Doc. 127.-battle of Corinth, Miss.
General Grant's despatches.
Grant's headquarters, Jackson, Tenn., 8 A. M., Oct. 5, 1862.
To Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in Chief U. S.A.:
yesterday, the rebels under Price, Van Dorn, and Lovell were repulsed from their attack on Corinth with great slaughter.
The enemy are in full retreat, leaving their dead and wounded on the field.
Rosecrans telegraphs that the loss is serious on our side, particularly in officers, but bears no comparison with that of the enemy.
General Hackleman fell while gallantly leading his brigade.
Gen. Oglesby is dangerously wounded.
Gen. McPherson, with his command, reached Corinth yesterday.
General Rosecrans pursued the retreating enemy this morning, and should they attempt to move toward Bolivar, will follow to that place.
Gen. Hurlbut is at the Hatchie River, with five or six thousand men, and is no doubt with the pursuing column.
From seven hundred to a thousand prisoners, besides the wounded, are left in our hands. To Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in Chief U. S.A.:
U. S. Grant, Major-General Commanding.
Grant's headquarters, Jackson, Tenn., October 5, 1862.
To Maj-General Halleck, General-in-Chief U. S. Army:
Gen. Ord, who followed Gen. Hurlbut, met the enemy to-day on the south side of the Hatchie, as I understand from a despatch, and drove them across the stream, and got possession of the heights with our troops.
General Ord took two batteries and about two hundred prisoners.
A large portion of General Rosecrans's forces were at Chewalla.
At this distance, every thing looks most favorable, and I cannot see how the enemy are to escape
without losing every thing but their small arms.
I have strained every thing to take into the fight an adequate force, and to get them to the right place. To Maj-General Halleck, General-in-Chief U. S. Army:
U. S. Grant, Major-General Commanding.
Headquarters General Grant, Jackson, Tenn., Oct. 6, 12.20 P. M.
To Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief U. S.A.:
Generals Ord and Hurlbut came upon the enemy yesterday, General Hurlbut having driven in small bodies the day before.
After several hours' hard fighting they drove the enemy five miles back across the Hatchie River, toward Corinth, capturing two batteries and about three hundred prisoners, and many small arms.
I immediately apprised General Rosecrans of these facts, and directed him to urge on the good work.
The following despatch has been received from him, dated
To Major-General H. W. Halleck, General-in-Chief U. S.A.:
The enemy are totally routed, and throwing every thing away.
We are following sharply.
W. S. Rosecrans, Major-General.
Under previous instructions, Gen. Hurlbut is also following. General McPherson is in the lead of General Rosecrans's column. The rebel General Martin is said to be killed. (Signed)
U. S. Grant, Major-General Commanding.
General Rosecrans's report.
headquarters army of the Mississippi, Third division, District of West-Tennessee, Corinth, Oct. 28, 1862.
Major: I have the honor to submit, for the information of the Major-General commanding the District, the following report of the battle of Corinth:
The rumors which followed the battles of Iuka were that Price had marched to the vicinity of Ripley, and was being joined by Van Dorn with all the available rebel forces in North-Mississippi for the purpose of capturing Corinth, or breaking our line of communication, and forcing us to retreat toward Columbus.
These rumors gained strength until the first of October, when strong cavalry scouts sent out for the purpose, demonstrated the fact that the rebels were moving from Ripley via Ruckersville, and the main body was at Pocahontas.
The question then was, where they would strike the main blow?
Equally favorably situated to strike either Bolival, Bethel, Jackson, or Corinth, which would it be?
Unfortunately for me, there was no map of the country north-west of this place to be found; therefore I could not tell whether to expect a strong demonstration here to hold us in suspense while the blow was struck elsewhere, or vice versa. Rumors that the attack was to take the direction of Jackson or Bolivar, via Bethel, were so rife, and the fortifications of Corinth were so well known to the rebels, that I had hopes they would undertake to mask me, and, passing north, give me an opportunity to beat the masking force, and cut off their retreat.
This hope gained some strength from the supposed difficulties of the country lying in the triangle formed by the Memphis and Charleston, the Mobile and Ohio railroads and Cypress Creek.
To be prepared for eventualities, Hamilton's and Stanley's divisions were placed just beyond Bridge Creek, the infantry outposts were called in from Iuka, Burnsville, Rienzi and Danville, and the outpost at Chewalla retired to New-Alexander, and strengthened by another regiment and a battery, early on the morning of the second.
During that day evidences increased showing the practicability of the country north-west of us, and disclosed the facts, not before known, that there were two good roads from Chewalla eastward, one leading directly into the old rebel intrenchments, and the other crossing over into the Pittsburgh Landing road.
Accordingly, the following disposition of the troops for the third was ordered at half-past 1 o'clock A. M. of that day, namely:
There being indications of a possible attack on Corinth, immediately the following disposition of troops will be made: General McKean with his division will occupy the present position: Gen. Davies will occupy the line between the Memphis and Columbus road, General Hamilton with his division will take position between the rebel works on the Purdy and on the Hamburgh roads ; and General Stanley will hold his division in reserve at or near the old headquarters of Major-General Grant.
The respective divisions will be formed in two lines, the second line being either in line of battle or close column by division as their circumstances may require.
The troops were ordered to move toward their positions, with one hundred rounds of ammunition and three days rations per man, by three o'clock A. M.
These dispositions were made, and the troops at nine o'clock on the morning of the third occupied the positions shown on the accompanying map. Hamilton on the right, Davidson the centre, McKean on the left, with an advance of three regiments of infantry and a section of artillery under Colonel Oliver on the Chewalla road, at or near Alexander's, beyond the rebel breastworks.
The cavalry were disposed as follows: (See map accompanying Colonel Wiezner's report.) A battalion at Burnsville, one at Roney's Mill on the Jacinto and Corinth road.
Colonel Lee, with the Seventh Kansas and a part of the Seventh Illinois at Kossuth and Boneyard, watching the rebels' right flank; Colonel Hatch and
Captain Wilcox on the east and north fronts, covering and reconnoitring.
The reasons for these dispositions flow obviously from the foregoing explanations of our ignorance of the north-westerly approach, and of the possibility that the rebels might threaten us on the Chewalla and attack us by the Smith's Bridge road on our left, or go round and try us with his main force on the Purdy, or even Pittsburgh Landing road.
The general plan which was explained to the division commanders verbally on the morning, was to hold the enemy at arm's length by approaching him strongly in our assumed positions, and when his force became fully developed and he had assumed a position, to take a position which would give us the use of our batteries and the open ground in the vicinity of Corinth, the exact position to be determined by events and the movements of the enemy.
operations of the battle of the Third of October.
Early in the morning the advance under Col. Oliver found strong indications that the pressure under which he had retired on the second came from the advancing foe, and accordingly took a strong position on the hill near the angle of the rebel breastworks, with his three regiments and a section of artillery.
By nine o'clock the enemy began to press them sharply and outflank them.
