We must own that the news of the transaction in
Charleston harbor was learned by us yesterday with a prouder beating of the heart.
We could not bu feel once more that we had a country--a fact which has been to a certain degree in suspense for some weeks past.
What is given up for the moment is of no consequence, provided the one point, stands out clear, that
the United States means to maintain its position, where its rights exist, and that its officers, civil and military, intend to discharge their duty. The concentration of the disposable force in
Charleston harbor in a defensible post, is thus a bond of union.
It is a decisive act, calculated to rally the national heart. * * We are not disposed to allow the
Union to be broken up for grievances of
South Carolina, which might be settled within the
Union; and if there is to be any fighting, we prefer it within, rather than without.
The abandonment of
Fort Moultrie was obviously a necessary act, in order to carry into effect the purpose contemplated with such an inferior force as that under the command of
Major Anderson.--
Boston Courier.
If anybody ever doubted
Major Anderson's eminent military capacity, that doubt must be dispelled by the news that we publish in another column.
Of his own accord, without orders from
Washington, but acting on the discretion which an officer in an independent command always possesses.
Major Anderson, commander of the defences of
Charleston harbor, transports his troops to the key of his position,
Fort Sumter, against which no gun can be laid which is not itself commanded by a 10-inch columbiad in the embrasures of that octagon citadel.
This rapid, unexpected manoeuvre has disconcerted treason, and received the highest military commendation in the country.
Major of Artillery, true servant of your country, soldier of penetrating and far-seeing genius, when the right is endangered by fraud or force, at the proper time the needed man is always provided.
The spirit of the age provides him, and he always regards the emergency.
Boston Atlas and Bee.
The announcement of the evacuation of
Fort Moultrie and the occupation of
Fort Sumter, was received with various expressions of opinion; but the predominant one was a feeling of admiration for the determined conduct and military skill of
Col. Anderson in abandoning an indefensible position and, by a strategetic
coup de main which has reversed the whole position of affairs, transferring his force to
Fort Sumter, the strongest of the
Charleston fortifications, and the key of its defences.
Col. Anderson is believed to have acted in this matter without special orders, but as he has charge of all the forts, the disposition of the force under his command is a matter in regard to which he may be supposed to have full authority.--
Baltimore American.
Concerning the object of the movement of
Major Anderson, we can, as at present informed, say little.
But whether he acted in pursuance of orders from Headquarters, or consulted merely his own judgment, the step he has taken must be conceded to have been a wise and prudent one.
He could not, with the force under his command, have defended both
Fort Moultrie and
Fort Sumter; and by retiring to the one which is not only the strongest in itselt, but is the key of the position, he has rendered an attack upon his post less probable than
it was before, and has placed himself in a better situation to resist it.--
Baltimore Exchange.