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In the tent of Col. Pegram, of the rebel service, who was captured, with his command, in Western Virginia by a portion of the forces then under Gen. McClellan, there were found a good many queer things; but among the queerest was a small, meanly printed handbill, which reads as follows:--

To arms! to arms!!

Brave sons of the Commonwealth! the foot of the ruthless invader is upon her soil, and his conduct is characterized by barbarities and atrocities disgraceful to civilization; he can, he must, he shall be expelled! If a nation may be born in a day, an army should be raised in an hour. I am sent forward in advance of the brave, chivalrous, and indomitable Gen. Henry A. Wise, to urge you to fly to arms without a moment's delay. Gather every thing in the shape of arms that may be converted into them, and paste the name of the person from whom they are taken upon them, that they may be valued. Bring all the powder, every flint, percussion cap, &c.; all the lead, and every thing else you cant think of that will be of service, and fly in squads to prominent points on the road from Staunton to Charleston, Kanawha County, and await the arrival of your General, who will be on in a few days to muster you into service. Be brave, and fear not! The God that made the mountains is God of the lion-hearted and brave! The land of Washington, Henry, Jefferson, and Madison, is sacred — it must not, it shall not be desecrated! By all the memories of the past, and all hopes of the future, I beg you to rally at once.

By order of General Wise.

--Boston Journal, Aug. 6.

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