March 9-14, 1862.-expedition toward Pardy and operations about Crump's Landing, Tenn.
No. 1.-Brig. Gen. Charles F. Smith, U. S. Army. No. 2.-Brig. Gen. Lewis Wallace, U. S. Army. No. 3.-Maj. Charles S. Hayes, Fifth Ohio Cavalry. No. 4.-Maj. Gen. Braxton Bragg, C. S. Army. No. 5.-Brig. Gen. Adley H. Gladden, C. S. Army. No. 6.-Col. Daniel W. Adams, First Louisiana Infantry. No. 7.-Col. Alfred Mouton, Eighteenth Louisiana Infantry. No. 8.-Maj. Charles Baskerville, Second Mississippi Cavalry (Battalion).No. 1.-report of Brig. Gen. Charles F. Smith, U. S. Army.
Headquarters Expeditionary Corps, District of West Tennessee, March 14, 1862.
Sir: From the inclosed reports of Brigadier-General Wallace, Nos. 1 and 2, of yesterday's date [No. 2], it will be perceived that the expedition to injure the railway communication north of Purdy has been successful.
(Please see inclosed my orders on the subject.1)
Another expedition, on the same principle, will leave, under Brigadier-General Sherman, in an hour or so, to operate between Corinth and Eastport, at a point about 12 miles from the river, in the neighborhood of Burnsville.
I have not been able to get anything like the desired information as to the strength of the enemy, but it seems to be quoted at 50,000 to 60,000 from Jackson through Corinth and farther east.
Their principal force is at Corinth; that which has induced me not to attempt to cut the communication at that place, as that would inevitably lead to a collision in numbers that I am ordered to avoid, and hence my efforts north of Purdy and east of Corinth.
In order to furnish the steamers called for by General Grant's recent instructions I have caused Brigadier-General McClernand's division to debark and occupy Savannah and the surrounding country.
From a
scouting party east of the town two days since it was ascertained that the only force of the enemy in that quarter is a body of 500 to 600 cavalry about 15 miles southeast.
We need coal very much.
Two barges filled with it arrived this morning, but the two gunboats here consume nearly or quite two-thirds of the quantity brought-say 8,000 out of 12,000 bushels.
Our sick list is increasing.
As the hospital steamer (City of Memphis) is nearly full, I have ordered her below, to get rid of her freight and then to return.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
C. F. Smith, Brigadier-General, Commandig. Assistant Adjutant-General, Headquarters District of West Tennessee, Fort Henry, Ten.
No. 2.-reports of Brig. Gen. Lewis Wallace, U. S. Army.
headquarters, Linton's Farm, March 13, 1862.
Sir: Say to the general that all is right with my division so far. A person this p. m. says Cheatham is on my left, with from 15,000 to 18,000 men, who were marched from Bethel yesterday to occupy Crump's Landing, where we disembarked.
He is encamped across a creek now very full from backwater, and last night or this morning destroyed the bridge.
I think he is more afraid of me with exaggerated numbers than I am of him. His force, however, must be large, as there was back of Pittsburg about 6,000 troops, who, as stated, were re-enforced from Bethel.
It is now 4.30 p. m. and nothing from my cavalry.
I feel a little uneasy about them, and if I have to wait much longer would beg pardon for suggesting the sending up another regiment to occupy the landing, as the enemy can, I am told, throw a bridge across the creek in three hours, and by good roads get into my rear; as another reason, also, the landing is not good — in fact, it is very difficult-and the gunboat may not be here when wanted.
Colonel Thayer's brigade is at Adamsville, about 2 miles from me, watching the enemy at Purdy.
I am here with Smith's brigade to check any advance by the road from Pittsburg, namely, at the junction of the Pittsburg and Purdy roads. Both of us are in good position to cover our cavalry.
According to information Cheatham is only distant about 4 miles.
Very respectfully,
headquarters Third Division, Crump's Landing, March 13, 1862.
Sir: Say to the general that my entire command has returned safely and successfully.
Major Hayes has extended his orders by cutting
away about half a mile of trestle-work over a swamp, now impassable, on the north side of Purdy.
While at work a train ran up the road.
A rebel regiment of cavalry was encamped about 2 miles from the place of his labor, and must have known his object, as his guides lost him in the night and through a great part of his outward march in the day-time.
Altogether, he deserves great credit for the energy, courage, and perseverance he manifested.
General Cheatham is still at his camp, mentioned in my first dispatch of this date.
Ten thousand I think a fair computation of his force.
He has not yet intrenched himself, nor can I ascertain whether that is his intention.
As I will have to remain until morning, a reconnoitering party from Major Hayes' cavalry might well employ the time until noon. Shall I order it!
Very respectfully,
No. 3.-Rport of Maj. Ohies S. Hayes, Fifth Ohio cavalry.