Brigadier-General Arthur, whom I had requested to go to the front, reported widespread but slack skirmishing, and said the hill was of great value to the advancing force.
I ordered him to hold it pretty firmly with that view.
About ten o'clock word came that the enemy were pressing the point hotly, and that reenforcements were required, or they must yield the position.
Supposing its importance was properly understood, and that it was held in subordination to the general views of its use, which were explained, I directed General Davies to send up from his position two regiments.
But it proved that General McArthur had taken up four more regiments from McKean's division, and was contesting the ground almost as for a battle.
It was probably this which induced General Davies to ask permission to rest his right on the rebel intrenchments, and to which I consented, adding the verbal order to Lieutenant-Colonel Ducat, that he might use his judgment about leaving his present for that position, but in no event must he cease to touch the left on McArthur's right.
The advance was made to the breastwork as shown in the drawing, but leaving an interval between McArthur's and Davies's left.
The enemy developed his forces along that line as McArthur retired from his position, which gave the rebels an opportunity to advance behind Davies's left, and forced it, after obstinate resistance, to fall back rapidly about a thousand yards, losing two heavy guns.
Our troops fought with the most determined courage, firing very low. At one P. M. Davies having resumed the same position he had occupied in the morning, and McArthur's brigade having fought a heavy force, it became evident that the enemy were in full strength, and meant mischief.
McKean with Crocker's brigade had seen only skirmishers, there were no signs of any movements on our left, and only a few cavalry skirmishers on our right.
It was pretty clear that we were to expect the weight of the attack to fall on our centre, where hopes had been given of our falling back.
Orders were accordingly given to McKean to fall back to the next ridge beyond our intrenchments, to touch his right on Davies's left, for Stanley to move northward and eastward, to stand in close echelon, but nearer town.
Gen. Hamilton was ordered to face toward Chewalla, and move down until his left reached Davies's right.
Davies was informed of these dispositions, told to hold his ground obstinately, and then when he had drawn them in strongly, Hamilton would swing in on their front and near and close the day. Hamilton was carefully instructed on this point, and entered into the spirit of it.
Owing to loss of time in conveying orders to Generals McKean and Davies, the orders were less perfectly conformed to, but nothing materially injurious resulted therefrom.
But owing to the tremendous force with which the enemy pressed Davies back, Stanley was called with his division, with his batteries, and sent a brigade under Colonel Mower to support Davies, whose right had at last become hotly engaged.
Mower came up while Davies was contesting a position near the White House, and Hamilton began to swing in on the enemy's flank, across the Columbia Railroad through a very impracticable thicket, when night closed in and put an end to the operations for the day.
The details of the heroic deeds of the troops of Davies's division, of McArthur's and Oliver's brigades, as well as those of Sullivan's brigade, of Hamilton's division, will be found in the accompanying sub-reports.
the disposition for the battle of October 4.
We had now before us the entire army which the rebels could muster in Northern Mississippi, Van Dorn commanding, (Price's army, Van Dorn's army, Villipigue, and the remnant of Breckinridge's corps.) They were in the angle between the Memphis and the Columbus roads.
Our left was comparatively free; our right very assailable.
They outnumbered us probably two to one.
The plan was to rest our left on the batteries extending from battery Robinette, our centre on the slight ridge north of the houses, and our right on the high ground, covering both the Pittsburgh and Purdy roads, while it also covered the ridge roads between them leading to their old camps.
McKean had the extreme left.
Stanley, with his well-tried division batteries, Williams and Robinette, the Memphis Railroad and the Chewalla road extending nearly to the Columbus road.
Davies's tried division was placed in the centre, which was retired, reaching to battery Powell, Hamilton's staunch fighting division was on the right with Dillon's battery, supported by two regiments posted on the prolongation of Davies's line.
The design of General Hamilton was to use the hill where the batteries stood against an approach from the west, where Sullivan found the enemy on the last evening.
Against my better judgment, expressed to him at the time, I yielded to his wishes and allowed the occupation as described.
Early in the evening I called the chiefs of divisions together and explained to them their plans, and having supervised the positions, retired at three A. M. on the fourth to take some rest.
I was soon aroused by the opening of the enemy's artillery, which he had planted within six hundred yards of battery Robinette.
This early opening gave promise of a hot day's work; but the heavy batteries and the Tenth Ohio, placed north of Gen. Halleck's headquarters, silenced them by seven o'clock, and there was an interval of an hour, which was employed in going over our lines.
About seven o'clock, the skirmishers which we had sent into the woods on our front, by their not firing, proclaimed the presence of their forces preparing for the assault.
Soon the heads of their columns were seen emerging to attack our centre, on Davies first, Stanley next, and Hamilton last.
The drawing shows these positions, and is referred to for the sake of brevity.
I shall leave to pens dipped in poetic ink to describe the gorgeous pyrotechnics of the battle, and paint in words of fire the heroes of the fight, the details of which will be found graphically depicted in the accompanying sub-reports.
I will only add that when Price's left bore down on our centre in gallant style, their force was so overpowering, our wearied and jaded troops yielded and fell back, scattering among the houses.
I had the personal mortification of witnessing this untoward and untimely stampede.
Riddled and scattered, the ragged head of Price's right storming columns advanced to near the house north side of the square, in front of Gen. Halleck's headquarters, when it was greeted with a storm of grape from a section of Immell's battery, soon reenforced by the Tenth Ohio, which sent them reeling back, pursued by the Fifth Minnesota, which advanced to them from their position near the depot.
Gen. Sullivan was ordered and promptly advanced to the support of General Davies's centre.
His right rallied and retook battery Powell, into which a few of the storming column had penetrated, while Hamilton having played upon the rebels on his right, over the opening, effectively swept by his artillery, advanced by them and they fled.
The battle was over on the right.
During all this the skirmishers of the left were moving in our front.
A line of battle was formed on the bridge as shown in the drawing; about twenty minutes after the attack on the right the enemy advanced in four columns on battery Robinette and were treated to grape and canister until within fifty yards, when the Ohio brigade arose and gave them a murderous fire of musketry, before which they reeled and fell back to the woods.
They, however, gallantly re-formed and advanced by aim to the charge, led by Col. Rogers of the Second Texas.
This time they reached the edge of the ditch, but the deadly musketry-fire of the Ohio brigade again broke them, and at the word charge, the Eleventh Missouri and Twenty-seventh Ohio sprang up and forward at them, chasing their broken fragments back to the woods.
Thus by noon ended the battle of the fourth of October.
After waiting for the enemy's return a short time our skirmishers began to advance and found that their skirmishers were gone from the field, leaving their dead and wounded.
Having ridden over it and satisfied myself of the fact, I rode all over our lines announcing the result of the fight in person, and notified our victorious troops that after two days fighting, two almost sleepless nights of preparation, movements and march, I wished them to replenish their cartridge-boxes, haversacks and stomachs, take an early sleep and start in pursuit by daylight.
