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Cabinet, President's

A body of executive advisers authorized by Congress in the absence of a constitutional provision, and appointed by the President at the beginning of his administration. Unless death, personal considerations, or other circumstances prevent, cabinet officers hold their places throughout the administration. Each cabinet officer is at the head of a department comprising a number of executive bureaus. The chief of the Department of Justice is the Attorney-General of the United States; the chiefs of all other departments are officially called secretaries of the departments. The cabinet of a President of the United States is somewhat similar in its functions to the ministry of a monarchical government; but there are notable differences. As a general thing, members of a ministry have the right to urge or defend any public measure before the supreme legislature of their country, a privilege with which the American cabinet officer has never been invested. While cabinet officers hold their places through an administration or at the pleasure of themselves or the President, and are in no wise affected by any legislation in Congress to which they may be officially opposed, the members of a ministry almost invariably tender their resignations when the supreme legislative body acts adversely to any measure on which the ministry has decided. In the cabinet no one member takes precedence of another, and when the members are assembled in formal conference the President presides. In a ministry the spokesman is the president of the council, and usually the minister for foreign affairs is officially known either as the prime minister or premier. The various cabinet officers receive a salary of $8,000 per annum.

The following is a summary of the organization and the functions of the eight executive departments as they existed in 1901:

The Secretary of State has charge of what is known as the State Department. This was created by act of Congress, July 27, 1789, having been in existence, however, at that time for some months, under the name of the Department of Foreign Affairs. The first to fill the office was Thomas Jefferson. The Secretary of State has in his charge all business between our own and other governments. The department conducts the correspondence with our ministers and other agents in foreign countries, and with the representatives of other countries here. All communications [11]

Seal of the State Department

respecting boundary and other treaties are also under the direction of this department, and a special clerk compiles and preserves all statistics relating to our foreign commerce. This department also files all acts and proceedings of Congress, and attends to the publication of the same and their distribution throughout the country. No regular annual report is made to Congress concerning the work of this department, but special information is given whenever any unusual event or complication in our foreign relations occurs.

The first Secretary of the Treasury was Alexander Hamilton, who was appointed upon the organization of the department, Sept. 2, 1789. This department

Seal of the Treasury Department

has charge of all moneys paid into the Treasury of the United States, also of all disbursements, the auditing of accounts, and the collection of revenue. It also supervises the mint and coinage of money, and has charge of the coast survey, including the erection and management of light-houses. The marine hospitals of the government are also under its direction, and it controls the regulation and appointments of all custom-houses. The Secretary is obliged to make a full report to Congress, at the opening of each regular session, of the business done by the department during the year, and the existing financial condition of the government. The department has an important bureau of statistics dealing with the foreign and domestic trade of the country. It also

Seal of the War Department.

supervises the life-saving service, and has control of the National Board of Health. The War Department dates from Aug. 7, 1789. John Knox was its first Secretary. It has in its charge all business growing out of the military affairs of the government, attends to the paying of troops, and furnishing all army supplies; also supervises the erection of forts, and all work of military engineering. The department is divided into a number of important bureaus, the chief officers of which are known as the commanding-general, the adjutant-general, the quartermaster-general, the paymaster-general, the commissary-general, the surgeon-general, the chief engineer, the chief of survey, and the chief of ordnance. The signal service is under the control of this department. It is made the duty of the Secretary of War [12] to report annually to Congress concerning the state of the army, the expenditures of the military appropriations in detail, and all matter concerning the bureaus over which the department has special supervision. This department has also in charge the publication of the official records of the Civil War, an enormous work. All the archives captured from or surrendered by the Confederate government are also in charge of this bureau of records.

The first Attorney-General of the United States, Edmund Randolph, of Virginia, was appointed under act of Congress of Sept. 24, 1789. The Attorney-General is required to act as attorney for the United States in all suits in the Supreme Court; he is also the legal adviser of the President and the heads of departments, and also of the solicitor of the treasury. He is further charged with the superintendence of all United States district attorneys and marshals, with the examination of all applications to the President for pardons, and with the transfer of all land purchased by the United States for government buildings, etc. The name, “Department of justice,” by which this division of the cabinet is now largely known, was given to it about 1872.

