the least of these the sudden dashes upon trains and herds in so long a line of communication — deserves the special notice of the War Department.

The United States bark Roebuck captured the British sloop Nina, in Indian River, Florida.--an expedition from the United States steamer Tahoma destroyed some important rebel salt-works, situated on Goose Greek, Florida.--(Doc. 90.)

February 28.

General Custer, with a body of National cavalry left headquarters at Culpeper Court-House, Va., to cooperate with the force under General Kilpatrick, in his expedition to Richmond, Va.--(Doc. 133.)

Three blockade-runners were captured in Brazos River, Texas, by the United States steamer Penobscot.--Colonel Richardson, the noted rebel guerrilla, was captured at a point below Rushville, south of the Cumberland River.--A detachment of the Seventh Tennessee cavalry, which left Union City yesterday in pursuit of guerrillas, just before daylight this morning came up with a squad of rebels at Dukedom, about fifteen miles from Union City, and dispersed them; captured one prisoner, four horses, four revolvers, one carbine, and some of the clothing of the entire party.--General Judson Kilpatrick, in command of a considerable body of National cavalry, left Stevensburgh, Va., for the purpose of surprising the city of Richmond, and releasing the Union prisoners there.--(Doc. 134.)

February 29.

Major-General Fred. Steele, from his headquarters at Little Rock, issued an address to the people of Arkansas, announcing the initiation of proceedings for the restoration of the civil law, and the establishment of order throughout the State.--the schooner Rebel, while attempting to run the blockade, was captured by the National bark Roebuck, off Indian River, Florida.--the rebel schooners Stingray and John Douglass, when off Velasco, Texas, were captured by the Union gunboat Penobscot.

The schooners Camilla and Cassie Holt, laden with cotton, were captured by the National vessel Virginia, off San Luis Pass.

1 General Dabney H. Maury, in command at Mobile, on the thirteenth despatched the following letter to R. H. Slough, the Mayor of that city:

my dear Sir: I see but little disposition on the part of noncombatants to leave Mobile. Please use every means in your power to induce them to do so without delay.

The Governor of Alabama assures me that he will take measures to secure to the people an asylum in the upper region of country bordering the river above here. I cannot believe that the kind and hospitable people of Mobile, who have for years been opening their homes to the homeless refugees from other parts of the Confederacy, will fall to receive a really welcome and kind protection during the attack on their homes.

Patriotism demands that they leave the city for a while to those who can defend it. Prudence urges that they make no unnecessary delay in going.

I will assist you here with transportation. The Governor says he will make proper arrangements for their reception and entertainment above.

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) (Mississippi, United States) (2)
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