Returning from this I found the gallant McPherson with a fresh brigade on the public square, and gave him the same notice, with orders to take the advance.
The results of the battle briefly stated are: We fought the combined rebel force of Mississippi, commanded by Van Dorn, Price, Lovell, Villipigue and Rust in person, numbering, according to their own authority, thirty-eight thousand men.
We signally defeated them, with little more than half their numbers, and they fled, leaving their dead and wounded on the field.
The enemy's loss in killed was one thousand four hundred and twenty-three officers and men; their loss in wounded, taking the general average, amounts to five thousand six hundred and ninety-two.
We took two thousand two hundred and forty-eight prisoners, among whom are one hundred and thirty-seven field-officers, captains, and subalterns, representing fifty three regiments of infantry, sixteen regiments of cavalry, thirteen batteries of artillery, and seven battalions, making sixty-nine regiments, six battalions, and thirteen batteries, beside separate companies.
We took also fourteen stands of colors, two pieces of artillery, three thousand three hundred stand of arms, four thousand five hundred rounds of ammunition and a large lot of accoutrements.
The enemy blew up several wagons between Corinth and Chewalla, and beyond Chewalla many ammunition-wagons and carriages were destroyed, and the ground was strewn with tents, officer's mess-chests, and small arms.
We pursued them forty miles in force and sixty miles with cavalry.
Our loss was only three hundred and fifteen killed, one thousand eight hundred and twelve wounded, and two hundred and thirty-two prisoners and missing.
It is said the enemy was so demoralized and alarmed at our advance, they set fire to the stores at Tupello, but finding we were not close upon them, extinguished the fire and removed the public stores, except two car-loads of bacon, which they destroyed.
To signalize in this report all those officers and men whose action in the battle deserves mention, would unnecessarily lengthen this report.
I must, therefore, refer to the sub-reports and special mentions, and to a special paper herewith, wherein the most conspicuous, to the number of one hundred and nine officers and men, are mentioned. W. S. Rosecrans, Major-General.
Official Recapitulation.
headquarters army of the Mississippi, Third division, District of West-Tennessee, Corinth, Miss., October 25, 1862.
General orders, no. 151.
Army of Third Division of District of West-Tennessee.
The preliminary announcement of the results of the great battle of Corinth was given to you on the battle-field by myself in person.
I then proclaimed to you that “they were badly beaten at all points and had fled, leaving their dead and wounded on the field.”
When I told you to replenish your cartridge-boxes and haversacks, snatch a sleep after your two days fighting and two nights of watching and movements, and be ready by the morning's dawn to follow the retreating foe, my heart beat high with pride and pleasure to the round and joyful response from your toil-worn and battle-stained ranks.
Such a response was worthy such soldiers, and of the country and cause for which they fought.
I have now received the reports of the various commanders.
I have now to tell you that the magnitude of the stake, the battle, and the results, become more than ever apparent.
Upon the issue of the fight depended the possession of West-Tennessee, and perhaps even the fate of operations in Kentucky.
The entire available force of the rebels in Mississippi, save a few garrisons and a small reserve, attacked you. They were commanded by Van Dorn, Price, Villipigue, Rust, Armstrong, Maury, and others, in person.
They numbered, according to their own authorities, nearly forty thousand men — almost double your own numbers.
You fought them into the position we desired on the third, punishing them terribly; and on the fourth, in three hours after the infantry entered into action they were completely beaten.
You killed and buried one thousand four hundred and twenty-three officers and men, some of their most distinguished officers falling, among whom was the gallant Col. Rogers, of the Second Texas, who bore their colors at the head of his storming column to the edge of the ditch of “Battery Robinette,” where he fell.
Their wounded, at the usual rate, must exceed five thousand.
You took two thousand two hundred and sixty-eight prisoners, among whom are one hundred and thirty-seven field-officers, captains, and subalterns, representing fifty-three regiments of infantry, sixteen regiments of cavalry, thirteen batteries of artillery, and seven battalions, making sixty-nine regiments, thirteen batteries, seven battalions, besides several companies.
You captured three thousand three hundred and fifty stands of small arms, fourteen stands of colors, two pieces of artillery, and a large quantity of equipments.
You pursued his retreating columns forty miles in force with infantry, and sixty miles with cavalry, and were ready to follow him to Mobile, if necessary, had you received orders.
I congratulate you on these decisive results; in the name of the Government and the people I thank you. I beg you to unite with me in giving humble thanks to the great Master of all for our victory.
It would be to me a great pleasure to signalize in this General Order those whose gallant deeds are recorded in the various reports, but their number forbids.
I will only say that to Gens. Hamilton, Stanley, McArthur, and Davies, to Gen. Oglesby and Col. Miezner, and the brigade and regimental commanders under them, I offer my thanks for the gallant and able manner in which they have performed their several duties.
To the regimental commanders and chiefs of batteries and cavalry, and especially to Cols. Lee and Hatch, I present my thanks for their gallantry on the battle-field and in the pursuit.
I desire especially to offer my thanks to Gen. Davies and his division, whose magnificent fighting on the third more than atones for all that was lacking on the fourth.
To all the officers and soldiers of this army, who bravely fought, I offer my heartfelt thanks for their noble behavior, and pray that God and their country may add to the rewards which flow from the consciousness of duty performed, and that the time may speedily come when, under the flag of a nation one and indivisible, benign peace may again smile on us amid the endearments of home and family.
But our victory has cost us the lives of three hundred and fifteen brave officers and soldiers, besides the wounded.
Words of praise cannot reach those who died for their country in this battle, but they console and encourage the living.
The memory of the brave Hackelman, the chivalrous Kirby Smith, the true and noble Colonels Thrush, Baker, and Miles, and Captain Guy C. Ward, with many others, live with us and in the memory of a free people, while history will in scribe their names among its heroes. W. S. Rosecrans, Major-General Commanding.
Colonel Crocker's report.
headquarters Third brigade, Sixth division, camp near Corinth, Miss., October 18, 1862.
Captain W. T. Clark, A. A.G.:
sir: I have the honor to report the part taken by the Third brigade, in the battle of Corinth,
and its subsequent movements in pursuit of the retreating enemy.
About five o'clock of the morning of the third instant, the brigade formed; two regiments, the Eleventh and Thirteenth Iowa volunteers, in line of battle facing to the west; the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Iowa volunteers in close column by division in rear of the line.
The regiments remained in that position, with skirmishers deployed in front, receiving an occasional cannon-shot, until about three o'clock, when the division on the right having fallen back, a change of front was ordered; the Fifteenth and Sixteenth were then formed in line of battle perpendicular to the first line, and the Eleventh and Thirteenth in close column by division in the rear.
In this position the brigade remained until about four o'clock P. M., when orders were again received to again change front so as to connect the right of the brigade with the left of Gen. Davies's division, its left to rest in direction of battery E.