Hdqrs. Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Cavalry, March 14, 1862.
Sir: Pursuant to orders received on the evening of the 12th instant I proceeded with my command at 2 o'clock yesterday morning, the 13th instant, and at 10 o'clock a. m. arrived at a point on the Mobile and Ohio Railroad between Bethel and Brown Station, and proceeded at once to destroy the bridge at that place crossing Beach Creek, it being of 50 feet span, with 50 feet of trestle-work on either bank, making 150 feet in all, which I so effectually crippled as to entirely preclude the passage of trains until the whole structure is taken down and rebuilt.
I also tore up a small portion of the track on either side of the bridge and trestle, bent the rails, and threw them into the river, or creek.
Farther down a small trestle was destroyed.
While accomplishing this work a party of rebel horsemen, afterwards ascertained to be a portion of a body known as Robinson's Cavalry Company, came in sight, when, chase being given, two of them were captured, whom I now hold subject to orders.
I also have their horses.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Chas. S. Hayes, Commanding Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Cavalry. Capt. Fred. Knefler, Assistant Adjutant-General.
Hdqrs. Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Cavalry, Steamer Ohio No. 2, March 14, 1862.
Sir: Pursuant to orders received this morning I proceeded with my command upon the road now traveled to and from Pittsburg to a creek over which the bridges crossing the same have been lately destroyed by the rebels.
In consequence of fatigue of men and horses incident to
the duties of yesterday I did not get started until 12 o'clock m. On arriving at the creek I found that the enemy had deserted his camp in that neighborhood, bat in consequence of the swollen condition of the creek and the nature of the banks I deemed it inexpedient to cross.
I learned from a citizen of the neighborhood that the enemy had fallen back on Purdy and Bethel; that he supposed them to be from 5,000 to 8,000 strong, consisting of Louisiana and Alabama infantry, with some few companies of Tennessee cavalry, and the citizen from whom I obtained my information was positive that this force is well armed, principally with Sharp's and Enfield rifles.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,
Chas. S. Hayes, Major, Comdg. Third Battalion Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Capt. Fred. Knefler, Assistant Adjutant-General.
No. 4.-reports of Maj. Gen. Brawton Bragg, C. S. Army.
Bethel Station, March 14, 1862-11.30 p. m.
Colonel: After much delay, mostly unnecessary, from inefficient railroad management, I have just reached here.
General Gladden is at Purdy, with his two regiments and a battery and a small force of cavr alry.
A report from him to General Ruggles has just been read by me [No. 5]. It seems the enemy's force landed in this vicinity has been greatly exaggerated, the general estimating it, from the most reliable information he can procure from the people of the country, at about 5,000.
They advanced to within 5 miles of Purdy and hastily retired last night to their boats, the road from here to Purdy being almost impracticable, and from there to the river nearly in the same condition from the rains yesterday and to-day.
No large force can be passed over them now. Under these circumstances (a change of plan on the part of the enemy) I have sent to General Ruggles to suspend his movements, he being still at Corinth, and to send General Chalmers back to Iuka, which is the most assailable point on the road.
I would also advise a suspension of the movement of General Polk's command, stopping at Jackson such portion as may reach there.
We can only await further movements and act accordingly.
The damaged bridge is repaired, and strong guards will be stationed at all dangerous points.
I shall remain here for the present, and have the country examined thoroughly whilst the organization of my force is carried on; as far at least as can be done under the circumstances around me.
I am, colonel, very respectfully, your obedient servant
Hdqrs. Second Grand Div. Army of the Mississippi, Bethel, Tenn., March 15, 1862-11 a. m.
Colonel: Dispatches for General Ruggles from General Gladden, now at Purdy, have just reached here.
They represent the enemy to
have re-embarked, and all indications point to a demonstration at some point higher up the river.
From its position with reference to the railroad and the facility with which that could be reached from that point my attention will be turned there.
Should more definite or reliable information reach me, I shall move to correspond.
It is to be hoped General Johnston is approaching from the other direction, as it is entirely in the power of the enemy to cut the road at pleasure.
Our task is a most difficult one, especially with the mob we have, miscalled soldiers.
I have suspended any further movements from Corinth this way, and have sent General Chalmers back to Iuka, holding all in hand for a move in any direction.
The country is apparently flooded from recent rains, and the country people say no force of any size could now move on this point from Pittsburg or its vicinity.
Captain Jordan is now out to determine this point.
On the contrary, it is said no condition of water would prevent a march from Eastport to Iuka.
My whole force is up from Mobile except two small regiments, ordered by the War Department to hold Pensacola.
Let me hear from you, and give me the general's views fully in regard to the future.
The New Madrid move still holds a place in my mind.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
No. 5.-reports of Brig. Gen. Adley H. Gladden, C. S. Army.