The Navy Department (1789) was at first included in the War Department, but in 1798 the two branches of the service were separated. Aug. 21, 1842, this department was organized into five bureaus—

Seal of the Department of justice.

the bureau of navy-yards and docks; of construction, equipment, and repair; of provisions and clothing; of ordnance and hydrography; of medicine and surgery. To these have since been added a bureau

Seal of the Navy Department.

of navigation, one of steam engineering, and one of recruiting, to which last has been added the work of equipment formerly provided for in connection with the construction bureau. It also keeps a library of war records. The Secretary of the Navy has charge of everything connected with the naval service of the government, and the execution of the laws concerning it, and makes annual reports to Congress of the conditions of the department. All instructions to subordinate officers of the navy and to all chiefs of the bureaus emanate from him, while the department supervises the building and repairs of all vessels, docks, and wharves, and enlistment and discipline of sailors, together with all supplies needed by them, The first Secretary of the Navy was Benjamin Stoddert, of Maryland.

The Department of the Interior was created by act of Congress, March 3, 1849. The business of the department is conducted by eight bureaus—viz., bureau of the public lands, pensions, Indian affairs, patents, education, railroads, and labor and labor statistics. Concerning this work report is made annually. These different bureaus have charge, under the Secretary, of all matters relating to the sale and survey [13]

Seal of the Interior Department.

of the public lands; the adjudication and payment of pensions; the treaties with the Indian tribes of the West; the issue of letters patent to inventors; the collection of statistics on the progress of education; the supervision of the accounts of railroads; the investigation of labor troubles, and collection of statistics thereon. The Secretary of the Interior has also charge of the mining interests of the government, of the census of the United States, and of the receiving and arranging of printed journals of Congress, and other books printed and purchased for the use of the government. The first to fill this office was Thomas Ewing, of Ohio.

The Post-office Department was established May 8, 1794. It has the supervision of all the post-offices of the country, their

Seal of the post-office Department.

names, the establishment and discontinuance of post-offices, the modes of carrying the mails, the issue of stamps, the receipt of the revenue of the office, and all other matters connected with the management and transportation of the mails. Samuel Osgood, of Massachusetts, was the first to fill this office. The duties of the head of this department have now a scope that would amaze the ghost of the first official appointed, could he be permitted to revisit the scene of his earthly labors. In addition to the enormous and varied detail of labors connected with mail transportation here supervised, a series of maps of all parts of the country are kept, and continually revised to secure their entire accuracy to date. The condition of this

Seal of the Department of Agriculture.

department, financially and otherwise, is reported annually.

The Department of Agriculture was at first a bureau of the Interior Department; but in 1889, by act of Congress, it was made independent, and its chief, the Secretary of Agriculture, became a member of the President's cabinet. This department embraces numerous divisions and sections, such as the botanical division, the section of vegetable pathology, the pomological division, the forestry division, the chemical division, the division of entomology, the seed division, the silk section, the ornithological division, the bureau of animal industry, etc. On July 1, 1891, the weather bureau, which had hitherto been a branch of the signal service of the War Department, was transferred, by act of

Congress, to this department. [14]

The following is a list of all members of Presidential cabinets since the organization of the federal government:

Secretaries of State.

Thomas JeffersonSept.26,1789
Edmund RandolphJan.2,1794
Timothy Pickering Dec.10,1795
John MarshallMay13,1800
James Madison March 5, 1801
Robert Smith March 6, 1809
James Monroe April 2, 1811
John Quincy Adams March 5, 1817
Henry Clay March 7, 1825
Martin Van Buren March 6, 1929
Edward Livingston May 24, 1831
Louis McLane May 29, 1833
John Forsyth June 27, 1834
Daniel Webster March 5, 1841
Hugh S. Legare May 9, 1843
Abel P. Upshur July 24, 1843
John C. Calhoun March 6, 1844
James Buchanan March 6, 1845
John M. Clayton March 7, 1849
Daniel Webster July 22, 1850
Edward Everett Nov. 6, 1852
William L. Marcy March 7, 1853
Lewis CassMarch 6, 1857
Jeremiah S. Black Dec. 17, 1860
William H. Seward .March 5, 1861
Elihu B. Washburne March 5, 1869
Hamilton Fish March 11, 1869
William M. Evarts March 12, 1877
James G. Blaine March 5, 1881
F. T. Frelinghuysen Dec. 12, 1881
Thomas F. Bayard March 6, 1885
James G. Blaine March 5, 1889
John W. Foster June 29, 1892
Walter Q. Gresham .March 6, 1893
Richard Olney June 7, 1895
John Sherman March 5, 1897
William R. Day April 26, 1898
John HaySept. 20, 1898
“” March 5,1901

Secretaries of the Treasury.