After the execution of this order had been commenced,, notice was received from Gen. McKean that the division was to move back inside the inner fortifications, and an order received that the Eleventh and Thirteenth regiments form in line of battle, a quarter of a mile in the rear of the line formed by the Fifteenth and Sixteenth, in front of and parallel to the road over which the artillery of the division must pass, the brigade to protect the movements of the rest of the division and the artillery.
The execution of the order to move back had just commenced, when the enemy in greatly superior force attacked the front line, (the Fifteenth and Sixteenth.) The officers and men of these regiments, acting with signal determination and bravery, not only held the enemy in check, but drove him back and held their position until notice was received that the artillery had passed safely to the rear, when they were ordered to fall back and form in line of battle on the right of the second line, which they did in good order, the enemy declining to follow.
This engagement lasted three quarters of an hour; the firing was incessant, and the regiments, especially the Fifteenth, suffered severely.
I deem it my especial duty to particularly mention Lieut.-Col. Belknap, who commanded the Fifteenth regiment.
This regiment was under the hottest fire, and Colonel Belknap was every where along the line, mounted, with sword in hand, encouraging, by voice and gesture, his men to stand their ground.
Lieut.-Colonel Add. Sanders, who commanded the Sixteenth, is entitled to great praise.
He rode along the line of his regiment amid the storm of bullets, encouraging his brave boys, who had so lately suffered at Iuka, to remember their duty, and, although severely wounded, remained with his regiment until it marched off the field.
Majors Cunningham, of the Fifteenth, and Purcell, of the Sixteenth, did their whole duty and conducted themselves with great bravery.
Two companies of the Thirteenth Iowa, company A, in command of Capt. Kennedy, and company G, in command of Capt. Walker, had before the engagement commenced been deployed as skirmishers.
The advance of the enemy drove them in. They were ordered to form on the left of the Fifteenth Iowa.
They formed in good order, fighting like veterans, retiring under their brave commanders without confusion, when ordered to do so. The artillery of the division having passed, the brigade followed in good order.
On arriving inside the fortifications we took position, the Fifteenth Iowa in line of battle in rear of and to the right of the battery commanded by Capt. Phillips, First infantry; the Sixteenth in the rear of and supporting the Fifth Ohio battery, which was in position on the left of Captain Phillips's battery; five companies of the Eleventh regiment, in command of Major Abercrombie, in line of battle, supporting the First Minnesota battery, in position still on the left of the Fifth Ohio battery; the Thirteenth Iowa and five companies of the Eleventh in rear of the Fifteenth and Sixteenth, in close column by division, as a reserve.
At night, five companies of the Thirteenth Iowa, in command of Major Van Hosen, were sent into the woods in front of our position as a grand guard.
Thus we remained during the night and until the battle had commenced on the morning of the fourth, when the five companies of the Eleventh Iowa, also the five companies of the Thirteenth Iowa, were relieved, and these regiments formed in line of battle — the Eleventh in the rear of the Fifteenth, and the Thirteenth in rear of the Sixteenth.
In this position the brigade remained during the day, receiving occasional shots from cannon and the enemy's sharpshooters, stationed in the woods in front.
Captain Smith, of company A, Sixteenth Iowa, having built temporary breastworks to the right of the Fifth Ohio battery, behind which he placed his company, kept up a spirited skirmish with the enemy's sharp-shooters and did effective service.
During the day the enemy made two efforts to approach our position by coming up a ravine which sheltered them from the heavy guns of Capt. Phillips's fort, but were driven back by the Fifth Ohio battery, under command of Lieut. Marsh, a very brave and competent officer.
At daylight, on the fifth, the brigade started in pursuit of the retreating enemy; and continued the pursuit until the evening of the eighth instant, when, after resting one day, orders were received to return to Corinth with two regiments, and to leave two regiments to come back with Brig.-Gen. McPherson.
At daylight, on the morning of the tenth, I started to Corinth with the Thirteenth and Sixteenth, leaving the Eleventh and Fifteenth under the command of Lieut.-Col. Hall of the Eleventh to return with Gen. McPherson.
We marched back to Corinth in less than two days, without any unusual occurrence.
The Eleventh and Fifteenth arrived one day later.
During the movements, the Eleventh Iowa was under command of Lieut.-Colonel Hall, the Thirteenth under Lieut.-Colonel John Shane, the Fifteenth, after the first day and during the pursuit, under command of Col. Reid, and the Sixteenth, after the first day, under Major Purcell.
origade, during the protracted movements of the battle and pursuit, encountering every hardship and privation incident to such campaigning, behaved with great fortitude — meeting every danger and hardship cheerfully; and I acknowledge my obligation to all the field-officers for their cheerful, hearty, and intelligent cooperation.
Col. H. T. Reid, of the Fifteenth Iowa, though
prostrated by illness and unable to be in the field during the first day's engagement, on the second day left his sick-bed, joined his command, and, though unable to ride his horse, remained with his regiment, travelling in an ambulance until the pursuit was abandoned.
I must not fail to mention the renewed obligations under which I rest to my Adjutant, James Wilson, who, during the whole time of the battle and pursuit, was tireless in the discharge of every duty — always at his post, always brave, always reliable.
Lieut. Lanstrum, of the Fifteenth Iowa, who acted as aid, deported himself as a good and faithful soldier.
The loss of the brigade occurred principally in the engagement on the third inst., the Fifteenth suffering most.
The killed, wounded, and missing are as follows, namely, fourteen killed, one hundred and ten wounded, and twenty-two missing. Total, one hundred and forty-five; a list of which, together with the reports of the regimental commanders, is herewith submitted.
Respectfully, your obedient servant, Captain W. T. Clark, A. A.G.:
M. M. Crocker, Colonel Commanding Third Brigade.
Report of Major weaver.
headquarters of Second Iowa infantry, Rienzi, Miss., October 5, 1862.
To Col. T. W. Sweeny, Commanding First Brigade, Second Division Army of the Mississippi:
sir: In compliance with your order, I have the honor of submitting the following report of the part taken by the Second Iowa infantry regiment in the engagement which took place at Corinth, Mississippi, on the third and fourth instant:
The Second Iowa infantry regiment went into the battle on the morning of the third instant, commanded by Colonel James Baker, with three field, two staff, and twenty-one line-officers, and three hundred and twenty men — making an aggregate of three hundred and forty-six.
In the first day's battle near White House, which was most stubbornly contested, the loss in said regiment was very heavy, particularly in officers.
In this action three Lieutenants were killed, to wit: First Lieut. John G. Huntington, of company B; First Lieut. Thomas Snowden, of company I; First Lieut. Alfred Bing, of company C.
Enlisted men, Corp. Wesley H. Henderson; privates John W. Dunn, Marion French, and James C. Mansell, making a total of seven killed. Wounded: Col. James Baker, mortally; Second Lieut. V. P. Twombley, severely; enlisted men, thirty-one.
Missing, two.
Making an aggregate of forty-two killed, wounded, and missing in the first day's engagement.