Purdy, Tenn., March 14, 1862.
General: I would have dispatched you earlier, but have been expecting you all day, having received two dispatches from you that you would be with me this morning.
The enemy, between 4,000 and 5,000 strong, from the best information I can get, were within 5 miles of this place last night.
The number I learn from citizens who were taken prisoners by the Yankees and released this morning.
They also state that about an equal number were on Shunpike road. The enemy returned to the river, leaving their encampment about 11 o'clock last night.
I have had large scouting parties out all day. They have seen nothing below or on the Savannah road.
The scouts on the Pittsburg road report having seen about 25 Yankee scouts.
I, however, sent out four companies of infantry and one of cavalry on the Savannah road, who have not returned; they left here about 10 o'clock. I also sent two companies cavalry, under Major Baskerville, to scout above the Savannah road.
The major saw nothing.
He approached as near the river as the high stage of the water-courses would admit of. I am at a loss to conjecture what will be the next move of the enemy.
I received a communication from Colonel Mouton informing me that he was ordered to come here with his command.
I dispatched him to remain at hin present location and await further orders.
It appears now that the enemy does not intend to make the attack at this place.
I am at a loss to conjecture what his intentions are. It is evident that he has retired to the boats.
I come to this conclusion from the circumstances stated.
My scouts have not, in consequence of the high state of the watercourses, been able to get nearer the river than 4 miles. They were at Adamsville; saw where the enemy had been encamped.
The officers told the prisoners that they intended to land at Pittsburg and Eastport, with the view of capturing Corinth.
You can draw your own conclusions.
I give you all the information in my possession.
I understand that Colonel Smith's regiment, McNairy Volunteers, are at Bethel, and that Allen's regiment, Louisiana Volunteers, are on the way. I fear that the movement is a false one, and the retiring of the enemy may be a trick.
My information is obtained from 1 or 2 out of some 15 or 20 prisoners whom the Yankees released about 2 miles from the river early this morning and before the streams rose.
I am, general, very respectfully and truly, your obedient servant,
Hdqrs. Second Battalion Mississippi Cavalry, March 12, 1862.
General: Information has just reached my quarters, through one of the scouts belonging to Captain McCaa's company, that the enemy are landing on this side the river at Williams' Landing, about half a mile below Crump's Landing. Colonel Adams and Major Baskerville are both advised of the fact.
On the approach of the enemy the man Williams hoisted the Union flag.
I have the honor to be, general, your humble and obedient servant,
General: Above I forward you a copy of intelligence just received.: Col. D. W. Adams, with 350 Louisiana Infantry, a detachment of Baskerville's cavalry (130), and two rifle guns (Ketchum's), are about 5 miles this side of where the enemy is landing. I have here Colonel Deas' regiment, nine companies, 360 men, and the remainder of Ketchum's battery. I have left at Bethel the Alabama battalion, about 300 men. So you will see that the enemy may at any moment land a large force, and I am now uneasy, fearing that Colonel Adams may be cut off. I shall send Colonel Deas forward and the balance of the battery. I instructed Col. D. W. Adams to run no risk, and to retire before a superior force, destroying bridges and obstructing roads. I am not advised as to the object of the enemy. This landing, I presume, is in consequence of the appearance of our forces. I hope you will telegraph General Bragg. I have no further instructions from him. I was in hopes that you would be able to communicate with him. I have just this moment received your communication, dated 10 o'clock [14] a. m. this date. If a large force pursues me I shall be powerless to cope with the enemy and have no transportation. I am, general, your obedient servant,Purdy, Tenn., March 15, 1862.
General: I wrote to you last evening.
Since then I have received the information contained in the inclosed reports.
I am of the opinion that the enemy has entirely retired from this side of the river, and will make a demonstration higher up the river.
I send a copy of these reports to Bethel, to be forwarded by railroad, and for fear that the cars may not be able to leave I send by special messenger, as I deem the information of the utmost importance.
I have stopped all reenforcements at Bethel Station, subject to your order.
I regret that you were unable to join me yesterday.
My expecting your coing prevented me from forwarding to you important information early yesterday.
I was momentarily expecting you all day.
I have sent out a large cavalry force for the purpose of scouting to the river bank on all the various roads from and to this place and to gain all the information in their power in reference to the movements of the enemy.
I am, general, very respectfully and truly, yours,
A. H. Gladden Brig. e fo.nomdg. 2d Corps, 2d Grand Div., Army Miss. Valley. Brigadier-General Ruggles.
No. 6.-report of Col. Daniel W. Adams, First Louisiana Infantry.
Snake camp, Four miles from Tennessee River,-----, 1862.
Dear sir: We reached here about 3 p. m. and encamped at 4 o'clock. Accompanied by Major--- and a detail of 10 cavalry, I proceeded to reconnoiter the river at Crump's Landing.