Alexander HamiltonSept. 11, 1789
Oliver Wolcott Feb. 2, 1795
Samuel Dexter Jan. 1, 1801
Albert Gallatin .May 14, 1801
George W. Campbell Feb. 9, 1814
Alexander J. Dallas Oct. 6, 1814
William H. CrawfordOct. 22, 1816
Richard Rush March 7, 1825
Samuel D. Ingham March 6, 1829
Louis McLane Aug. 2, 1831
William J. Duane May 29, 1833
Roger B. Taney Sept.23, 1833
Levi Woodbury June 27, 1834
Thomas Ewing March 5, 1841
Walter Forward Sept.13, 1841
John C. Spencer March 3, 1843
George M. Bibb June 15, 1844
Robert J. Walker March 6, 1845
William M. Meredith March 8, 1849
Thomas Corwin July 23, 1850
James Guthrie March 7, 1853
Howell Cobb March 6, 1857
Philip F. Thomas Dec. 12, 1860
John A. Dix Jan. 11, 1861

Salmon P. Chase March 7, 1861
William Pitt Fessenden July 1, 1864
Hugh McCullochMarch 7, 1865
George S. Boutwell March 11, 1869
William A. Richardson March 17, 1873
Benjamin H. Bristow June 4, 1874
Lot M. Morrill July 7, 1876
John Sherman March 8, 1877
William Windom March 5, 1881
Charles J. Folger Oct. 27, 1881
Walter Q. Gresham Sept.24, 1884
Hugh McCulloch Oct. 28, 1884
Daniel Manning March 6, 1886
Charles S. Fairchild April 1, 1887
William Windom March 5, 1889
Charles Foster Feb. 21, 1891
John G. Carlisle March.6, 1893
Lyman J. Gage March 5, 1897
“” March 5, 1901

Secretaries of War.

Henry Knox Sept. 12, 1789
Timothy Pickering Jan. 2, 1795
James McHenryJan. 27, 1796
Samuel Dexter May 13, 1800
Roger Griswold Feb. 3, 1801
Henry Dearborn March 5, 1801
William Eustis March 7, 1809
John Armstrong Jan. 13, 1813
James Monroe Sept.27, 1814
William H. Crawford Aug. 1, 1815
George Graham Ad interim
John C. Calhoun Oct. 8, 1817
James Barbour March 7, 1825
Peter B. Porter May 26, 1828
John H. Eaton March 9, 1829
Lewis Cass Aug. 1, 1831
Joel R. Poinsett .March 7, 1837
John Bell March 5,1841
John C. Spencer Oct. 12, 1841
James M. Porter March 8, 1843
William Wilkins Feb. 15, 1844
William L. Marcy March 6, 1845
George W. Crawford March 8, 1841
Charles M. Conrad Aug.15, 1850
Jefferson Davis March 5, 1853
John B. Floyd March 6, 1857
Joseph Holt Jan. 18, 1861
Simon Cameron March 5, 1861
Edwin M. Stanton Jan. 15, 1862
Ulysses S. Grant, ad interimAug.12, 1867
Lorenzo Thomas, ad interimFeb. 21, 1868
John M. Schofield May 28, 1868
John A. Rawlins March11, 1869
William W. Belknap Oct. 25, 1869
Alphonso Taft March 8, 1876
James D. Cameron May 22, 1876
George W. McCrary March12, 1877
Alexander Ramsey Dec. 10, 1879
Robert T. Lincoln .March 5, 1881
William C. Endicott March 6, 1885
Redfield Proctor March 5, 1889
Stephen B. Elkins Dec. 17, 1891
Daniel S. Lamont March 6, 1893
Russel A. Alger March 5, 1897
Elihu Root Aug. 1, 1899
“” March 5,1901

secretaries of the Navy.