In the engagement of the fourth, Second Lieut. George W. Neal, of company H, Corporals Henry A. Seiberlich, A. Stevenson, and Jacob M. Moles; privates John M. Renz, John Clough, W. W. K. Harper, W. M. Summers, Charles E. Walker, John W. Downes, and Franklin Prouty were killed.
Wounded: Lieut. Col. Mills, mortally; Capt. N. B. Howard, of company I, slightly; First Lieut. C. C. Parker, of company F, severely; Second Lieut. George W. Blake, of company F, dangerously; Second Lieut. Frank M. Suiter, of company B, severely; enlisted men, forty-four; missing enlisted men, one; taken at Camp Montgomery on the fifth instant, one; total killed, wounded, and missing in both days' engagements: Killed of commanding officers, four; enlisted men, thirteen; wounded of commanding officers, seven, (two mortally;) enlisted men, seventy-five; missing, nine--making an aggregate loss of one hundred and eight.
In this protracted and desperate engagement, in many respects the most desperate of the war, the officers and men displayed the most laudable gallantry and heroism.
Col. Baker fell mortally wounded on the first day at the very time his regiment was charging on the retreating rebels with the greatest enthusiasm and fury.
He remarked as he was being borne from the field: “Thank God, when I fell my regiment was victoriously charging.”
Lieut.-Col. Mills was wounded in the second day's engagement, while fighting with the most conspicuous courage and coolness.
He was loth to leave the field.
Better or truer officers never fought.
Exposed to every danger, they were ever conspicuous for their cool, daring courage, and the ardor of their souls, blended with pure love for their country, beamed from their countenances and hung about them To Col. T. W. Sweeny, Commanding First Brigade, Second Division Army of the Mississippi:
Like the bright Iris o'er the boiling surge.Colonel Baker expired on the morning of the seventh at eleven o'clock, and Lieut.-Col. Mills on the twelfth instant, at----o'clock. May their memory ever be cherished by their countrymen. Lieuts. Huntington, Snowden, Bing, and Neal fell at their posts fighting like heroes. They died as becomes the patriot for their country — fully as much can be said of the enlisted men who fell. “All honor to their memory.” Among those who distinguished themselves was Adjt. Geo. L. Godfrey, who could always be seen and heard charging along the line upon his horse, shouting to the men to be cool and steady. He is one of the most valuable young officers with whom I have ever met. Captains Cowles, McCullough, Mastick, Howards, Ensign, and Davis were marked instances of bravery and efficiency upon the field, and reflected great credit upon themselves and their commands. Capt. Holmes, on account of a wound received in the battle of Fort Donelson, was unable to take command of his company during the engagement. Conspicuous for bravery were Lieuts. Parker, Duffield, Marsh, Wilson, Tisdale, Suiter, Hawill, [495] Hall, Blake, Duckworth, Ballinger, Twombley, and McCord. After Lieuts. Parker and Twombley, of company F, were wounded, Sergt. James Ferry took charge of the company and displayed marked efficiency and courage. Likewise after the fall of Lieuts. Huntington and Suiter, of company B, Sergt. Lewis (acting Lieutenant) took charge of the company and rendered most satisfactory service. Too much credit cannot be bestowed upon our excellent First Assistant Surgeon Elliott Pyle, then in charge of the medical department of the regiment. He was most indefatigable in his attentions to the wounded; nor upon our Quartermaster, St. John Lyde, who was ever present upon the field to supply the wants of the men. Sergt.-Major Campbell distinguished himself throughout the battle for coolness and bravery. Color-Sergeant Harry Doolittle, whilst supporting the colors, was again wounded, and Color-Corporals Henry A. Seiberlich, G. C. Phillips, G. B. Norris, I. C. Urie, and John H. Stewart were all wounded whilst supporting the old flag. I join with you and my countrymen in the deepest regret for the gallant slain. Their sacrifices make our Constitution still more valuable to the civilized world, and while we mourn their loss, we can rejoice that they died like true heroes for their beloved country. How precious their memory, how sacred their dust. They died at once in the cause of Christianity and constitutional liberty. After the fall of Lieut.-Col. Mills, which took place about nine o'clock on Saturday, the command devolved upon myself. There were thirty-one prisoners and one stand of colors captured by the regiment. I have the honor to be, Colonel, your most obedient servant,
James B. Weaver, Major Commanding.
Major McCalla's report.
headquarters of Tenth Iowa volunteers, camp near Corinth, Miss., October 12, 1862.
Brig. Gen. Sullivan, Commanding Second Brigade, Third Division Army of the Mississippi:
sir: On the morning of the third instant, at this camp, I received orders to be in readiness to march at three o'clock A. M., with tents and baggage loaded; and at the appointed hour I formed the regiment in line and marched in the direction of Corinth, which place I passed through, and proceeding to a distance of about one half-mile north, formed in line of battle, my regiment constituting the right of the brigade.
And in pursuance of your order, I ordered companies A and F to be deployed as skirmishers in front of the brigade at a distance as far as the old intrenchments.
About eight o'clock A. M., I moved the regiment from this position a distance of about one half-mile to the left, and took a position immediately on the left of the Twelfth Wisconsin battery.
At about nine o'clock A. M., I received orders to change position and marched in a northwesterly direction about one and a half miles, and formed a line of battle on the left, and in support of the Twelfth Wisconsin battery, where I remained about one hour, when I was ordered farther to the left and rear, and formed line near an old farm-house north-east from a battery of the enemy, and within easy range of its shells, several of which fell both in rear and front of the line.
I then ordered the regiment to the rear about two hundred yards, which was marched in line of battle, and took a position on the road.
Remaining here near a half-hour, I formed column and was conducted by yourself in person in the direction of the enemy's battery, to the left and front of my late position, through dense woods and brush, passing the line of our skirmishers.
On arriving near the line of the M. & C. R. R., came upon the line of the enemy's skirmishers, and passing through it, took about twenty of them prisoners, and ordered them to the rear.
I ordered a line to be formed on the railroad.
During the execution of the order the enemy opened on us at a distance of about one hundred and fifty yards a most destructive fire of grape.
and canister, in which several of my men were wounded; but, notwithstanding the severe fire, the line was formed on the railroad in excellent order, and while in this position the fire from their batteries was kept up, raking the ground, and would have done an immense damage but for the fact that at the point where the line was formed on the track there had been a cut about five feet in depth, the back of which formed a good shelter, their balls passing over our heads, and many of them lodging in the opposite bank, so closely had they raked the ground.
Seeing an attempt on the part of the enemy to move forward one of their batteries to a point on the railroad, on our right, from which they could open upon us an enfilading fire, I ordered the regiment to file into the dense woods in our rear by the left flank.
Having cleared the track in time to avoid a raking fire, I again formed a line of battle and marched to the rear under the incessant fire of their battery, whose firing had now become too high to do much damage.
On arriving at the road, we followed it to the left until our left arrived at a white house situated on a road leading directly to the front.
