
Organization of the Confederate States Forces stationed near Tupelo, Miss., June 30, 1862.

Commanded by General Braxton Bragg.

Army of the Mississippi.

First corps---Major-General Leonidas Polk.

First division

Commander: Brigadier-General C. Clark.

First brigade

Commander: Colonel Russell---12th Tennessee regiment, 13th Tennessee regiment, 154th Tennessee regiment, and 47th Tennessee regiment, and Bankhead's Light battery.

Second brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Stewart---4th Tennessee regiment, 5th Tennessee regiment, 31st Tennessee regiment, and 33d Tennessee regiment and 13th Arkansas regiment, and Stanford's Light battery.

Second division

Commander: Major-General B. F. Cheatham.

First brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Donelson---8th Tennessee regiment, 15th Tennessee regiment, 16th Tennessee regiment, and 51st Tennessee regiment, and Carnes' Light battery.

Second brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Manney---1st Tennessee regiment, 6th Tennessee regiment, 9th Tennessee regiment, and 27th Tennessee regiment, and Smith's Light battery.

Detached brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Maxey---41st Georgia regiment, 24th Mississippi regiment and 9th Texas regiment, and Eldridge's Light battery.

Second corps---Major-General Samuel Jones.

First brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Anderson---25th Louisiana regiment and 30th Mississippi regiment, 37th Mississippi regiment, and 41st Mississippi regiment, Florida battalion and Confederate battalion and Slocumb's Light battery.

Second brigade

Commander: Colonel Reichard---11th Louisiana regiment, 16th Louisiana regiment, 18th Louisiana regiment, 19th Louisiana regiment, and 20th Louisiana regiment and 45th Alabama regiment, and Burnett's Light battery.

Third brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Walker---21st Arkansas regiment, 13th Arkansas regiment and Cresent Louisiana, 1st Arkansas regiment, and IndependentTennessee regiment and 38th Tennessee regiment, and Lumsden's Light battery and Barrett's Light battery.

Third corps---Major-General Wm. J. Hardee.

First brigade

Commander: Colonel J. R. Liddell---2d Arkansas regiment, 5th Arkansas regiment, 6th Arkansas regiment, 7th Arkansas regiment, and 8th Arkansas regiment, Pioneer company and Roberts' Light battery.

Second brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Cleburne---2d Tennessee regiment, 5th Tennessee regiment, 24th Tennessee regiment, and 48th Tennessee regiment and 15th Arkansas regiment, and Calvert's Light battery.

Third brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Wood---44th Tennessee, 16th Alabama and 32d Mississippi regiment, and 33d Mississippi regiment, and Baxter's Light battery.

Fourth brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Marmaduke---3d Confederate and 25th Tennessee regiment, 29th Tennessee regiment, and 37th Tennessee regiment, and Sweet's Light battery.

Fifth brigade

Commander: Colonel Hawthorne---17th Tennessee regiment, 21st Tennessee regiment, and 23d Tennessee regiment and 33d Alabama regiment, and Austin's Light battery.

Reserve corps---Brigadier-General J. M. Withers.

First brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Gardner---19th Alabama regiment, 22d Alabama regiment, 25th Alabama regiment, 26th Alabama regiment, and 39th Alabama regiment, Sharpshooters and Robertson's Light battery.

Second brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Chalmers---5th Mississippi regiment, 7th Mississippi regiment, 9th Mississippi regiment, 10th Mississippi regiment, and 29th Mississippi regiment, Blythe's Mississippi regiment and Ketchum's Light battery.

Third brigade

Commander: Brigadier-General Jackson---17th Alabama regiment, 18th Alabama regiment, 21st Alabama regiment, 24th Alabama regiment, and 5th Alabama regiment, and Bortwell's Light battery.

Fourth brigade

Commander: Colonel Manigault---10th South Carolina regiment, and 19th South Carolina regiment and 28th Alabama regiment, and 34th Alabama regiment, Waters' Light battery, and 1st Louisiana infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Farrar, detached.

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June 30th, 1862 AD (1)
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