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Testimonial for the Officers.--The following is a new feature, being no less than a proclamation by the crew of a gunboat that their officers have behaved themselves becomingly. Officers are in the habit of issuing orders, telling of the good conduct of men; why shouldn't the men do the same by the officers, if they can do so honestly? Let us have reciprocity. It may be proper to state that the good of the following is the fact that it is genuine:

Gunboat Louisville, Paducah, February--, 1862.
Eds. Com.:
Please give the following publication in your paper, and oblige crew of gunboat Cincinnati:

The crew of gunboat Cincinnati having had a conference together, have come to the unanimous conclusion that they ought to express their opinion in regard to their officers; they therefore respectfully tender to Capt. Stembel and his officers their honorable confidence in their ability-to lead us into any secesh stronghold, and come out victorious. They also return them thanks for their kind treatment while in their charge. These sentiments also apply to Commodore Foote, whose flag we carried.

Your obedient servant,

Crew of Gunboat Cincinnati.


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