On this road the pickets of the enemy were posted in full view, about one hundred and fifty yards in front of us.
In this position I deployed the regiment as skirmishers to the right, and remained till morning.
On the morning of the fourth I marched to the left and rear.
about one mile, and formed a line of battle immediately on the right of the Sixth Mississippi battery.
At about ten o'clock A. M., the firing of the skirmishers in front of us became rapid, and the advancing columns of the enemy soon drove them back, but they rallied to a point directly in front of our line, and until they had again retired to our rear I could not order my regiment to fire.
But as soon as the space in front was cleared I gave the order to commence firing, which was kept up with spirit, but without very materially checking the advance of the enemy, who approached us in overwhelming numbers.
My men had fired from fifteen to
twenty rounds, when I perceived that numbers of the enemy were passing around the right and getting in the rear of my line, and also that the battery on my left had been silenced and taken, and the enemy pressing forward to the left of us. I ordered the regiment to fall back, which it did in good order, to a distance of about seventy-five yards, where I made a halt, facing about and again opening the fire; but being unable to retain this position, I again ordered the regiment back under cover of the Twelfth Wisconsin and Powell's regular batteries; passing to the rear in line of battle, I halted at a position between these batteries.
I then marched forward and occupied the same ground from which I had retired during the action.
The casualties in the regiment were six men wounded on the first day, and one commissioned officer and thirty men wounded, and three men killed on the second day. During both days I was assisted in the field by Captain N. A. Holsen, Acting Lieut.-Colonel, and Capt. Jackson Orr, Acting Major, also Wm. Manning, Adjutant, who acted throughout with great coolness and courage, and to whom much credit is due. The line-officers, without an exception, deported themselves with the greatest gallantry, and did much to accomplish our successful movements on the field in the presence of danger.
Upon the men of my command too much praise cannot be given for their endurance, courage, and strict obedience to orders, under all circumstances.
Yours respectfully, Brig. Gen. Sullivan, Commanding Second Brigade, Third Division Army of the Mississippi:
Nathaniel McCalla, Major Commanding Tenth Iowa Regiment.
Colonel Sprague's report.
headquarters Sixty-Third regiment O. V. I., Second division First brigade army of Mississippi, near Ripley, Miss., Oct. 9, 1862.
Captain: I have the honor to report that nine companies of my command, (company D, Captain Fouts, being on detached duty,) consisting of two hundred and seventy-five men, left camp near Tuscumbia River about three o'clock A. M. on the third instant, and marched to Corinth during the morning, about six miles distant. Our position was changed several times.
In the evening we rested near the fort north of Major-General Rosecrans's headquarters.
About ten o'clock at night I was ordered to take position immediately on the right of the field redoubt, (armed with three twenty-pound Parrott guns,) in front and to the left of Captain Williams's fort and headquarters.
On the left of the first-named work was the Forty-third Ohio.
On my right were the Twenty-seventh and Thirty-ninth Ohio regiments.
Soon after taking this position, companies B and G, commanded by Captain C. E. Brown and Lieutenant Browning, were sent out on the Chewalla road, (to the north and west from Corinth.) During the night, Captain Brown captured Captain Tobin, (of Tobin's Tennessee battery,) and his bugler, and brought them in. They were sent forward to the headquarters of General D. S. Stanley. Captain Brown heard the enemy near his position, planting a battery, at about four o'clock A. M., fired several volleys, it is believed, with good effect.
Almost immediately after, the enemy opened fire from their battery, planted in our front, distant less than three hundred yards. During the morning several of my men were wounded by the fire from this battery and by the enemy's sharp-shooters, also posted in the woods in front.
About ten o'clock A. M., the enemy's columns were seen emerging from the woods into the partially open ground in our front.
My men were kept lying down until the enemy had advanced to within fifty yards of our position.
Our fire was then delivered with such effect as to check their advance, but they were again pushed on, again checked and forced to retire, leaving the ground literally covered with their dead and wounded.
They again advanced after a short interval, and opened a furious fire upon us. At the same time a column of the enemy charged a redoubt immediately on my left, and advanced in strong force in front.
The fire to which my regiment was exposed at this time was terrific and deadly.
Soon the enemy on my left had advanced so far as to pour an enfilading fire along nearly the whole line of my regiment.
My left was thrown back slightly to meet this assault, and our fire was delivered with such effect upon the enemy, who had reached the ditch of the redoubt mentioned, as to nearly fill the ditch with their dead and wounded.
Every officer and man of my command seemed to put forth superhuman exertions to hold our position, but no troops could long stand against such unequal odds pouring a fire upon front and flank.
Out of thirteen line-officers, nine were killed and wounded, and forty-five per cent of my whole force had shared the same fate, to say nothing of the number necessarily detailed to carry off the wounded.
As evidence of the deadly fire to which my left was exposed, I may state fifty-three per cent was either killed or wounded, and not an officer left except Captain Brown.
My left wing and centre fell back at my order, and were gallantly replaced by the Eleventh Missouri volunteers.
In less than ten minutes one hundred and thirty-five of my regiment were formed in the front line in good order, and there remained during the balance of the day and through the following night — but the battle was over, and a most brilliant victory won.
I need not attempt to describe the fierce assault and murderous fire to which my command was exposed, either to General Stanley, commanding the division, or to Colonel Fuller, commanding the brigade, for the fighting of my regiment was in their immediate presence, and many of my men fell fighting bravely within an arm's length of them.
I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of the officers and men under my command.
Captain Frank T. Gilmore, company A, was never, I believe, excelled by any young officer for efficiency and daring.
When the enemy commenced the principal infantry attack, he was in front with his company, deployed as skirmishers.
The fierceness of the assault forced him to retire around
the right of the Thirty-ninth Ohio regiment, and thus regain his position in line, which he did at double-quick, arriving in time to open his fire with the balance of the regiment.
Capt. Brown, company B, on the extreme left, I should have stated before, went out with twelve men and brought in one of the enemy's caissons under a sharp fire.
He was cool and daring during the whole fight.
Captain Christopher E. Smith, company C, was severely wounded in the leg, but refused to go to the rear until the fight was over and the victory won. He displayed rare gallantry and ability.
Capt. George W. Fitzsimmons, and Lieut. Wm. H. Cherry, company E, were both wounded, but fought bravely to the end.
First Lieut. Nesbit Comly, commanding company F, was stunned by a blow on the head, but joined again in the fight almost immediately.
Lieut. John W. Browning, commanding company G, was wounded three times before leaving the field.
Capt. Oscar L. Jackson, company H, a young officer of great promise, was severely, and, it is feared, mortally wounded.
He held his company in perfect order until two thirds of his men were killed and wounded.
First Lieutenant Wm. Cornell, commanding company I, was perfectly cool, and exhibited the finest qualities of an officer during the entire day.
First Lieut. James A. Gilmore, of same company, wounded in the hip, but, insisted that the men more severely wounded should be cared for first.
His conduct during the fight was most gallant.