Benjamin Stoddert May 21, 1798
Robert SmithJuly 15, 1801


J. Crowninshield March 3, 1805
Paul Hamilton March 7, 1809
William Jones Jan. 12, 1813
B. W. Crowninshield Dec. 19, 1814
Smith Thompson Nov. 9, 1818
Samuel L. Southard Sept.16, 1823
John Branch March 9, 1829
Levi Woodbury May 23, 1831
Mahlon Dickerson June 30, 1834
James K. Paulding June 25, 1838
George E. Badger March 5, 1841
Abel P. Upshur Sept.13, 1841
David Henshaw July 24, 1843
Thomas W. Gilmer Feb. 15, 1844
John Y. Mason March14, 1844
George Bancroft March10, 1845
John Y. Mason Sept. 9, 1846
William B. Preston March 8, 1849
William A. Graham July 22, 1850
John P. Kennedy July 22, 1852
James C. DobbinMarch 7, 1853
Isaac Toucey March 6, 1857
Gideon Welles March 5, 1861
Adolph E. Borie March 5, 1869
George M. Robeson June 25, 1869
Richard W. Thompson March12, 1877
Nathan Goff, JrJan. 6, 1881
William H. Hunt March 5, 1881
William E. Chandler April 1, 1882
William C. Whitney March 6, 1885
Benjamin F. TracyMarch 5, 1889
Hilary A. Herbert arch 6, 1893
John D. Long March 5, 1897
“” March 5, 1901

Secretaries of the Interior.

Thomas Ewing March 8, 1849
Alexander H. H. Stewart Sept.12, 1850
Robert McClelland March 7, 1853
Jacob Thompson March 6, 1857
Caleb B. Smith March 5, 1861
John P. Usher Jan. 8, 1863
James Harlan May 15, 1865
Orville H. Browning July 27, 1866
Jacob D. Cox March 5, 1869
Columbus Delano Nov. 1, 1870
Zachariah Chandler Oct. 19, 1875
Carl Schurz March12, 1877
Samuel J. KirkwoodMarch 5, 1881
Henry M. Teller April 6, 1882
L. Q. C. Lamar March 6, 1885
William F. Vilas Jan. 16, 1888
John W. Noble March 5, 1889
Hoke SmithMarch 6, 1893
David R. Francis Aug.24, 1896
Cornelius N. Bliss March 5, 1897
Ethan A. Hitchcock Dec. 21, 1898
“” March 5, 1901


Samuel OsgoodSept.26, 1789
Timothy PickeringAug. 12, 1791
Joseph Habersham Feb.25, 1795
Gideon Granger Nov.28, 1801
Return J. Meigs, Jr March17, 1814
John McLean June 26, 1823
William T. BarryMarch 9, 1829
Amos Kendall May 1, 1835
John M. Niles. May 25, 1840
Francis GrangerMarch 6, 1841

Charles A. Wickliffe Sept.13, 1841
Cave Johnson March 6, 1845
Jacob Collamer March 8, 1849
Nathan K. Hall July 23, 1850
Samuel D. Hubbard Aug. 31, 1852
James Campbell March 5, 1853
Aaron V. Brownarch 6, 1857
Joseph Holt March14, 1859
Horatio King Feb. 12, 1861
Montgomery Blair March 5, 1861
William Dennison Sept.24, 1864
Alexander W. RandallJuly 25, 1866
John A. J. Creswell March 5, 1869
Marshall JewellAug. 24, 1874
James N. TynerJuly 12, 1876
David McK. KeyMarch12, 1877
Horace Maynard June2, 1880
Thomas L. JamesMarch 5, 1881
Timothy O. HoweDec. 20, 1881
Walter Q. GreshamApril 3, 1883
Frank Hatton Oct. 14, 1884
William F. VilasMarch 6, 1885
Don M. DickinsonJan. 16, 1888
John Wanamaker March 5, 1889
Wilson S. BissellMarch 6, 1893
William L. WilsonFeb. 28, 1895
James A. GaryMarch 5, 1897
Charles E. SmithApril21, 1898
“” March 5, 1901


