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Doc. 106.-General order no. 46.

war Department, Adjutant-General's office, Washington, July 19, 1861.
1. Major-General Robert Patterson of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, will be honorably discharged from the service of the United States, on the 27th instant, when his term of duty will expire. Brevet Major-General Cadwalader, also of the Pennsylvania Volunteers, will be honorably discharged upon the receipt of this order, as his term of service expires to-day.

2. Major-General Dix, of the United States forces, will relieve Major-General Banks, of the same service, in his present command, which will in future be called the Department of Maryland, Headquarters at Baltimore. Upon being relieved by Major-General Dix, Major-General Banks will proceed to the Valley of Virginia, and assume command of the army now under Major-General Patterson, when that Department will be called the Department of the Shenandoah, Headquarters in the field.

3. The following-named general officers will be honorably discharged upon the expiration of their terms of service, as set hereinafter opposite their respective names, viz.:

New York State Militia--Major-General Sanford, August 18, 1861.

New Jersey Volunteers--Brigadler-General Theo. Runyon, July 30, 1861.

Ohio Volunteers--Brigadier-General J. D. Cox, July 30, 1861. Brigadier-General N. Schlesh, July 30, 1861. Brigadier-General J. N. Bates, August 27, 1861.

Indiana Volunteers--Brigadier-General T. A. Morris, July 27, 1861.

4. Surgeons of brigades rank as surgeons only.

5. Officers mustering out volunteers will charge upon the rolls the indebtedness of the troops to the State by what they were furnished.

By order,

L. Thomas, Adjutant-General.

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