First Lieutenant W. W. Mason, company C, behaved with coolness and bravery during the fight.
Capt. James McFadden, company K, just promoted, an earnest and intelligent officer, by his coolness and daring exercised an almost singular control over his men. He fell mortally wounded, dying the death of a patriot and brave man. Second Lieut. S. W. Cunningham, same company, behaved bravely and well.
He was severely wounded in the face.
Captain Otis W. Pollock, Acting Adjutant, rendered effective and gallant service during the day.
Assistant-Surgeon A. B. Monahan, acting surgeon, was knocked from his horse in the morning, by a piece of shell striking him near the eye. He soon recovered from the shock, and when I visited the hospital, at nine o'clock P. M., I found of the ninety of my wounded men that had been brought in, every one had been dressed, laid upon cots, and tenderly cared for by him.
Acting Assistant-Surgeons Marsh and Arnold were ordered to report to me on the field.
I did not see them, and don't know what service they rendered.
First Lieut. Holly Shirman, A. Q.M., rendered most effective service during the days named in the report.
On the day of the battle he was frequently under fire, and wherever duty called, there he was found.
Chaplain Benj. St. James Fry deserves especial mention, for his zealous and intelligent efforts in providing comforts, and caring for the wounded.
His labors have only been limited by the powers of his physical endurance.
If space permitted, I should be glad to mention, by name, the dead and living non-commissioned officers and privates who distinguished themselves for gallantry and soldierly bearing during the battle.
Early on the morning of the fifth instant, I joined with my command in the pursuit of Van Dorn's and Price's armies; marched sixteen miles, and bivouacked near Widow Wright's. On the sixth, continued the pursuit, marching sixteen miles; bivouacked at “Crumm's Mills.”
The road was strewn with arms, ammunition, camp equipage, wagons, etc., showing that the armies of the enemy were perfectly “stampeded.”
On the seventh, again in pursuit before day-light, marching through Jonesborough, and, late at night, reached a point near Ripley.
I have the honor to enclose, herewith, a list of the killed, wounded, and missing.
Deing ordered in pursuit so soon after battle, prevents me from making it as complete and full as I could have wished.
The result shows, twenty-four killed, one hundred and five wounded--eight mortally — and three missing, or forty-eight per cent of the entire number taken into action.
I am, Captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. W. Sprague, Colonel Commanding. Captain W. H. Lathrop, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General of Colonel J. W. Fuller, Commanding First Brigade, Second Division, Ar my of the Mississippi.
General Ord's official report.
I joined the column and took command at half-past 7 o'clock this A. M., and found that Gen. Hurlbut had driven in the enemy's videttes, and had skirmished considerably in the afternoon of the fourth.
I also found that he made excellent arrangements for the advance of to-day.
About half a mile from our camp of last night the enemy began to dispute our advance, first with cavalry, to which their infantry and artillery in force were soon added.
The road, narrow and winding, through swamp and jungle, and over precipitous ridges, across which, at times, the artillery was with difficulty dragged by hand, was one of the most dangerous to attempt in the face of an enemy I have ever seen.
They took advantage of every swamp and jungle for their infantry, and every ridge for their artillery, from which we successfully drove them, generally at the double-quick, for five miles to and across the Hatchie, at Davis's bridge, over which and up the steep beyond we pushed them so rapidly that they had not time to burn the bridge.
In driving the enemy we took two batteries, and have them, and at the river captured two or three hundred prisoners, among whom are field-officers and an aid-de-camp to Gen. Van Dorn, who commanded
the enemy.
On account of the fact that we had frequently to attack across open fields and up hills whilst the enemy were under dense cover, we have lost quite a number of officers and men, and have several hundred wounded, probably a greater number than have the enemy.
General Veatch was very badly contused by a spent ball striking him in the side.
I will send you regimental lists of killed and wounded as soon as they can be brought in. Gen. Hurlbut has cavalry in pursuit of the enemy, who moved off to the south about four o'clock this afternoon; our infantry, which started from Bolivar at three o'clock A. M. yesterday, marching twenty-nine miles, and to-day fighting five miles over this country, under a fire at short-range for seven hours, being too much fatigued to pursue to-day; besides, it will take until dark to bring in the wounded.
The troops in their charge over the miserable bridge at Davis's Creek and up the steep beyond, exposed to a murderous fire of shell, grape and canister, with three of their batteries playing upon them at canister-range, however, proved that wherever their officers dare to lead them, the men will go. Generals Hurlbut, Veatch, and Lauman, the former commanding the division, the latter two brigades, did not confine themselves alone to their duties as commanders, but did every thing that men could do to make victory complete.
Gallant officers!
so much praise of them is entirely unnecessary.
To their respective staff-officers I must, also, add my sincere thanks for the zeal and energy with which they discharged their arduous duties throughout the day. To the officers of the line and the men, from what I have seen of them to-day, I can only say that, should the fortunes of war continue them under my command, it will be my pride to win their confidence.
Gen. Veatch pushed the enemy with great vigor and success in front, until their forces were so much increased that it became necessary to bring up our reserve under command of Gen. Lauman, which I ordered at once; whereupon the enemy were driven from their last stronghold, Gen. Lauman showing, by his coolness, energy, and courage, that the front was his proper place.
Gen. Hurlbut has reported to me that he has gathered about nine hundred arms already, thrown away by the enemy in their retreat, and expects to collect a large number to-morrow.
The names of two hundred and eighty-nine prisoners have already been registered, and they are still being brought in. From the nature of the country over which we fought, it is impossible to arrive at an accurate estimate of the number of the enemy; but this may be inferred from the number of arms thrown away, the quantity of their artillery, and the fact that a portion of their forces engaged against us were not at Corinth.
Guns are heard to-night in the direction of Corinth.
Gen. Hurlbut will push forward early to-morrow morning, as it is presumed General Rosecrans is harassing the rear of the enemy.
My personal staff — Division Surgeon S. B. Davis, Capt. Sharpe, Lieut. Brown, A. D.C., and Capt. Hotaling, Second Illinois cavalry, and A. D.C.--were, by turns, colonels of regiments or captains of batteries, cheering and leading the men through the thickest of the fight.
They always took the shortest line to danger on the field, and were always on hand when wanted.
I commend them to the consideration of the Government.
E. O. C. Ord, Major-General.
Colonel Trumbull's report.
headquarters Third Iowa infantry, camp near Bolivar, Tenn., October 8, 1862.
Capt. H. Scofield, Assistant Adjutant-General:
sir: I have the honor to report the part taken by the Third Iowa infantry in the battle of the fifth of October.
The Third Iowa, three hundred strong, was on the right of the First brigade, (Gen. Lauman,) and formed part of the reserve.
When the reserve was ordered into action, the Third Iowa led; crossing the bridge with a cheer and at a double-quick, under so severe a fire that fifty-seven men were shot down in a few minutes, including over half the commissioned officers present.