Edmund Randolph Sept.26,1789
William BradfordJan.27,1794
Charles Lee Dec. 10,1795
Theophilus Parsons Feb. 20,1801
Levi Lincoln March 5,1801
Robert Smith March 3,1805
John Breckinridge Aug. 7,1805
Caesar A. RodneyJan. 28,1807
William Pinkney Dec. 11,1811
Richard Rush Feb. 10,1814
William WirtNov.13,1817
John M. BerrienMarch 9,1829
Roger B. TaneyJuly 20,1831
Benjamin F. ButlerNov. 15,1833
Felix Grundy July 5,1838
Henry D. GilpinJan. 11,1840
John J. Crittenden March 5,1841
Hugh S. LegareSept.13,1841
John Nelson July 1,1843
John Y. MasonMarch 6,1845
Nathan Clifford Oct. 17,1846
Isaac Toucey June 21,1848
Reverdy Johnson March 8,1849
John J. Crittenden July 22,1850
Caleb Cushing March 7,1853
Jeremiah S. BlackMarch 6,1857
Edwin M. StantonDec. 20,1860
Edward Bates March 5,1861
Titian J. Coffey, ad interim.June 22,1863
James Speed Dec. 2,1864
Henry Stanbery July 23,1866
William M. EvartsJuly 15,1868
E. Rockwood HoarMarch 5,1869
Amos T. Ackerman June 23,1870
George H. WilliamsDec. 14,1871
Edwards Pierrepont April26,1875
Alphonso Taft May 22,1876
Charles Devens March12,1877
Wayne MacVeagh March 5,1881
Benjamin H. BrewsterDec. 19,1881


Augustus H. GarlandMarch6,1885
W. I. H. MillerMarch 5,1889
Richard Olney March 6, 1893
Judson Harmon. June 7, 1895
Joseph McKenna March 5, 1897
John W. Griggs Jan. 25, 1898
“” March 5,1901
Philander C. KnoxApril 5, 1901

Secretaries of Agriculture.

Norman J. ColemanFeb. 13, 1889
Jeremiah M. RuskMarch 4, 1889
J. Sterling MortonMarch 6, 1893
James Wilson March 5, 1897
“” March 5,1901

