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A sister of the late Col. Cameron writes to Beauregard:--

Gen. Beauregard, Commander of Confederate Army--dear Sir:--With a grieved and torn heart I address you. If it is in your power, will you give a word of comfort to a distressed spirit? I allude to the death of the gallant Col. Cameron, of the Federal army, on last Sunday, 21st July. We are all God's creatures, alike in His sight. It is a bereaved sister that petitions. Col. Cameron received two shots, immediately following each other, that destroyed his life. The fate of his body is the grief [32] --to know what has become of it. Think of the distress of a like nature in Southern families, and let us forgive as we hope to be forgiven.

All that we have been able to learn is, that Col. C. was carried to a farm-house, near the scene of battle. He had letters in his pocket declaring his name and station. He was rather a large man, with sandy hair, somewhat gray, dressed in gray clothes. Have mercy on the bowed spirit that laments for the beloved lost — that would be comforted to know he had received decent burial. Notwithstanding the war, we are all brothers. “God prosper the righteous cause.” In pity, have inquiries made, for the love a sister bears a brother, and may God show you mercy in time of trouble.

Should your noble spirit grant my request, and if by inquiry you can receive any information, please have a letter addressed to Mrs. Sarah Z. Evans, No. 553 Capitol Hill, Washington city, care of Adams Express Company.

Very respectfully, your well-wisher,

Headquarters first corps, army of the Potomac, Manassas, Aug. 5, 1861.
Madam:--Your letter of the 26th ultimo has been received, making some inquiries relative to the body of your late brother, Colonel Cameron, United States Army, killed at Manassas on the 21st ultimo. In answer, 1 will state, that upon inquiry, I find he was interred with several other bodies in a grave about 200 yards from the house of a Mrs. Dogan, on the battle-field, who attended herself to this sad duty — forgetting in her goodness of heart that these very foes had brought destruction and destitution upon her home and fireside — and that they had crossed into her country for the purpose of subverting its institutions, and the form of government it had chosen, as a free people, to establish for itself. Indeed, I fully agree with you. May all the distress of this unholy war be visited upon the heads of those who are responsible for it, and may the Almighty Ruler of the Universe, in His infinite goodness and wisdom, (continue to) prosper the righteous cause!

A gentleman of this State, Mr. Kinlaw Fauntleroy, a private in Col. Stuart's cavalry brigade, has in his possession a miniature portrait of Col. Cameron and wife, which he intends to return to their friends after the war; for at present no inter-course of the kind is admissible between the two contending parties.

With much respect, I remain your most obedient servant,

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