This necessarily threw the regiment into some confusion, especially as the road was very narrow and encumbered with a good deal of underbrush; and the men pressing forward got intermixed with the men of other regiments.
I saw no way to extricate the regiment, but by planting the colors in the middle of the road and ordering the men to rally to them and form a new line of battle.
The regiment then moved forward up the hill, in company with other regiments which had adopted the same plan, the enemy retiring as we advanced.
On reaching the summit, the Third Iowa was stationed in the open plain to the left of the road, and towards the close of the engagement were moved to the right of the road, near the bend of the river, to support the gallant Twenty-eighth Illinois.
The battle was now about over.
I have to regret the loss of First Lieut. W. P. Dodd, commanding company H, who was struck by a shell and instantly killed, just before we crossed the bridge.
He was a brave and faithful officer, and his loss will fall heavily upon the regiment.
I have also to regret the permanent disability of Capt. E. J. Weiser, of company D, and Acting Second Lieut. D. W. Foote, of company I, two noble and gallant officers, both of whom have been wounded in battle before.
Capt. C. Kostmann, commanding company C, and First Lieut. W. B. Hammill, commanding company K, were both severely wounded, while gallantly pressing forward in the front of their respective companies.
Second Lieut. C. L. Anderson, commanding company G, who had done his whole duty through the engagement, was severely wounded just at the close of the battle.
First Lieut. J. G. Scoby was especially prominent in rallying the men to the colors.
Second Lieut. Gary, company H, deserves special mention for staying in command of his company after the death of the First Lieutenant, all through the battle, and until we reached Bolivar, though suffering from a painful but not a severe wound.
Lieuts. McMurtrie and Burbick, of company D, Lakin and Abnerthey, of company F, and Moe, of company C, did their duty bravely and well.
Company A was not engaged, having been detailed as guard to the wagon-train.
Second Lieut. G. A. Cushman, Acting Adjutant, and Sergeant-Major R. W. Montague, both displayed great coolness and courage, and rendered me very valuable assistance on the field.
The conduct of the rank and file in crossing the bridge, under the terrible fire of the enemy's batteries, and in rallying to the flag, as promptly as they did, deserves the highest praise.
Several cases of individual bravery among the men I shall bring to the notice of the General commanding the brigade as soon as I have fully investigated the circumstances.
I take pleasure in noticing here the gallantry of Corp. Anderson Edwards, the color-bearer.
This is the third fight in which he has carried the colors of the regiment, and he deserves the notice of the General Commanding.
I am ashamed to say that a few, a very few, cases of misconduct in the presence of the enemy, have been reported to me, which on further investigation I shall submit to the General commanding the brigade, with a request that they may be submitted to a general court-martial.
I herewith enclose a list of the killed and wounded in the Third Iowa infantry, in the action of the fifth.
The number of killed is very small, considering the terrible character of the wounds received.
I have the honor to be, sir, with great respect, your obedient servant, Capt. H. Scofield, Assistant Adjutant-General:
M. M. Trumbull, Lieut.-Col. Commanding Third Iowa Infantry.
Report of Lieut.-Colonel Jones.
headquarters Forty-Sixth regiment Illinois volunteers, in the field, October 9, 1862.
Capt. F. W. Fox, Assistant Adjutant-General:
sir: At eight o'clock on the morning of the fifth instant, under orders from Brig.-Gen. Veatch, the Forty-sixth regiment took position on the right of the Second brigade in the advance, to support Bolton's battery, two miles west of the Big Hatchie.
After several shots, the battery took position half a mile in advance, when they opened a galling fire on the rebels, which lasted about three fourths of an hour; when the command “Fire” was given, the men all moved at the word, and soon received the melancholy intelligence that our loved and gallant Colonel Davis was again severely wounded by a canister shot.
When I took command and announced this, they all seemed determined to avenge their loss, and soon had the opportunity, for at this moment the rebels opened their first volley of musketry at short-range, which was received with great coolness by the men until they had the command, “Fire,” which they did, and rushed on, driving them over and from their own batteries, to the opposite bank of the river.
Here the rebels made a stand, and confidently expected to repulse our forces, but the word was still forward, and on they marched on double-quick, and formed in line over the river.
Here Sergt. John E. Hershey, color-bearer, fell wounded.
Corp. T. E. Joiner, of company G, true to duty, bore both colors across the open field, and handed one to James Hobday, of company I, who did it honor through the day. At this time Capt. W. W. F. Fox, of Gen. Veatch's staff, took the front, and called on the Forty-sixth to follow him, when they charged with cheer after cheer, until the field was again theirs; and in the last line, formed about four o'clock P. M., the brave and generous Lieut. M. R. Thompson fell mortally wounded.
I cannot close this report without special mention of Assistant Surgeon Benj. H. Bradshaw, who, unassisted, took the wounded from amid the ranks himself, doing far more than his duty.
And also the officers of the line, who were at their posts, fearless of rebel power, and if honor has been won, it is due to them and their brave men alone.Capt. F. W. Fox, Assistant Adjutant-General:
General grants orders.
headquarters District of West-Tennessee, Jackson, Tenn., October 7.
General orders, No. 88.--It is with heartfelt gratitude the General Commanding congratulates the armies of the West for another great victory won by them on the third, fourth, and fifth inst., over the combined armies of Van Dorn, Price, and Lovell.
The enemy chose his own time and place of attack, and knowing the troops of the West as he does, and with great facilities for knowing their numbers, never would have made the attack except with a superior force, numerically.
But for the undaunted bravery of officers and soldiers, who have yet to learn defeat, the efforts of the enemy must have proven successful.
While one division of the army under Major-Gen. Rosecrans was resisting and repelling the onslaught of the rebel hosts at Corinth, another from Bolivar, under Major-General Hurlbut, was marching upon the enemy's rear, driving in their pickets and cavalry, and attracting the attention of a large force of infantry and artillery.
On the following day, under Major-Gen. Ord, these forces advanced with unsurpassed gallantry, driving the enemy back and across the Hatchie, over ground where it is almost incredible that a superior force should be driven by an inferior, capturing two of his batteries, (eight guns,) many hundred small arms, and several hundred prisoners.
To these two divisions of the army all praise is due, and will be awarded by a grateful country.
Between them there should be, and I trust is, the warmest bonds of brotherhood.
Each was risking life in the same cause, and on this occasion risking it also to save and assist the other No troops could do more than these separated armies.
Each did all possible for it to do in the places assigned it.
As in all great battles, so in this, it becomes our fate to mourn the loss of many brave and faithful officers and soldiers, who have given up
their lives a sacrifice for a great principle.
The nation mourns for them.
By command of headquarters District West-Tennessee, Jackson, Tenn., October 7, 1862.
General orders, No. 89.
The following despatch from the President of the United States of America has been officially received, and is published to the armies in this District: I congratulate you and all concerned in your recent battles and victories. How does it all sum up? I especially regret the death of Gen. Hackleman, and am very anxious to know the condition of General Oglesby, who is an intimate personal friend.