At 2J miles from this I found the enemy had posted their pickets.
We advanced to within 400 yards of their line of pickets, but from the nature of the country could not ascertain what force they had landed.
I do not.believe they are landing in force on this side of the river, but from information I deem reliable they have about 25,000 on the other side ashore and in boats.
Sixty-one boats are reported as having passed Coffee.
Within 300 or 400 yards of the enemy's pickets I found 30 or 40 bales of cotton which I had burned.
Most of it belonged to the Union “shriekers.”
I had 3 suspected men passing my lines arrested.
As their advanced pickets cut me off from doing anything on the river, I am now inclined to return by the Adamsville road, keeping an eye on their movements.
I will write again to-morrow.
Very respectfully,
No. 7.-report of Col. Alfred Mouton, Eighteenth Louisiana Infantry.
Hdqrs. 4TH Brigade, 1ST Corps, 2D Grand Div., Army of Mississippi Valley, Near Corinth nine miles towards Pittsburg, March 12, 1862.
Sir: A mounted courier has just reached me with a verbal message from Major Baskerville, stating that the enemy had landed a force at Crump's Landing 18,000 strong, firing upon the cavalry pickets driving them in. The same courier informs me that a regiment of infantry, a company of our artillery, and all the cavalry are retreating on Purdy.
Yours, respectfully,
Alfr. Mouton Colonel Eighteenth Regiment Louisiana vols., (Comdg. Fourth Brig., C. S. Forces, Mississippi Valley. Capt. Roy Mason Hooe, A. A. A. G., Corinth, Miss.
No. 8.-reports of Maj. Charles Baskerville Second Mississippi cavalry (Battalion).
headquarters, Purdy, March 10, 1862.
Sir: Day before yesterday (March 8) the Yankee transport Golden State arrived at Savannah loaded with troops, followed by a gunboat (name unknown) mounting nine guns.
On the evening of the same day the transport John Adams also landed troops at the same place.
She had horses on board, whether draught or cavalry we could not tell.
We are however, informed by a gentleman who had the temerity to visit Savannah that they are draught horses.
The gunboat mentioned above returned to Savannah again yesterday, having on board several tories taken from Chalk Bluff, among whom may be mentioned the following: Col. A. M. Craven, Thomas Orr, Ned Towry, and Benton Towry.
Another gunboat was expected up last evening when the scout was dispatched.
Rumor has it that the Yankees are forwarding 1,200 cavairy from Nashville to Savannah, who are hourly expected.
This seems to be well authenticated.
My scouts are of the opinion, from intelligence received from the same gentleman mentioned above, that it is the intention of the Yankees as soon as possible to throw a strong scout across the river.
They have retained their transports at Savannah, from which I infer that it is their purpose to throw large bodies of troops across the Tennessee, which they can very readily accomplish, as the river is getting within its banks.
General Smith was expected to arrive at Savannah yesterday.
The number of troops at Savannah is pretty well ascertained to be 1,500.
The above information is obtained from my scouts stationed at Chalk Bluff and opposite Savannah.
I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient, humble servant,
Hdqrs. Second Battalion Mississippi Cavalry Purdy, Tenn., March 14, 1862.
Colonel: In obedience to your orders I took Captains McCaa's and Robertson's companies (except that portion already on duty) down the Shunpike road to ascertain if the enemy had reconstructed the bridge.
At the Pittsburg fork I detached 19 men, under command of Lieutenant O'Daniel, to proceed to Pittsburg.
I herewith send you a copy of his report.2
On our way to the bridge our pickets, two in number, stationed on the road in our rear, reported that they had discovered a detachment supposed to be of the enemy.
We countermarched some 2 miles and discovered nothing; then proceeded on our mission, to ascertain about the bridge.
Reaching near that place, our scouts sent out reported the bridge just as we had left it-pulled down.
I also learned that the enemy had left Adamsville and the rumor from a citizen that they had landed troops last night at Pittsburg.
Proceeding farther, my advance pickets reported the firing of signalguns on the Pittsburg road near the fork; whereupon I left the main road to place my men between my camp and the enemy if all the rumors and excited reports should prove true, and also as my guns were in such a condition that they would not fire, and besides, Captain Robertson's company being without cartridge boxes, his ammunition was exposed to the rain and unfit for use.
The signal-guns reported I cannot account for, unless they were the guns fired by the picket guards of our troops, 4 miles distant.
As I discovered our pickets on this road undisturbed, I would remark that the caps we have are the common G. D. caps, and will not fire after exposure to rain.
I would also report that in obedience to your orders Captain McCaa employed a man and team to bring in your wagon.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant,
Charles Baskerville, Major, Commanding Second Mississippi (Battalion) Cavalry. Colonel Adams, Commanding Post.