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Robert Smith (3)
Edmund Randolph (3)
Timothy Pickering (3)
John Y. Mason (3)
Walter Quinton Gresham (3)
Thomas Ewing (3)
Levi Woodbury (2)
William Windom (2)
William Freeman Vilas (2)
Abel Parker Upshur (2)
Isaac Toucey (2)
Roger Brooke Taney (2)
Alphonso Taft (2)
Benjamin Stoddert (2)
Edwin M. Stanton (2)
John C. Spencer (2)
John Sherman (2)
Samuel Osgood (2)
Richard Olney (2)
James Monroe (2)
Louis McLane (2)
Hugh McCulloch (2)
William L. Marcy (2)
Hugh Swinton Legare (2)
Thomas Jefferson (2)
Joseph Holt (2)
Alexander Hamilton (2)
William Maxwell Evarts (2)
Samuel Dexter (2)
John Jordon Crittenden (2)
William Harris Crawford (2)
Lewis Cass (2)
John Caldwell Calhoun (2)
James Gillespie Blaine (2)
Jeremiah Sullivan Black (2)
Oliver Wolcott (1)
William Wirt (1)
William Lyne Wilson (1)
James Wilson (1)
George Henry Williams (1)
William Wilkins (1)
Charles A. Wickliffe (1)
William Collins Whitney (1)
Gideon Welles (1)
Elihu Benjamin Washburne (1)
John Wanamaker (1)
Robert James Walker (1)
John Palmer Usher (1)
James N. Tyner (1)
Benjamin Franklin Tracy (1)
Smith Thompson (1)
Richard Wigginton Thompson (1)
Jacob Thompson (1)
Philip Francis Thomas (1)
Lorenzo Thomas (1)
Henry Moore Teller (1)
Alexander H. H. Stewart (1)
Henry Stanbery (1)
Samuel Lewis Southard (1)
Hoke Smith (1)
Charles Emory Smith (1)
Caleb B. Smith (1)
William Henry Seward (1)
Carl Schurz (1)
John M. Schofield (1)
Jeremiah M. Rusk (1)
Elihu Root (1)
Caesar Augustus Rodney (1)
George Maxwell Robeson (1)
William Adams Richardson (1)
John Aaron Rawlins (1)
Alexander Williams Randall (1)
Alexander Ramsey (1)
Redfield Proctor (1)
William Ballard Preston (1)
Peter Buel Porter (1)
James Madison Porter (1)
Joel Roberts Poinsett (1)
William Pinkney (1)
Edwards Pierrepont (1)
James Kirke Paulding (1)
Theophilus Parsons (1)
John Willock Noble (1)
John Milton Niles (1)
John Nelson (1)
Julius Sterling Morton (1)
Lot M. Morrill (1)
W. I. H. Miller (1)
William Morris Meredith (1)
Return J. Meigs (1)
John McLean (1)
Joseph McKenna (1)
David McK (1)
James McHenry (1)
George Washington McCrary (1)
Robert McClelland (1)
Horace Maynard (1)
John Marshall (1)
Daniel Manning (1)
James Madison (1)
Wayne MacVeagh (1)
John Davis Long (1)
Edward Livingston (1)
Robert Todd Lincoln (1)
Levi Lincoln (1)
Charles Lee (1)
Daniel Scott Lamont (1)
Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar (1)
Philander Chase Knox (1)
John Knox (1)
Henry Knox (1)
Samuel Jordan Kirkwood (1)
Horatio King (1)
John Pendleton Kennedy (1)
Amos Kendall (1)
William Jones (1)
Reverdy Johnson (1)
Cave Johnson (1)
Marshall Jewell (1)
Thomas L. James (1)
Samuel Delucenna Ingham (1)
William Henry Hunt (1)
Samuel Dickinson Hubbard (1)
Timothy Otis Howe (1)
Ebenezer Rockwood Hoar (1)
Ethan Allen Hitchcock (1)
Hilary Abner Herbert (1)
David Henshaw (1)
John Hay (1)
Frank Hatton (1)
Judson Harmon (1)
James Harlan (1)
Paul Hamilton (1)
Nathan Kelsey Hall (1)
Joseph Habersham (1)
James Guthrie (1)
Felix Grundy (1)
Roger Griswold (1)
John William Griggs (1)
Ulysses Simpson Grant (1)
Gideon Granger (1)
Francis Granger (1)
William Alexander Graham (1)
George Graham (1)
Nathan Goff (1)
Henry Dilwood Gilpin (1)
Thomas W. Gilmer (1)
James A. Gary (1)
Augustus Hill Garland (1)
Albert Gallatin (1)
Lyman Judson Gage (1)
Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen (1)
David Rowland Francis (1)
John Watson Foster (1)
Charles Foster (1)
John Forsyth (1)
Charles James Folger (1)
John Buchanan Floyd (1)
Hamilton Fish (1)
William Pitt Fessenden (1)
Charles Stebbins Fairchild (1)
Edward Everett (1)
William Eustis (1)
William Crowninshield Endicott (1)
Stephen Benton Elkins (1)
John Henry Eaton (1)
William John Duane (1)
James Cochrane Dobbin (1)
John Adams Dix (1)
Don M. Dickinson (1)
Mahlon Dickerson (1)
Charles Devens (1)
William Dennison (1)
Columbus Delano (1)
Henry Dearborn (1)
William Rufus Day (1)
Jefferson Davis (1)
Alexander James Dallas (1)
Caleb Cushing (1)
Jacob Crowninshield (1)
Benjamin William Crowninshield (1)
John Angell James Creswell (1)
George Washington Crawford (1)
Jacob Dolson Cox (1)
Thomas Corwin (1)
Charles M. Conrad (1)
Jacob Collamer (1)
Norman J. Coleman (1)
Titian J. Coffey (1)
Howell Cobb (1)
Nathan Clifford (1)
John Middleton Clayton (1)
Henry Clay (1)
Salmon Portland Chase (1)
Zachariah Chandler (1)
William Eaton Chandler (1)
John Griffin Carlisle (1)
James Campbell (1)
George W. Campbell (1)
Simon Cameron (1)
James Donald Cameron (1)
Benjamin Franklin Butler (1)
Martin Buren (1)
James Buchanan (1)
Orville H. Browning (1)
Aaron Vail Brown (1)
Benjamin Helm Bristow (1)
Benjamin Harris Brewster (1)
John Breckinridge (1)
William Bradford (1)
George Sewall Boutwell (1)
Adolph E. Borie (1)
Cornelius N. Bliss (1)
Montgomery Blair (1)
Wilson Shannon Bissell (1)
George M. Bibb (1)
John M. Berrien (1)
John Bell (1)
William W. Belknap (1)
Thomas Francis Bayard (1)
Edward Bates (1)
William T. Barry (1)
George Bancroft (1)
George E. Badger (1)
John Armstrong (1)
Russel Alexander Alger (1)
John Quincy Adams (1)
Amos T. Ackerman (1)
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