1. this day, countrymen!
by Robert Lowell.
Cowards, slink away!But who scorns to see the foe
Deal our land all shame and woe,
Must go forth to-day!
Crops are safe, afield!
Cripples and old men can reap;
Young, and strong, and bold must leap,
Other tools to wield.
Cast the daily trade!
Never may be bought or won,
After this great fight is done,
What this day is weighed.
Leave your true love's side!
Go! be fearless, true, and strong!
Woman glories to belong
Where she looks with pride.
True men hold our line;
Basely leave their true ranks thin,
Waste and ruin will rush in
Like the trampling swine.
Dare you be a man?
Now for home, and law, and right,
Go, in God's name, to the fight!
Forward to the van!